King James Bible
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Fine words from that dear departed brother. Of course, I immediately thought of Job & the limits that God had set upon Satan, that he could not test Job any further than permitted. If that is the case for each person, yet blindness comes to so many from him concerning Kingdom Truths, how privileged we are as believers who have a second Sentinel in the Holy Spirit to watch over our hearts, giving us all the necessary armour to withstand the enemy's thrusts. We really have no excuse when we fall for his trickery & deceptions.
The 7th Trumpet Will Sound First.
Then The Dead In Christ Shall Rise (Come Out Of) Their Graves.
And They (The Risen Dead) Shall Appear Unto Many Of Us. Matt.27:53
Then: We which Are Alive And Remain (On The Earth):
Shall Be Caught Up (In Excitment) Together With Them In The Clouds.
In The Clouds? Ezek.3816 / Hebrew.12:1 / Isaiah 60:8
Who Are These that Fly As A Cloud To Their Windows?
God Likens People To Clouds.
So: We (Clouds) Shall Be Caught Up (In Excitement) Together With Those
(Clouds) Who Have Risen Out Of Their Graves And Walk Among Us.
And We Will All Meet The Lord In The Air.
In The Air? (In The Air Waves) In Cyber Space.
Back To Isaiah 60:8 Who Are These That Fly As A Cloud To Their Windows?
Their Windows?
Their Computer Screens: Windows 9 / Windows 10 / Windows 11
Who Are They That Fly (Rush / Hurry) To Their Windows?
They Are God's Children Who Are Eagerly Waiting For Their Lord's Return To Earth.
Jesus is Going To Come Back "To" The Earth. He Is "Not Going To Hover" In The Heavens "And Wait" For All Of His Children To Fly Up To Where He Is.
And So (In This Way) Shall We Ever Be With The Lord.
In This Way? (Via Internet) Every Eye Shall See Him.
Re: Rapture? Nothing But Wishful Imaginations.
It Is Written in Hebrews 9:27
It Is Appointed Unto Men (People) Once To Die;
But After This The Judgement.
No-One Can Escape Their God-Given Appointment With Death.
Matt.24:13 / Mark 13:13
Ye Shall Be Hated Of All Men For My Name's Sake:
But He That Shall Endure (Persecution) Unto The End (Unto Death),
The Same Shall Be Saved.
Rev.6:11 White Robes were Given Unto Every One Of Them; And It was Said Unto Them, That They Should Rest Yet For A Little Season,
Until Their Fellowservants Also And Their Brethren, That Should Be Killed As They Were, Should Be Fulfilled.
2 Thess.2:3 Let No Man Deceive you By Any Means:
For That Day Shall Not Come, Except There Be A Falling Away First.
We believe that the Lord will always fight for us, that is the biblical way.
10:30b and again the Lord shall judge his people.
Thank you for your input, I will stay in prayer and study.
Predestination, elect, mans free will, to name a few. As I have said before I am now reading/studying the word more than I ever have in the past. In that studying I seem to have more questions and have unfortunately discovered the vast and seemingly endless differing interpretations, which can bring unrest my way. That being said, it is imperative that I
stay in the word, in prayer and ask for illumination. I don't have the verse right now but: but I have to believe that the Holy Spirit will lead me to the truth.
I once asked a biblical scholar-years ago-something about the Bible, I don't recall the exact question, but he said remember the two greatest commandments and left it at that.
His response has stayed with me. During this time of study and at times unrest, my desire is to not get 'lost' in knowledge but to keep the two greatest commandments front and center. 'For they will know us by our love', sorry don't have the verse but it sums it up.
Phil 1:29; 2 Pet 1:1; Acts 3:16; Eph 2:8-9 support what I believe you are saying.
Jn 15:4-6 speaks about us abiding in him and he in us.
The writer exalts Jesus Christ above all others throughout this letter, yet he deals with the fact that there were amongst the mainly converted Jews & Gentiles, those who were either not true believers, or at least, influencing those that were, by introducing aspects of Judaism that would attempt to nullify the efficacy of Christ's Blood & the New Covenant in it, e.g. by bringing in the obedience to the Law or aspects of it.
This then is a word of encouragement ( Hebrews 10:35, Hebrews 13:22) to them to endure & to live by faith & not as those who "draw back unto perdition" ( Hebrews 10:38). I believe those who were truly saved amongst them, would be saved to eternity, but as in every letter by the various writers, words of warning & encouragement were always given that they might stay strong & true to the Lord & not suffer under His Hand (such as those who suffered sickness or death because wilful sin - but their souls might be preserved, e.g. 1 Corinthians 11:27-32). I hope this short study helps you somewhat.
Hello Janet. Unfortunately, I don't consider Hebrews 10:26 in exactly the same way as the good doctor. It is true, that Israel suffered badly because of their unbelief, whether in regards to Moses or from the report of the spies sent into the Promised Land, but God was ready to forgive them if they turned back to Him & purposed in their hearts to follow Him. The doctor probably wanted to show how Israel also behaved by committing 'wilful sin', but looking at Hebrews, we see a different application.
In Hebrews chapter 10, it is an entirely different matter - nothing to do with the events in Numbers (though the matter of Israel's sins can be seen). The essence of this chapter is the finality (or, completeness/perfection) of Christ's Sacrifice when contrasted with the lack of finality of the OT system of Laws & Sacrifices. The redemption accomplished in Christ has no more need of a repetition or any supplementation of it.
I can't take you right through the chapter, but to focus on verse 26. The essential question is, 'what is this wilful sin(s)?' The Hebrews writer goes on to explain it. It is a sin that is committed after "receiving the knowledge of the truth". Then in verse 29, the writer explains it: it's when that sinner "hath trodden under foot the Son of God..counting the blood of the unholy thing..doing despite unto the Spirit of grace". The writer uses very strong language here, showing the devastating effects of unbelief & perversion of the Truths of Christ's Sacrifice. I can hardly put those words into any other contemporary expressions, as the Scriptures show the gravity of their sins.
Here's how God says it.
2 Tim.4:5 Make Full Proof of thy ministry.
How do we make Full Proof?
Matt.18:16 In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses Every word may be Established.
Example: Jesus Says in John 6:70
Have not I chosen you twelve, and ONE of you IS a devil?
Which disciple was Jesus Speaking of?
Was it Judas?
Witness #1 The Mouth Of The Disciple Matthew.
Matt.16:23 Jesus Said To Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #2 The Mouth Of The Disciple Mark.
Mark 8:33 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #3 The Mouth Of The Disciple Luke.
Luke 4:8 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
At Least 3 Witnesses Heard The Mouth Of Jesus
Call Simon Peter, Satan.
GOD Has Established That Simon Peter "Was The One Devil"
That Jesus Spoke Of.
"Four Mouths" All Say The "Same" Thing.
Matthew, Mark, Luke AND Jesus Himself.
Judas Was A Traitor (Not a devil).
Just to answer the one question you posed: "Just tell me the book, chapter and verse where God changed his mind and took away the day he gave his children." The Law, including the Sabbath, still holds true for Israel, from the first day it was given till now - therefore there can never be a verse to rescind that Law for THEM, i.e. they will be judged by the Law ( Romans 2:12). But for those of us not under the Law (both saved Jew & Gentile) & have found redemption in Christ Jesus, that Law that only brought condemnation & death to those under it ( 2 Corinthians 3:6-17) was entirely done away with (verses 11-13) & has no application or power to the one IN Christ. If the believer should say that I'm in Christ & also want to keep the Law to be right with God, he has fallen from grace ( Galatians 5:4).
I'll stop here - just wanted to answer your question. You may not care for the answer, & that's fine, but when we take in the whole Word of God & not a single verse, the proper understanding of a matter can be appreciated.
Here's how God says it.
2 Tim.4:5 Make Full Proof of thy ministry.
How do we make Full Proof?
Matt.18:16 In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses Every word may be Established.
Example: Jesus Says in John 6:70
Have not I chosen you twelve, and ONE of you IS a devil?
Which disciple was Jesus Speaking of?
Was it Judas?
Witness #1 The Mouth Of The Disciple Matthew.
Matt.16:23 Jesus Said To Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #2 The Mouth Of The Disciple Mark.
Mark 8:33 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #3 The Mouth Of The Disciple Luke.
Luke 4:8 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
At Least 3 Witnesses Heard The Mouth Of Jesus
Call Simon Peter, Satan.
GOD Has Established That Simon Peter "Was The One Devil"
That Jesus Spoke Of.
"Four Mouths" All Say The "Same" Thing.
Matthew, Mark, Luke AND Jesus Himself.
Judas Was A Traitor (Not a devil).
Scripture for Jesus being one with the Father, & sitting at the right hand of GOD.;
John 17, John 10, Hebrews 1, John 1, Hebrews 12, 1Peter 3:22, Acts 7:55,56, Romans 12:5, Romans 12, Ephesians 4:4,5,6, Ephesians 4, 1Corinthians 10:16,17, 1Corinthians 12:12,13, 1Corinthians 12, 1Timothy 2:5, 1Corinthians 11:3, John 3:15,16, John 16:23,
* John 14,
Hopefully these are helpful
Genesis 9:5, 1Kings 13:9-32, 1Samuel 6, note 1Samuel 6:7,10,12, Numbers 22:12-35, Daniel 6, Matthew 10:28-31, Luke 12:6-7, context Luke 12, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 11:6-10, Genesis 6:18-20, Genesis 7:1-9,23, Genesis 8, Psalms 145:8,9,
Hopefully these are helpful
We Must Repent / Turn From All of our wicked ways.
Matt.4:17 / Mark 2:17 / Luke 10:13
I am doing a study of Hebrews, through Dr. Fruchtenbaum. Regarding no more sacrifices for sins in Heb 10:26b, he uses Numbers chapters 12-14 as OT background for Hebrews. In that the children of Israel willfully sinned- Heb 10:26a-by not believing and trusting God, that he would protect them from the Canaanites. Though they repented and were pardoned- Numbers 20-there was no more sacrifice- Heb 10:26b-for their sin of distrust and unbelief, but a certain fearful looking for of judgment- Heb 10:27a-yet they were still His children and would remain as the few that are saved. Is this what you understand?
Thank you