King James Bible
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matthew 13:24-30 first the tares are gathered, and bundled to be burned, then the wheat is gathered into the barn.
john 16:33 these things i have spoken unto you,that in me (jesus) you might have peace. in the world you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; i have overcome the world.
Dear heavenly Father, we pray tonight in Jesus' name that You will deliver Sean from the evil influence of this psychic. Break the bondage that has attached to Sean's sphere of life. We speak out in the name of Jesus that You will send away from Sean all evil and that the evil beings bringing this upon him will leave from Sean at Your word, LORD. We ask these things according to Your Word and Blood, Jesus. Amen.
John said that Jesus is the incarnated Word of God, bringing "grace and truth," replacing the law given by Moses, and making God known in the world.
Howbeit, when John was imprisoned, he send his disciples to ask Jesus; if he was the one (Messiah)? The one who it is to: "Save Israel from their sins, and bringing them to God."
Question is: "What prompted John, to inquire if Jesus, was the one? Wasn't John filled with the Spirit to discern Jesus was the sent Messiah? Does Spirit filled prophet of God, know not the operation of the spirit?
I will pray for you , Kelsie, tonight.
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that You come so close to Kelsie right now and comfort her in this loss of the one she loves so dearly. Be with her as she grieves through this. I ask that you will prepare both Kelsie and this ex to become the best woman and man for the spouse that You wish for them to marry. If it be Your will, Lord, bring these two back together with a commitment based on love for you first and foremost. I ask that You answer Kelsie's desire here in the best way for both her and this ex-boyfriend. May You be glorified in each of their lives. We ask these things Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
For me, I am becoming more and more conscious of how I spend my time and weeding out fruitless activities not because I don't think I should have those that I enjoy, but because I want to be more delighted with those things that God calls me to do than whatever my hobbies may be or what I find that pleases me. It is fine to have these things, but not to be consumed by them. I guess I could say that I am in a "purging" season in my life.
I do not think that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is not believing the truth or knowing the truth and rejecting it because of the story of the prodigal son. He knew His Father and rejected the life the Father offered him and went the way of the world. He did repent and returned to a Father who forgave Him and rejoiced over him. This story tells me that people may stray from their belief in Jesus or reject the faith they were brought up in, but can be given repentance from God and turn back and be forgiven.
Also, the Israelites were told again and again to turn back to the Lord, and again and again the Israelites did repent and God accepted their repentance time and time again. With three sons who were brought up in the faith and believed in Jesus and all three having gone the way of the prodigal, I cannot say that they would not be forgiven or unable to turn back to God. These Scripture accounts tell us otherwise. Therefore I have hope for them and tell them that there is hope for anyone to turn back to God and be forgiven and restored back to faith.
I won't tell the 'long story', but I surely do know about not having much when we were kids, and always working hard and trying to be responsible with finances and taking care of things properly! The good side to not having much at times in life is that it makes you appreciate things more; it makes one able to enjoy simpler things, and to be content with less! Not having too much makes life uncomplicated too! Isn't it funny, the more 'stuff' we have, the more chaotic things feel! :)
In any case, Gigi, I have enjoyed getting to know you through your transparent, heart-felt 'conversations'! I'm so glad that I came upon this 'Discussion' page - quite by accident! i was looking up some verses, and noticed the 'button' at the top of the page and clicked on it! I've been blessed ever since! :) Praise God!
Blessings, dear sister....
Have a good evening, Adam. It is good to have a brother like you here. I am thankful for you.
Christians forsake fellowship with each other for companionship with dogs, cats, golf, sports, bars, dining out, children, grandchildren, etc. Justify yourself all you want, but it is time to be convicted by the truth. We prefer the comfort and safety of a dog companion, to a meaningful Christ-like engagement with our fellow believers.
Please consider reflecting on Matthew 11:28.
Those who deny that Jesus is God have to pervert Scripture in ways you noted. Throughout the history of the church there have been those who deny the divinity of Jesus or His humanity. These ideas have been dealt with repeatedly over the centuries and Scripture refutes these claims and the church regards these claims as grave error. And here it emerges once again in this century. You are right to equate denying Jesus divinity with one who does not believe in Him.
Your opening comments are very interesting.
The things you say of me are exactly what you are doing.
You also didn't address the passage in 1 Cor 15:45, you totally ignored it.
Luke 3:38 Adam is called the son of God. Jesus is compared to him.
He is also the son of God. The two Adams. The first one failed the second one didn't.
Jesus is now at the right hand of God and Jesus has been given all power from God.
Jesus will reign until the last enemy is destroyed and that enemy is death.
Then Jesus gives everything back to God and is subject to him. 1 Cor 15:28
You say I denied Jesus divinity. What do you mean by that? Jesus is at Gods right hand.
He is Gods son. He is in a very divine position.
But is he God? No, he is the son of God. No ware in the scriptures is he called God the Son.
Lets look at some of the scriptures you sent me.
John 14:6 Consider John 5:30, 6:38, 7:16, 14:24,31
His words were his Fathers not his own. The doctrine he spoke wasn't his. He didn't do his own will but his Fathers.
This is why Jesus said I and my Father are one. John 10:30
The Jews accused Jesus of saying he was God. Where did he direct them? Psalm 82:6-7
The scripture called men gods. They were the rulers of Israel. They were Gods representatives.
1 John 5:7 This verse is very interesting. It is not included in a number of other versions.
These are American Standard Version, Bible in Basic English, Easy to Read Version, English Standard Version, Good News Bible,
International Standard Version, Revised Version and World English Version. Why is it not included in these versions?
Jesus was sent and the one sending is greater then the one being sent. John 13:16
Jesus was in the beginning with God in that God new what man was about. Man would need a saviour.
Geneses 3:15 The seed of the woman. Before Abraham was, I Am.
Scripture gives us much information about what will occur during the end times. Look up what Jesus says about it in Matt. 24; Mk. 13. Lk. 19. There are a large numbers of prophetic verses about the end times in the OT and NT, especially in Revelation.
For me, I study the Scriptures to learn what is said there about the end times. I heed the words of Jesus for us to be know the signs of the time, be watchful, ready, waiting, looking for Him, prayerful, and to have faith that endures to the end. I stay abreast of what happens in our world to see if there are things happening that may be fulfilling what Jesus said or other prophecies. But even more so, I chose to live godly life in this wicked age and to set Christ aside in my heart so as to be ready to give an answer to any who inquire about the hope I have within me, which is Jesus Christ, our hope of glory.
We still need to continue to work and provide for ourselves and our families even if it should prove that we are in the end times. We are to continue to do (while it is still day) the work God has tasked us to do for the kingdom until He returns. We are to continue in doing good to others, worshipping with other believers, engage in our sphere of influence, care for those in need in our communities according to our abilities, and everything we would normally do if it didn't seem like the end times.
Right now, our world is in a precarious position as it has been in the past century with two world wars and other regional conflicts. We have had prosperity in past decades but now with covid effects and inflation rising, our economic situation is unsettling. With weather events such as recent tornadoes and hurricanes along with other catastrophes like earthquakes, drought, famine it seems that our world is in a spiral. But that does not mean equivocally that we are in the end times, as history shows that humanity has gone through great tribulations before. But it doesn't mean we are NOT in the end time
So, if you do not like dogs or any other animal, that is your prerogative, but to God, every creature He created was created good before Him.
God Bless You, Julian
In biblical times, they were not domesticated like today. They were not welcome into homes and ran around in packs scavenging and being brutal to other creatures and humans.) But now, thousands of years later, dogs have been breed for many purposes for mankind. They are loyal and good companions to many. I do not like it when dogs jump up on me, growl at me, run at me, etc. but I don't mind well behaved dogs. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion about dogs. i am just not sure that the Bible expressly forbids having dogs as pets. Maybe you know of a Scripture that speaks to this.
Isaiah 26:19 Thy dead men shall live, with my dead body shall they arise ......