All Discussion PAGE 1331

  • David A. - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me, please
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes do it dear "Erika Davis", you will not regret a second!

    A few years ago i made an apology to the Lord. Today i can not say this to Him. And the blessings come in turn, dear. I see the things happening around me that it is the Lord Jesus. Lord Jesus, take my heart i surrender everything to You, Amen.

    Ephesians Chapter 3 God bless us all in Jesus Christ holy Name above all other names, Amen.
  • Chris - In Reply on Hebrews 13 - 2 years ago
    I believe you're looking at Hebrews 13:13 Manyele; "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach."

    As you may know, the Letter to the Hebrews was written mainly for the Jews who turned away from Judaism & towards Christ. So we get many references to Jewish beliefs & practises, showing to these new believers how Jesus fulfilled the Scriptures & was God's perfect Sacrifice for them & all mankind. And here in Hebrews 13, we get another glimpse to this in verses 10 to 15.

    As in the old days of sacrificing animals on the altar for the sins of the people, the Hebrews writer here speaks of the special sacrifice that was made on the Day of Atonement. On that day, the bullock & goat were sacrificed on the altar but only their blood was used for sprinkling on the Mercy Seat & horns of the Altar; the flesh of these animals were not eaten as in some other sacrifices, but were taken far away from the Tabernacle & their carcases burnt. You can read about this part in Leviticus chapter 16.

    So in Hebrews 13, the writer states, that as the burnt offering was then taken outside the camp for complete burning, so too Jesus fulfilled this great Act of Atonement when He too was crucified outside Jerusalem, at Golgotha. And His Blood that was shed there, was pleasing to His Father (as was required with the animals' blood in the Tabernacle), showing that only through His Son's Blood & faith in His Sacrifice, would God accept those who come to Him.

    Therefore, knowing what Christ did for us, & that there can be no fence-sitters or those looking at Jesus from afar (as Peter did in Matthew 26:58), the Hebrews writer urges the believers' complete identification & faithfulness to Jesus by joining Him 'outside the camp' - and if we do so, we too might suffer hatred as He did and we must do so gladly, for "here we have no continuing city, but we seek one to come"; that is, our citizenship is in Heaven. May we live this life with such a sure hope ( Philippians 3:20).
  • Free - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 2 years ago
    Hi dear "MoniqueJ", first of all: All the gifts of God are good. In Forgiveness, in the Lord's prayer, for example, we ask and leave our debtors. It is healing. And in the Light that has cast out all darkness, there is healing in it. Jesus Is the Light of the World. Imagine when the Apostles received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost: Acts 2:4, Ephesians 3:14-21 Then they all got a huge extra power. They all understood that. Jesus had said to them: Luke 9:1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. It is not so of the human heart, but of the Holy Spirit who moved in by faith in Jesus.

    Believe for your own sake, John 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

    12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    Imagine the grace we have experienced and begin to know the Lord here on Earth! It constantly overwhelms me
  • Marcusdalegend on Ecclesiasticus 10 - 2 years ago
    How are you?

    This is a great reading source of material and ought to be published widely so people can get the truth and read it thoroughly as in Holy Bible canonized scripture.
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Belinda , remember the parable of the prodigal son ? If you read it carefully , as soon as the Father sees his son returning in the distance , he runs out to meet him . He doesn't wait for him to get to him . So for every one step the son takes toward his father , his father has ran four paces closer to his son . It's the same for us . God is only ever a thought away from us . When we make the effort to get to know Him by reading His Word and saying our prayers to Him and trying hard to put into practice the life choices that would be acceptable to Him then He pours His blessings on us . Whatever effort we make towards Him He rewards us much more than we could ever imagine in so many different ways . All we have to do is submit to Him and trust Him and wait . Christ is coming and he wants you !
  • Grae - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There's nothing more beautiful than God's creation , all the things that man has done can't compare to blue skies , fluffy white clouds and warm sunshine on your face , nothing better , enjoy Alex , much love in Christ .
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Pray for all of us in Texas with tornadoes and floods everywhere.

    Sometimes I watch: A Call To Anguish by David Wilkerson on YouTube. He's been gone a long time now, but I get mail from his son, Gary, who is continuing the ministry.

    David's sermons are still alive and motivating me when the cares of life crowd in and sap the energy to be brave and speak to anyone who will listen.

    I buy CHICK TRACTS online. Everybody loves them. On good weather days I go over to Goodwill, Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart; and drop a tract on the ground in the garden depts.

    Everybody loves a comic book and pick them up. ( I watch sometimes from a distance.

    Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to bring the right person to where you left tracts. :)

    Walmarts have McDonalds inside the store. It's easy to start a conversation over coffee. "Can you believe all the crises going on now? (I never encourage political rants.)

    I might say, I think maybe all that stuff my pastor speaks on might be true all the trouble in the world? Just drop a line and see if they'll pick it up.

    We are fishers of men and women; teenagers.

    I trust the lead of the Holy Spirit. If we are available, He'll use our skills. Sometimes I say, " if you could ask God any question, what would you ask? The worst that will happen, is they will smile and excuse they must get back to work.

    Wilkerson's sermons always get my mind straight.
  • Free - In Reply on Hebrews 13 - 2 years ago
    Hi dear "Manyele wilson", in this letter it is possible that it was Paul or/and Barnabas who wrote. Paul knows we had great revelations. And he struggled always a lot with the Jews because they wanted to hold on to their legal deeds in which they were brought up. So it seems like that's what's coming out here.

    The only worthy Sacrificial Lamb is and remains Jesus Christ forever and ever.

    There will never be anything else that was worthy of God the Father Himself.

    He loves us. With Eternal Love.

    We have so much to be thankful for!

    Ephesians 3:8 Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;

    9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:

    10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

    11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:

    Stay blessed in His Holy Name Jesus Christ, love u all.
  • MoniqueJ on Psalms 92 - 2 years ago
    To god be the glory.. praise the most high...i would greatly appreciate it if i could get some verses sent to me ...on healing forgiveness repentance..reading on marriage
  • Manyele wilson on Hebrews 13 - 2 years ago
    To go outside to jesus what does it mean? Kindly elaborate more at length .
  • Marilyn - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Kay, you have blessed my heart. I had a similar experience. I sought God's answer about why I was always experiencing nightlly dreams about attending college (which I did 40 years ago) or working as a nurse. (I am now retired) I felt in my Spirit that God was correcting me. I always saw myself as a college grad and nurse, that wasn't ME. That was just my profession. I now know that I am complete in Him. I too, am not to look back. thanks for sharing.
  • Jeff C Jackson - 2 years ago
    I would like prayer for me and my partner we are dealing with some issues that God knows about and we want him to guide us back to him and be in perfect peace and happiness help find our back to him amd truly have happiness in our hearts and harmony our life wake up and feel happiness and live love whole heartly amd guide us to him and a fellowship that we can attend so we have teaching of his word and just want to feel love in our hearts not by someone but by God to fulfill it and be blessed that we are alive and breathing his word and his name let him guide down the right path amen
  • Lena - In Reply - 2 years ago
    God always make a way, Amen
  • Erika Davis - 2 years ago
    Asking for prayer to strengthen my Faith and my family.Praying to feel the present of God's in my household,my family and every area's of are life.
  • Erika Davis - 2 years ago
    I'm having a hard time writing down what I need in my life.Should just let God take control and stop controlling the process?
  • Erika Davis - 2 years ago
    MATTHEW 6:8

    8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.

    My question is are Father know what you need before praying about it.They when you pray for the things you need sometimes you receive it or never receive anything. I have prayed for thing as as single parent and no answer. I started questioning my Faith at times. I going through a question time now with adult child and still single.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Dennis. The comment that you read, referring to Jeremiah 6:20, is likely the writer's thoughts expanded to include the Christian's stance before God today. What was spoken against Jerusalem in those early times, she who failed to listen to the prophetic Word (v17), refused to "walk in the old paths" (or, live according to God's Directions for them) (v16), & who couldn't even blush for all the abominations that they were committing (v15); all these sins, & more, were before God's Face & He would deal with them.

    Yet, in spite of their sins, they had the audacity to offer burnt offerings & sacrifices to God for their sins (v20), when they had no intention of forsaking their sins & their pitiful condition. This is what is termed as 'hypocrisy': their hypocritical behaviour might appease their consciences & they might appear as devout to others, but God, Who looks on the heart, only saw a greater wickedness - sin being compounded by useless penitence & offerings.

    We can note a similar warning given by Isaiah to Jerusalem much earlier ( Isaiah 30:1, "Woe to the rebellious children, saith the LORD, that take counsel, but not of me; and that cover with a covering, but not of my spirit, that they may add sin to sin"). And you can read the rest of that account in that chapter.

    So, the comment you read in your Bible, was the writer's application to Christians today: not to think that our offerings of worship & service to God & to others have any merit, unless we first have a true faith in Christ Jesus, His Spirit living within us, & our lives showing forth God's Graciousness to us by living holy & acceptable lives to Him. Choosing to live a life of hypocrisy negates all that - all that which is wicked before an all-seeing God.
  • Nsono Jos - 2 years ago
    I am learning so much, blessings
  • Nsono Jos - In Reply on Romans 10 - 2 years ago
    This is succinct! It takea just to confess and believe! Behold what manner love the Father has bestowed on us!
  • Amy - 2 years ago
    Please pray for the pain in my tooth to go away forever and that the dentist could give me some good news tomorrow
  • Ty - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In Greek there were multiple words for our modern usage of "hell."

    Gahenna, Hell, Lake of Fire

    Try also;

    Sheoul, Hades, the pit, the outer darkness and the abyss. Among others.

    My apology for such a short reply. If you search these words I believe it may help tremendously.

    God Bless!
  • Ty - In Reply on Luke 2 - 2 years ago
    Carol Ann,

    In current culture the term "woman" can/is, at times, be used in a derogatory manner.

    In the time of Mary a "woman" was simply a woman.

    Most importantly, Jesus also called to Mary as "woman," on the cross.

    "Woman, behold, thy son!"

    As pure as saying father or mother, with respect.

    Hope this helps! God bless!

  • Bryan f stokes - 2 years ago
    Explain what God meant in Genesis when He said my spirit will not always strive with man.
  • Roman - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Ezekiel should have asked God to use herb. The Israelites used hallucinogens during ceremonies. Most all theologians will confirm this ritual. Perhaps mushrooms were growing in the cow dung...

    The ancients did a lot of strange things. Before battle, a king would kill a calf, cut it open, and "look in the liver". If it was healthy, he would win the battle. Ezekiel 21:21

    The OT is so underrated, and under read; glad to see you're talking about it so well.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Dear Lord, please help our family, please put the hedges back up around my home!! The evil one is preying on my mate and I!!! Please help me to keep IT out of my home, slam that door in ITS' ( devil) face!!!! Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my prayers and all Your blessings!!! You are a loving God easy to be praised!!!! Glory to You oh Lord!!!! Amen!
  • Carol Ann Pallonetti on Luke 2 - 2 years ago
    There was a statement that was made by Jesus to his Mother when she finds him in the Temple and states your Father and I were filled with worries. Jesus says to his Mother in Reply " Women do you not see that I am in the Hiuse of my Father!! Was this not be Disrespectful to his Mother???
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Who are we a bond servant to? Jesus is our God and we are His servants, not IT( the devil) nor our crooked government, nor anything that is unrighteous in the sight of our Lord Jesus Christ!!! We tend to push Jesus aside when we fear the world which the Lord gave us to live and prosper! Instead, we have evil driving us to sin against Him for their destructive purposes!!! No fall out shelter will hide anyone from Jesus Christ!! He knows all minds and hearts for He created us for His own purpose!! People believe that we evolved from monkeys!!! That's a lie!! Genesis 2:7 KJV read it!!!
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In context James 4:1-10 is dealing with wars and fights among Christians that disrupt and divide the church. He attributes it to lusts that war in our members. We crave for things that we cannot have, both because we don't ask God for them and when we do ask we He refuses our requests, because they are wanting to give in to our lusts. Lusts within leading to fights make us Adulterers or Adulteresses trying to be just like the world, which acts as God's enemy.

    James reminds us that the Spirit is within us and strives against such desires, since God will jealously claim those who are joined to Him. Yet the Spirit also gives us more grace. The Spirit simultaneously resists our pride and gives us grace when we start to humble ourselves. James then says that as we submit to God in humility the Spirit enables us to turn His resistance to the proud against the devil, who is above all proud, so that he must flee.

    Now that brings us to the verse your question is about. The word "nigh" means "at a short distance away". As the devil flees at the sight of us humbling ourselves, rejecting his wicked pride and distancing us from him, the distance between us and God grew shorter and God moves toward us.

    However, the grief and betrayal of Adultery must still be acknowledged and faced in repentance to bring true restoration. Adultery has to be put away from us by acknowledging we are sinners in what we've done and that we've acted as double-minded cheaters against our true love. Real grief at the relational harm we've caused is appropriate and necessary in the face of Adultery. But God promises that if we present true humility before Him like this, He will forgive our sins and lift us up to enjoy His everlasting love again.

    Read Hosea. That book gives God's view of friendship with the world as Adultery and Hosea has to act out God's jealous love and grace in the face of that kind of betrayal from the wife God called him to marry. That is what James is talking abou
  • Carleton - In Reply on Proverbs 17 - 2 years ago
    Thank you Kay for your meditations and thoughts! I myself am a member of at least a part of the visible Church. We are many congregations and united and undivided in our love toward Christ as our head and we confess a love toward his doctrines that we read in the New Testament. It is our desire to adorn his doctrines in our lives by grace. We also love one another. It was another brother who has passed into eternity that inspired my recent meditations.

    Stay encouraged!

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