King James Bible
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I just saw a link on here pointing at America as being the subject of these verses.
I never saw this before now. But we are seeing this as our nation is sliding into Apostasy. Leaders are persecuting Israel instead of blessing it.
Pandemics, incredible escalation of crimes and violence. ( Google crime in Seattle and Portland. It boggles the mind, the results of defunding police and forcing emergency services to be vaccinated or they are fired.
We have this unfounded optimism that things will soon return back to normal. However, Bible Prophesy is beginning to repel that optimism. I don't think "we" can fix this or stop it's momentum. Our communities may seem Safe to us and our children, but reality is on the evening news every day.
Our nation voted for this and we are stuck with that action. A whole nation would have to repent in sackcloth and ashes to turn this momentum [like Nineveh in the Bible].
Evangelize your loved ones now.
If you don't have any prophesy books handy, you can watch some Nelson Walters videos on YouTube, when you read daily news. Israel is the "Apple" of Gods eye.
Keep your eyes on that. What's happening there. Read Matthew 24 and Luke 21.
Jesus IS the 2nd ARK. We must be in Christ to survive. There are unbelievable disasters going on, all over the earth. Google that, every week.
People: it's not about GLOBAL WARMING. "Green Deals" will not fix it. 2 PETER 3, days it's all going to Burn. The earth is heating up by the Word of God. It is happening now. Disasters will increase. Forests will burn. Icebergs will melt and raise sea levels. Move to higher ground NOW. Move out of the forests. Big cities don't have enough money or votes to stop the crime. Move!
EVANGELIZE those that you love. I'm doing what God told me to do. PLEASE check this information out for yourself.
I say this with much love and concern for everyone. Let's not watch the clock zero out.
Water baptism was for the nation ol of Israe, who werel under the Law.
Since the Jewish people crucified Jesus,
God has put Israel aside and are cut off until after the Rapture,
they have no way to have their sins forigiven...
Now ---
Jesus commissioned Apostle Paul to go to the Gentiles while the
other 12 went out to the National of Israel proclaiming Jesus was the true Messiah.
Just think about the simple difference between who were
Water Baptised and who are
Spirit Baptised...
You cannot have both...
I have completed a detailed study on this subject and many others at
rd1514 add dot com.
i pray that rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, apj, ftv, her e, her joy, may we be engaged, srdqp, be attracted, receive, may the lord umeefeh, qma!! i pray that she will return to church and serve, tlsd, ssesc, ndn, be baptized se, pray in tongues and all of our loved ones!! may all men love you and a to e and v, convert, we a/r/s/e/e, change ltelc!! help us to be off the hook, to know ourselves and tc, to be ves, to never smoke or lie, to be tough, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! send us, help us at tdlvdla!! help us anpjev, with the h, for dp! qlfns, unite marriages/families, churches!! may our loved ones know and love you, seek your face, read and love your word (b, c, gbu, r, n, p, p, c, m, neighbors, neighborhoods, m, family, friends, sb, ah , wu, emci, adj, h, ddec, a, ad, j, a, m, b, l, b, l, lp, m, fh, u, r, g, ll, r, b, l, k , b, n, i, t sl, j, others, t, y, t, d, p, d, c, dvd, c, rda, a, c, e, es, m, h, yg, r , u/r, e, y, m , m and m, n, b, p, isfec, f, r, r, b, n, g, b, r, c, d, a, ie, j, da , e , a, lyce, p, i, m, p, g, p, mgv ls, sj, d, i, f, p, ep, a, hd, avs, are, ee, csc, cned, a, wu, jpc, m, rachel, b, d, b, mika, l, housing, ib, a, ibg, pe, evs, ae, usa, l15, j, lp, f, p, sjdc, p21, b, jdp, 2c7, cv, met, b, p, csc, sj, idle, i, u, ls, sp, sc, l, france, a, c, m, t, rr, s, e, p, g, ce, p24, 2p1, 2, 3, p25, p91, p88, mg, mt, p13, ebt, p22, fa, fd, h, p15, hp, nd, o, sr, ce, lp, g, 1c11, s, js, cned, a, e , g, a, l, c, ll, ch, due, ep, l, c, b, mdl, hc, l6, w, w, u/r, r, m, unemployed, b, b, d, l, n, g, bk, mcdo, aecm, s, lvdc, p, caef, ab, cnef, add, batistas, gp, g/i/v, traders, etc.). help us atale with epa, n, ide, with psda, with lt, the pii, tlbpe, with ls, la, the c and d, j23, 24, smooth our paths, qtl, dnttpgjamp, your p, your l, your d, your a, tb!! may all ts, na men be p and lalc, sdlf, aac, qlesbv!! qlfss!! heal the back, the e's, c's, d's, g's, a's, v's, d's, m
Regards to all
1. are the books - Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts 1-8, a continuation of the Old Testament?
2. Difference between Water and Spirit Baptism.
3. Difference between Law and Grace.
4. Where is the Gospel of Salvation found?
5. Do Baptists obey the 10 commandments today?
6. What is repentance of sins and is it necessary for Salvation?
7. Is John 3:16 necessary for Salvation?
8. How did people in the OT get saved and is it the same for rtoday?
9. Compare tithing in the OT and what is tithing (how much) for today.
10. Are all Bible version inspired and which one should be used today?
11. Should contemprary christian music (CCM) be played in the churches?
12. Was the Lords prayer for Israel or everyone today?
13. Was the sermon on the mount for Israel or everyone today?
I am asking these questions for the sole purpose of knowing what the truth is.
I really see so many differences and not sure where the truth is.
Thank you,
Patrick Corrao
3 Now these are the nations which the Lord left, to prove Israel by them, even as many of Israel as had not known all the wars of Canaan;
2 Only that the generations of the children of Israel might know, to teach them war, at the least such as before knew nothing thereof;
The Lord does not deliver Christians from all besetting sins at salvation. He leaves some for Christians to struggle with to help them learn and grow in the Lord.
11 The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine for money: yet will they lean upon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among us? none evil can come upon us.
Unsaved officials in the US are becoming more and more oppressive towards innocent Americans, especially towards infants and conservatives.
Judges rule in favor of whatever political power they want to please or in favor of whoever gives them enough money to pervert justice. Priests craft their influence to appeal to all sorts of people, even to rebels against God. Teachers teach whatever the unions and secular school boards tell them, whether the instruction is right or not. Politicians promote the bad policies of wicked donars with evil agendas, and so forth.
As the Presidents Administration continues its negotiations in Vienna toward a nuclear deal with Iran, which would directly imperil Israel's security, it is also taking steps within the State Department to undermine Israel's democratic legitimacy.
Recent reports show that the State Department has released a new grant opportunity, with potential funding of up to $1 million, to "strengthen accountability and human rights in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza." As innocuous as that sounds, the reality is the State Department is going to use your taxpayer dollars to support work which slanders Israel and falsely paints it as an apartheid state.
This grant is just the latest in a long line of blatant anti-Israel bias among Biden Administration hires, particularly in the State Department. Sarah Margon, the current nominee to be Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor - the State Department bureau funding the grant - has shown support for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement in the past. BDS operates as an antisemitic, corporate blacklisting of the Israeli state and its people, and is founded on the false, one-sided premise that Israel is actively oppressing Palestinians in the West Bank.
ALCJ dot com needs our signature on this petition. and another one about infanticide in our nation. Thanks for your concern.
News: The Watchman Erick Stakelbeck
for Israel news.
Is there anyone else who feel the same way or feel strange about this? Just seeing the word reminds me of Jehovah's witnesses. Honestly, I have taken it into practice to not be a part of a denominational group.
I decided to search online and here's the article I found explaining two reasons the word Jehovah shouldn't be in all modern bibles, including KJV. Unfortunately, I'm not authorized to post the link here.
The Passover and how it was to be done you will find in Exodus 12:3-11, read all of Exodus 12. The Passover day is on the 14th of Nisan the day Jesus was crucified; this day is also a preparation day for the 15th the first day of 7 days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Jewish people on Passover, gather together for a ceremonial meal called a seder and telling of the story of the Exodus from Egypt.
Some Christians celebrate passion week and Easter Sunday, the day Jesus resurrected, and some just Easter Sunday. It is easy to get lost in traditions, there comfortable and many have reunions on these holidays.
You say you are concerned; Passover is one of the feasts that Israelites were required to return to Jerusalem. Many combine the Passover and the Unleavened Bread feast into 8 days and call it the feast of Passover or the Feast of Unleavened bread, they did that in the time of Jesus, Matthew 26:17 Luke 22:1.
By following traditions we can overlook what Jesus fulfilled, He rode in on the 10th of Nisan, the Passover day on the 14th of Nisan, the day He was crucified, the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world, the Tamid, the first and the last, the feast of Unleavened Bread with His perfect life, the feast of First Fruits, the day He was resurrected, He ascended the same time as the priest waved the Omer, John 20:17 He is the First Fruits of those who slept, 1 Corinthians 15:20, that we now call Easter.
1Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
My understanding is Passover is a sacrifice that Jesus fulfilled; and no other blood sacrifice is needed, if done in faith, how you remember or honor it is up to you.
1 Corinthians 5:7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
God bless
There was a call to sanctify (probably abstinence and ceremonial cleanness) in verse 5; and verse 6 indicated how the Levites were to administer initial movements forward; and the people were to follow. The 12 men of every tribe (v. 12) were to represent God's inheritance as was to be distributed among the tribes after conquest (v. 10).
It would seem that such promises which indeed brought fear among the pagans as already witnessed in Chapter 2 would cause these Jews to remain faithful for the rest of their days.
There was soon to be much fear and trepidation; and eventual disobedience-although perhaps the successful faithfulness time frame might be longer here than in during the Exodus. Admittedly; what would be seen with human eyes in regard to the giants of the land would cause such a reaction as this was a new thing to behold. Once again; the theme of TRUST in relation to God needs to be upheld. His covenants are unchanging-praise God or we would all perish as we all have sin remaining as long as our earthly tabernacle remains ( 1 John 1:8).
However; we all have the potential and ability through the Spirit to put the flesh to death day by day. We seek; however a heavenly city( Heb. 11:16) which was already foreshadowed by the faithful saints of the O.T.
In my quiet time this morning, the Lord reminded me of Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt.
The Lord came along, in the fullness of time, and delivered them...but in such a grand way, that it HAD to
be breath-taking - and that is an understatement!
They saw 10 horrid plagues, sent by the hand of God, afflict the Egyptians - but they were wonderfully
kept from those same plagues!
They saw God leading them out to the Red Sea...and then the Lord opening up the sea that they might
pass through on dry ground!
They saw the Egyptian army swallowed up in the same sea that they easily maneuvered THROUGH.
As they progressed on their journey, they saw the pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire, leading them
and guiding and protecting them.
What an experience!
One would think that they would be wholly devoted to such a great, kind, loving, faithful, powerful God and
Savior, with hearts that longed after Him, and were willing to follow Him wherever He would lead.
But no.
They had an inclination.....BACKWARD!
Several times the Bible tells us that they were longing for EGYPT, and hankering after 'the way it was' there, especially the PHYSICAL pleasure ofFOOD...even if it meant to HAVE that food, they would be slaves!!
SUCH is the POWER of our corrupt nature! Those inner 'passions', our inclinations and desires
of our flesh war against the spirit, and draw us BACKWARD. We must, by God's grace and Spirit, RULE OVER
those inclinations and FACE FORWARD towards OUR promised land!
Hebrews 10:38,39 comes to my mind:
38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
39 But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.
Let us set our faces to our heavenly Jerusalem, and by God's grace, reach our Promised Land! Amen!
Please consider reflecting on Psalms 23.