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And to you Scott, I know that it is a storm and a terrible thunder storm when Jesus and His Angels fights for human souls. :) Iv heard it my self when i was saved, becouse i was sick and have fever.
After it was a strange peace resting in my room. And i get well from pneumonia. Amen
1 Corintihans 13
God bless us in Jesus Name, love u all in Christ.
I accept that Suffering is clearly one of Peter's main subjects, as we read in earlier chapters, & in chapter 3, I see that 'the suffering Christian' topic restarts at verse 13, "And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?"
Without considering inverted parallelism, I note that in this passage, Peter begins to encourage believers to be joyful, if their suffering comes because of them being righteous; that this is God's Will that they suffer for doing well rather than for doing wrong. And then Peter uses Jesus as his example of righteous suffering, though being killed in the flesh, He was made alive by the Spirit. So, if Jesus too had to suffer at the hands of wicked men for doing no wrong, they should not think that their sufferings should be unexpected. ( 2 Timothy 3:12).
And then from vv 19-21, I regard as a parenthetical narrative that Peter builds upon from verse 18, "but quickened by the Spirit"; that it was by this Spirit that Jesus preached to those held captive. Peter then deals with who those captives were, God's Patience, the righteous taken in the Ark, & the water that bore them to safety being the same medium in baptism that gives the believer a peace & satisfaction in conscience in salvation's work. With Noah, he didn't know where the Ark would end up, but he knew that his God Who brought them all thus far, would not fail them in the end. And baptism should bring the same mind: one of peace in God's Salvation & confidence that all is well now & to the end.
I can't sense the need for chiasmus.
Why i can say that becouse it is like all over. And Amerika have always trust in God. :) Instead, look to others who do not profess Jesus Christ as their Lord.
1 Corinthians 13
God bless u and yours in Jesus Name, love u in Christ.
1 Corinthians 13
God bless u and yours in Jesus and, u have a family here on the web, love u in Christ.
I ask This Day that You as our Father to show up in My Sisters Life and show out with your grace and mercy giving her honor and stability in her hometown, also I'm asking for direction for her children leading them to the path of righteous. Please forgive those who know the way leaving them with humble hearts and open minds . For You My God whom I will always know as the King of kings and the Lord of Lords I'm asking For peace and harmony in this young woman's life in Your sons name I pray Amen .
Since then, the Church has spread worldwide, the Word of God interpreted variously, & some Fellowships isolating themselves from other believers because of their brand of Christianity. I think it would be presumptuous to expect anything different or anywhere near the days of the apostles. Each member that comprises the true Church, the Body of Christ, has to give due regard to biblical warrants & so live his or her life accordingly. And if there is any evidence of bickering, gossip, seeking preeminence, corrupting of the Scriptures, & such like, it would be correct to leave & seek out one where the Bible & Christ-like living is given high regard.
Therefore, no Church Fellowship should believe they are the only true ones acceptable to God, rather should endeavour to receive all to worship with them, giving correct biblical teaching & correction as & when required. If Christ by His Spirit is in their midst, the Fruit of the Spirit will be evident & hearts will be drawn closer to the Lord & to each other. The true Church is comprised of Spirit-filled believers - not denominations.
I agree there are limits to typology that I have exceeded. In that I will admit to posting things that are wierd and can be questioned. I reacted defensively when the first challenge was written and looking at my response now I made it sound like I had written my manifesto of doctrine. I had not.
However, that escalated until you basically called me a false teacher. Harsh and hardly a basis for holding a conversation. But I am willing to admit I went too far and should have probably have just removed my original posts when I had the chance.
I am sure nothing like this has ever happened to anyone else in an online forum with questions like "Do animals have souls and are there animals in heaven?" before. Only the best theological answers to questions like that have been offered on this forum before I came along and no one has posted anything they later regretted. I'll be the first.
If you can agree that my summary of Billy Graham's message is a correct use of typology at least admit that. That doesn't require you to agree with anything else I have written and you are welcome to flatly say that you don't. Are you willing to show at least that much grace? Matthew 18:21-35.
Also. If you have any thoughts on the original question I would like to hear them.
You're saying some weird things that aren't in the Bible.
The prophet states that 2 lands (house of Israel, and house of Judah) are covered like a cloud, coming from 1 land (Russia)
Ezekiel 21:18-20 talks about the exact same thing: Judah and Ammonites are attacked and taken from 1 land, Babylon.
I deduct that America and Israel will be attacked and taken by Russia, at the day of the Lord.
Russia is making it's move. We will be at continual war until the falling away ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3).
Pray and seek Him through His Word and God will honor that and will strengthen your faith and allow you to forgive yourself. I am praying for you now. God bless you.
Well stated, God bless you.
Once again; they are reminded not to worship idols. The past manifestations of God on the mountain with fire was reiterated; and warnings as to future sin and being dispersed among the nations in exile after many died in the land would certainly come to pass. There is even a prophetic statement about the last days and tribulation (v. 30) where God still promised some mercy for repentance. This demonstrates the sad reality that Moses knew as God Himself that there would be rebellion as long as man remained in his sinful state until Christ returns. Nonetheless; God's covenant would remain (verse 31).
The blindness among the nation of Israel will finally be removed right before the return of Christ according to Zechariah. Romans states this as continuing until the "time of the Gentiles be complete ( Romans 11:25; see also Luke 21:24). Truly, there has been a time in the wilderness for the Jews up until today; as they have been unable to assess the suffering servant in Isaiah 53 as being Christ. Sadly; many will fall for Antichrist when "another comes in his own name" ( John 5:43). The lesson of going after enemies without God's blessing due to sin in the camp was something prevalent at that time. It was sin which caused such an extensive delay to get out of the desert; and would continually cause the nation to fall short of the promises in God's covenant for the Promised Land. Nonetheless; mercy stands as we have a God much more patient than you or I. Time and time again He forgives despite the heart of man which is desperately wicked ( Jeremiah 17:9).
May I suggest you reflect on Psalms 51, Psalms 139, Psalms 41 and Isaiah 41 an 1 Corinthians 10:13.
In the past I struggle with pornography but God help me through it. Remember 1 Corinthians 10:13. It isn't by our works we are saved by Jesus Christ works.
We are allowed to eat meat.
This is the liberty we have speaking these truths that have been given unto us. That we proclaim as you say the salvation through the blood of Christ! You have given a most magnificent point in this liberty that we have shared !
The glorious liberty found in him!
Lord I come boldly and humbly to you asking for healing in Jesus name
send your Angels down to protect me from any hurt harm are danger.
I wanna thank you for all the prayer warriors on here and whatever they
stand in the need of I ask that you grant in Jesus name.
I pray that you watch over my family and those that i consider to be friends
Lord I pray that you open a door for me to get a new place to live with everything
On one level so I dont have to walk up so many stairs due to my Heart condition.
In Jesus Name I Pray Amen.
They are the generally called the preincarate theory and the post-ascension theory.
I will deal with the post-ascension theory first, since it is similar to the theories I have presented in that it still takes place in the spiritual realm. Primarily it differs by denying Jesus ever descended into hell and that prior to his resurrection He placed His Spirit in His Father's hand and was with the thief in paradise. Then they take 1 Peter 3:18 where Christ is described as "being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:" as being the resurrection itself. Then I believe they see the "angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him." in 1 Peter 3:22 that followed Christ's ascension into heaven as describing the same event as 1 Peter 3:19.
I believe Peter is using a chiastic (inverse parallel) structure between a type in 1 Peter 3:19-20 and an antitype in 1 Peter 3:21-22. Having examined this structure in my own separate post, the post-ascension theory has gained substantially more merit in my view and I am giving it more consideration myself.
The preincarate theory also denies that Christ was ever in hell and proposes that the preaching Christ did in the Spirit actually took place during the time Noah was building the Arc and was definitely to human beings, not angels or fallen angels. They normally view Noah's preaching as being done by the Spirit of Christ rather than appealing to a preincarnate appearance of Christ.
This theory goes to great lengths to make the language in 1 Peter 3:19 have the "unto the spirit in prison" there only because that is their current condition, but that he really means to say "By which He went and preached to" men "which sometime were disobedient". It sounds very strained to me and has no clear parallel in the antitype.