All Discussion PAGE 134

  • Rainwalker - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey GiGi, by the way, I realize that through "writing" comments and such, things can be somewhat difficult at times to see ones "intent" with full clarity. I have an indignant streak that shows at times, but hey, it's never an argumentative tone. A challenge perhaps, nevertheless I may "earnestly contend for the faith" at times, peace and love in Christ to you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jesse, the same to you!

    I always enjoy your posts and am blessed when we talk here.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Thank you for getting back to me. If you were truly only speaking to Giannis in your post about language that is invective, aggressive, or bullying, then I am sorry I chimed in. If you were speaking generally to all on this site, then it is appropriate for me to address the words you used to identify the character of speech used in this discussion with Momsage or other discourse.

    I was concerned that perhaps I had said something that you thought was like these three words you mentioned and so I wanted to share the definition here so that if I had spoken wrongly, you could tell me what wording I used that would qualify such characterization according to the definitions I found for the words invective, aggressive, and bullying.

    Like you, I do not want any of us to speak this way. And, like you, I think of this forum as a fellowship in which we should speak to each other as we would if in person and discussing a biblical topic with differing viewpoints.

    Jema, you do not need to respond back to me if you do not wish to do so. I understand. I just wanted you to know that I thought you were speaking about the wording Giannis and I were using in discoursing with Momsage and would want to know what I may have said that was offensive to her or to you. Be at peace with me here today. we are sisters. It would be good if we take the time now and then to complement one another and encourage each other with our words. We can express our love and genuine care for each other more than we may have in the past. My hope is that we build bridges towards one another, and continue to pray for one another often, as I do for you. We can tell each other how what one of use has said has uplifted us, helped us, and made us grow closer to the Lord.

    All of us here are journeying towards the same goal, same heavenly country (as Abraham), to the same inheritance of the saints, to the same eternal bliss with God, to the most awesome, inspiring, beautiful, satisfying, unsurpassed life
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    No problem Momsage, Sweetie is good, so is Honey and Dear and Friend.

    Not wanting to get into the topic of whether or not believers are sinners, since I have never met one believer that has not sinned in some way as a believer. In this way, I did speak that I was a sinner because of what Jema had said about the speech towards you during this thread with you. I was concerned that maybe I had sinned against you in the way she mentioned and repent, apologizing to you and to the members on this site. So, if she can show me any words that Giannis or I used that fit the definition of invective, aggressive, or bullying, I would want to know.

    As to our conversation here, it is fine to use strong words to make one's point, especially if one's view is a matter of importance to a person. We do not need to be wishy-washy in order to appease others. We should speak honestly, using as precise of words as we can to explain ourselves in written form. That is not easy for everyone to do. Some people are better at writing out their views than others. Our prowess at writing is not what is important, but using the opportunity afforded in this forum to enter into dialogue with others in order to understand one another as well as relate what each of use knows, perceives, and/or feels led to share.

    I appreciate your firmness in your view. I appreciate that you are straight-forward. I appreciate that your love for others shows through in your posts. I appreciate you as a sister in Christ. It is good to have a friend like you on this forum. We do not need to agree on every topic, but we both have the Holy Spirit within us to lead us into harmonious fellowship, knowledge of our Lord, Jesus, and the truths of the Scriptures inspired by our great God who has deemed it best to save us.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Got it GiGi, thanks

    It's been a while since I have posted anything here so I wasn't sure if maybe it was something I said a while back. Just checking.

    You have a wonderful day too, and a great week. Blessings!
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks for your good words brother Chris. Have a blessed week.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Richard H Priday

    Greetings in Christ JESUS

    Reading your post of one day ago,saying if we are to look at the Seventh Day Adventists and their teachings of Ellen White it is clear that there are spurious elements there.As was prophesied by Daniel, the Judgment shall sit,the Judgment will be given to the saints of the most High;the time came that the saints possess the kingdom.By the way,I must say that I have come across and fought for decades with strong battles and terrible combats against atheists and materialists, anf for my surprise the most of them were/are people who abandoned or stopped attending the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    Why is it that after the preachers/guides/pastors of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to compass sea and land to make proselytes, and after these proselytes attend their services for years,they leave the Adventist Church transformed into atheists,materialists? Unfortunately they made them twofold more the child of hell than themselves.

    The earth is infested with betrayers who deny the existence of GOD,there are legions of them spread across the earth with which I have come across and fought for decades with strong battles and terrible combats,mainly through websites.I could quote the website links,I don't do due the rules.

    See,the objective is not to condemn any brother or sister here.What does the Word of GOD say? James 5:

    19Brethren,if any of you do err from the truth,and one convert him;

    20Let him know,that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death,and shall hide a multitude of sins.

    1Corinthians 6:

    1Dare any of you,having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust,and not before the saints?

    2Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the WORLD?and if the WORLD shall be Judged by you(by us),are ye(we)unworthy to Judge the smallest matters?

    3Know ye not that we shall Judge angels?(fallen angels of the Churches) how much more things that pertain to this life?

  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Sure, sweetie I understand. I hope you don't mind me calling you sweetie. I've been living here in the South for awhile and I've just picked it up.

    God Bless :)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Part Seven: Making the scripture applicable to us.

    I do not practice what you call a prophetic gift. Nonetheless, when warning others of the admonitions of the Bible warning of implications and results of sins I usually feel that I have good enough foresight to be reasonably assured that results the Lord warns of will start to manifest in time. Following the principle of 2 Timothy 3:16 we find that exhortation along with teaching and the other things promised in that verse demonstrate multiple aplications of the same scripture (in this case the same verse).

    In the example of Jesus warning Peter of a fall; He specifically knew (as God) the exact verbage that Peter would use and that he would deny Christ not once but three times. We certainly know that we can trust God as to the result eventually of any sin is death ( Ezekiel 18:20); and that certain sins lead to a given result (pride comes before a fall such as mentioned in Proverbs 16:18 which is said to be exactly half way through the Proverbs in terms of how the verses are organized in scripture).

    Lust after women leads to adultery in one's heart ( Matt. 5:28). Such behaviors of course likely lead to actual adultery and the result for the unrepentant leads to hell ( Prov. 7:27).

    It should be common sense that we need to heed OURSELVES to a love of the law of the Lord such as Psalm 119 covers in detail because we are saved from such an awful fate ourselves. We should always fear God (something uncommon today in "churchianity"). (see 2 Corinthains 5:11). Others don't need a pious litany of our virtues; but we need to be examples of God's people in a wicked and perverse generation (see Matthew 16:4-12 as well as the Epistles on the subject).

    Another important point is that we must be doers of the Word not just proclaimers (see book of James). Studying the Word and not obeying was brought up already. We need a proper balance of evangelism and quiet times as well as time to rest.

    Agape. RP
  • Catherine Hutton - 1 year ago
    I pray for healing from aggressive cancer for my beloved Daughter, Kristen who is a Wife, Mother of 2 young Sons, a Sister, Sister in Law and friend to so many. An advocate for all children and my best friend I could ever hope for. The cancer has spread to her brain area and she will be having treatments this week. We pray for more time with her for her Sons and all of our sakes. In Jesus name.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    PArt six: Different types of scriptures to study for devotionals.

    The book of Psalms is a common start for daily devotionals. It constitutes all the major types of writings from the poetic acrostic hidden letters found in Psalm 119 emphasizing the law; to prophecies ( Psalm 2; etc) to impreccatory Psalms (asking for judgment); to praise. There may be a couple types I forgot here.

    Another theme which is interwoven throughout the Bible is blessings and cursings. There is much written about conditional promises inherent in God's covenant. We see this with Adam and Eve's choice to take of the forbidden fruit; to Cain's downfall; and the whole history of the patriarchs written for our benefit (see 1 Cor. 10:11). IT'S FOR YOU DUMMY! That is what basically is being stated in that passage. I felt it necessary within the parameter of the rules here to mention a sarcastic general statement because looking at the Bible it becomes clear fairly quickly that despite repeated warnings from God people just didn't get it. Again that proves the truth of the Word; as no man would want his account marred by the fallability of men (especially the author of a book). In the N.T. Paul states that he was the "chief of sinners". ( 1 Tim. 1:15). God used him as a former murderer of the saints to preach the most widespread missionary assignment of anyone in scripture encompassing the most scripture as well after the book of Acts. David caused a murder to get Bathsheeba as well. Abraham twice tried to pass off his wife as his sister and his son didn't learn as Isaac tried that later on as well. And of course even His own family didn't believe for a time about Christ not to mention the nation at large. ( John 7:5).

    Another way we can study the Bible is to sing Psalms or spiritual songs; which encompasses the original way this literature was delivered. We have to search diligently to find those who do this today; they are out there. A lot of music should be avoided
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Bible study and scripture devotions: Different themes of scripture

    There is a time and place for starting in Genesis and working our way to Revelation (even if not always strictly chronological books in the 66 books of the Bible). We can look at the varous "dispensations" (ignoring the controversy on the subject) when we see the time of innocence at Creation; the time of the law (from written in men's hearts and early sacrifices to the full delivery of the formal written commandments in Deuteronomy) to the age of grace (or church age which we are currently in) to the Millennium (again ignoring the Post Mil adherants and others to that persuasion) and finally of course eternity itself. Another way of looking at this process is through the lens of Covenant theology which I would argue isn't necessarily mutually exclusive to dispensations.

    The next thing we can do is study the history involved with scripture. This is enhanced by studying other literature and archaeological accounts as well as other texts referred to in the Bible that aren't in the KJV Bible today. Some include the book of Enoch which have quotations in the book of Jude but we don't have a correct version of today that doesn't clash with the rest of the Bible in some way. We also have other books mentioned which clearly contained further wisdom literature such as Proverbs; and even a secular writing Paul referred to during his sermon on Mars Hill in the book of Acts. World archaeology and geologic evidence is particularly convincing with the story of Sodom and Gomorrah (with pure sufer balls found in the area by Ron Wyatt and others more recently in that area of the world); as well as the flood of Noah (which are mentioned in books such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and throughout legends of tribes in all continents of the world.) We also have the many giant structures that cannot be explained with high technology (Pyramids) and all over the world as well. That proves the story of Genesis 6.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Part Four: Devotionals and Bible Study.

    Loving the Lord of course must always be paramount in our walk with Christ. Obeying Christ out of love could also theoretically be reversed; we can LEARN to love God if we trust that obedience will bring about that intimate fellowship. Knowing our Creator not just knowing about Him allows us to reach out to others in our own church community as well as evangelizing the lost.

    The Word once meditated upon should at some point go beyond rote memorization to being able to pull verses to fit a number of situations. That of course is bolstered by initiating the memory of key texts useful for fulfilling the Great Commission. It also has a benefit when a couple verses that have personal importance can be shared as a way of motivating others to study the promises of God applicable to them as well.

    As to what we study; I leave it up to the savant to initiate a study in the genealogies of the first 8 chapters of 1 Chronicles. That is; BTW an excellent example of how to use other scriptures to make meaning out of what at first glance appears to be an exhaustive list of myriad individuals who; much like prayer requests often coming up at church involve people we don't know or understand other than what we are told (in that case someone's name). Such is the case with those who are listed and deemed important who we don't know much about except their place in the lineage of God's people (or in the case of the beginning of the Gospel accounts the lineage leading up to Christ). In this example; some names such as David and Abraham are familiar and upon further study we find out how Gentiles like Ruth fit in and how Rahab the harlot also appears. If anything it validates scripture; other religions aren't going to include all the faults and foibles of their heroes if it is a man made text or demonically inspired to appeal to man's good works for salvation.

    My next posting will overview different types of scripture to study.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    This question leads us into another discussion. One that was recently addressed on this forum. I do not wish to revisit this topic of how one is born again, yet still able to sin, thus is a sinner, though covered by the righteousness of Christ.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    yes Jesse, I meant to say Giannis.

    Thanks for catching that error on my part. I hope your day goes wonderfully today.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Momsage, I am glad you are staying with me, friend.

    I can understand how you may have felt overwhelmed.

    Just a note: the quote from the epistle of Barnabas is not a false Scripture. It is like the epistle of Clement, who was bishop in Rome soon after Paul died there. A epistle is a simply a letter. We ascribe God-inspiration to the letters of Paul but not to Clement or Barnabas. This is because Paul's letters were widely distributed and accepted as being inspired by God. The letters of Clement and Barnabas (and other bishops and church leaders) were to churches or other Christians and also distributed but not as widely as those of Paul, John., Peter, James, and Jude. So that is why they are not included in the canon of Scripture.

    This does not mean that they are not honest letters that describe the Christian experience of that time, though. These writers, like Clement of Rome, Barnabas, Polycarp, Ignatius (both of Antioch) were devout Christians, some of whom were martyred for not renouncing their faith in Jesus.

    So please do not be fearful of reading what they say. There writings are preserved for us for a reason. But there are those who wrote letters that were frauds and heretics. So, caution is always warranted and we should always check one's writings against the teachings of Scriptures and also read up on the authors to see if their writings were considered heretical or not.

    That is all for now. I hope you have a very blessed day today and gain much peace and wisdom from your study of the Word of God.
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you. I guess I'm a bit of a ditz, but besides being upset with the use of false scripture no, I also was getting a little overwhelmed with trying to answer every post which, of course, I didn't have to do but my MILD OTC compelled me to so I needed to make a change and only concentrate on discussions from Christianlady7 and also GiGi which is what I will be doing. I believe the people on this site are my brothers and sisters in the Lord and that love for each other can really be felt here. I apologize if I have offended anyone and, again, thank you for welcoming me back. God Bless :)
  • Tunney on Ezekiel 35 - 1 year ago
    FATHER, help us to draw close to YOU that the devil flee from us. May we seek YOUR kingdom first, and pray faithfully with enlightened eyes and mind to glorify YOU. Bless Jerusalem with the peace of GOD through CHRIST JESUS' gospel.

    In everything that we say or do, may we exalt and extol YOU. 1 Corinthians 10: 31-33.

    The LORD to shine HIS face on all the brethren and gloriously bless you.

    January 7, 2024
  • Momsage - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Only fair of me to tell you just this. The only thing that upset me was basing your beliefs with support from a false scripture from the book of Barnabas. My quotes were people reporting what people said not using scripture, not from the KJB. I was starting to get a little overwhelmed by all the different people I was doing discussions with anyway, so I need to stick to just Christianlady7 and GiGi. We are brother and sister in the Lord and I love and respect you even though I don't agree with you on the Sabbath. God Bless :)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    PART THREE: Reading scripture and devotional time

    There are egregious errors which false prophets and others can do with incorrect or deliberately nefarious manipulations of the Word of God to suit their own purposes. That is not the focus here.

    After the first two postings; it is certainty important to assess before we study anything why we are doing it. As new believers; of course it is often the leadership of a Pastor that initiates our study of scriptures when we are largely ignorant of it's contents (unless atheists that have already studied the Bible as literature respecting it's dominance in history and importance through the centuries). This parenthesis I feel shouldn't be overlooked. As a dumbed down society we are often discouraged from appreciating anything enough to determine even if it may be interesting. It is much like how we don't learn Chinese but the Chinese are mandated to learn English for economic gain; and also to beat the enemy at their own game. In the same logic it helps to study the basic tenents and literature of another religion before attempting to witness to them; not to search for something meaningful for us but to show the person we witness to that we are willing to take the time so that arguments brought up may be refuted by the Bible as well as the logic of the sacred writings they themselves hold up to where often contradictory statments exist. For some; of course the doctrines of demons may have a great pull to drive us away from truth to false gods. Therefore; we must be ready for the "meat" of scripture and be growing in the faith "wise as serpents and innocent as doves" ( Matt. 10:16). The application there shows how Jesus confronted the Pharisees. He not only knew the scriptures well; but their traditions and how they would twist the truth.

    In all of this we must be convinced ourselves that the Bible is inerrant and be driven by the Holy Spirit to enter into a commitment and plan for daily reading.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Further insights on studying Scripture tied in with daily devotionals

    The strict adherance to reading one passage at a time in a given book of the Bible is that we ignore cross references. My Dake's Bible has over 100,000 references which is quite exhaustive. Of course some connections don't make sense to me. The fact is though that all of scripture is interconnected. It behooves us for witnessing at least to have multiple references particularly with the Gospel accounts to bring home the validity of the text. If we don't have a New Testament connection almost always there is one with the Old Testament; frequently direct quotes from Psalms in particular found in the four Gospels but also elsewhere in scripture.

    Proper understanding means context; context context. Isolating a passage is of course myopic for interpretation almost always.

    We can put together chapters even multiple ones (again often passages are fairly continuous from one to another and some Psalms basically are a continuation of the same from one chapter to another). Of course having an undestanding of the culture and history is helpful; which we can find out on our own with concordances and such resources as Foxe's "Book of the Martyrs". This is readily available from public resources online with many recent updates. As Protestants; of course we have "Calvin's Institutes" and other writings from the Reformation. Putting things into context with confessional statements are also helpful; and are emphasized frequently in these congregations.

    Making scripture relateable to our lives in the 21st Century of course in some degree is necessary; but we must take care not to do undo violence to the clear meanings of scripture; nor ignore the events of the culture at the time of Christ that can be studied to expound upon such meanings (case in point the camel through the eye of the needle). This apparently was a passage with that name rather than a literal camel go through a needle.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    How to study the Bible.

    The usual approach to this subject is to cite a resource that is available; such as the very well known "Daily Bread" devotions; to convicting ones (Oswald Chambers being my favorite). When undergoing a determination as to use of a particular daily reading we must be diligent to ascertain that the scriptures themselves are being studied in the proper context and the focus isn't on side subjects such as frilly sentiments that deliberately cherry pick for things to put us in a good mood and ignore the weightier scriptures. We should also make a realistic commitment to set apart a certain amount of time daily which of course may vary according to spiritual maturity; and the other things the Lord has in our life that is required of us.

    Ultimately; we should learn to be workmen that are approved ( 2 Tim. 2:15) and meditate on the Word day and night ( Joshua 1:8). If it goes into our brain and leaves as soon as we enter into a different task then we haven't allowed it to transform us.

    Even if we use devotionals that are generally sound scripturally; there is always an exception that pops up at times; where it appears a statement is being made that is not scripturally in line with what we were taught. We need to be aware and Bereans.

    Part of what we must do is allow ourselves not to be held fast to certain things that are neither right or wrong but what we have become accustomed to. This includes verse headings (arbitrarily chosen much of the time to make translations clear in our language); the order of scripture (Job probably being the oldest book or at least as old as Genesis); and not being obsessive on a particular translation (such as KJV only adherents). That being said we must avoid obvious spurious translations and be aware that there are issues with any translation. KJV I would say is better in general as to holding to proper context with Christ's Divinity than some other renditions with a few isolated words in passages.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Lori , you have certainly been through some tough times and I know that you know , who it is that has sustained you and supported you and brought you and your son , safely to this very day . May God be praised for the love and mercy He has shown you and the strength that He has given you . As you look back on your life , through all your hardships , you can I'm sure , see His hand in yours , bringing you through all your trials and tribulations . Be assured , He is with you now and He will not leave you , you and your son are precious in His sight . Hasn't He shown you that many times ? May He continue to bless you both , the harder you lean on Him , the more support He gives you . Stay strong and know for sure that He will put you where He knows it is best for you to be . Wait for Him , He will not fail you . Proverbs Ch 3 V 5+6 .
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Momsage

    I am also glad that you are still here with us. And I respect your decision to speak to whoever you wish. But I would also like to tell me which of my writtings annoyed you or whether I have used a hostile or impolite language. Anyway I am sorry if without me realizing it I have made you feel bad. I am glad that you are staying. GBU
  • Oseas - 1 year ago
    Revelation 11

    15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms OF THIS WORLD are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. (Combined with Matthew 5:5 and Revelation 5:10)

    16 And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God,

    17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.

    18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

    John 3:

    31 ...He that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all.

    32 And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony.

    33 He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that GOD is true.

    34 For he whom GOD hath sent speaketh the words of GOD: for GOD giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.

    35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.

    36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of GOD abideth on him.
  • Lori Wadleigh - 1 year ago
    Hello. I recently misplaced, or they were taken, my 1979 Protestant I believe, Holy Bible, and my King James update version book... and also my dream dictionary... without them, I am using your site, which I love and I know there are many others. What I pray for today is for God to bestow upon my son and I where we will live, to help us make the decisions we need to make... where will we end up? Together? Or apart? We want to stick together... some will disagree with that... but look that them, their adult children are living with them. I just need help getting through some surgeries perhaps... and also to know where to go when this house, my father's house is finally put on the market, or seized by the government.... could be either... or I could take the two executrixes of my father's will, to see my father lawyer... and get in order, when this house will be sold, and then I must move, though, my deepest wish is to be able to stay in this house, alone, with my son and our cat. But I know, times are extremely tough and expensive. :( I'm disabled with bipolar, probably other psychiatric illnesses too by now.. and now my back is awful, and my heart, I've survived 5 heart attacks, and now have a leaky valve.... Please pray for me, that I can live for one, and that I may provide, that God, the Lord, the Almighty Father, the Holy Ghost... will also provide, for myself and my son in the months to come. Please pray also, that I remain close to the Lord throughout my troubles, the Lord is forever in my mind, but I want him to be first and foremost, then I can trust my intuition better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Love to you all who run this site,

  • John - 1 year ago
    Pray. For. Our. Country
  • Francina Askew - 1 year ago
    We Need a victory over a Financial matter.
  • Patricia - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Heavenly Father, we pray that Tiffany's brother be found. It must be an absolute stress, worry, pain in not knowing where he is. Christine, please let us know how it's going. God bless the family. Amen
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    :) so glad you are still here :) .

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