King James Bible
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Dear Lord Jesus, Brittany needs Your help in paying her rent and remaining in her home with her children. Bring good recovery to Brittany as she cares for this newborn and her other kiddos. Keep them all safe and healthy. Provide for all of their needs and help them to get on stable ground. We ask these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, we ask that You help Jim learn to communicate better with those in his sphere, especially with his wife. Guide their therapist with Your wisdom so that the therapist can truly help Jim and his wife. Give Jim's wife understanding to know Jim's personality better. Help Jim to become more outgoing with his wife so that she is able to feel duly loved and cherished. Keep both Jim and his wife from shutting each other out, but to have determination to see this time through in their marriage.
Father, we ask for Your mercy in this situation so that this marriage can be restored and remade in positive, godly ways. We ask You these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Dear heavenly Father, Jose is seeking You for healing from surgery. Make his body whole and healthy quickly. Bring to Jose employment that will allow him to provide for his family. In Your mercy, Father, hear our prayers. We ask these things of You in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Your Son, Jesus asking you to bless David and Kristie today. Help them during this time of needed intercession. Help them to overcome all that comes against them. Keep them healthy. Protect their marriage and cause them to grow in their love for each other daily. Protect them and their family, daughters, grandchildren. LORD God, David continues to petition for the salvation of his co-workers. May You bring them to You one by one by Your mercy and grace. Amen.
Oh heavenly Father, You are God over all, so we place Mary's niece into You care to heal her from covid complications and restore her to health. Clear Her lungs of pneumonia and keep her heart going strong without any cardiac problems. Bring strength to all of her body systems and restore her to good health so she can go home to be with her family. LORD God, by Your mercy help her today. We ask these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
There are two possible outcomes here; that of Manasseh who indeed humbled himself after suffering greatly and knowing that God was indeed Lord (v. 13). The resulting behaviors listed up to verse 20 show that there was a genuine conversion and that must characterize anyone who claims to have faith today. His son; Amon only had 2 years to serve and was killed by his own servants at the age of 24. (v. 24).
Testimonies are always effective; as say someone like Niki Cruz who was profoundly affected by David Wilkerson who himself put his own life in jeopardy to witness the gospel. It is only through unconditional "agape" love that we can truly "love our enemies; and do good to those who despitefully use us." ( Luke 6:27-28). It is; of course no benefit to manifesting sins so that we can later have a more dramatic testimony. God does; of course come to us "while we are yet sinners" ( Romans 5:8). We also need to be reminded of the exhortation in Ezekiel; even one sin disqualifies a rightous man ( Ezekiel 33:13). Note the man in that verse is TRUSTING in his own righteousness! These passages help to demonstrate the unity of scripture and that the God of the O.T. is the same today. There is no room for boasting; except in Christ ( Jeremiah 9:24; 1 Cor. 1:31). These passages also are stark warnings for those who have Godly examples; we are held more accountable and perhaps judged sooner than the world itself. We see this in the case of Nebuchadnezzar's progeny at the time of the writing on the wall; for example. In short; there are those who learn from chastisement who are His chosen; and others who only harden their hearts further; such as Pharaoh.
Dear Heavenly Father, we lay Mary upon Your mercy for her health. Please heal the bump on her tongue and have it be something simple that will resolve quickly. We ask that you remove all cancer from her body and keep it from coming back in any form. Thank You for the healing You have given her so far. We entrust her to Your loving care. We ask these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
I may not be posting much as my hand recovers. I don't know how much one handed typing I will actually be able to do. But i will be reading and praying for others as I recover. Thanks all.
Chris has given a good explanation of the doctrine of the Godhead (Trinity). I wish to add the following:
The Trinitarian nature of God is shown at Jesus' baptism very clearly. the Father spoke in an audible voice heard by others, not just Jesus, The Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove and rested upon Jesus, the Father claimed that Jesus is His beloved Son.
John chapter 1 speaks of the Word being with God and being God (Speaking of Jesus as the eternal Word) through whom all things were created.
There are many other Scripture references.
The Trinitarian teaching says that there is only one God, who, in his essential nature exists in three distinct Persons, but all share the one essential divine nature.
Some people adhere to a "Oneness" error that states that God is one and He reveals Himself in different modalities to mankind: sometimes as the Father, sometimes as Jesus, and sometimes as the Holy Spirit; but these are not three distinct persons. This historically has been known as Modalism and has been considered heresy across the centuries. If this doctrine was true, then all of God died on the cross. But Jesus cried out to His Father on the cross and God can never cease to exist.
Jesus, as fully God (the Son, the Word) and fully human. He, through his death, was reconciling us to God (the Father).
On the cross the wrath of God (the Father) was poured out on Jesus (God the Son and Son of Man). Jesus did not pour the wrath of God upon Himself, but His Father did.
Even though the word "Trinity" is not in the Bible, the word "Godhead" appears in Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9.
At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed to the Father and told the disciples that He would ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit. speaking of these as separate Persons distinct from Himself.
I understand that people have differing ideas about this topic. However, I also know that all doctrines about God being a Trinity or not are not all correct, only one is.
There is; of course nothing wrong for those actively pursuing work in the ministry to be supported and fed ( Luke 10:7). We should be discerning as to the financial accountability of those we support; however and aware of those attracted to "filthy lucre" ( Titus 1:11). Such behavior obviously is characteristic of those "prosperity preachers" whose mouth betrays their true intentions (out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh-( Luke 6:45). Such resources as "Charity Navigator" are helpful to demonstrate what percentages of funds are used directly for ministry purposes. The church itself; as a Body should be supporting one another as the early church; at least in some ways meeting each others needs; as well as contributing financially or using their talents for proclaiming the Good News and fulfilling the Great Commission.
We shouldn't neglect verses for laypeople to "work heartily unto the Lord."( Colossians 3:23-24). We are representing our King; much as Daniel served the king of Babylon daily during the exile ( Daniel 1:5). This was much the same pattern as with Joseph in Egypt. We are even to be faithful with "unrighteous mammon" ( Luke 16:10-11). If we can't be trusted with earthly things; how can we be trusted with heavenly treasure? There are plenty of warnings to avoid amassing large amounts of gold and silver ( Deut 17:17) which God instructed Solomon (along with many wives). Money itself; therefore is an inanimate object; but as they say if "money talks" or gets a life of it's own in our lives then it is clear that it has become an idol. Matthew 6:3 is a good read on the subject..
God told Mosses to make all things after the HEAVENLY PATTERN.
In the Old God lived in the Holy of Hollies inside the tent in the wilderness.
Then after Solomon built a temple of stone, God lived there in the Holy of Hollies.
At Christ resurrection, a new TEMPLE was built, but not by man's hands, man himself became the TEMPLE OF GOD.
The ark of the covenant was also a shadow of the HEAVENLY PATTERN.
The Old ark disappeared, but the New ark exist IN MAN, the law written in stone was contained in the Old, the law written in the heart is contained in the New.
Aaron's rod that budded, showing he was chosen to be the high priest, was contained in the Old, Christ's rod that budded, showing he was chosen to be the high priest, is contained in the New (Christ in YOU).
The jar of manna, the children's food from heaven, was contained in the Old, the word's of God, the food from heaven, are contained in the New.
The Old ark had six rings, three on each side, with a stave past through them and man was to bear the ark, in the New man still bears the ark.
In the Old the mercy seat was above the ark and the two cherubs, the glory of God above, in the New the mercy seat is above man along with the Glory of God.
Revelation 21:1 And I saw a NEW HEAVEN (man) for the first heaven had passed away ....
Hard too imagine the depth of love He has for God, as Abraham suffers the 3 days of travel to Moriah, where He will sacrifice His son!
The constant questioning , the act to do such a thing, and the conversations between Him and God!
Can you see Him on His knees as He prays asking over and over how these things can be! While Isaac watches His Father, never questioning Him.
This the time, that God the Father suffered for His son as Jesus His only begotten Son goes on too conquered sin and death.
How He must have grieved while His Son for 3 days and nights went forward for this , the same love for His Father ,the same love He has for mankind, never questioning.
No greater Love!
This is the love found in the Devine. The love that conquers all things!
This is ultimate Love found in the Father, and the Son!
How is it we do not understand such love in faith ?
Repent and be baptized
This the time, that God the Father suffered for His son as Jesus His only begotten conquered sin and death.
How He must have grieved while His Son for 3 days and nights went forward for this, the same love for His Father ,that same love He has for mankind, never questioning.
No greater Love!
This is the love found in the Devine. The love that conquers all things!
Repent and be baptized
...This is what i believe the real new birth is when we are bornagain in the spriitual realm we birth a new innerman which is the H.G. that Child of Promise which is Spirit...our new heart and new spirit a living being born in us and thats the Rapture...Jesus plainly tells us unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child ( the H.G. ) you will in no wise enter there in...Thats when we are caught away in the spirit...Thats the Rapture into the kingdom when we are really bornagain in the spirit we are gonna birth as lil Child which is the H.G. THE kingdom....Unless you receive the Kingdom as a lil Child is the Rapture...simply b/c the Child is the H.G. which is the kINGDOM.
...Paul tells some that they were come unto mount Zion the city of the living God. Hebrews 12 : 22 ..That heavenly Jerusalem, But it was only their spirits that was caught up to God and to his throne....It was only their spirits that was raptured not their fleshly bodies...Jesus plainly tells us the KINGDOM OF GOD is gonna be in with you...We don't need to go any where..Thy Kingdom come we are only Raptured in the Spirit here on this earth.
...Remember God told Moses that they cd not build an altar with steps so that their nakedness cd not be seen...If the Rapture was physical folks cd see womans nakedness...Thats y its spritual
For example a day is a year unless it says a day and night.
Its time we children of God make our voice loud, and whoever listens.
Judgment begins at the house of God ( 1 Peter 4:17). There are some; who are living rebellious lives now and whose hearts are far from Him who may identify as "Christian"; others never have identified as believers. Whether any truly Born Again individuals are "left behind" or not; it is healthy to read all scriptures. Surely not everyone who professes Christ is "praying always to be worthy to escape ALL that is to come; and to stand before the Son of Man ( Luke 21:36); nor are they like the Philadelphia church to be "kept from the hour of trial" to encompass all the world ( Rev. 3:10). The "fire" of testing our works at the Bema Seat for those who have much wood and stubble will result in them being saved but suffering loss ( 1 Cor. 3:10-11). Many clearly are asleep at this hour; but in any event those who are His will hear His voice ( John 10:27).
The focus of the Rapture tends to be skewed on individual experiences related to visions or dreams on the subject. The Body of Christ is involved in actively being present during His judgments on the earth. Psalm 91:8 shows how we shall only see the judgment of the wicked from afar. We shall rule and reign with Him after He returns ( Dan. 7:27).