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T. John McBride
To get an understanding that comes from God's Word and not from our own expectations of God's plan, we need to see what each scriptural reference is really talking about. We also need to establish what events take place for each verse and when they occur.
Let's start with the favorite verse quoted to support the rapture of the church at the start of the tribulation.
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words"
( I Thessalonians 4:16-18, KJV).
Sequence of Events:
1. The Lord descends.
2. A shout, voice, trump.
3. The dead rise.
4. The living caught up.
Timing: Nothing specifies a particular time for these events. In this verse we found nothing conclusive to be used to identify the specific time when the rapture might occur except that it follows the Lord's descent from heaven and the sounding of the trumpet of God. Let's take a look at another very popular verse about the rapture of the church:
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we
shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed"
( I Corinthians 15:51,52, KJV).
Sequence of Events:
1. The trumpet sounds.
2. The dead rise.
3. The living changed.
Timing: Begins with the "last trump". The trump identified as the "last trump" seems to be the cause of these events. This appears to indicate that other trumpets will sound before this one, but none after it. Could this be the final (seventh) trumpet
found in Revelation? If so, that would put it at or near the end of the tribulation.
Stay blessed in Jesus Name, love u in Christ Romans 7:1-6 and Chapter 8
God bless u and yours in Jesus Name, love u in Christ Romans 7:1-6 and Romans 8:11
God bless u and yours in Jesus Holy Name, love u in Christ. Romans 7:1-6 ond Romans 8:11
She must make sure and keep herself clean in thoughts words and deeds. Without her, they will be lost. So she need to eat and also receive Spiritual nourishment so that she have something to go on. This is the first, we are not to destroy the temple of God, are we? 1 Corintihans 3:17 And the branch that believes in Him is valuable, as long as the branches bear fruit :) John 15:2
You have to decide this for yourself, but as far as i know the world, it does us no good! Because then our thought comes to utilization and it seems very worldly.
The world has no care for me either, it's probably pretty normal and feel that way. But remember Martha and Maria. Martha struggled and i can believe she got quite tired and even exhausted. While Mary received spiritual food. Luke 10:38-42 The best way is the Spiritual, although one must also take worldly chores occasionally, one can always Glorify God in what one does.
God bless u and yours in Jesus Name, love u in Christ. Romans 7:1-6 and Romans 8:11
Not knowing who the other members of the family are, even among close friends, I would think that these people cannot sit idly by & allow one person to bear all these pressures & responsibilities. I realize that often people are oblivious to the hardships of others, maybe giving excuses about their own problems or workloads, or not wanting their free time to be lost to another, but the family must come together to discuss the problems & apportion out responsibilities to those who can assist - this sharing of the workload will in itself greatly re-vitalize the woman's state of mind & well-being; one person shouldn't have to carry the load by herself. I'm assuming that no government help is available or there's no entitlement in this situation.
If all else fails, I would seek to set priorities for those nearest to her that need her assistance; their cleanliness, sustenance (meals), & health needs are most important. House cleaning, running errands, etc. are less important. I share this having had a similar experience, very small in comparison (for over 5 years) with my elderly father-in-law till he passed on. I gave him full care - he could do nothing for himself. Please don't let this lady burn out.
God bless u and yours in Jesus name, love u in Christ.
Those, like yourself, who believe that the Sabbath is the "day God blessed & sanctified", need to also consider some other questions on this matter.
Questions such as: to whom was this Law (& indeed all Laws), given? What was the purpose of these Laws?
What is the meaning & requirements of the Sabbath? Was it any more than a rest day, a cessation of all work?
Is the Church that is formed under the New Covenant, obliged to come under those Laws (this Church which now comprised both saved Jews & Gentiles)?
When there was an instance in Acts 15:1-31, where the demand for Gentiles to be first circumcised & to keep the Law of Moses to be saved had to be dealt with, what was the response & apostolic decision? I'm sure you know the passage well. Did the apostles ever require the Gentiles, or any new believer, to come under the Mosaic Law?
If the Old Law only brought condemnation ( 2 Corinthians 3:6-17) & had to be done away with through Christ's Death, how is the Christian now able to know & fulfil the Laws of God?
If a believer now believes that he needs to keep the Laws & Sabbath in particular, can he condemn another who doesn't & who has understood the liberty Jesus gained for him to obey, to live, to worship God, as the Holy Spirit directs ( Romans 8:1-4; Galatians 5:1-4,18,25)?
Just a few questions to consider - not expecting answers, but hopefully to direct your mind to the full meaning of the full redemption we now have in Christ Jesus: redemption from sin's penalty & redemption from the Law's curse. We now obey many more Laws of God, more than what was given to the Jews to obey, & we do so from the continual ministry & power of God's Spirit.
I'm not offended in the least bit. Your name would suggest that you might be fluent in the Greek language? If that is the case, I might learn from you. I have been a student of Koine Greek for several years now but still have much to learn.
I agree that the word PISTIS means faith. I also know that the word PEITHO means persuasion. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these two words connected together, PEITHO being the verb form of the noun PISTIS?
My personal definition of the word faith (PISTIS) is the presence and activity of God's Spirit in a believers life.
And it is the activity of God's Spirit that persuades (PEITHO) a person to do the things of the Lord, and that is what defines faith, PISTIS being the noun, and PEITHO being the verb form of the noun.
Again, please correct me if I am wrong. I take no offense!
Please reflect on 1 Peter5:7, Psalms 55:22.
Our Almighty Father in Heaven Holly Spirit cleanse my ears, open thine eyes from the slumber I have been kept, with God's Will.
In Jesus Christ/My Lord & Saviors name.
"There is POWERIN The name of Jesus"
i pray and seek for healing and salvation in my life.
i seek through thee for open doors and blessings.
all glory be to GOD, he is the imirimiorse.
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