All Discussion PAGE 1246

  • A Wife - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I was not judging him, and I pray about the things that I know I need to overcome or where I need to grow. Here's an example, if you know your spouse eats too much candy, drinks too much alcohol, doesn't brush their teeth, aren't you going to pray against that? That's not judgement. It's health concerns. Thank you for responding.
  • Grae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello David , haven't read a post on here from u for a few weeks now . Hope u r ok .
  • Sue Naylor - 2 years ago
    I have COPD and I got a bad infection in one of my lungs and I just about died but The Lord wasn't ready for me yet. I have been in hospital for 5 months and right now I am in a Respiratory Rehabilitation where they are weaning me off the ventilator. Tomorrow they will unhook me from the ventilator for 2 hours I will be on oxygen only. Please pray that I will be able to breathe on my own and will wean off the ventilator. Please pray I will be able to go home very soon and work for the Lord. He has brought me so far and Blessed me with so much during this time. The doctor said she was surprised to see me come this far. I believe with all my heart and soul that I will wean off the ventilator. God has plans for me. He didn't bring this far for nothing. Please join me in prayer that I can wean from ventilator and be home with my love ones and working for The Lord very soon. Pray that I will breath good on my own tomorrow when they unhook me. Thank you all and May God Bless you all.
  • A Wife - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I pray every, single day of my life. I pray for my family, friends, associates, nations, leaders. Yes, I have prayed about this newly remembered incident. Thank you for responding.
  • A Wife - In Reply - 2 years ago

    No. I would not go nuts, if I found a list hidden because I would not feel betrayed because it was hidden. I would ask why he was keeping the list, and I would attempt to fix those things he documented. This is not a matter of common sense or lack thereof. I am not a nonsensical person. (Wow. That stung. I did not post my concern to be insulted). Seeing Scripture about "leaving the past alone" and "looking forward" made me wonder what exactly to do ( Isaiah 43:18 - Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Isaiah 43:18-19 - Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Philippians 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, etc.). Like I said to Adam, 20+ years ago, I was completely shocked by his response, he didn't want to talk with me about it, and he used to get very angry if I apologized to him about anything. Plus, I didn't remember or pinpoint the incident until recently. There is no Pastor or Priest that I can talk with right now. The reason I am using this online venue is because users provide Biblical responses that I can research.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    oops, I mean Jay.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Oopos, I mean Jay.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Bereanman,

    I am familiar with these creeds. They are statements of faith based on the biblical teachings of the Apostles. They were taught to new believers so they will understand what their new faith entails. Please read my response to Phil on the Apostle's Creed. If there is something in the creed that you do not attest to or think is biblical, please let me know.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Suze, I am familiar with these creeds, which are summaries of the biblical beliefs for new Christians to learn so they can know what they are assenting to when they say they are believers.

    You can read my response to Phil. concerning the Apostles' Creed. If there is anything about these statements of faith that You do not agree with or think are unbiblical, please let me know.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Jay,

    I looked up these creeds (I was taught them growing up and know them almost by heart except the Athanasian creed) to learn some of the background information on them. I will start with the Apostles Creed. This creed was based on a "Roman creed" used in the early church from the beginning of the 2nd century (100 A.D.) which was a summary of the basic beliefs taught by the apostles as a basis for a solid saving faith. It was taught to new believers during what was called "catechism" which means: instruction in the faith and then the new believer was baptized using the creed as part of the baptism. The new believer was asked to respond "I do" to the reading of each tenet of the creed before being baptized, therefore being a profession of faith.

    Since believers in the early church did not have access to copies of the New Testament, which was not compiled in total yet int he first few centuries, so this creed reminded believers of the biblical doctrines taught by the apostles as a statement of faith that helped them stay strong in their faith especially during times of intense persecution and martyrdom.


    I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord;

    who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried;

    He descended into hell (or unto the dead). On the third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven;

    And sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.

    I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic (Christian) church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins;

    the resurrection of the body; and life everlasting, Amen.
  • A Wife - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you, Adam, for such a kind response. We have been married for over 20 years with many issues. I kept praying and trying to figure out where things went South with/for us, and I have been watching different Pastors' videos about men and women/wives and husbands, which prompted me to remember the incident. It wasn't as if I were thinking about this incident our entire marriage. There was no opportunity to discuss it then, as he was so angry, and didn't want to talk with me about it. He only talked with his family about it. I was shocked at his response to the list, and I was not raised to argue, so I did not know what to say or when to say it. At that point, he wouldn't have listened anyway. Plus, he's been one of those people who, if you apologize for something, he gets angry all over again. I think that if the situation were reversed, since the list was hidden, I would not feel like my husband was betraying me. I would ask him why he had the list. I would not have yelled, shut him out, or told my family. When we have faced issues, I have talked with him about them. He used to get explosively angry, tell his family and coworkers, deny, deny, deny, but things have improved, except that he still tells his family about our issues.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes AE.

    God made women tough enough to bare many children. It does not matter what century or generation. But our lives are so much more complicated with things outside of the home in our generation that it is hard to imagine having a large family. But those women who did mostly stayed home and were housewives and mothers, worked extremely hard, often suffering loss, cared for extended elder family members until their passing without so many of the amenities we have in our homes now.

    Imagine giving birth in the home or even in the field, as happened often, and still needing to care for your newborn infant, toddler, preschooler, and school age children soon after birth without plumbing, running water, and electricity! Cooking on a wood stove, baking own bread, butchering own chickens, plucking them and preparing them for dinner. I just remember these things because I had a grandma and great grandma that grew up like this and they both raised large families.

    But even so, I am not meaning to minimize your situation at all. Raising an autistic child is a tough go, too. I will pray for you.

    Dear heavenly Father, I ask You today to lift up AE with strength and peace of mind amidst this trying time for her. Help her to learn how she can best manage these demands on her life and time in the most loving way. Build her up in her faith in You and have mercy on her when she feels overwhelmed. Provide needed help for her in ways that are truly helpful. Give her joy in raising her son and in caring for those who are aging. May her grandmother be a huge blessing to her as she comes for a stay. We ask these things of You, Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
  • Giannis - 2 years ago
    Dear fellow Christians.

    Some thoughts of mine...

    The Gospel is not written like a scientific book, i.e.

    Chapt. 1. Repentance from dead works...

    Chapt. 2. New birth...

    Chapt. 3 . Baptism in water... And so on ...

    One has to gather all verses spread throughout the Bible that are related to a topic and build a teaching. Like the bricks in a building.

    Or better it''s like a Puzzle, you know the one consisting of small pieces that when putting them together you have a picture. The more pieces (verses) you put together the clearer the picture (teaching) becomes. The lesser the pieces are the less clear the picture becomes. And as one keeps puting less and less pieces the picture becomes more and more confusing and can be anything. And at last a stage is reached where the pieces are so few that " that green thing one sees may be a grass field but may be a watermelon as well"

    What I mean is that all false teachings in Christianity arise from the fact that they rely on few verses ignoring the rest of them. Then it can be anything from a field, to a watermelon, to a green jacket, to a green rocket, anything you like.

    If we do that lets stop it as we risk ending in myths. Christian myths.

    With respect.

  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 5 - 2 years ago
    Hi Phil,

    We are to forgive others (and tell them so) who have sinned against us because our own sins are forgiven in Jesus (we can say that, too.) Having an attitude of forgiveness is really important because we will sin against others and them against us throughout our lives.

    We can tell people that their sins are forgiven when they repent from them and believe the gospel that Jesus died as a sacrifice for our sins and the sins of those who believe in Him are forgiven and removed from us.

    We can assure a penitent believer caught up in sin to remember that we can confess our sins to Jesus and He is faithful and just to forgive us.

    So, I would say, yes, to your question. But the forgiveness really comes from God, not men, even our ability to forgive others who sin against us is from the Holy Spirit within us to work in us this forgiving spirit.
  • ELB - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 2 years ago
    David, In the Old testament we see numerous occasions of the appearance, as a man, of THE ANGEL OF THE LORD.

    Christ is the ANGEL OF THE LORD. Above all angels, he is the archangel Michael.

    This is a mystery because he can be inside you as the Holy Ghost, or walk in the flesh as a man. His ministry on earth was in sinful flesh, exactly like we have now; but he was resurrected with the same glorified body that he existed in, with the father, from NO BEGINNING.

    Angels are God's messengers.

    Malachi 2:7 ...for he is the messenger of the Lord ....

    Malachi 3:1 ....even the messenger of THE COVENANT ...

    John 17:21 ...that the WORLD MAY BELIEVE that thou hast SEND ME.

    Ephesians 4:4 There is ONE BODY ....

    You are the body of Christ.

    Moses was the body of Christ.

    A mind of FLESH (Satan, lies, deceptions, falsehoods) rules our body (of Christ).

    When Christ rebukes Satan (lies, deception, falsehoods) he is bring HIS BODY (us) into subjection to TRUTH.

    Mosses, with his mind of flesh, didn't think he was up to the task to be a god ( Exodus 7:1) over pharaoh, Christ rebuked Mosses (Satan, lies, deception,,]falsehoods) and caused him to have knowledge of the TRUTH, Mosses was only the BODY that contained the Spirit of Christ, who would be the god over pharaoh.

    Matthew 16:23 ...and he turned, and said unto Peter, get thee behind me, Satan ...

    A mind that is OF THE FLESH is in direct opposition to the MIND OF CHRIST, therefore a MIND OF FLESH is ANTI-CHRIST, or a mind of Satan, lies, deceptions and falsehoods.

    At the time Mosses and Peter were rebuked, there was a war for their BODY, Christ through the WORK of HIS SPIRIT, cast out the one (Satan, lies, deception, falsehoods) contending for their body, which is CHRIST BODY.

    Christ rebukes Satan, our mind of Flesh, controlled by lies, deception, and falsehoods, and we become a new creation, with the mind of Christ, learning that we are the BODY that contains the Spirit of God, who WILL BE the god over this world.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 35 - 2 years ago

    That is what I read somewhere, that these earrings had idol images or pagan symbols on them.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Hello everyone! This evil that is roaming around the earth is so disgusting! I ran into a friend of mine, I couldn't believe what has happened to her!! Strong minded, always out spoken and now she's scared, full of anxiety over the bull this country is shoveling onto and into our lives for the last 2.4 years!!! What a bunch of devils!!! The masks, lockdowns and vax is a bunch of bull!!! Sorry, but it isn't a vax, it's a poison!!! I have known plenty of people who the government has murdered!!! I pray to our Lord Jesus, to come today, we are waiting for Him, yet we know HE knows what is best for us!! Thank you Lord for all you have given to me, my husband, my babies Samson and Tutti man for our lives, protecting us from all the devils of this world!!! Please don't get discouraged with all that's going on all around us!! What a beautiful earth the Lord gave us to live in, and these evil people are destroying it right in front of our eyes, and we are letting them!! STAND UP!! Fight for your FREEDOM!!! Do what you know is right in the eyes of the Lord !! If you say you know the Lord Jesus then show it!!!! AMEN!!!!
  • Priscilla White - 2 years ago
    How to have faith when my body has a wound that must be pack everyday
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Yes, please share the verse and I'll check it out. Thank you!
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 2 years ago

    Here is what I can share on Jude 1:9:

    Yet Michael the archangel, when he was contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, he did not bring against him a railing accusation, but basically said, The Lord rebuke you.

    So Michael the archangel, according to a writing called the Assumption of Moses, an apocryphal book, which means the authority of these books cannot be proven one way or another.

    But in the early first century A.D., it was used as an historical document, as the Jews believed some of the things mentioned in the document were historically true.

    And what Jude is doing is he is quoting from the Assumption of Moses that tells us that Michael the archangel was in charge of the burial of the body of Moses, because Satan wanted to take the dead body of Moses and mock it and mistreat it.

    So Michael the archangel was sent out. But he didn't fight with Satan. He says the Lord rebuke you. He didn't rebuke Satan because he had a respect for glory and authority. He knew he did not have the authority. He knew the Lord did. That's a good lesson for us as well.

    So they spoke evil of glories, or angels. But even Michael the archangel didn't do that with Satan. He said the Lord will take care of you!
  • Giannis - In Reply on Genesis 35 - 2 years ago
    Dear Udo

    Maybe the earings had images of stange Gods on them.

  • Albert joiner - In Reply on Genesis 4 - 2 years ago
    yea but,that wouldn't have been enough reason to kill his only brother at that time,i gathered some more information says that cain took one of his brother sheep for meat,without asking and abel realized that and he took some of cains fruits& wheat and they confronted each others and anger appeared. all was very helpful thanks karen.
  • Gabriel - 2 years ago
    Father God it's been a terrible four months. The devil had taken over then Lord God you rescued me. Put in my heart and prophesied to me and spoke that your wife Gabby is coming back to you soon. You Lord God have plans to make me great but Lord when nothing seems to be happening that's when we know your working. We are not moved by a quick work down here we are moved by what happens in Heaven above. Let everyone who sees this prayer in full agreement believe it and receive it for where two or more are gathered. There I AM. Lord God the GREAT I AM is all amazing all inspiring and has never let us down.

    I will not be shaken I stand strong in the Name of the Lord. In the name of the Lord I declare every thing the enemy stole is being restored. God I know my wife Gabby is walking through that door. I know we are both going to make a fresh start. Father God I know I'm barely making anything hours at work. Lord God I'm going to be working a full time job greater than anything I have ever imagined in Jesus Name. I believe and receive it in Jesus Name. Amen
  • Christina - 2 years ago
    My mom has cancer and is going through chemo. I pray that the Lord will help the chemo do it's job so my mom is not in as much pain. I have health concerns of my own that is giving me a lot of anxiety. I want to try and be healthier. It hard to feel motivated when I'm already nervous.
  • Giannis - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 2 years ago
    Dear David

    The explanation I have heard of is that satan wanted to aquire the body of Moses in order to make it an idol to Israeletes. Archagel Michael didn't want that to be done.

  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago

    1 Corinthians 13:5 - the end of this verse about love (charity) basically means love keeps no record of wrongs. This is all we need to know to discern that keeping lists is wrong: both mental and physical lists.

    Hebrews 8:12 - shows that God does this for us, he remembers our sin no more.

    Ephesians 4:32, Ephesians 5:22 - we're to forgive others as God has forgiven us, and support husbands.

    What you described seems contrary to scripture and I would feel so deeply hurt if someone did that to me. It would feel like an enormous betrayal of trust. It sounds like you followed bad advice and badly hurt your husband and that it has never been resolved. It's the elephant in the room day after day, but you haven't even discussed it since? If you don't want to talk to your own husband about the #1 thing in your life, how will you ever even handle any other problems in life? In a way I would feel like some of the wedding vows would have been violated by this, if it were me.

    That's great that you're seeking scripture and input from others as clearly this is weighing on your heart and you already know what is the right thing to do to try to save your marriage.

    God bless...
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Jesse

    I am reffering to the Greek text. If you wish we can see the verse we are interested in.

  • Karen Lee Porter - 2 years ago
    I am new here. Will any comments to me pop up in my emails or do I have to subscribe somewhere? I will check back for any answers. Thank you! God bless you all.
  • ELB - In Reply on Mark 16:15 - 2 years ago
    Brother Mike W:

    The first resurrection occurred at Christ resurrection.

    John 11:25 ....I am the resurrection....

    Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated us into the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, ACCORDING TO the good pleasure of HIS WILL.

    John 15:16 Ye have not CHOSEN ME, But I have CHOSEN YOU .....

    All is the WORK'S OF GOD, man just receives the GIFT.

    Philippians 1:29 For unto you it is given, on the behalf of Christ, not ONLY TO BELIEVE on him, but also to suffer for his sake,

    1 Corinthians 4:7 For who maketh thee to be different from another? and what hast thou that ye did not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why does thou glory, as if thou received it not?

    You begin life with a mind of FLESH, if you have your part in the first resurrection, your mind of FLESH IS BEHEADED, and replaced with the mind of Christ.

    All the WORK'S OF GOD.

  • Karen Lee Porter - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The emphasis is on Gods mercy, not His wrath. No one can call God to account for what He does. But He does not exercise His freedom of choice arbitrarily, and He shows great patience even towards the objects of His wrath. The purpose of such patience is to bring about repentance. The main point is the sovereign freedom of God in dealing with man. God bless!

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