King James Bible
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"believer" Mark 16:16-18, Luke 8, John 1:12, John 6:64, John 7:5, John 12:23-50, John 17, Romans 4, 1Thessalonians 2:13, Hebrews 11:6, James 2, James 2:19, Romans 1, through Romans 2, Romans 6,
* 1Peter 4, 1Peter 4:17,
Hope these are helpful
Christ first calls you, you respond because Christ CAUSES you to respond.
Philippians 1:29 For unto you it is GIVEN on behalf of Christ, not only TO BELIEVE ON HIM, but to suffer for his name sake;
Most DO NO BELIEVE, that they believe, because Christ CAUSES them to BELIEVE.
This is just the milk of the word, the meat of the word gets even more complex and it takes more of CHRIST CAUSING YOU TO BELIEVE, the meat of the word.
If the called don't believe the milk, Christ will not give them MORE OF HIMSELF TO BELIEVE THE MEAT.
You are BORN AGAIN by GOD'S WORDS, you become ONE with God's words, you agree with God's words.
Then you are RIGHTEOUS because HE (the word) is RIGHTEOUS, you are HOLY because HE (the word) is HOLY
You PUT ON CHRIST, and all that he is (the word) YOU BECOME.
When you depart from this fleshly body you put on immortality.
1 Timothy 6:16 Whom only hath IMMORTALITY ....... You become the exactness of Christ.
You become a priest (a ministering spirit, a flame of fire) in the kingdom of God, and that kingdom is in IN MAN. You will be in the presence of GOD and GODS ABODE is in man, bring MAN to TRUTH, of what a son of God is.
God Bless You
This is speaking of unbelievers in general. This all begins back with Verse 1 and it has to do with a believer taking another believer before an unbelieving judge to settle a grievance.
Verse 2 says we (saints) shall judge the world. So if we are to judge the world, we should be able to judge matters amongst ourselves without taking the matter to an unbelieving judge.
Verses 5-8 are very interesting. He's talking about Christians doing this to each other, not from the outside, but to each other. Christians are doing wrong in justice. They are defrauding their brother. So the brother who is wronged, he files a legal action against his brother. And so he says isn't there any wise men among you that can decide what's right and what's wrong, and make those kinds of decisions?
It's interesting that Paul says to set somebody up, and it doesn't have to be somebody that's educated. He says to take the person that is least esteemed in the church because the right and the wrong is pretty simple!
He says you're at fault in your dealings. First of all, you are defrauding one another, and if your brother does defraud you, you think you got to take him to court because nobody's going to do anything about it.
Just let it go, because we are talking about a Christian with another Christian coming in front of non-believers and letting non-believers judge between God's people. They don't even have the Spirit of God!
Verse 9 says, "Know you not that the (unrighteous) shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, (and that word literally means "boy abusers.") Nor abusers of themselves with mankind, which is one Greek word that is the word homosexual.
What he's saying is you are bringing your complaint against your fellow Christian to the non-believer and they're not even going to inherit the kingdom of God. They are so corrupt and you are asking them to judge between you and another brother.
Please continue to be with my wife's family who absolutely hate me as of right now. Lord God be with my wife Gabby Lord God I pray you are doing a new work in her. Lord God I continue to trust in you my family will be restored and Gabby my wife she will come back. Lord God you have the power to turn our enemies from hating us to being for us . Lord God you say if YOU are for us who can be against us. In the precious blood of Christ Jesus Amen.
Joshua 6:17
And the city shall be accursed, even it, and all that are therein, to the LORD: only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all that are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent.
Oh, then I know that the family will be saved, that everyone will be saved. Sooner or later they will not be able to say no! Amen.
God bless u in Jesus holy name, love u in Christ.
But here, "friend" translates from the Greek noun root (transliterated "hetairos"; pronounced "het-ah-EE-ros"). This term speaks of two close associates who are bound by mutual obligations such as in business ventures wherein both must equally trust, confide, and depend upon the other. Such is the use of the term "friend" in this parable as well as that used by the householder when responding to the employee's complaint concerning his wages ( Mt. 20:13):
"But he (the householder) answered one of them, and said, Friend (Greek "hetairos"), I do thee (the employee) no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?"
The king's use of the word "friend" proves highly ironic for this attendee was unconcerned, and possibly even rebellious toward the dress requirement. By blatantly violating such a visible requirement as refusing to wear a "wedding garment", this attendee revealed his lack of cooperation and resistance to other obligations as well (cp. Ps. 55:12-14 & 20-21).
Of note, JESUS addressed Judah Iscariot as "friend" when Judas betrayed HIM ( Mt. 26:50):
"JESUS said unto him (Judas), Friend (Greek "hetairos"), wherefore art thou come? Then came they, and laid hands on JESUS, and took HIM."
The verse above ( Mt. 26:50) fulfilled the prophecy recorded in Psalm 41:9:
"Yea, MINE own familiar* friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of MY bread, hath lifted up his heel against me."
* Hebrew "shalom" = English "peace".
While Judas was CHRIST's "friend" only through his feigned and hypocritical discipleship, he perfectly fits in the context of a "familiar friend" ( Ps. 41:9) as John 13:18 & 26-27 describes: "I know whom I have chosen:He that eateth bread with ME hath lifted up his heel against ME."
Thank you
Name of Mary Magdalene alias Mary of Bethany who dried Christ's myrrh oiled feet with her hair matches her constellation "Hair of Berenice" at the peak of the galaxy: Lord's beloved's myrrh oil hair in high tower of Moriah (Zion).
He (Lord) calls the stars/constellations by their names/individual characteristics ( Psalm 147).
Berenice's (after Queen Berenice of Egypt) tiara crowned, braided curls at the galactic north pole hint to daughter of Jerusalem's (true church, the little flock) crown and only one lady in the gospels gained fame due to her hair. Mary Magdalene, daughter of Jerusalem, Zion, instead of Queen Berenice of Egypt, is represented in the stars and the gallery frescoes after what she's most vividly remembered for: Drying Christ's oiled feet with her hair.
The name play, mar 'a, foreshadows prophetic revelation, as she is the visionary behind the Book of Revelation and the witness of the Gospel of John: John = Yah hanan or "Lord favours, favoured by the Lord" whom the gospel states to be Mary Magdalene ( John 19). She was the noble lady who after being healed from seven demons helped Christ with her finances ( Luke 8) and could afford expensive Alabaster oil jar. She, the beloved disciple, became the church's exemplar for being an honest sinner who loved, unlike the pharisees or gospel distorting so-called Christians.
Mary, transliteration of original (Egyptian) beloved makes her the beloved disciple whom the male scholars shamelessly hid by replacing her with poor fisherman's son John of Zebedee who, unlike the upper-class lady Magdalene, could not write high the Greek used in Revelation and John's gospel. The fraud was widely accepted against the witness of the gospels:
Now there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene. W
GOOGLE: Ephesians 6, Teachings
Your Helmet of Salvation should be upon your head always, even at bedtime.
I'm not going to share a testimony today. ANY VOICE that causes fear, doubts of your salvation, or ACCUSES you about your actions or words_ is a demon.
You fight accusations WITH SCIPTURES. Like Jesus did on his 40 day fast in the desert; after being Baptized by John the Baptist. Satan knew who Jesus was, but he thought Jesus was weakened and Temptable.
When confronted, say what you know is truth. I am a blood bought child of the Most High God. My Lord is Jesus.
"They" will not cross the Blood of Jesus. They will flee.
Get more Scripture in your arsenal of weapons. Study.
Grandma JoJo,
Good to meet you here.
The Bible does not tell us much about Noah's wife. But if she protested much, I am sure we would have! She was most likely godly like Noah, desiring to walk God's way along with being supportive of Noah and his work constructing the ark. She probably helped build it! It will be interesting meeting these people in heaven and finding out "The rest of the story", as Paul Harvey would say.
And he said unto them ,that the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath .
I wonder how many actually understand this verse ...
But is sure shows what power and authority God has given Jesus of Nazareth .
The first section of the book contains three distinctive poems illustrating how God's children returned time after time to idolatry. God commands Hosea to marry Gomer, but after bearing him three children, she walks away from Hosea to her lovers. The symbolic emphasis can be seen clearly in the first chapter as Hosea compares Israel's actions to turning from a marriage to life as a prostitute. The second section contains Hosea's denunciation of the Israelites but followed by the promises and the mercies of God.
The Book of Hosea is a prophetic accounting of God's relentless love for His children. Since the beginning of time God's ungrateful and undeserving creation has been accepting God's love, grace, and mercy while still unable to refrain from its wickedness.
The last part of Hosea shows how God's love once again restores His children as He forgets their misdeeds when they turn back to Him with a repentant heart. The prophetic message of Hosea foretells the coming of Israel's Messiah 700 years in the future.
One who can give us eternal life in glory instead of the hell we deserve. It is essential that we learn to respect our Creator. Hosea has shown us God's heart of loving commitment. When we do sin, if we have a sorrowful heart filled with repentance, then God will bring us back to Himself and show His never-ending love to us ( 1 John 1:9).
Hosea teaches us what Covenant Marriage is.
this is an interesting verse about the young man who covered himself with a linen cloth because he was naked. When an attempt was made to cease him, he fled naked, leaving the cloth behind. I do not know why this was included, unless the young man was the author, Mark, and included to indicate that he was an eye-witness to this event. Why he was naked is unknown, but he was in the Garden of Gethsemane at night for a reason we are not told.
I'm interested to find out more, so am looking forward to more replies.
With all of this in mind, I think that it is even more important for sound doctrine to be repeatedly spoken on this site in order that readers will be more exposed to what is true than what is falsely claimed as true.
I pray that God will give those here discernment between truth and error for the sake of their souls. I pray that those of us who can relate sound doctrine on here do so. I pray that those who promote false and dangerous heresies will have a change of mind and conviction. I pray that those who are new in the faith will be protected from error. I pray that the Spirit will attest to the truth in the hearts of believers and alert believers of error. I pray that those here will be like the Bereans and check everything against Scripture to see if what someone says aligns with the word of God. I pray that, like the Bereans, those on here will come to know the Word more thoroughly and understand what is being taught within context rather than relying on singled out verses to prove a certain doctrine.
This is such an open forum without internal checks for doctrinal accuracy. So, as a warning, this openness allows for much error to be promoted here.
It's common for us to fear our sin. We may do something ambiguous and worry whether it's against God's will. Or we may make a vow that we will not commit a specific sin and despair when we inevitably fail. Or we, try to justify what we want to do to settle in our own minds that it is not sin. There are many ways in which we try to convince ourselves that what we do isn't sin. But those machinations are filled with pride and selfishness. We will sin. Every believer sins. We don't stop sinning when we become Christians. Jesus told the disciples they would scatter, and they do. It doesn't surprise God when we sin. The whole point of Jesus' coming is to cover those sins.
We do need to avoid sin ( 1 Corinthians 10:31). We do need to consider whether the action we're considering is in God's will. But it's also sin to concentrate on sin so much we lose focus on God. Instead of dwelling on whether something was a sin or if the thing we want to do is a sin, we need to remember that after it all, Jesus promises to forgive and restore us. We sin far more than we imagine, and if we accept Him, He forgives every sin. When we learn to rest in that forgiveness, obeying becomes a lot easier. And, ironically, we're less likely to sin in the first place.
Mishael: find strength in the Lords supper. He washes our feet. We wash each other's. Walk in forgiveness, with everyone. Be the earth body of Jesus, who would bless those good, and wretched. Pray as would.
Dear Acbertha, I suggest disassociating with this person who is asking you to join this group.
We are told to "avoid even the appearance of evil". (can't find the verse)
So, it may be best to speak firmly to this person that you will not join him in this group because you are a Christian and belong to Jesus, not the devil, as this group follows the evil one.
It is my understanding that throughout the earthly life of Jesus, he obeyed the law perfectly, never sinned, and completely submitted Himself to the will of the Father. He is the only person to fulfill the law perfectly, so yes, He did fulfill the law and is the fulfillment of the law, which culminated in His obedience in dying on the cross.