All Discussion PAGE 1366

  • JUDY MATHEW on Proverbs 10 - 3 years ago
    what is frowardness
  • KATHY on Exodus 30 - 3 years ago
    is the oil the same that was put on people for healing? verses 22 to 28
  • David on Jeremiah 45 - 3 years ago
    We must be careful in how we regard our service to the Lord. As we learn to walk and trust in the Lord God through His word, remember that all good things originate from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Before we start to expect things are due us because of what we do, or what position we hold: God always knows best. Like the old time tv series "Father knows Best." I just dated myself - LOL

    Baruch felt he was due better things instead of being dragged around the country side with the remnant that remained in Jerusalem. After all he was the personal scribe to the prophet. He knew the prophecies given to be true and will come to pass. He just thought he should be treated better.

    We as believers of Christ the Lord are not entitled to anything. Galatians 2: 20; Colossians 3: 1-3 We have the privilege to seek the wisdom of the Lord God and worship at His feet. We know what the Lord is fully capable of doing and giving. 2 Cor 10: 5 By filtering our thoughts in the Word of God, I can rejoice in Him, be at peace, and have comfort even though we are going through this current Pandemic, Ukraine - Russian war, supply hick ups; soaring gas/oil prices. Philippians 4: 6-10

    No matter what happens we can be assured of our salvation in Christ Jesus if we believe and trust in the Gospel. Luke 10: 20; 1 John 5: 11-15. We have confidence in the Lord.

    The only solution before us is the salvation of the leaders of world. 1 Timothy 2: 1-4 "...that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty." We must continue to carry out God's will for us. Matthew 28: 18-20.

    May the peace of God shine on all on this forum. Know the Lord Jesus Christ, know Peace. No Lord Jesus Christ, no peace. Praying for all as we have the occasion to do so.

    Praise His Holy name. March 10, 2022
  • Mdgirl on Daniel 5 - 3 years ago
    Im just a hillbilly learning the bible but I think this interpretation is " many many take poison."

    I just think God showed this to me. The king died that night. It does not say how. I think it was poison and I think the verse is talking about today and the vaccine.
  • Ronnie - 3 years ago
    My wife and I were talking and I mentioned all the evil going on in the world and she said that Satin can't do anything without permission from God the father similar to the case in Job! We agree on our faith being tested etc!

    We disagreed on this, I brought up hundreds of thousands of kids are kidnapped here in America and around the world and used for sex, sacrifices etc because Satin rules this world now and will until Christ returns to set up his kingdom! I remember Dake teaching on dispensations !and tomried to explain this the best i can!

    She insinuated evil men can't do anything without God's permission! I said you're saying God allows this evil ......

    Can you explain this better?
  • JENNIFER SPITZER - 3 years ago
    Please pray that I do an excellent job today and that it's not busy today and I don't make any mistakes ijip
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I'm praying also. And asking for God for salvation and healing. In Jesus name amen
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Amen sister LA, i am believing with you! Shalom.

  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Father God, You know this situation. This daughter is in trouble and she needs Your help. Please save her soul through this. We ask You to be merciful to her. Your mercies are new every morning. Bring her to repentance and use this situation for Your glory because You are worthy. Hear her mamas prayers and turn this into a testimony. In Jesus name. Thank You Lord!
  • April - 3 years ago
    Prayer for God's grace, mercy, blessings, favor, deliverance, healing, protection, guidance, anointing, Gods truth to be exposed to people concerning the real me and my children, Gods salvation, hedge of protection, job, home, to be debt, peace, love joy and happiness. Prayer for God's double grace, and immediate blessing to move out my brothers home asap and for God to process my unemployment and lead me to where He has for me to rent or buy a home and for all my bills to be paid in full. Prayer for true agape peace and love, favor with everyone I am moving with and even where I finally relocate to for God's perfect will to be fulfilled for me, my children and grandchildren, for my tithes and offering to be a incense unto God in Jesus Name.
  • JENNIFER SPITZER - 3 years ago
    Please please please pray that I have an easy day at work today and that it's not busy,I can go to the store and have protection from my enemies with favor energy strength ijip amen
  • God is Wonderful to those who Seek - In Reply on John 5 - 3 years ago
    In a reference Bible there are some explanation to that passage. I'll list them:

    Isaiah 41:4, 6

    Daniel 7:13, 10:5, 7:9

    Daniel 2:18

    Revelation 19:12-16

    Alpha- beginning

    Omega- end

    I didn't see it for a long time, but one day I was reading Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew. It said, "In Beginning".

    My brain exploded.

    First Day, God created TIME for earth. God exists outside of time and inside of time. That is how He sees us "alpha" and "omega". He knows who will and who will not receive the Salvation He has prepared for us.

    PRAYER can change things or how we can accept things. The woman who tithed the widows mite, impressed Jesus.

    All of our days are recorded in a Book. Which means unborn children are known by God. He called prophets from the womb.

    Time is for weather, seasons, plant, harvest, animals mate, give birth; eggs to be hatched. It's huge just thinking about all the things that depend on time.

    Time is the one thing scientists couldn't find formulas of its origins. They have carbon dating, bigger space projects. No one is going to publish a Formula for Time.

    Genesis isn't the only place in the Bible where it speaks of Gods creation. They don't want to give God credit for it.

    "They" thought we'd understand it better if they added THE: in the beginning. Other stuff-God doesn't step in and stop car wrecks. But if we pray, we'll survive with just a little damage. He honors our free will.

    I think alpha and Omaha are Greek words.

    God has spread gold nuggets of revelation all through the Bible. Just laying there. If we read too fast, we will race past it.

    I was reading Ezekiel 37 about the bones. I know it's Israel. (I had dry bones in my life). I skimmed past where God says prophesy UPON these bones.

    The Holy Spirit tells me to prophesy. I said aloud the scriptures. Then he said, you can prophesy over YOUR dry bones!

    I'm scared to say THUS saith THE LORD. I cower while I'm thinking of dead things in my life.
  • Richard H Priday on Deuteronomy 25 - 3 years ago
    The first three verses here indicate punishment deemed worthy for wickedness is judged by the "judges" who were tied in with the Priesthood; and rendered up to but not exceeding 40 lashes. Paul was; for what they claimed was insurrection or like "offenses" subject to such beatings as well. ( 2 Cor. 11:24); some FIVE times (minus one I suppose to ease their conscience). As to muzzling an ox in verse 4; I am not sure if there is a deeper spiritual context here; other than showing kindness to God's creation; other definitions show that it should be allowed to eat while working; in a sense "worthy of it's hire".

    Verses 5 through 10 indicate a rule for the house of Israel; something that didn't deem direct sanction or punishment from God; but did allow for the "in your face" reaction by an offended widow expecting the "duty" of a brother living in the same house to continue her offspring within the family name by marriage. Such a brazen act of spitting in the face; and the symbolic one of loosening the shoe showed the opposite of the endearment of the Kinsman-Redeemer in the story of Ruth with Boaz. This was part of God's plan for the nation of Israel at the time-we may not relate today as modern day Americans but this is God's Word.

    On the other hand; verses 11 through 12 seem overly harsh to a wife protecting her husband; nonetheless it demonstrates certain parts of the body are to be held sacred even in this case.

    Verse 14 through 15 is yet another of many admonitions to have just and fair balances to enact transactions. This seems to transition into verse 16 about Amalek concluding the chapter. This shows how a past transgression affects God's further administration of justice; even after many generations. Here; the offspring of Amalek were told to be wiped out. It shall be assumed that there were either giant hybrids involved; or God knew that there would be no repentance among his descendants. We may not understand; but all of God's ways are right.
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Circumstances can be attributed only to one's self, when we live outside the grace provided through the body of Christ.

    Such as these are, become the knowledge and revelation of sin.

    Jesus came for the sick, the poor, the helpless. He came for the destitute, those who have fallen and are yet to stand up.

    Such are the children of a gracious Loving God, who will never deny them who love Him!

    He will however, use you who trust Him, even in the midst of darkness as you walk an unknown path and wait upon Him in for His marvelous light!

    These too, are become the circumstances we know not of. When Jesus is in your heart ,their is nothing that will separate you from Him! Nothing can separate you from Him. NOTHING!

    All have sinned and come short of His expectations, even so those who love Him, will strive in hope for the forgiveness that only He knows and will give to those who love Him.

    Repent and be Baptized
  • Alex N - 3 years ago
    When David said the lord said unto my lord sit thou at my right hand till I make your enemies your footstool...That one lil scripture kinda eliminates all oneness doctrine... Psalms 110 : 1 kjv
  • Roman - In Reply on Revelation 13 - 3 years ago

    Does Joel Richardson know that spiritually the land has been moved, and that Russia fits every description of the king of the north, Esau, and the beast? Mystery Babylon has moved as well, it's not in the ME; it is America. Russia and America will fight again, just like they did during the cold war, like Korea and Vietnam.

    What does Turkey have on Russia, who's making its beast move in Ukraine, threatening to nuke any US affiliated detractors? Putin has threatened Israel about the Golan Heights, and soon he will invade Israel and take then captive. Joel 3:1

    Richardson is wrong, and pushing that narrative in the end-times is a disservice. A false prophet steers followers away from the evolved truth.
  • Mishael - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I know how you feel. I asked the same question when my drug addict brothers died. We will find out when we get to heaven.

    So read the passage in Luke 16 verses 20-31. In verse 31, "Moses and the prophets" means the Law and the Prophets who preached repentance and salvation. The Bible.

    Every time a person hears the gospel preached and they do not respond; their heart hardens until it's hard like granite.

    It might help if you tell other family members that you are willing to pray with them. It helps me.

    It's not our good behavior that opens heavens gates. It's if we made a commitment and prayed a prayer.

    God writes our names in the Book of Life then.

    Revelation 20:15, 21:27

    I will pray that your heart be settled and that you will have courage to witness to those that you love, or don't. Miracles happen every day.
  • David Allen - 3 years ago
    please remember me and Kristie in your prayers today , please pray for my family and my lost coworkers , remember Delmar and his wife they need our prayers
  • Cindy R Wiggins Tapia - In Reply - 3 years ago
    And God bless you too.
  • BELOVED MEANS__BE LOVED - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Song of Solomon 2:16

    My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.

    Song of Solomon 6:3

    I am my beloved's, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies.

    Song of Solomon 7:10

    I am my beloved's, and his desire is toward me.

    Mishael comment: I could not make bad relationships work, until I met Jesus; who is our Beloved. He loves you.

    One day I was having a serious emotional storm. I opened the Bible and it landed in Song of Solomon. For me, just hearing 3 times, that Jesus was MINE.

    I belonged to Someone who would never leave me. It was like an echo in my soul. He's Mine and I am HIS! He's not going to ever leave me. No matter what people do to hurt me, I have my Beloved to wrap me in acceptance and never ending love. It's been 36 years, and he has never yelled at me or hurt me; abandoned me.

    Only Jesus can love you like that.

    We sneak away from him maybe, but He never rejects us. He is God. He is Faithful.

    I don't know your age. I'm 70. Find a practicing Christian. He may be in a church near you. Trust the Lord to find you a man.

    Ask him. Allow the Lord to heal your torn heart first. Ask him to.

    Let go of the past. It's not easy but you can do it.

    Up above on this page is a box: Become a Believer. It's helpful to get back on the right track. Loneliness makes us long for what worked once; but we can't fix it. If he's not born again( John 3), open your hand and let it go.

    In Jewish culture the couple are betrothed for a year. (Engaged). The grooms father, builds a room into the family home for the couple, after the marriage. They do not sleep together, period. We need that commitment during the betrothal.

    I guess I'm saying, it always works better when we follow God and not our instincts or impatience.
  • Grae - In Reply on John 14 - 3 years ago
    With affection and respect . When Jesus said those words he was quoting Psalm 22 . If you haven't read it please do and you will see that it depicts his crucifixion . I think he was quoting this Psalm to the Jews in order to try to make them see exactly who he is and that all this was long ago foretold about him . They should and probably did know that he was referencing this Psalm and maybe it would help them to recognise him and they would repent and be converted . That's what I think .
  • Suze - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you Rhonda , remember the prodigal son ? If we read carefully we see that his father saw him coming back to him while he was still a long way off and he ran to meet him ! God loves us and wants us with Him , even though He knows us ! Something that I sometimes say in my prayers is , Dear Heavenly Father , please make me all Yours forever by whatever means You see fit . A great post from you , thank you .
  • Suze - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Mary Beth , this is mostly a site about the actual words in the K J B . There are some references to alcoholism in the book of Proverbs , basically telling us to avoid it . All Christians are not supposed to go around judging others and we should also help any one who asks us for help if we are able to do so . I have many alcoholics in my family and one or two drug addicts also . They are all atheists . I do my best for them but mostly they don't want my help and I'm unable to do anything more than pray for them , which I do regularly . In the Bible , Christians are encouraged to be wise and discerning and not to put ourselves in positions that might lead to us being in danger , either physically or spiritually . I love my family very much but I spend more time with Christians than I do with atheists . That's not to say that there aren't Christians who have addiction problems , I don't know any though . If I did it would definately be my duty as a fellow Christian , to do everything I could to help them .
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    What the heart is filled with speaks the mouth, or in this case we write. But it's the same.

    Be blessed in His Holy Name Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:6-11
  • T Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Miriam-Christene-Peters, The reply was sent to my profile, if your question was to me:

    If you point to the scriptures I've referenced they should actually appear so you can read them straight from the Bible & all around them for context. They should be in red, you can also click to read whole chapter. Please let me know if that doesn't work, when you try it from your device.

    Hopefully that's helpful
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear "Lisa S" throw all your worries on Him. Philippians 2:6-11 And do not be confused, many other ppl pray for u and all others here on the web. Remember u have a Govenour in your heart, where you will find answers. Try and remember to ask for a case before you act on it. This is how the Lord can guide you.

    Sometimes things can be forgotten too. What does that tell us :).

    Stay blessed in His holy Name Jesus, love u in Christ
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 7, James 3, Job 6:24, Psalms 12:3-8, Psalms 15, Psalms 57, Proverbs 6:16-19, Proverbs 12:18, Isaiah 54:17, 1Peter 3:10, 1Corinthians 6:19,20, but also in context helpful hopefully to your other questions 1Corinthians 6:9-20,

    Hopefully these scriptures encourage you & are helpful

    Roots of many addictions are pain, if it's you or someone you dearly love:

    Adam gave sound advice.

    GOD can deliver from every addiction but 1st that person has to want deliverance. There are some cases I've heard testimony that GOD delivered instantly, others take persistence, prayer, fasting & steps of good decisions, each day.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Mary. From the details you've given, it appears that the man has separated himself from his wife for his own reasons but keeps coming back to her, maybe for companionship, shelter, food, etc. And he doesn't feel the same way (a lack of love & commitment?) about her anymore.

    There's no clear Scripture to guide one on this specific situation, except the one that T. Levis has given in 1 Corinthians 7:10,11 that speaks of the wife departing the husband. "And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband: But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife."

    One could look at that Scripture in the other way, where the Truth remains the same, i.e. the husband should not leave his wife, where the Scripture reminds us in Matthew 19:5,6 that they are now one flesh in marriage. So, if the husband wants to separate & live away from his wife & yet come back to his wife other than to apologize & reconcile, then the husband wants a 'marriage' that suits him without giving due regard to his wife. The wife would have to determine whether her love for him is still strong enough to permit that type of relationship (I know a couple of women who live in that state of heart hoping for a real love & commitment to return). Her love for him, though painful, might put up with it.

    But the woman who can see that the husband is playing her will talk about the matter with him & make it clear that she will not put up with his shenanigans & choose to remain estranged (i.e. no visitation or contact) until he comes to his senses & has real love for his wife. That may or may not happen, but with a sincere commitment in prayer to the Lord for His dealing with both their hearts, in time the matter will be resolved one way or tother.
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank werry much dear "Melkamu Taddasa Dugassaa". Remember Fhilippians 2:6-11 Amen
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    * Psalms 34:18,

    1John 3:20, Hebrews 4:12, Hebrews 10:22, Matthew 6:19-21,

    Hopefully these are helpful

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