All Discussion PAGE 1333

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Ryan

    I will pray for these groups today. Dear Lord Jesus, Entrusted Legacy and Consult4Kids wishes to impact young students with after school help and tutoring. Cause these groups to proper in the work You have commissioned them to perform. Guide the leadership and staff to operate their work in godly, pure heart ways that honor You and bring needed assistance to young students. We pray these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Gabriel,

    I will pray for you and Gabby today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, Gabriel continues to contend for his marriage to Gabby. Hear his prayers and restore this marriage. We ask these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • Marie - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for the comment. I was also curious where the name Jehovah really originated, too. I've read that Yahshua is a Hebrew name. So I'm also curious about this.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Proverbs 6 - 2 years ago
    Dear Mary, I will pray for your requests today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, Mary is lifting up those in her family who have turned away from You. Turn them back to faith in You, Lord. Bring conviction on each heart and the grace of faith in them to bring them to repentance and a secure turning back to You with all of their hearts. We ask these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Donna, I will pray for you today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, We ask that You will allow for Donna to return to college in May to be able to complete what she has begun. Provide all that is needed to bring this about, finances, etc. We ask these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Baptiste, I will prau for your requests today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, Baptiste is holding up these requests to You again today, Please bring answers to each and every one. We lift up Rachel, Lord, bring her to faith soon. We ask these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Seibert, I will pray for you today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, Seibert needs a new roof and is unable to pay for one. Please supply this roof to him before it leaks or does damage to his home. Cause some to be generous with their time and skills to perform this job for Seibert. Supply the needed materials as well. We ask these things in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • JENNIFER SPITZER - 2 years ago
    Please please please pray that I am healed of dizziness and I'm not dizzy when I go to work tomorrow and I am completely healed ijip amen
  • Shirley Cunningham on Isaiah 41 - 2 years ago
    I need someone to pray for healing of my back.

    I have fractured vertrabates. Then fell. I can't take pain pills.i have a pinched nerv in my back and it is killing me. Please pray for healing. Thank you!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes Kay

    As one who grew up in poverty, I know what it is like to have little and much as far as necessities being provided and then some. I do think that we are headed for a time when our reliance on worldly prosperity will be shaken, as it should be. But I do believe that God is able to keep us from falling. But, as you said, we need to be firmly rooted in Christ, believing that in Him we have all that we need, for He owns everything! We can learn to seek Him for our daily needs and be thankful for His provision more than we ever have before. For me, now that I am retired, I am reassessing my lifestyle once again. What do I really need to have? I can probably part with 90% of my wardrobe since I don't need to dress for work anymore. I have been purging my closets and cupboards for the past year, donating much to my sons or Goodwill. We have really cut back on eating out.

    But then again, it is really more than just these things. It is learning to be content with God providing what we truly need and looking for ways to be able to help meet the needs of others in this time. it is also learning what it may be like to have devastation to our economy and infrastructure and being prepared to face that. It is being ready to spend and be spent for the sake of Christ and others. That is a much deeper change in us. So, I pray that God's children will be made ready and repent from relying on what one can do for themselves and turn to rely solely on God for all things.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Kay,

    This lifted my heart this day.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Sunshine,

    Jesse and others have given you good answers.

    For me, God is this perfect love and therefore, Jesus is this perfect love. We are called to be imitators of Jesus, so we are to utilize the love of God poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, who is perfect love, too, by applying it to our relationships and interactions with others. Though God's love in us is perfect, our use of it will always be imperfect due to our sinful nature. As we walk in the Spirit, He sanctifies us bit by bit, and so our love becomes more perfected along the way in this life. As long as we exist on this earth, we will have our sinful nature affecting all of our "good" actions somewhat, even though our desire and intention is to do what is right. (See Rom. 7)

    It will be in the next life that our sinful nature will be removed from us and we will be perfected. Then we will no longer sin and will rejoice in all that is good and right. We will be glorified and therefore be as God intended us to finally become. This state is higher than what Adam and Eve had in Eden prior to sinning. It is the culmination of the plan of the ages begun in the beginning. (See Phil. 3:20-21)

    1 Cor. 2:7 says "But we speak of the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, (note that this plan was for our glory) and the chapter goes on to say, "Eye has not seen, Nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." (verse 9) and then goes on to say (...but (we have) the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. (verse 12)

    So, there is much that we know now and possess now because the Spirit lives in use and reveals the mystery of the ages to us from the Word that recounts the salvation we have in Jesus (that the world cannot know without the Spirit). Yet there is still more for us to come in eternity that we have yet to know.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Perfect love is love that has come to its completion. In other words, God's Spirit in us gives us perfect love. 1 John Chapter 4, Verses 7-21 talks about the completion of the love of God.

    1 John 4:7 says let us love one another. We are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ. But how do we do that unless God's Spirit in us gives us the capacity to do so? It's interesting that what we call the two greatest commandments are not even written in command form in the Greek text.

    When it says "let us," in the King James, that's not a command. That is Subjunctive Mood. We will be loving one another. Why? Because God's Spirit in us gives us the capacity to love. It's a statement of fact, not a command. We cannot produce agape love, only God can. It's His Spirit that causes us to love. That's what it means to have perfect love, for God is love.

    We see the character of God's love in 1 John 4:9-10. God sent His Son to be a propitiation for our sins. He met all the requirements that God has for us for the punishment and penalty for our sins. That's love!

    Verse 11 tells me that God loved me so much that He sent His Son to die for me. I am indebted to my brothers and sisters in Christ to function and walk in the love of God. In Verse 16, he's making the statement because God is love. Therefore if He dwells in me, then I have perfect love in my spirit.

    Verse 18 says there is no fear in love; but perfect love, that is, love brought to completion, casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect, or complete in love.

    He's talking about the motive for obeying God. Some people obey God because they are afraid. Those who have the Spirit of God, and have matured and understand about the love of God, they do things because they love Him.

    Jesus said in John 14:15 if you love me, you will keep my commandments. When we experience God's love, His Spirit causes us to love. Perfect love is brought to its completion by receiving Christ.
  • Kay - 2 years ago
    Recently, I was reading Psalm 101:1 - "I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto Thee, O Lord, will I sing."

    I would like to share Brother Charles Spurgeon's comments (in part) on the first part of this verse:

    "David would extol both the love and severity, the sweets and the bitters, which the Lord had mingled in his experience; he would admire the justice and goodness of the Lord.......

    Everything in God's dealings with us may fittingly become a theme of song, and we have not viewed it aright until we feel that we can sing about it.

    We ought as much to bless the Lord for the judgment with which He chastens our sin, as for the mercy with which He forgives it; there is as much love in the blows of His hand as in the kisses of His mouth.

    Upon a retrospect of their lives, instructed saints scarcely know which to be most grateful for -- the comforts which have cheered them, or the afflictions which have purged them."

    How is it with us, dear brothers and sisters? Are we singing of BOTH the mercy AND the judgments of God in our lives? If yes - praise the Lord!

    If not - let us be quickened by God's grace and Spirit to at once lift our hands and praise Him, acknowledging that He deals with us in kindness, intending to work ALL things for good for those who are the called according to His purposes!


    Blessings in Jesus!
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Such wise words, Carlton.

    The Lord has warned us that everything that can be shaken will be shaken. That includes anything that is in this world!

    In our country, we have had decades of uninterrupted prosperity. At times in my life, I have not had very much of this world's good - and have had a tiny, tiny taste of 'poverty'....but it has been nothing of the destitution that others face in other parts of the world.

    Therefore, what a shock it will be for the unprepared to go through what is coming on the face of the earth, for we have put our security and confidence in so many temporal things!

    Jesus, Who cannot be shaken, will be the ONLY ONE standing when all of this is said and done--therefore, those who have both feet of faith firmly planted on Him and Him alone will be the only ones who will be found standing before Him on that day.

    Let us all use this time to pray that we gird up our loins and have grace to endure! Praise the Lord!

    Grace and peace, Carlton...
  • Kay - In Reply on Proverbs 17 - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your encouraging words, Carlton.

    This issue cannot but be on the minds of true believers who are following the Lamb.

    It has been my observation for quite a while that when I've tried to find a church - instead of finding Christ exalted, I find, over and over and over again - the church exalting itself!!

    There is all kind of talks about how great the church is, how great the pastor is, how great the youth ministry is, how much 'giving' is done to the missions program, how great the choir sings, and on and on and ON!! But....NEVER talk about how great JESUS is!

    The church is a candlestick alone. Christ is the true Light.

    The church is supposed to hold forth the Head, Jesus Christ! How perverse when the church holds forth itself!

    Oh let us walk humbly with Jesus, and follow HIM WHEREVER He may go! Help us to do it, precious Lord!

    Blessings, Carlton...
  • Kay - In Reply on Proverbs 17 - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your reply, Marke. What I wrote, believe me, I wrote with such groaning in my heart and spirit. Some days I have such heaviness, such sighing, such crying.

    For any true believer, to see our Lord's lovely name used in vain, to see His Word twisted, to see eternal souls so deceived - there is nothing else but to be sad and grieved unto prayer.

    Mixed with that is a holy fear! ONLY God's grace and His grace, and mercy and power ALONE makes me to differ from anyone else! How I pray now for that amazing grace to keep me to the end and carry me over the finish line of my race!

    Thank you again, Marke! Blessings!
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thankyou for that , I needed that reminder of what is the most important thing .
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jeanie, I'm so glad that your husband is doing ok. Cancer is a very scary diagnosis. I do believe God still heals today and that He wants to heal us from all of our diseases, afflictions, and infirmities. It's all over in the Bible. And there is hope in Jesus Christ! I'm hoping God will start some healing ministries in some believers here in my area that will lead people to Jesus and give them life and life more abundantly. God bless you Jeanie and your husband. May the Lords healing hand be on you both today and may God raise up a great testimony in your lives that will be a ministry to those who don't know Jesus. IJN
  • Phil - 2 years ago
    For those that ask has GOD ever answered your prayer.

    I had a very difficult time with my Father when younger, I broke his ribs and had him committed to a Centre for alcoholics. After he recovered he changed for the better, but due to severe heart problems it seemed like I would have no time with this new Father. I traveled 2,000 miles as the Doctor said he would not survive.

    I was able to see him in what appeared to be his final hours.

    Standing outside his hospital room, I sincerely prayed to God and asked God to grant him more time for myself and my new family to get to know him.

    I prayed GOD would accept my offering of giving 10 years off my life expectancy to just have a few more years to get to know who my father really was.

    GOD granted those years, my surety of this was that almost 10 years to the day, I suffered a massive heart attack which Surgeons said, No One survives.

    During the heart attack, I acknowledged and thanked God for his gift to our family, and without remorse surrendered my 10 years.

    During the attack I remained awake, alert and became involved in a musical conversation.

    I don't read music, can't sing a single note, but understood everything. In a musical tone I was asked 3 questions, the most important was, what did I value the most on Earth.

    After answering all 3 questions, I was told no matter what anyone said or did, I wasn't to be concerned. The Hospital was worried that I didn't understand the severity and risk of the operation I was to have, so to relieve their CONCERN I had to explain in detail what I had experienced.

    My surgeon said Open Heart surgery should be of concern to me. I assured him that I was confident the surgery would go well.

    To keep this short, there was no 26 hour operation, I woke 2 hours later in my room, felt for stitches etc. The surgeon smiled, then confessed to me he had also conversed with my musical light. No scars, no cuts, no pain and was fixed, sent home next morning. Praise be to the Lord my GOD.Thank You
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We don't. Read the comments of the history behind Easter. I've been in certain church congregations that observed the day a remembrance for Christ having risen from the grave.

    Now, similar to Christmas -- I'm not going to be legalistic on this but the pagan origins are the reality. When modern churches celebrate it, it's piggybacking off of the traditions from the early Roman Catholic church. Here's what we should be doing: we should be celebrating the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ every day of year. If you're born again -- you're risen in Christ daily. If it's just a calendar day to assimilate to traditions of man; then we've missed the entire point of being born again and sanctified.
  • Cheryl Johnson on Psalms 37 - 2 years ago
    My family needs prayer please pray
  • TARA HOYLE - 2 years ago
    Yesterday me and my husband was playing family games Yahtzee and I rolled 12456 6-7x's in a row. Does that mean anything cause it seemed odd so I looked it up in the Bible, but didn't understand what it means, will you tell me please?
  • April - 2 years ago
    Prayer request for God's mercy, grace, deliverance, hedge of protection and favor, healing and blessing and unity for me, my children and grandchildren. Prayer for my unemployment benefits and snap to start asap, now. Prayer for Houston be approved, deliverance from homelessness and for my daughters safe delivery, healthy baby and speedily recovery. Prayer for my sons to respect and be obedient to me while their grown and for their girlfriend to respect me and stop damaging my items. Prayer for a right now financial blessing and me to afford move in my own home now and pay all bills in full. Prayer for God to fight my battles from being fired from prejudice people that cyberbullied harrased me as I worked from home. I was fired wrongfully but glory to God for everything.
  • "When I was a child I understood as a child" - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Easter, a name for the celebration of Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex. After Constantine decided to Christianize the Empire, Easter was changed to represent Jesus. But at its roots, Easter (which is how you pronounce Ishtar) is all about celebrating fertility and sex.

    Ishtar(ProperNoun) A goddess of fertility, love, sex and war. In the Babylonian pantheon, she was the divine personification of the planet Venus. Assyrian and Babylonian counterpart to the Sumerian Inanna and to the cognate northwest Semitic goddess Astarte. Pagan goddess


    But in English-speaking countries, and in Germany, Easter takes its name from a pagan goddess from Anglo-Saxon England who was described in a book by the eighth-century English monk Bede. "Eostre was a goddess of spring or renewal and that's why her feast is attached to the vernal equinox."

    Passover is the Christian equivalent to the pagan Holiday of Easter. The word "Easter" (or its equivalents) appear in the Bible only once in Acts 12:4. This passage refers to Herod killing John, the brother of James. Peter was to be next, so Peter was put in prison until after the pagan holiday of Easter (for Jews & Christians, the Passover). That's the night the Angel of the Lord broke Peter out of prison!

    The holiday commonly known as Easter, in spite of obvious differences, derives from the Jewish festivity the Torah calls "Pesach", also known as "Passover", an eight days-long celebration of the ancient Israelites liberation from Egyptian bondage and their subsequent exodus.

    Palm Sunday is the first day of Holy Week, a seven-day span that culminates the day before Easter Sunday.

    Mishael: Google all these names. There's many cultures and religions vying for the same day. For Christians, we should observe Passover; as Jesus did. Explain it to the kids. Most just want a basket of candy. Make a pan of Kraft Fudge. Recipe back of jar.
  • God is. My Savior Amen
  • Curtis Britton on Matthew 4 - 2 years ago
    We have to be always on guard,because our enemy the devil is always trying to tempt us.We shall live to worship God and God only.
  • Grae - 2 years ago
    Alex N , r u still out there Bro ? Hope u r ok whatever u r up to . Stay strong in Christ , u r much loved .
  • Sylvia nakadi on Hosea 1 - 2 years ago
    I need more questions from the book of hosea
  • Alan Keen - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Depends, The Kingdom saints were to pray the our Father and follow that pattern, but we, The Body of Christ Saints are to simply make our requests known to God and the peace that passes all understanding shall be ours. How would you make your requests known to your Father?

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