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Me, too!
Thanks for the uplifting post raising up praise to our Great God! Hallelujah
This was a helpful post. I had read the same thing. But it is good to hear someone else say the same thing I had read.
Thanks so much for your informative reply. It helps to know some of the history. As you said that he has become bolder. Well, then, we should be even bolder when we express sound doctrine that is biblically supported and has stood the test of time as well.
But it seems that there are some who are concerned about my boldness in replying to what was originally posted. I am not one to come here and initiate a post to express a doctrinal view of mine to invite discussion or push my viewpoint. That is just not my way.
I appreciate the support you extend to me in this matter. You and I have some differences between us, but mostly, we seem to be on the same wavelength. It is good to have people like you to exchange ideas with. I am blessed by you over and over again. Thanks!
I want praying on;
1. The Oil of God
2. Blessing in all direction
2.1. Spiritually
2.2. Economically
2.3. Wedding
2.4. Faith
3. Wisdom
4. Understanding
5. Knowledge
6. Work
God bless you for praying for me.
Best regards
Thank you. I will pray for you and your sister.
When I was hospitalized a few weeks ago for a T.I.A. and had 2 CT scans an MRI and echocardiogram, the MRI incidentally showed a growth on my thyroid. So I had and ultrasound of my thyroid done last Thursday. I am waiting to find out what the next steps are. It is unlikely that this nodule would be cancerous and 95% of such nodules are non-cancerous. But they still may wish to do a biopsy or drain it if it is determined to be cystic. Well, it's always something, isn't it, Donna.
I am sorry that your sister's test came back as they did. I pray that God will step into her life and do some really big healing!
Have a blessed evening and restfulness in your sleep.
But as you've already realized, that there appears a syncretistic view of both Law & Grace. Not wanting to diminish the Truth of the Law in any way, what then is one to do with it? Do we throw it out thereby declaring its worthlessness & non-applicability? Some cannot do this for the verses they've given & reasons cited, specifically that Jesus called on folk to obey the commandments. We can then ask, What commandments? Was it the Decalogue, or His Commandments? Is there even a difference?
As you know, there certainly is a difference; His Commandments (as He opened God's Law more fully), required much more from man, than man (the Jew) realized. I would have loved to have seen the disciples' faces when Jesus spoke to them of the 7th Commandment & said that it meant even "looking on a woman to lust". Surely, this is not what the 7th Commandment declared. So here we have a departure of the Old, with Jesus highlighting the spirit of the Law (or, reality/fullness of it), in readiness of what would occur after He departed them. Then who would teach & counsel them?
Had not the Holy Spirit come to baptize & indwell believers into Christ, we could well hang onto every word of Jesus & do the best we could with the Law. But the Law didn't come to the Gentile, but the Spirit was given (to Jew & Gentile) Who brought in much much more than what the Decalogue gave & what the few pages of the Word could declare to us. We now obey the Spirit - if the Spirit says to one to keep the Sabbath, then that is specific to that person without condemnation to any other, for 'every day is alike to another'. We have a New Law working in us & the Power to obey all of it.
This is Geri (GiGi).
Alex, I always appreciate your replies. In reading this thread, it seems that there are some who are concerned about you or that I am picking on you. You can let me know if you feel this way, too. Please know that I would never want to victimize you or anyone. I took this as an exchange of ideas, not a personal vendetta of any sort, so please accept my well wishes for you.
With that said, I think it is best to move on to another topic as we have both expressed our viewpoint fairly thoroughly in this thread. I have noticed that you did post several times on different subjects this past week. It is refreshing to hear you speak to other topics. We are just beginning to get to know one another, and will probably have more bumps along the way to maneuver with the help of the Holy Spirit. But we can still keep the love and affection of Christ between us. I extend mine to you. I hope you have a blessed night and much peace.
Thanks for sharing your view with me. I think it is good practice to test all things said against Scripture whether someone is quoting Scripture or not. Many people do rely on philosophy (I have not ever studied it, myself) when addressing spiritual matters.
Others try to "prove" their viewpoints by listing or quoting Scripture verses. Others use our God-given reason to explain spiritual ideas. Others take what they know of Scriptural teaching and express it in their own way in their own way of speaking. But, with every and any of these expressions, I believe it is always wise to test everything one hears or reads with Scripture.
I would hope that others would do that with what I post. I am not one to expect others to take my word for anything, but to see for themselves if what I say or write aligns with Scripture. This is what I do regularly in regards to what people have said in today's arena or for what has been said by those across the centuries.
I am so glad we have the Scriptures to read for ourselves these past 500-600 years. What an amazing blessing that believers before then did not have!
Suze, I am always glad to hear from you. I understand your point.
I understand what you have said about speaking about what the Bible says. I don't think that one must identify specific Scripture verses every time one speaks about Biblical matters. Yet, I admit that it is often helpful to do this. So, thanks again for your input.
Characteristics of the Whole Burnt Offering that distinguish it from the other offerings are is it was (1.) A sweet savour offering, and, (2.) Offered for acceptance, both of which differ from the Sin Offering. (3.) It was the offering of a life, unlike the Meat-offering. (4.) It was wholly burn, unlike any other offering.
(1.) and (2.) pertain to the pleasing nature and acceptance of Christ's obedience offered on our behalf to God, rather than his atonement for our sin. (3.) The life yielded is man's duty to God, and man here is seen perfectly giving it. (4.) It fulfills the first commandment of love for God with all thy heart, all thy soul and all they mind.
The 3 varieties or grades of the offering pertain to the worshippers apprehension of Christ and differ in (1.) The animal offered as it relates to man's duties of labor (bullock), submission (lamb), and innocence (turtle-dove). (2.) The division of the animal into parts (bullock and lamb) shows appreciation for numerous qualities of Christ's obedience vs killed by ringing/tearing but not divided (turtle-dove) show a generalized view of Christ's obedience. (3.) Hands are laid on the animal (bullock) showing identification with Christ's sacrifice vs no hands laid on (lamb and turtle-dove) objectively observing Christ's sacrifice. (4.) The worshipper kills the animal (bullock and lamb) sets Christ before us in His person vs the Priest kills it (turtle-dove) represents Him in His official character as appointed Mediator between man and God.
I add (5.) Everything burnt as clean after washing w/ water/word (bullock and lamb) vs discard a portion as unfit for burning shows a weak conscience.
Also, people are always free to speak to me about their impressions of me. I understand that some will have a favorable impression and others will have an unfavorable one. I can handle that hearing what others think of me. So thank you for sharing.
I agree that we can move on from this exchange. I wish you well tonight.
I would encourage you to abide with her wishes & look at the matter from her viewpoint: she will appreciate it & respect you more for it, & will also help you to develop your love for her & the need to give her the due respect & care that she deserves. Even though some of these thoughts might seem trivial for now, marriage is for life, & a firm foundation of deep love & trust, with the Lord God at the center to give you both direction, help & blessing, you'll know that vitality & unfading love for each other till life's journey ends. Not knowing your spiritual position, I would also encourage you both to pray together, praising God & committing your lives to Him & the needs or questions you have to deal with. God does hear & your own lives will be greatly strengthened as you declare your united submission to God's Will for your lives. May you have peace in your heart & mind over this matter.
Luke 18
20 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother.
21 And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up.
22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.
John 13:34
A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
The commandment about not committing adultery also was holding marriage as a valid covenant among all; Jew or Gentile. This is clear from Abraham's mistake twice trying to pass his wife as his sister; as well as later on with John the Baptist's confrontation on the subject. So although the TERRITORIAL blessings of following the Commandments were unique to Israel; certain principles of course apply to all men in terms of wisdom. There are; of course further laws for sacrifices related to ceremonial purification; and other regulations in Leviticus to follow. Again; it is God's faithfulness rather than ours which characterizes the life of a true beliver.
6000 commands, you know thats ridiculous, let's be real, and honest. You have been simply regurgitating the false talking points of the Grace+Faith+0 crowd that is out there misleading many today.
Jesus only asks us to try to keep 10 Commandments, just as He Himself did, and as his apostles also struggled to do all their lives!
Here is the Apostle John instructing us to follow Christ and the Commandments.
1 John 2:3-6
"And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments."
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.
We are to walk as Christ walked, and Apostle John says that if we say that we know Christ, but do not follow his commandments, then we are a liar. That's very powerful, and very clear! Something to think about.
In summary, I will now exit this thread, because I can see that your argument, is really not with me, but directly with Jesus Christ.
Read and Believe!
Christ would be of "no reputation" ( Philippians 2:7 etal). To be truly a Rabbi; He also was fulfilling an age requirement; as He was Prophet; King and Priest. When the Spirit came down on Him as a dove; and He went out thenceforth to be tempted of the Devil ( Matthew 4:1) then He began the inevitable course of ministry leading Him to the cross. This shows also the value of His family; as we can see when basically He told John to take care of His mother at the crucifixion. Nonetheless; at 12 years old He showed who He would become. It is certain that as John also indicated; that if everything were to be told of Him all the world's books couldn't contain it. It is also true that much spurious material of the sol called "missing years" were allowed by God so that only those who truly hear His voice would respond; and also foreknew the 66 books that would result in the accepted Canon. It doesn't deny that some truths exist that are pieces of the original text from Enoch's prophecy; for instance, nor make all of Satan's statements something we should follow; but ensures that they have been faithfully recorded.
We also have the Apostle Paul and what Christ said to him; as well as John at Patmos (not to mention Pentecost before He rose from the dead). There is also the "Cristophone" occuring with the Angel of God in the O.T. He is eternal; and now risen!
There are clearly failures; as the whole Promised Land was never taken. The Philistines; for instance are where the modern day Palestinians reside; and many other ancient controversies will only be settled at the return of Christ to set up His Millennial Kingdom. We must look back to God's first promises to man; in the garden and Genesis 3:16 to see that the Messiah was always part of the plan. The next covenant of the rainbow was God's promise; not even based on what man did. EVERY prophet had failings; including Moses; the only one said to talk to God as though a friend; and was used to intercede much in the same way Christ did. But he failed when he struck the rock in anger; much as anger led him to the other sin of killing the Egyptian setting back the deliverance perhaps from when it could have begun. As far as I know; Samuel himself didn't have any recorded sin; although clearly all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Much of 1 and 2 Samuel have to do with Saul and God's dealings with David and the Philistines. As part of God's lineage; surely Satan used Saul with his 21 attempts to kill David to attempt to thwart God's plan. David's failings were costly; and there is a reference to him being a man of war keeping him from building the Temple Solomon did. Of course; Solomon in all his riches failed not heeding God's warnings. God remains faithful; as Deuteronomy states even in the last days and Tribulation.