All Discussion PAGE 1307

  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Dear Lord, your returning to the earth is so close, even at the door!! Come Jesus, take out the devil of the earth, give to them double of what the evil has done to your children!! Thank you for my life and my family's lives!! I repent to you all my sins to you through my mind!!! May we be worthy to sleep in the dust for your arrival!!! Amen!!! The Lord Jesus is the truth, the light and the ONLY way!!!
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Fred , another fab post from you .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Arnold for your very honest and open post . We are always surrounded by God's love . Some time , more than others in our lives , we need to really feel it . He is very close to us all , always . Never doubt Him . So many times I've needed His care , and it's been there . He is so kind to me , every day in a million different ways . He is my peace , my comfort , my strength ,my rock , my smile and my sanity , every day . I couldn't bear to live one second in these awful kingdoms of men if I didn't know that He is always with me . He loves us all very much . I hope He sends Jesus back soon . Every day , I see more pain and misery in my friends , family , neighbours and community . We need Christ so much . Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem .
  • Sharon - 2 years ago
    What does 2 Esdras 2 chapter 16:38 mean?
  • Suze - In Reply on Galatians 3 - 2 years ago
    Hi , Curious . If your nature is as your name , then you should read the Old Testament as well as the New . All your questions will be answered if you read the Old as well as the New . Enjoy and God bless your efforts .
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord God enrich Frank and Emilia marriage that they be a blessing for Your Glory. I ask that the interview goes well and this a door of opportunity for them and Your glory I ask in Jesus Christ name!

    Please consider reflecting on Romans 8:28.
  • Curious-L on Galatians 3 - 2 years ago
    What "Law" is this passage talking about and what everybody is talking about? And who gave me this "Law" that I was under or since my birth. Only law I know about is laws in America? Do I still have to keep the laws in America cause Christ died?
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 6 - 2 years ago
    Good morning Roy,

    I am glad that you are benefiting from this site so much. I am, too!

    To me, it does not matter what denomination we are here. What matters on this site to me is that we study the Scriptures and

    learn from it with the help of the Holy Spirit. We also learn from bible study with friends or church groups, from our pastors and

    teachers in our church. We also learn from sites that explain Christian viewpoints about Scripture. So, this is one avenue for us

    to learn and share Scripture, spurring one another on in faith and knowledge of Christ. We come from varying denominations.

    We don't all agree on all matters, but we try to understand each other and present our views as clearly as we are able from a

    biblical perspective. We also pray for one another and build one another up with encouragement and sincere concern for one

    another. It is a blessing to have this venue. Past generations lacked this but still were maintained in the true faith by the Holy

    Spirit, as we are.

    Glad to have you among us, Roy!
  • George W Reitz - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am ok mom passed on Monday March 28th around 1:00pm but I take comfort in the fact that I know she is with Jesus now and is no longer suffering. Of course I am grieving and going through that process but in all things I can have joy because my hope and trust is in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • David on Ezekiel 22:30 - 2 years ago
    We have allowed these things thinking that it would correct it self. But it never does. We provoke the LORD because we have forgotten HIM and HIS great blessings towards us. Though we may have taken the wrong path because of the false teachings we held too, we cannot blame the false prophets. We should have known better. Reading the Bible, seeking HIS knowledge through prayer; we will be able to discern the GODLY path and the righteousness of the LORD. Help us to stand firm in the midst of this perverse generation that we have allowed to creep into our families, communities, churches, government and society in general.

    LORD, help us fight the battle to win lost souls and prepare the hearts of many for the coming of the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST.

    I should not be asking the same thing in general: I should be the "man" YOU seek LORD. Isaiah 6:8 "then said I, here am I; send me."

    By Knowles Shaw; inspired by Psalm 126:6

    "Going forth with weeping

    Sowing for the Master

    Though the loss sustained

    Our spirit often grieved

    When our weepings over

    He will bid us welcome

    We shall come rejoicing

    Bringing in the sheaves"

    GOD bless everyone on this forum. May we be available for GOD's use. March 30, 2022
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Free I do not understand what you mean. If you mean that the armour of God is. a gift from God, yes i agree, but the armour of God is for ALL christians not for some. Generally speaking virtually everything in the world a gift from God. But when we talk about spiritual gifts we usually mean the ones described in 1 Corinthians 12. Those are gifts that work within the congregation of the church members. Of course there are other gifts, natural talents, which we can use to serve our brothers and sisters.

    The Holly Spirit does many functions. One of them is to give you His fruit. And as i know it, this happens when one is baptised in the Spirit and then is filled with the Spirit while praying That fruit love, joy, peace ... described in Galatians 5: 22-23 is not a fruit we aquire due our effords to be like that but is something that is given from God's Spirit. Well as i am not sure we are talking about the same thing I won't go any further. God bless you.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Nadine, God abides in you, and Christ at his right hand.

    God is SPIRIT, spirit is all the things that can't be seen, life, breath, mercy, truth, love, wisdom, understanding, counsel, etc.

    The Father, through Christ GIVES us all these things.

    Man is like a beast of the field, with no knowledge of the WORKS of GOD.

    Man doesn't understand that it is God, through Christ, that is doing everything.

    Christ is going to make creation understand that ALL IS OF GOD, then creation will live in perfect harmony with God, because creation will be ONE WITH GOD.

    Our time in the flesh is to come to this truth, so do, some don't, if you come to this truth, when you depart this flesh you will be in the presence of God, because you have become all the things that can't be seen, life, wisdom, mercy, truth, etc.

    This is a process that will take your entire lifetime, so keep your eye on what will be, not what is.

  • Kay - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    Hebrews 9:28

    So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

    There are only two 'comings' of the Lord given in Scripture; the first to be born of a virgin, to be our Savior.

    The second time - as conquering King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

    My understanding is, that pre-tribulation theorists then, add to scripture saying Christ is appearing three times.

    Have a grace-filled day, Spencer.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Spencer I didn't mean to offend you, i am sorry, i must admit the way i wrote was not that nice. I didnt send anything to your e mail, i just posted my answer. Once more i am sorry to made you sad. God bless you.
  • Judy Grainger on Judges 1 - 2 years ago
    It seems the israelitish tribe did cleanse the land of cananitish people. That was the reason for trouble later on
  • Tom Cooper - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for your response and input. God richly bless you!
  • Troy on 1 Kings 17 - 2 years ago
    was Elijah married to the widow?
  • Tom Cooper - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1 John 2:27

    "But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him."

    The scripture does state the anointing of God, teaches us all things. We can know all things if we abide in the "Anointing." John the Baptists," was an anointed prophet of God, and Spirit filled. He wasn't sinless or perfect, yet he didn't live a life of sin and imperfection. He operated on a different level, and on the level and Spirit of Elijah.

    The Anointing teaches us of all things," that's the key and what we as Christians need always remember.
  • Fred - In Reply on Psalms 24 - 2 years ago
    There are 2 kinds of adulteries, one committed with the heart through our eyes, and one that literally finds itself in the very act.

    Annulling the lives that once where united in faith and love.

    We are born into the image of God. His image of who He is in you and me. Not what the worlds image is , "His image".

    This same image given to us through His eternal Son ,Jesus Christ!

    If you know Him then you have the mind of Christ and will carry the same cross that He carried.

    I needn't say, that if my desire for a man where more than that for a woman, I would be castrated. An eunuch!

    Sexually abused as a child ,I find the thought repulsive, that if it were possible I would tie the milestone on those who hurt the children of God! Those who turn the truth into a lie and deny the God that Has created them!
  • Evelyn Mangum on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    What exactly does Gen 3:15 mean?
  • Tom Cooper - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother Spencer. Wonderful thoughts and scripture references. "He must increase, but I must decrease." Pretty interesting. God richly bless you for your thoughts and input.
  • Fred - 2 years ago
    In the beginning God created male and female. In the beginning God created man in His own image.

    We are created in the image of God, this image in the beginning perfect with the Father and the Son, and holy spirit.

    When Adam was given the freedom of liberty to obey or disobey, hence the fall of mankind from this Holy union between God and man.

    God in His infinite love for man would not rest with the idea that His creation would and could die without His care.

    Now once again, we have the opportunity to live in Him in the Holiness that we once had.

    This given to us through a fellowship with the creator through His son Jesus Christ.

    Try to imagine if God would have not provided us the lifeline we ALL would need ,to prevent eternal separation!

    Even so, once separated from Him, we can once again know this Holy place in and through the Son Jesus Christ!

    Abiding in the Savior will reunite this relationship, calling you into the "fellowship of your maker and redeemer"! A fellowship that can grow into what the Lord intended for all of us to become!

    Experiencing the Devine in and through Jesus Christ in this body, in this place!

    Repent and be Baptized
  • Mary Jaurequi - 2 years ago
    I'd like to pray for peace in Russia for the family and the children also for the homeless in. USA
  • Roman - In Reply on Ezekiel 33 - 2 years ago

    To be born again is to die your appointed death, then be resurrected incorruptible, like Christ.

    Christ died on the cross and was resurrected (born again) as an example for us.

    People that claim to be "born again" are mere born again sinners.
  • Paul - 2 years ago
    What does god word repent mean?
  • Ms Diane such a great person who is battling MS. Lord God bless her life father - 2 years ago
    Lord God thank you for another day thank you for life father God watch over my family my children my grandchildren my great-grand my friends the world amen
  • Steven durant on Luke 2 - 2 years ago
    where did they flee when they fled Bethlehem
  • Ardith Schuricht on Acts 4 - 2 years ago
    Thank you for the provision of hearing the chapters in Acts. I have been aware of things I have heard in the past, but how really understand them,

    I will continue to listen and grow in my understanding.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me pray for our families and our lost coworkers
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well Jim, you're doing well in keeping up with all the comments to you. And if I may continue as well.

    I don't believe any of us have a problem with Jesus being called the Son of God & the Son of Man - for so He is. From your understanding, Jesus began life only at birth, as the Holy Spirit placed the Seed in Mary (of God) & she then gave birth to a Man (of man).

    So, the passage you quoted ( 1 Cor 15:26-28) & others signifying Jesus' elevated Position & having all things subject to Him & He being subject to the Father, I would agree to as Jesus was raised from the dead as Man, ascended & at the right Hand of God, receiving worship, & fulfilling His Position in God's Design. The problem does not lie here as we agree to these things. The problem lies whether this Holy One was in an earlier 'Divine State' or not; was He part of the Godhead or only a newly created Being born in Bethlehem?

    I noted your understanding, to Adam, on the John 1:1 verse, specifically, "I'm saying that the word of God is instilled in Our Lord Jesus." And John 6:38 as well: "The Holy Spirit of God from heaven produced the manna on earth. The same with Jesus. The Holy Spirit descended on Mary and created the Lord Jesus Christ."

    To John 1:1: there are other hurdles to overcome here, viz verses 3 & 14. Verse 3 speaks of "all things being made by Him" & verse 14, "the Word (i.e. that which was with God & was God - of v1) was made flesh". So here we have Someone creating (also seen in Colossians 1:13-17) & that Word from God being given flesh. I doubt if any could avoid a clear understanding of what is being taught here. And then we have John 8:57,58, John 17:5, etc. If I avoided these verses, I could well agree with you, but Scripture taken in totality simply presents this Jesus as Someone far greater from eternity than a special sinless creation in Bethlehem. It would be interesting to learn your view on these other verses, as many others have failed to come back to me when asked of them.

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