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  • Linda - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Revelation 21:7-8
  • Linda - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The vessels of god's wrath = both jews and gentiles

    likewise: the vessels of god's mercy = both jews and gentiles

    the tribulation (is not) god's wrath.

    god's mercy & god's wrath (are revealed) in matt.25-46 where jesus says:

    come ye blessed of my father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you.

    ye blessed = vessels of mercy = both jews and gentiles

    ye blessed = god's angels = all those who walk along the strait & narrow.

    then shall jesus say: depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil (and for his angels).

    ye cursed = the devils angels = all those who walk along the broad way.

    the devils angels = both jews and gentiles
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for that GiGi. I can understand why the word 'Christian' is preferable for some.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, Chris, you are correct. In this creed catholic means universal. Some Protestant churches refuse to use the word 'catholic" (universal) and substitute "christian" to distinguish themselves from Catholicism.
  • Bereanman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If a person has the Bible which is Gods word as we do today , KJV is the most published book ever , these creeds should be disposed of since they are not equal to the scriptures.

    If the apostles did not write it and they did not , it's no better than anyone else's writings as far as authority. People may like them but they have no authority over or equal to the word of God .

    There are way too many cults that shape the scriptures to make their own religion based on the Bible .

    The list is long .

    2 Timothy 3.14,15 16,17,a real valuable verses to hang on to .
  • Carleton - 2 years ago
    Thinking a little about Elijah's comment got me thinking of a brother in Christ whom passed away around 20 years ago. I like to quote him some now and again. Here is a quote he once wrote: " was the redemptive work of Christ on this earth that accomplished the fall, defeat, and binding of Satan. Christ entered the strong man's house (this world), bound the strongman

    (Satan), and spoiled his goods (opened the prison and set free the captives of sin)."

    "He still has a realm of influence- this world. But a boundary has been set on his power, to the extent that any human being is able to flee and escape the domination..." I myself call this escape path the providence of God on earth. "...of sin and Satan, if they so desire, through the work of Jesus Christ. It is impossible for the devil to penetrate the kingdom of God, so he is impotent to reclaim those who have escaped his realm. His voice is yet active. Ne can stand at the boundary of God's kingdom, which he cannot cross, and hurl his voice after the saints."

    "The Book of Revelation is predominately a revelation of the work of Christ in His kingdom as it exists on earth causing it to come in constant conflict with the dominion of Satan"

    Hope you all are faring well this day.

  • Maggie willis - 2 years ago
    How do I help my husband understand the Trinity and the fact that Jesus now sits on the right hand of God in heaven?
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Janet. As Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me". He is the ONLY WAY - there was no other plan or provision by God to give the penitent sinner forgiveness of his sins & access into His Presence. It's either Jesus' way or Hell's highway.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Nice analogy Giannis. Though I see another difficulty. It's not only a few pieces or missing pieces that can cause problems or give a different picture. It's when one decides to re-shape & re-paint those pieces that just won't fit & then force them in to form the 'true' puzzle picture. So then a very close examination is needed to pick out the phoney masquerading pieces that are set out to deceive.
  • Mac - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I would prefer your prayers than your direction of my mind. That I try to leave to God. I had to read Romans 12:9-21 after your comments. Everyone knows you can pic a verse or a sentence out of the bible to "prove" your point. And just "mindful" questions for occupying time; I wouldn't expect an answer either. The bible does tell us that God told us everything we needed to know. And since you seem not to believe the bible, were God said he "Blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it"; Gen 2:3. Then I'm not sure what you do believe. and yes, those like myself who do believe God's word that it as the truth. Now, instead of question to direct my mind, it's very simple. Just tell me the book, chapter and verse where God changed his mind and took away the day he gave his children. I'm sure you must be right, when he said he NEVER changes, he really couldn't have meant that, as Christ couldn't have meant he wouldn't even change the punctuation in the commandments. God forgive both of us for our attitudes here. I've already ask him for forgiveness, as it's easy to trip over our long robes.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Giannis.

    In the past I've used that analogy of the puzzle pieces. The Gospel paints a picture starting from Genesis.

    The problem often comes when one have a picture in mind and try to fit pieces of the puzzles together that don't belong so they have to reshape the surrounding pieces to there liking, usually by spritualizing all the pieces/scripture, or they take one piece of a puzzle/scripture that represents their picture and try to fit it in a 1000 piece puzzle that it doesn't belong to, so they reshape the 1000 pieces by spritualizing.

    Here's an example.

    Who's the writer referring to here?

    "Therefore my people" are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst.

    Isaiah 5:13.

    I've heard it taught that this was all of creation. ( A piece of puzzle that don't even fit the chapter or anywhere else in the 66 books. )

    But if they would let the scripture say what it is saying you would find the answer throughout the chapter, especially verse 7.

    "For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry"

    Isaiah 5:7.

    Here's just a few of many other puzzle pieces.

    Exodus 3:10.

    Exodus 5:1.

    Exodus 8:23.

    Leviticus 26:12.

    1 Samuel 2:28-29.

    1 Kings 6:12-13.

    Isaiah 1:3.

    Isaiah 10:24.

    Isaiah 14:25.

    Jeremiah 1:16.

    Jeremiah 2:11.

    Ezekiel 11:20.


    There's hundreds that reference Isaiah 5:13. to Israel!!

    And Hosea 2:23 suggests God's not done with them. Also Romans 11:1.

    God is in the generation of the righteous. Psalms 14:5.

    We become his people by seeking him, not everyone will do this.

    Zachariah gives a distinction between between the heathen nations and God's people. Zachariah 8:7.

    Another distinction.

    Mathew 7:21-23. You can't be his people and he not know you.

    Heresies are built this way.

    God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well written GiGi. Though, I've always understood "the holy Catholic Church" as 'the universal' Church. Maybe I'm incorrect - minor difference. That's why when referring to Catholic, I use Roman Catholic to differentiate between the two meanings.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear A wife, I am glad that you are a prayerful woman. I do hope you and your husband can talk this out and have the Lord bring healing.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Janet, what is the finished work on the cross?

    Is it not that Christ came as sinful flesh and we are that sinful flesh.

    Sinful flesh DIED ON THE CROSS, and WE AROSE with Christ.

    Our body (a vessel of dust) is the abode of Christ (LIFE AND TRUTH).

    A vessel (our body) is made for one thing ONLY, to HOLD THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST.

    You have no faith, you have no obedience, you have no mercy, you have no love, ETC., because it's the LIFE IN YOU, that CAUSES the body to believe, it's the LIFE IN YOU that causes the body to have faith, causes the body to love, causes the body to show mercy, causes the body to obey, ETC.

    Most are not saved because, in this present AGE, they are NOT GIVEN THIS GIFT.

    Man DOES NOT control his own destiny GOD DOES.

    Ye have not chosen me, I HAVE CHOSEN YOU.

    Creation WILL NOT be held accountable for GOD's WORK.

    At their appointed time, after the resurrection of the dead (second resurrection) God will GIFT THEM with LIFE and TRUTH.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Bereanman,

    Thanks for your reply. No one is saying that Creeds are Scripture. We all have some sort of "creed" of the accepted doctrines taught in Scripture.

    That is what this creed is. But I'm fine that you don't want to go any further with this, so God Bless.
  • Elijah - 2 years ago
    Daniel 8:10 and Revelation 12:4a are an account of the same event. The tail that is mentioned in Revelation 12:4a is the same one mentioned in Isaiah 9:15.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello April. Just to add to Daniel's very good advice he's given you; what you're wanting to do in reading through the Bible in a year is very commendable. You can get guidance from the Web, if you search for 'Reading the Bible in a year', & it will give you a systematic reading program, sometimes reading a couple of Old Testament chapters & one New Testament chapter per day. Though this might be a good way of reading as much of the Scriptures as you can, you need to keep in mind that there is no 'saving' merit before God in having accomplished such a great task. What is important is that you understand what you are reading (i.e. not necessarily from an in-depth study), but you allow God's Spirit to guide you & help you apply the Truths you learn, in your life. Bible reading is a discipline, & when you truly desire to learn more about God, His Son & Holy Spirit, and Christian living, even absorbing the Word in smaller chunks will be very useful to you. A good Study Bible, with its cross-references & footnotes, can also be very useful. There are many good ones out there; I use the Ryrie Study Bible (in KJV).

    And as Daniel has written, no one will go to hell for not reading the Bible right through. People only go to hell if they refuse the offer of salvation that God has given to us, through His beloved Son. Some might want to get to Heaven their own way (by following various religions or philosophies, doing good works, self-harming, etc.), but the only way possible is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved ( Acts 15:11; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9). When we believe & are born again by God's Spirit, His Spirit indwells in us, seals us as belonging to God ( Ephesians 1:3-14), & ministers special Grace & Wisdom to us to live this new life. So, when Jesus comes for His own or we go through the portals of death, all who have His Spirit in them, who are marked as belonging to God, will be taken to be with Him - that is His Promise & Guarantee. Blessings.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Psalms 41 - 2 years ago
    Psalms 37
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Karen. I've just hit the Reply button at your post, to reply to your question. So hopefully, my comment to you now will pop up in your email & you will see a link at the bottom of that email to open it up to the KJBO webpage to see the full thread. Though, rarely, I don't get a notification email in my box about a reply from someone made directly to me. But in any case, I go through all the comments (as many as I can in the time I set aside for this), so I do catch all comments to me, whether seen as alerts in my email messages or not.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You should receive an email, it will also be readable in a 'thread' on the page It's posted on. If you have an account, it should also be under New replies.

    Hopefully that's helpful.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    AMEN, Giannis, you will make a good carpenter, you know, the carpenter's son, because you hit the nail on the head.

    God Bless You
  • Gabriel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In the name of Jesus Christ I know God is the great healer by his stripes we are healed in the name of Jesus Christ we are all in agreement we pray for this healing in God's holy name amen
  • Gabriel - 2 years ago
    As we all look to the heavens for this prayer. Lord God in heaven hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Lord God in heaven command under the authority of Jesus Christ Almighty remove the Legion of demons from Stacy in the name of God almighty come out of her in Gods holy and mighty name Yahweh Almighty we all are in agreement no one wants to be controlled on this earth. Lord God give her peace of mind and a heart that turns to you for all she needs and wants and she is a new creature in you God almighty I'm Jesus Name Amen
  • David - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank You Grae for your kind thoughts. Yes, I'm doing well. You intercession for me in prayer and your personal contact is sorely needed in the body of Christ, to promote the KINGDOM of GOD. I have done the same with others that the Lord leads to me. I'll put you on my prayer list.

    Praise the Lord. The Lord shine His face upon you and your family as well as all on this forum.
  • Bereanman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    So in other words the Bible Gods inspired word is not good enough .

    At least that's what the people that wrote these creeds thought .

    The apostles creed is perhaps ok but well short of the scriptures on a whole .

    In revelation it warns about adding to and taking away from scriptures , also in the Old Testament God again warn about that .

    Rev 22.18,19

    I will take a pass on these creeds .
  • Janet D - 2 years ago
    Could it be that many are not saved because they do not believe in the full finished work of Christ on the cross. Is not this belief in Jesus finished work on the cross-no turning back to works for salvation, other sacrifices etc etc-the narrow way? Hence few will be saved? We either answer the knock and believe that Jesus is the narrow (only) way unto salvation, or we don't, and trust that God WILL protect and preserve us until the end, hence giving us strength to persevere in our faith and experience the joy of our salvation.
  • A Wife - In Reply - 2 years ago
    T. Levis,

    Thank you so very much for providing Scripture. I found these, as well:

    Zechariah 8:16 - These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates:

    Ephesians 4:15 - But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:

    Ephesians 4:25 - Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.

    I will continue to pray that God gives me the right words, the right time, the right way, the right space to talk with him about it.

    Who knows. Maybe this is not what has been bothering him all these years, but I pray that it will be reconciled in His Name.
  • Sue Naylor - 2 years ago
    I ask you to pray for my 2 sons the Lord knows what it's about I pray they repent for their sins and live for you Lord. I pray God will help them with their problems in Jesus Name Amen.
  • A Wife - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you so much. It was over 20 years ago, but I just pinpointed recently where our marriage issues appeared to begin. Like Adam, who answered earlier, I appreciate your kindness. I truly do.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear AE

    It is a funny thing with us Christians that we read in the Bible about a God who heals, so many examples for disabled people that run to Jesus for help and got what they asked for, for a God who never changes, we talk about those things in our congregations, in our Christian companies .. but when it comes to us ...we hardly believe that that can happen to us.. isn't that true? Well God says that we are wrong. God can heal us too. Lets go to Him with Faith and Trust and we will be surprised with what we will see. Go to Jesus. He is not dead, He is up in the skies watching you, His kid, and prepared to answer back ..just go and keep going untill you receive God's gift to you...Jacob didn't let God go before he got what he wanted from Him. You have an autistic son, another woman in the Gospel had a dead son, what did Jesus say to her? " Don't cry" Why my Lord not to cry? Because your son will rise from the deads. Yours as well. Amen


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