All Discussion PAGE 1263

  • Bill - 2 years ago
    On the day of the crucifixion was the law fulfilled?
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God strengthen Susan with the Grace of Jesus Christ to endure this challenging living situation. You know her heart and Your Word states you will not give us more than we can endure. Please Holy Spirit enrich her with Your spiritual gifts and guidance that she will Bible scriptures to guide her and these neighbors will leave her be I ask in Jesus Christ name

    Please consider reflecting on John16:33 and 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Timothy 2:1, Luke 18:27, Psalms 46:1 and Psalms 34.
  • Acbertha Mulenga on Psalms 37 - 2 years ago
    What do I do. I want to wait until my God ge is refuge and my shield. He is also my comforter in times of need. What do I say to the man standing before me asking me to be initiated into illuminati.

    Go you know that I have put all my trust in you for protection, healing, to be my judge lawyer and also to be my provider.

    Today I vote seeking your face even in this situation. I know that when you come into this situation all the serpents shall be defeated. I call upon the name Jedus Christ my lord and saviour and plead that he intercedes in this situation.

    I pray all this through Jesus's Christ who strengthens me. AMEN
  • James pitts - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Whale might be the answer that the writer was looking for, however, Scripture explicitly states that Adam named all the "livestock" (Hebrew behemah), the "birds of the air" (Hebrew oph hashamayim) and all the "beasts of the field" (Hebrew chayyah hassadeh). There is no indication that Adam named the fish in the sea, or any other marine organisms, nor any of the insects, beetles or arachnids.
  • Rick Haggett - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi I have read the entire Bible and many parts do not pertain to what happens after death. The Bible intreprets the Bible as we know yet different verses in there seem to play against each other. The question I have asked are not too hard to answer I believe yet if anyone knows the exact answer forward it to me. Let me study it and separate one verse from the other that pertains to the question. When looking at it on the surface it doesn't add up. There is a reason and I will continue to search. Most places just send you a link and let you figure it out themselves. That tells me that they either don't have or know the answer or don't want to be responsible for what they say.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Steven ... Malachi 3 : 2 kjv...plainly tells us about a cleansing fire that is coming the last day .Who shall abide the day of his coming, Who shall stand when he appears for he shall be as a REFINERS FIRE AND FULLERS SOAP. ...TO PURFIY the sons of Levi meaning the Sons of God that we might offer an offering of righteousness unto the lord etc..our bodies.offer up your bodies a sacrifice etc

    ....This is nothin less then Baptism of the H.G. and Fire which is judgement beginning at the house of God meaning a new heart and a new spirit etc...And Steven that cleansing fire is the H.G. which is what we soo need....Whom the Lord loveth he chastens.

    ....We gotta keep in mind that our God is a consuming fire as Hebrews says...That is gonna consume our old adamic nature....Thats y baptism of the H.G AND FIRE IS SO IMPORTANT...OK GBU
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Brother Chris.

    You're welcome.

    God bless.
  • ELB - 2 years ago
    WHAT IS A UNBELIEVER; the unbelieving?

    The Israel of OLD believed in God.

    Even devils believe in God.

    But the Israel of OLD didn't believe the words of God.

    The Israel of NEW have the same problem, they don't believe the words of God.

    John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.

    Romans 5:10 For if, WHEN WE WERE ENEMIES, we were RECONCILED (already completed) to God by the death of his Son ......

    1 Corinthians 15:28 ....and GOD WILL BE ALL IN ALL.

    Revelation 21:8 .. the UNBELIEVING and ALL LIARS.....shall have their part in the LAKE OF FIRE.

    Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue Satan, which say are Jews (born again), and are not, BUT DO LIE ........

    God Bless You!
  • Stephen Metzner on Mark 14 - 2 years ago
    What is the meaning behind Mark 14:50-51What is the Bible saying to me?
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sorry, above comment should read Matt 19:3-9 (not 24)
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 24:3-9 is what we need to see but most married men/women don't want to doctrinally acknowledge today. I see the verse there posted above in the 1st response stating yes; if any were to try to hold us back from serving God (this would be an extreme but it has happened)...we'd forsake all for Christ. But this chapter starts off with Jesus Christ rebuking the Pharisees challenging God's plan for marriage with Law. Men/women sometimes just want someone to justify them divorcing and going to another who is not their flesh. I hope the reason you ask these questions is not to seek divorce. Try looking at verse 9 and understand that divorce has never been and never will be in God's plan and it is adultery.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Suze much love in Christ Jesus...I think you are pretty far advanced in that you and I knew about Samuel the Levite but they didn't know...They don't even think in the spirit..And this steven s makes fun of the H.G...How sick is that....And this Chris knows nothin about the new covenant which is to everybody....I will know them ALL from the least to the greatest...Thats everybody.

    ....As Jeremiah saw ALL MEN IN TRAVAIL AND CHILD BIRTH... Jeremiah 30 : 6 kjv..Thus ALL men will be bornagain of his spirit..I will pour out my Spirit on ALL FLESH...Joel...Remember back a few months they didn't even know that the CROSS was a new covenant in his BLOOD.....Jesus plainly tells us if I be lifted up I will draw ALL men unto me..His BLOOD..But they scoff at that...They think that their works are gonna save them...Lil do they knew that this NEW COVENANT is all Jesus doings...not ours...And Chris there is only 1 thing that initiates Salvation which is the New Birth...Faith can only come by 1 thing hearing his word...And Faith is the evidence of a Birth of Christ in us.

    ....It wd make God a hypocrite if he applied the curse of that 1 st Adam to all men no exceptions mind you...But Not apply the blood of that 2 nd ADAM Christ Jesus the lamb of God to ALL MEN NO EXCEPTIONS...SEE the folly in your doctrine Chris...Thats y the scripture is saying In Adam we ALL die..But in Christ we will ALL ALL LIVE...Doncha see Chris Jesus cd not teach us to forgive ALL our debtors if he didn't forgive ALL HIS DEBTORS ALL of Humanity...AS God so loved the world that he gave his only son ..see the blood of that new covenant is for everybody....When that BOOK is opened the last day...And Steven Jesus tells us Every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire as our God is a consuming fire...And God is not a torment to them in Christ Jesus but only to the DEVILS AND HIS ANGELS...And our old adamic nature which is in rank to satan...But we are gonna birth Christ in us via that good seed.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on John 1 - 2 years ago
    This is my best guess. The name of God is the only thing that makes sense. This was His inception into the ministry; which was signified by the Spirit coming on Him as a dove; and in Matthew 4:1 immediately He was sent out into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. This showed total reliance on the Spirit in order to fulfill the supernatural plan to wage war and achieve ultimate victory over death for our sake. Since there is no clear O.T. baptism; only some parallels with the Red Sea passage in Exodus ( 1 Cor. 10:1-4). It fits in with a purification rite; a separation for God's purpose-which for Christ was to be the "suffering servant" mentioned in Isaiah 53. Since John's ministry was one of repentance; there still needed to be the Lamb of God who would die for the sake of the elect sheep.

    It is possible that nothing needed to be said when he baptized Christ. It was the end of his time living according to Mosaic law or principles; being obedient to his parents working in his father's trade until of age for priesthood. All of that was likely done with His own Divine strength; as He never wielded His power; or displayed supernatural authority for the sake of men.

    Anyway; that's my best attempt. Agape. Rich P.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Ecclesiastes 9 - 2 years ago
    Vain repetitions: There are those who would be Pharasitical that repeat a phrase; or mantra somehow trying to impress men or God with their petitions. Clearly; there is precident as with the persistent widow ( Luke 18:1) to pray without ceasing ( 1 Thess. 5:16-18).

    It should be acknowledged on our part that some prayers are answered after only one request; in fact divine occurances can occur without anyone present (as far as we know) have offered up any prayer. It is He; Christ Himself who "ever intercedes" for us ( Heb. 7:25 and other passages). We; therefore should seek to worship in the Spirit; in accordance with His will. This is accomplished through knowledge of the living Word; and often is shown scripturally to be in agreement with the covenants and promises already established by God.

    There are generally thought to be 3 ways God responds to a prayer request; namely no; not yet; or yes. The bigger problem is not why a specific prayer seems to be unmet or not responded to; but HOW God is speaking to us regarding a matter. We often focus on the result or effect of an inner problem as shown in external actions; or behaviors. We tend not to see how the Lord is using a difficulty for either our edification or that of the individual lifted up in prayer. This; of course may be wisdom that takes time to appear. If someone is a mature believer; then they are more likely to request something based on better understanding of the ways of God working in their lives. All things work out for the good for those who love God ( Romans 8:28). Our prayers for unsaved people should always be centered on their need for repentance; not ignoring their other needs.

    There is actually no Bible verse where we are asked to pray for an individual to be saved; thus a strong indication of God's sovereignty in the doctrine of election.

    Hopefully; in all this when there are things we can do for someone in need; we can take action to be an answer to prayer( James 2:16).
  • Bob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    He was dead - in the tomb - when all mankind goes at death. Dead having no conscious thought and awaiting their resurrection at the return of Christ
  • Grae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Rick , b patient and read the whole Bible , from Genesis to Revelation , that way u won't b tempted to cherry pick out verses that support one view or another . Get the whole picture from the whole Bible .
  • Grae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ha ha ha , u r going to drive us all crazy with this ! I bet some look on the internet for the answer , I won't though .
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    The concept here appears to be doing things to be seen of men. The word "reward" can be taken as the consequences of our actions; heaped up ( Psalm 91:8). This is; according to that passage so bad that we will only see it from afar. We reap what we sow; whether to the flesh or the Spirit ( Galatians 6:7-9). What is considered honorable among me is an abomination to God ( Luke 16:15-16). Our prayers are to be in secret; so that we can be seen in Matthew 6:6 that our reward is from God Himself.

    This brings up the issue of just when prayer should be corporate and when it should be private. This fits in; of course with the "good deeds" that we do to help others (let not your left hand know what your right hand doeth) Matthew 6:3-4. The whole concept here is not to draw attention to how "righteous" we are through an outer display. That gets into another verse where it states in Matthew 5:34 as well as in the book of James that we are to swear by no name; but simply say yes or no. Clearly; this needs to be taken in context; as covenants such as marriage still are in effect and other such vows. Again; the focus is to be on not being hypocrites who wish to be praised but to glorify God. Verses that indicate we are to bear one another's burdens; confess sins to one another and that in Acts where Peter was being prayed for and the prison cell opened ( Acts 12:5) surely shows how appropriate prayers are given in corporate settings. Many testimonies; however indicate how some old lady was praying for a person when in open rebellion for many years and how they changed. "The effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much" ( James 5:16-18).

    Clearly; it isn't worth seeking praise of men during this short life; which is as a vapor; when eternity awaits. Christ Himself saw the "reward" for His sufferings in bringing "many sons to glory" ( Heb. 2:10; Eph. 1:18). In the end; sin doesn't pay; and all glory goes to God. Agape-RIch P
  • Bob - In Reply - 2 years ago
  • Bob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Just FYI - they were in the ark for 1 year 17 days
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have favor energy strength and do a great job with alertness and that it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to a few times and not make mistakes ijnip amen
  • Franklin Bostonian on Exodus 32 - 2 years ago
    The People of These Time an Day Most Fear The All Might God Or Be Destroyed By God.!!!
  • Giannis - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    Dear brother.

    Let me tell what happened to me many many years ago when i was young in faith and didn't know much about the Word of God.

    Just like you i was very worrying about thoughts popping all the time in my mind. Bad thoughts about God, Jesus, the Holly Spirit etc. I thought i offended God's Spirit and i was going really mad about it. I had talks with the pastor and elders from the church that kept telling me that i didn't do anything wrong and i have to try and get rid of those thought. I wasn't much convinced and kept worrying.

    One night while i was praying before going to bed i heard a voice. It was a voice, but it wasn't really a voicy. It was not from inside me, i heard it with my ears but still wasn't like the sounds we know, not a real sound. It was a voice but at the same time it was like a snake's whistle. Hard to explain, nothing like we know. I didn't feel God's presece, on the contrary. The voice said to me. You have blasphemei the Holly Spirit. You know something? From there on i got freed in my mind. Because i thought that if the satan makes such a huge effort to convime i had done the unforgivable then it is definitely the other way around. I still struggle sometimes but i keep fighting.

    When thoughts you don't want keep popping in your mind then they are not. yours. Ignore them and order them in the name of Jesus to go away and they'll go. Stop worrying and start rejoicing. You are God's child

    God Bless You.
  • Wang - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I feel that the "Verse of the Day ", on the website everyday, is really great. Therefore, I want to know how to look for the " Verse of the Day", that if we missed before.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me and my family and all my lost coworkers
  • Marke - 2 years ago
    Many here have probably seen this before, but for those who haven't here is a riddle:

    This riddle was written by a lady in California in 1890 in response to a gentleman in Pennsylvania who said he would pay $1,000.00 to anyone who could write a puzzle he could not solve. He failed to solve this puzzle and paid the lady the $1,000.00, a great sum at that time.

    The answer is one word five letters long and appears only four times in the King James version of the bible. An 8 year old boy figured it out, can you?

    God made Adam out of the dust,

    but thought it best to make me first:

    So I was made before the man

    According to God's holy plan.

    My whole body God made complete,

    Without arms or hands or feet.

    My ways and acts did God control,

    But in my body He placed no soul.

    A living being I became

    And Adam gave to me a name.

    Then from his presence I withdrew,

    For this man Adam I never knew.

    All my makers laws I do obey,

    And from these laws I never stray.

    Thousands of me go in fear,

    But I seldom on the earth appear.

    Later, for a purpose God did see,

    He placed a living soul in me;

    But that soul of mine God had to claim

    And from me took it back again.

    And when this soul from me had fled,

    I was the same as when first made;

    Without arms, legs, feet or soul,

    I travel on from pole to pole.

    My labors are from day to night,

    And to men I once furnished light.

    Thousands of people, both young and old,

    Did by my death bright lights behold.

    No right or wrong can I conceive;

    The Bible and it's teachings I can't believe.

    The fear of death doesn't trouble me;

    Pure happiness I will never see.

    Up to heaven I can never go,

    Nor in the grave of Hell below.

    So get your bible and read with care;

    You'll find my name recorded there.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 5 - 2 years ago
    You Do Matter,

    The other day when I was reading Matthew 25:31-46, what stuck out to me, was, everyone in that moment was surprised. Some didn't think the did enough, others thought they did enough. Also Matthew 7.

    Jesus rebuked the hypocrisy within the Church. He even threw over the tables of the merchandise & money. Luke 19, John 2:13-17, Mark 11, ironically this is the week many will be selling merchandise. GOD knows those who are wrongly accused, mistreated, used. Matthew 5:9-12, John 15:20,

    Proverbs 18:1, 1Corinthians 12, Hopefully these are helpful.
  • Marke on Deuteronomy 21 - 2 years ago
    God makes a distinction between sins worthy of death and sins not worthy of death.

    Deuteronomy 21:18-22

    18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:

    19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;

    20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.

    21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

    22 And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree:

    23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the Lord thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother. Your words, from the Word of God, ought to strike our hearts with a searing iron. It certainly does mine especially when I read some comments that are so far removed from the Truth, prompting others to believe a lie.

    Many forget that the Gospel of the Cross is two-fold: one of propitiation ( 1 John 2:2: to provide a means for atonement & forgiveness by God, as well as to avert God's Anger against the sinner); and one requiring a response ( Romans 10:13,14). If the Gospel fails in both conditions, then there can be no salvation - we are forever lost in our sins. Though I've sought an answer to this several times in the past, without a response, I can only understand that there are some who believe in the first part (of God's Forgiveness), but the second part is almost inconsequential. And why so? For God is All-Loving, All-Forgiving, & all men will eventually be saved (a Universalism teaching). Why then the need for repentance in this life? Why did the apostles hazard their lives, even laying them down for the Gospel, if those enemies of the Cross would be changed & accepted by God in the last day? Where does the Bible ever speak about a 'second-chance salvation'? Why should the believer ever be called upon to live holy separated lives unto God if even the unrepentant will be saved?

    And then some consider us as believers in a vengeful angry God. And yet we have the Scriptures: Matthew 7:13; John 3:36; Hebrews 10:31; Hebrews 12:25,29; & many more showing that here is a God Who is to be feared & none can stand guiltless in His Presence. Thank you again for bringing this to light brother - it may be that others will be able to differentiate between the true & false Gospels.
  • Free - In Reply on John 14 - 2 years ago
    A big thank you to you all for these reminders, alone it is so strong and shows us the whole work of God. Hallelujah and then you "Mishael", referred to the words you usually say, "popped" it in my heart!

    Know that i love God's fellowship with all of me. And a hearty Happy Easter to you all! Love God and each other.

    Matthew 22:37-40

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