King James Bible
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Ha ha, that's funny. I will try, but i do not know how much pain meds I'll need to take and I wouldn't to make a biggie of a typo-if you know what I mean. Thank You, Earl.
I absolutely agree with you. Separation is not permited unless one goes with another woman/man. Matthew 5:31-32. But even if so remarriage is not permitted. 1 Corinthians 7:10-11.
Now the verse in 1 Corintians 7:15 . The original Greek text says word by word " if the unbeliever separates let him/her separate. The brother or sister is not enslaved INTO THESE". What this "into these" stand for. Why enslaved? Marriage is not slavory, it was blessed by God. The explanation given in my church is that it refers to sexual acts. So lets take it from the beggining." If the unbeliever wants to separate let him do that, there is no problem you not having sex, you are not enslaved to it" It is not the usual explanation but it fits with Matthew that forbids divorse no matter if man or woman are unbelievers or not, only for adultery is permitted. It also agrees to 1 Corinthians 7:10-11 that forbids remarriage.
What's most interesting here is Obadiah:10
When did Esau ever place a mortal wound on Jacob? The last time theses twins met up was in Genesis 33, and even though Jacob feared Esau would kill him, for theft of the birthright, they exchanged gifts, and parted ways.
Obadiah speaks of a future battle between these two boys, now grown up. The day of the Lord battle is the event they've been groomed for.
God will use Esau (Russia) to destroy Jacob (US, NATO, ISRAEL: The Babylonian system).
Titus 2:3-5 also is relevant here; as is 1 Peter 3:6 among other verses which show God's plan for women to be exalted.
The record of Mordecai of the attempted assault of the two chamberlains showed how the Jews were to be commended for helping with the security of the King; and this record would help the "humble to be exalted" as it were at a later date to vindicate Mordecai. (see ( Matthew 23:12). This attitude of service was repeated with Daniel in exile in Persia under Nebuchadnezzar; and Joseph in Egypt under the Pharaoh. We see a similar pattern as well with a crisis for the whole Jewish nation when the golden idol was set up; and the three men along with Daniel refused to worship it. Daniel himself ignored an edict about praying toward Jerusalem which put him in the lion's den. To be willing to die rather than serve men; Christ (the 4th man in the fire) was exalted and edicts went out that anyone who did NOT honor the God of Israel was to have their houses made into a "dunghill" ( Daniel 3:29). The edict of King Ahasuerus was also a game changer; to bring about God's preservation of His people.
Once again; a transgression that surely would have incurred a death penalty with the likes of characters such as Henry VIII did NOT result in a divorce. Keep in mind; this is a secular King. It seems fairly certain that divorce; if it did occur was quite rare and certainly didn't become widespread until some time at least in the Intertestamental era. It would seem that in a secular society such as Rome; it was vastly promulgated as apparently it wasn't all that unusual from historical accounts. It only was addressed (other than Deut. 24); once we got to the N.T.
There are questions that have been raised as to Esther's morality or lack thereof in the later chapters in the "beauty contest". Nevertheless; she became his wife. As to women with multiple husbands; it doesn't seem to be in the Bible either. It is likely that if the Queen was allowed to live; there were no longer relations; and she would be shut up in her residence as a sort of prisoner. I am not judging the validity of what went down here as to what he did to his wife but the verse in 1 Samuel 15:23 comes to mind. It is truly sad to see today how a desire for superiority has robbed much of a generation or two of women of true inner beauty; and godliness. In turn; men are more wimpy; and children rebellious.
God bless.
While reading your comments, I'm reminded of Saul. 1Samuel 10:1-12, 1Samuel 10:26, 1Samuel 11:6, even 1Samuel 19:19-24,
1Samuel 18:12
I guess that's where "we work out our own Salvation with fear & trembling" comes in. Philippians 2:2, Paul writing these also while in bonds Philippians 1, Philippians 4:23,
Even, Solomon 1Kings 11:9,
The HOLY Spirit just encouraged me tremendously & in multiple ways, reading your response!!!
I will pray the Lord watch over you and the doctors and for a speedy recovery,
God bless you and get better.
My reply was to show Kay when she said "The modern rapture doctrine was never taught by the early church. Study John Nelson Darby and a Scotish girl named 'MacDonald' from whom this theory emerged" End quote.
You said, " Spencer What you've listed is not rapture, but resurrection by the books. Revelation 11:11-12.
End quote.
However these are rapture quotes by them. again, Here's fragments of the post.
"since not even those who are alive can be taken up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air before the dead in Christ first rise."
Rufinus of Aquileia.
"to be caught up to meet God, suspended in the clouds and borne in the air."
I have been involved in several debated topics here on this site, mostly something to do with directly or indirectly to salvation.
I've read your views.
Our views are far off!!
As I said to Thomas I share with you.
1 John 5:11-13. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.
He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
When the Lord returns we all will have to give an account.
2 Corinthians 5:10.
I would love to receive one and hear this. Matthew 25:21.
I don't think I'll hear that spending all my time chasing down anymore that believes in the rapture.
But I would urge anyone to get their household ready and be watchful.
We have to be careful on how and when to engage because some find and treat the bible as 'Just" fascinating, or "Just" Interesting and treat the books as a great conversation piece.
There's no virtue in this.
I add, I have no Interest in turning this site into a battle ground over less important issues.
Are you Interested in discussing soteriology?
....God cd not tell Moses that his name was Abraham Isaac and Jacob if Abraham Isaac and Jacob were not an earthly expression of the Heavenly Kingdom...Don'cha see that Abraham had to be multiplied as the sands of the seas...That tells us that God Almighty is gonna be multiplied as the Stars of Heaven...God swore by his very self when he made that great Promise of multiplication...On the day of Pentecost Jesus said behold i send the Promise of MY FATHER UP ON YOU..Which was baptism of the H.G. the multiplcation of Jesus in Humanity ...The beginning of an Israel of God which was the children of Promise...Thats y the Sower has to go forth and sow his precious seed in US...Without this Abrahamic Trinity there cd neva have been a nation of Israel...r the Kingdom
Don't let one hand typing stop you, I only use one finger.
God bless you as you recover.
We need to examine carefully what is being said here. In Corinthians; clearly the N.T. states that an unbelieving wife should STAY in the marriage if she is so disposed; which of course would apply to the believing husband; or vice versa depending on who is of faith. The concept here is of a seductress; so to speak-whatever was drawing them to marry these foreign women was ultimately whatever entity was causing them to be attracted to someone following doctrines of demons; and making them irresistible. There appears to be no protest here of women who wish to follow the God of Israel; rather the emphasis is on those drawn away; which those influences ultimately will do if we allow them in our lives.
It needs to be noted that SEPARATION; not divorce is mentioned. Even if divorce is implied; there is NO scripture that gives permission to remarry; and also perhaps most noteworthy is that there is NO RECORD of ANY Bible character in the O.T. divorcing. This truly parallels Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:9 where those who are remarried are said to commit adultery right after the "exception clause". God is not the author of confusion; apparently contradictory texts have unified meanings; at least in the same circumstances.
LORD God, You are our heavenly Father and know our every need. We ask that You provide Alexandra success in her job and with the book she has written. We ask that You help her mother in all of her needs. We ask that You draw Alexandra's family members to Yourself, bringing them to salvation. We pray these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.