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Matthew 10:38-39
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
Matthew 16:24-25
24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If anymanwill come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
This concept is so important that Jesus said these nearly identical words at least twice. When Jesus said this the disciples had no idea what He really meant to the point that Peter later even tried to rebuke Jesus over it. However, by the time these words were written in Matthew's Gospel the Holy Spirit had been given and the disciples understanding had been so changed that virtually all of the Apostles were violently killed for Christ. Jesus calls us to follow Him all the way and He was always up front that He demands our willingness to submit to our own deaths for His sake like He willingly submitted to His death for our sake. He overcame the world and so must we.
So count the cost and follow Him. And if anyone says it is either us or them to try to scare us or anger us over anything in this world to tempt us away from Christ's true calling of the cross, Christ has shown us the response we must give them. "Get behind me Satan
So, I speak from this background as well as from the Word.
In you comment, you said Christ would raise them up the last day.
Manuel, the ones that God gave to Christ to be priest in the kingdom were resurrected with Christ.
Revelation 20:6 Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, on such the second death hath no power, but they shall shall be priest of God and Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.
When you depart this flesh, in the twinkle of an eye you will put on immortality, and reign with Christ.
This ONE DAY (as a thousand years) began on penecost, when we could have the SEED indwell us. You WILL BE the exactness of Christ.
Luke 20:35 But they (the ones God gave to Christ) which shall be worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection of the dead .....
Luke 20:36 Neither can they die anymore (you died on the cross): for they are equal unto the angels (you become a ministering spirit); and are the children of God, BEING THE CHILDREN OF THE RESURRECTION.
What Jesus taught that we should be doing every day, in one form or another.
To ignore this teaching, is to be unwise. Every person can do something: pray for it, fund it through a ministry that does it; or you do it.
This is what the Lords Sheep do.
only goats will jump up and proclaim, I'm not having anything to do with this !!
Why do we do it? Because Jesus himself demonstrated it, some way, every day of his ministry on earth. Before he left, he taught that we were to be merciful and kind in His Place. He will repay.
Someday, at the Bema Seat Judgement of Christ Jesus; rewards will be handed out; CROWNS.
At the end of the Ceremony we will place our crowns at Jesus's feet.
Let me tell a real story. One night I was in a left turn lane , headed home. It was quite long. I saw a homeless man dressed in rags, hobbling along with sore feet. His shoes were falling apart. His face etched with pain, every step. We turned left, turned around to find the man and buy him new shoes and clothes. We searched but couldn't find him! Anguish filled my heart.
Some months later I was at the doctors office-and for some reason I told him about that man. His expression was incredulous. He had seen the man too! He was in the right turn lane and followed to where he could offer him a ride. HE TOOK THE MAN to a store and bought him clothes, a coat, and good shoes. Got him into a shelter. Shortly after he did free surgery on the man's feet. He had befriended the man afterwards.
What a blessing to hear!!! I cried and praised God all the way home. When God speaks, if we will just listen and respond; we can be part of a blessing. God will repay you. There are feeding and clothing ministries somewhere near you. Help those who need so much and in the spirit of love and mercy_not judgment or loathing. Have you ever put a bag of canned meat and veggies on an elderly persons doorstep? Start a food pantry at your church? shoes+socks?
Christians must forsake wealth. Yes and no. What Luke 14:33 says in simple wordords is that we must put away anything that becomes obstacle in our way to Heaven. That maybe wealth, a person, my own plans for life, my desires etc. IF THEY ARE OBSTACLES, IF NEEDED.
Christians cannot work for money Not right. See Thessalonians 3:11-12, Acts 20:33-35, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 etc.
Christians do Not pay taxes. Not right. See Romans 13:6-7
Christians travel and trust in God for daily food. Not right. Where do you get that travel? Birds fly all the time because this is how they find food, they just not sit on a branch expecting for food to drop from heaven. the same with people, they must go and find a job and work (and God will help them), they should not sit on their bench expecting God rains money from above. Yes trust that God that will not let us down to meet our material needs.
Christians live together 24/7. Ye and no. That was the case in the Jewish christian church, BUT it was not in the gentile churches in Thessalonika, Berea, Corinth, Ephesus...
Christians give to the needy in secret. Thats right
Women can be leaders in the church . Not quite. The Ancient church did not allow women to teach or preach. See 1 Timothy 2:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. And if somebody argues that Paul was oldfashioned like the whole world at that time, well as far as i am concerned i wouldn't dare disagree to apostle Paul.
If you are a Christian you own nothing in this world. Not right. So far in the history of Christianity there have been the medieval gospels of poverty and nowadays gospels of prosperity. They are both wrong. The Christian is a normal balanced person. We live just like aill the other people but without sin and not forgetting that our citizeshipis is in Heaven.
Christians are nonviolent Thats right
Christians forgive as much as they can. Thats right. Even our enemies with the power and grace of God
God bless u
Thank you for sharing that. I'm a little late on my reply. I agree with everything you wrote.
I cringe when I see things posted that aren't in alignment with scripture posted for others to see and possibly be deceived by. It seems like more and more, creative new-agey-type deceptions are coming out. Some of it seems like attempts to repackage and reinterpret scripture to appease the evil woke culture. Doctrine for itching ears just as you said- which apparently was an issue in the early church days too. I don't claim to be an expert on all subjects and want to have humility to admit if I'm wrong in my interpretation of something, but after reading scriptures several times through, the false teachings sometimes jump out and are so obvious, but somehow not to the person spreading the false info. I believe satan is active, loves to deceive everyone, and we must stay in the Word, keep our armor of God on and pray for protection from false teachings.
God bless you.
Type the scripture in question like this:
Ezekiel 1:1, teaching
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As to details; the Lord can show you certain things. Also Satan has his own "visions and revelations" which can parallel those of God especially as the Day of the Lord draws near. He simply is going to convince the world that a utopia is coming (immortality; freedom living any way we want; etc) with us out of the way (i.e. after the Rapture). He may very well say that WE are those abducted by UFO's (i.e. snatched up) and that he has come (through Antichrist) to establish control; peace etc (much like the New Age people are stating). One of the more important things is to ask God to reveal to you what is deception; that may remain either in your soul or that is prevalent throughout the world system and controlling people who are blinded ( 2 Cor. 4:4).
We should keep in mind that the media pundits along with the elite have been trying to establish the "New World Order" which Biden mentioned last weekend and Bush did back in the early 90s. It basically shows on the back of a dollar bill the plans that secret societies have had since 1776 (Novus Ordum Seclorum) with Annuit Coeptis (the year that the New Order of the Ages began). The restriner has held back the man of sin for now ( 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). That would be the Spirit working as it is in the church today; as the "gates of hell will not prevail against it" (the church- Matt. 16:18). However; the saints will be overcome in the Trib. according to Rev. 13:7 and also in Daniel.
Agape. Read the Word!
The Deep State has been absolutely shredding the Constitution.
Now, President Biden is further empowering the Deep State bureaucracy to undermine everything we've fought for. We're your last line of defense in court.
We caught Biden's White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki red-handed in a BIG COVER-UP trying to "shut down" key information from the public. We won in federal court, forcing the Biden Deep State to give us the emails.
IN JUST TWO DAYS, the Biden Administration will FINALLY be forced to answer us in court.
We're directly battling the Biden Administration in over a dozen active lawsuits in federal court, and we're already preparing our next round of lawsuits, with two more FOIAs filed in the last week. But the Biden Deep State is desperately trying to get our cases DISMISSED. We must be getting close to SOMETHING BIG.
[contact ACLJ dot com to sign petitions daily]
Radio program on FM Radio, YouTube and Rumble
1 Corinthians 9:1-18.
Apostle Paul clearly states that God gave the right who they teach the Gospel to live from the Gospel. But Paul denied that privilege and worked with his own hands to meet his and his accompanions' needs although sometimes he accepted help from the churches he established. i.e Thessalonians.
Acts 20:32-35
During the meeting with the elders from Ephesus he suggests that they follow his example.
So yes the right to live from the church is given by God (but nowhere in the New Testament that right is defined as 10%, on the contrary everybody may give anything he wants, 2 Corinthians 9:7) but the best thing is to follow Paul's example.
In the congregation i attend, the bishop, the elders and the deacons have a job to live from and get nothing from the church. The members of the church give every Sunday anything they want and can to meet church's expences. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Finally being a bishop IS NOT AND SHOULD NOT BE A PROFFESION just like all the other ones to live from.
( Luke 6:22-23). We are; in fact to be "happy". Now; there are only 3 options for this; we are sadists and like suffering; or we are lying in saying this; or we are living in the Spirit. We are told to "rejoice when others rejoice; weep when others weep." ( Rom. 12:15). This has to do with aligning our will with obedience in serving the Body of Christ.
In general; when we look at the behaviors of all unregenerate men shown in scripture; we see the downfall due to emotions getting the better of people. We; of course have Christ who showed compassion; and on at least 2 occasions he ransacked the Temple due to jealousy for the House of Prayer which was made a den of thieves. This was prophesied in Jeremiah 7:11 and listed as an event in 3 of the Gospel accounts. We also see God laughing at the calamity of the wicked ( Psalm 2 and repeated in several other passages). God has been shown in scripture with seemingly impulsive anger in Exodus when Moses acted to intercede His wiping out all of Israel; and yet He held to the Covenants made with them. He returns to judge in Armageddon; as prophesied in Isaiah 63:3 He tramples the winepress in fury and anger. God's wrath against the wicked is ongoing; continual and eternal for the unregenerate. We do well to live for His Kingdom and conform our emotions accordingly.
Those who will be most prepared, will make Jesus their leader and Lord now. Information in the Bible has been available for 2,000 years.
Father God has had an end of time program in place for all these years. 2 Peter 3. That explains what people call "global warming."
Political people are attempting to stop Gods plans for the end of time. Time (ticking of the clock) began over 6,000 years ago. There are "thought leaders: Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Obama, are trying to convince people that human beings can STOP God's known Will for the future of Earth. We will have a future, but we must choose Jesus NOW. He wants to save us and give us a home in the future.
Thought leaders cannot stop God. Their plans for all mankind leads to slavery to their ideas on how to save the earth; which will not prevail.
God created all we see and know. He loves us!! He gave Jesus to rescue only those who place their future in his hands. EVERYBODY is invited to place their futures into The Father and the Son's hands. Faith is not really blind. God gifted us the ability to choose our futures: what we would have or have not. Choose evil or good (God).
God knew mankind would choose leaders that would take us straight to hell: depending on them instead of God. TIME is ticking down to the end. Now we see the prophesies of the END appearing. Thought leaders cannot kill God, so they will kill His creation and the people who live in it. Technology who will create a WORLDWIDE Bank will be the way they do it. They will force us to renounce God to get at our money.
The only way to survive this is to put your faith, solidly, in Jesus now. Find the BECOME A BELIEVER link and secure your future. Return here for encouragement. Beloved, read the Bible and grow your Faith, every day.
Isaiah 6:12 And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the land.
Isaiah 6:13 Yet in it (the land) shall be a TENTH, and it (the TENTH) shall return (with Christ), and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, an as an oak, whose (Christ) substance is in them (the TENTH), when they (the TENTH) cast their leaves: so the HOLY SEED (Christ) shall be the substance thereof.
Revelation 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bear twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Ezekiel 20:49 Then said I (Ezekiel),Ah Lord GOD! they(scriptures) say of me (Christ) Doth he (Christ) not speak parables?
Matthew 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitudes in parables; and without a parable he spake not unto them:
First - let us remember the Syro-Phonecian woman who asked Jesus to cast the devil out of her daughter. Jesus at first denied her request, saying that He was come to first seek the lost sheep of israel. She responded, "even the puppies get the crumbs that fall from their Master's table." Jesus did not upbraid her, saying something like, "Puppies shouldn't be in the house in the first place!!" :)
It's true that some 'dogs' of the wild type are sly, cruel and savage. Those would be more of what would describe evil people!
Dogs in homes are domestic animals. This is a sad commentary in our day that people don't understand this. They neglect their dogs, or dump them on the street, thinking they can forage for themselves! That is absolutely false! Domestic canines cannot survive well on their own. They become sick, they become prey for animals; they become prey for evil people.
Like other domestic animals, they are part of the class of creatures that we are to be stewards of. I have seen countless cases of dogs being rescued who have been so neglected; their fur was left unwashed and uncut - and the poor creatures literally become encrusted with feces, urine, and parasites. I remember one case of a little dog whose matted fur entangled the front paw so bad that it cut off circulation and the limb had to be amputated. Is this the way the Great and Good Creator would want His creatures taken care of? I can't believe that!
I have a son who has been sick for 20 years, pretty much home bound, unable to get out to socialize and make friends. His pets add brightness and laughter and companionship to his painful days. They also serve as watch dogs and caregivers! One day my son fell - and it was his pup that alerted me to it! I thank God for these little helpers!
God bless!
The Psalmist presented this question rhetorically. Here, both occurrences of "hate" translate from the same Hebrew verb root (transliterated "sane"; pronounced "saw-NAY").
Both "hatreds" are personal, hating GOD's enemies' personally and their very existence. The wicked intensely hate the PERSON of The LORD. Responsively, the Psalmist hates the person who hates The LORD. The grammatical verb patterns affect the interpretations.
The hate of the Psalmist is a Qal stem verb, meaning the action is a simple fact without further description of degree. The same Psalmist expressed the same sentiment in another Psalm ( Ps. 31:6):
"I have hated them that regard lying vanities: but I trust in The LORD."
The hate of those that hate The LORD is a Piel stem verb, meaning they hate more intensely and intentionally. The wicked hate aggressively and act out their emotional hatred with violence when they "rise up" (v.21) against The LORD.
In The New Testament, CHRIST commanded Christians to respond to hatred with love, blessings, good deeds, and prayer ( Mt. 5:44; Lu. 6:28). Yet, Christian love and hate do not mutually exclude one another. A true, mature, spiritual Christian is equipped to love and hate the wicked simultaneously and equally.
Due to the enemies' thorough wickedness (v.19), and of their expressed ill-use of The LORD's PERSON and of HIS NAME (v.20), and of their hatred toward HIM, obviously the next expectation is their hostile rebellion and forceful attack against HIM ("rise up against"; v.21).
The qualifying term "perfect" in the expression "perfect hatred" (v.22) is synonymous with "complete" and "absolute". They were the Psalmist's "enemies" because they hate The LORD (v.21).
I would keep my face buried in the floor of the earth with such humiliation of the world and what we are and what they did to him. I am crying now. I would not be able to look up at The Face Of The Lamb As He was,(slain). Him Knowing and sacrificing Himself for my sins yesterday and that day, I out of such humility, would not feel worthy to look upon Him. I so Love LJesus , My Lord, My God, My King, My only salvation.
Looking at Jesus and knowing what pure evil that He took on from the beginning to the end of the world. Really think about that.
Just not being crucified, they, His own People denied Him and acted and watched and spit and called him vile, filthy names, and beat and tortured Him so viscously, beyond recognition, like no other man in the world. He took all that and Jesus could have bailed out. And His Father in Heaven had to watch and could have ended the vile abuse at any time but did not. "For God So Loved The World". Him ransomed 4 us.
Nether Jesus or His Heavenly Father bailed on the world. They should of.
The world is more vile than ever.
I Have committed almost every sin in the Scriptures. But one I have not. I have not Denied My Father in Heaven nor Jesus, The Selfless Lamb.
This kills my heart! For my sins and the sins committed against then and to Him today. I am not worthy. The world is not worthy.
But I want to believe that Jesus would lift my chin and just say with out words, that I am His and He gets Me as He created me. He Knows i love Him. I am seeking His Heart today.
But each day He sees and knows that i seek His Heart like a little child. " I know your heart, I created it. When you cried out, why did I give you that big heart and big shoulders and why you suffered from so
Many and so much , from a little one on,
"Because, you gave those gifts to all." I will see you soon and Keep seeking my Heart. I still Love You." I pray He says.