All Discussion PAGE 1398

  • Emmanuel Afriyie - 3 years ago
    did i have to pay tithe
  • Jessica Griggs on Tobit 3 - 3 years ago
    Who are the chosen elect and how will the lord jesus christ of nazareth protect them in these last days? prayers sent up for my friends and true family of god and our great nation. god bless america and the usa.
  • Sam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Please God provide Donna's friend with heat and whatever she needs. Your Word states You will meet the needs for those who are in need. I pray in Jesus Christ name
  • Ju ju - 3 years ago
    Jesus please help the Hurt Twins make it on Steve Harvey, The Ellen show, and all tv platforms. Jesus I ask that their family be protected and they have many friends and enjoy life, and their family is safe, and the viewers are safe. Im praying they reach millions of followers on all platforms and all followers are loving of those around them and safe. IN JESUS NAME.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Grace,

    I keep thinking about you.

    How can I pray for you?
  • GiGi on Exodus 13 - 3 years ago

    The text says that God did not lead them via the short route, through Philistia. This most likely for several reasons:

    1) YHWH wanted to develop the relationship between Himself and the Israelites.

    2) YHWH wanted to grow the faith and commitment of the Israelites to YHWH.

    3) YHWH wanted to strengthen these people as a unit, not as individual tribes, so that they will fight as one people

    4) YHWH wanted to give them His Law so that they will know how their society is to live together and among the other nations.

    5) YHWH wanted to test them in various circumstances so that they will learn to depend on Him.

    6) YHWH wanted the Israelites to experience the many astounding miraculous workings for YHWH.

    7) YHWH wanted the people to be away from Egypt and alone with God long enough for them to not want to return to Egypt.

    8) YHWH wanted the people to learn about the lands outside of both Egypt and Canaan before they entered the Promised land.

    9) YHWH wanted to train the people for battle by making them physically stronger than the lushness of Egypt had softened them .

    10) YHWH wanted the Israelites to be purged of the idolatry of Egypt and commit to YHWH now and when they enter Canaan with all of its idolatry.

    Moses taught the people how to move in orderly ranks. This is important when leading such a large multitude of people safely. No one was to run ahead, get sidetracked on another way, or lag behind and become separated from the group. They went in the direction of the Red Sea, east into the wilderness, from Succoth to Etham. YHWH led them by a pillar of clouds by day and fire by night. His presence was within the cloud and the fire and He was always with them. He led them. He was in charge. he directed the way. He stopped them when He wanted them to stop, and began moving when He wanted them to go from where they stopped. The Israelites were to submit to God and subject themselves to His directions, not by their own reasoning or concensus. God ruled.
  • GiGi on Exodus 13 - 3 years ago
    ... continued

    Moses says that they are to remind themselves of YHWH's deliverance in this month every year when they enter the land promised to Abrahan, Isaac, and Jacob. This was now the land of the Canaanites, the descendants of Ham, not of Shem, who was most blessed by Noah. The many peoples they will encounter in this land are all Canaanites, not people of God's promise.

    Moses describes the land of Canaan as flowing with milk and honey. It was fertile, pleasant, and suitable for living. At our time in history, most of the middle east is desert. But in this time in history, it apparently was less so. It is said to have forests, wilderness, pasturelands, and more flow from its waterways. Wells were dug all over the area, so the water table must have been near the surface, easily accessed. History does not document how the climate changed in this portion if the world or when, but maybe, with study, something can be found out concerning this. Every year at this time, in the spring (mid-March to mid April) the were to keep the service to God of the Unleavened Bread it was a 7 day feast. Bread was purged from the home and only unleavened bread was to be eaten. Then on the 7th day there would be a feast to celebrate the last night the Israelites were in Egypt. They were to feast as a memorial to the last meal they ate in anticipation of the imminent deliverance that night from the LORD.

    Moses instructs the parents to teach their sons (perhaps all children, but maybe the firstborn) the importance of this feast and the reason for it. It seems that this is when the practice of phylacteries were begun. The fontlets were a headband of remembrance of the Law and on the hands were another item or writing to remind them of God's deliverance and the importance of following Him in all things. Moses introduces the setting apart of the firstborn and thy why of it.

    How important it is for us to actively teach our own children about the God. I should have done better at this.
  • GiGi on Exodus 13 - 3 years ago
    Yeah! YHWH brought the Isrealites out of Egypt, just as He had proclaimed to Abraham hundreds of years before. This chapter opens with YHWH speaking to Moses about the necessity of consecrating the firstborn son of man/beast among them. As the first born of the Egyptians were killed by the final plague, the firstborn of Israel were spared death. So, now that the Israelites were taken out of Egypt by YHWH and the firs born spared, now in the wilderness, the firstborn was to be separated out to the Lord as a reminder of this mighty act of God. Whenever a woman/beast gives birth for the first time, it should be a reminder of how God spared the first born in Egypt. Vs. 2 says that the firstborn "are Mine" even though the whole people of Israel are His people, but apparently the firstborn would be especially set apart for God. Perhaps this is a test to the Israelites to see if they would even be willing to set apart their first child (male) to God and do whatever He says to do with him, just like Abraham did with Isaac.

    Next, Moses speaks to the people, starting out by saying "Remember this day". The day was the last 24 hours in which YHWH had spared the firstborn and they had left Egypt in haste by the strength of God's hand. They are to remember that it was God who did this. Not Moses, not Aaron, not Pharaoh, not their leaders, but God brought them out in a great deliverance that should not forget about over time. It is important to remember what God has done for us.

    Next Moses mentions the month, Abib, which later became Nisan. It was spring. The heads of the grain were green, new, not mature. The nation of Israel at this time was like Abib, spiritual infants, newly budded, not yet mature or ready. The Israelites have just begun this relationship with YHWH. They had not known Him long. They were just babies in their faith in Him. At this time of year, remember your deliverance from Egypt. Never forget. Never lapse in your memory. Remember.
  • Repentance and Prophecy - In Reply - 3 years ago
    The new moon is the start of a new month , also high Holy days are sabbaths

    Sirach 43:6-8

    Common English Bible

    6 The moon stands at its proper time,[a]

    a notification of times

    and an everlasting sign.

    7 The sign for a feast comes from the moon,

    a luminous body that wanes

    when it completes its course.

    8 The new moon shares the character

    of its name,[b]

    increasing wonderfully as it changes,

    a signal on high for armies,[c]

    shining in the vault of the sky.
  • Repentance & Prophecy - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Job3: 11 Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?

    12 Why did the knees prevent me? or why the breasts that I should suck?

    13 For now should I have lain still and been quiet, I should have slept: then had I been at rest,

    14 With kings and counsellors of the earth, which build desolate places for themselves;

    15 Or with princes that had gold, who filled their houses with silver:

    16 Or as an hidden untimely birth I had not been; as infants which never saw light.

    17 There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest.

    18 There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor.

    19 The small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master.
  • Prophecy - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Matthew 1:1 give you the actual seed line or genealogy of him. His birth is foretold as fast back as Deuteronomy 18:15-19 scriptures 15 and 18 being the points of interest. Matthew 1:14 let's you know how many generations it was from Abraham to the Anointed One.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Rod, it's ok. I was just trying to complement other answers. GBU.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Bonnie,

    Jesus was born to Jewish parents and grew up in a Jewish community. The only way we can really know if He was Jewish would be to test His DNA, which we cannot. However, Scripture says that the Messiah would come from the seed of Abraham, and then Isaac, and then Jacob. So the promise of God says that the Messiah would be from the Israelite lineage. It is also prophesied (I don't know the exact place in the Bible) that the Messiah would come from the kingly lineage of David, which was from Judah, from which we get the Jews. If Jesus has any DNA from his mother, Mary, then He would be a Jews, as she was a Jew. the Y chromosome DNA was created by God the Father. It was created because DNA is physical matter. The Father selected the genetic makeup of this Y chromosome, so He most likely created it as genetically Jewish. the Scripture also state that Jesus' lineage was Jewish. So if we believe that all Scripture is true, then Jesus was a Jew because Scripture says so.
  • Kay - 3 years ago
    Does it say anywhere in the bible that you cannot be good friends with someone who is Muslim or Sufi or Mormons? If it does where does it say this?
  • Donna - 3 years ago
    Please pray for Sister Shelley to have a heater in her home.Free.
  • Apostolic Evangelist - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dearest Brother Remember One very important thing here

    John 5:39 You search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and these are they which testify of Me, But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life.???

    We are in Spirit with Christ Not flesh, it is the Spirit that guides you to the Truth Not a Man called preacher or a building called church. The Spirit is free outside.

    We are Not Christ Yeshua for he was perfect.

    I heal on the Sabbath if God sends me to do his will.

    Now you gave me LUKE 4:18 let me show you.

    The Spirit of he Lord is upon Me

    because He Has ANOINTED ME.

    To preach the gospel to the poor

    He has sent Me to Heal the brokenhearted etc

    Can you see ANOINTED ME who is Anointed dear brother do you think every church in the World has this Anointed pastor or priest.

    NO we are the Church You and Me and if you have been Anointed you will know because we hear the Father speak to our hearts and we go where he tells us to go.

    If we teach or Heal on the Sabbath its because he has asked us to.

    99.9% of building called church has NO Anointed Man nor Women dear Brother. This why our Father calls you out of them.

    Gods servants walk with God outside and touch people in secret. We are NOT Christ for thousand to follow us NO

    We find you in secret dear Brother....God shows us where you are. You are called the Little Church and his little flock does Not sit in a Building made with hands. ACT 17:24 God Dose NOT dwell in a Temple made with hands.

    JOHN 14:17 The Spirit of Truth whom the world CANNOT receive because it neither sees Him nor Knows Him but you know Him for He dwells with you and will be in You. Now if any of you had this Spirit of Truth you would not be questioning the Sabbath Day Saturday for you would know not to be sitting a church on the Sabbath for some pastor to be teaching a Child of God.

    Get out of the Building come and Sit with your Heavenly Father God on the Sabbath and feel HIM.God bless you
  • Bonnie - 3 years ago
    I have a sister who says that Jesus was not a Jew. Is there any scripture in Bible that says he was a Jew. She says that the lineage says it but she doesn't believe that he had the blood of a Jew running through his veins.
  • Rose Hunt Chandler - 3 years ago
    I just went to a funeral. The preacher said I'm telling you that right now Hazel is in heaven with Jesus. On and on with the lies. Then at the grave, the same preacher, told the same people that Hazel was asleep waiting for a resurrection to heaven. Apparently people are told a lot of lies. I believe that there is one true God and creator. Psalms 83:18

    I believe the Bible is his word. So I believe in what God says not man. God said he chose only 144,000 to reigne in heaven as kings and priest over the earth. Rev After Armageddon and all the wicked has been destroyed off the earth God's kingdom Gov will begin its rule over earth. The resurrection will begin for the righteous and unrighteous. The unrighteous a resurrection of judgment on how they live during this time.

    Jesus paid for their sins. For 1,000 yrs Christ and his anointed bros from earth will bring man to perfection. Any who do not wish to be obedient will go to a second death. Destroyed as if by fire. No more hope for these. At the end of Christ 1,000 yr reigne Satan will be loosed from the abyss to test perfect mankind. All those who remain obedient will be given everlasting life. They can partake from the trees of life. The rest fire will come fown and consume them and all the demons will be destroyed. Now God's will is done on earth. Jesus will hand the kingdom over to his father and God Jehovah/Yahweh will be all things to everyone.

    Rev 21;3 4

    1Cor 15:16-29
  • Apostolic Evangelist - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Grae - in Reply

    So u keep all the laws of Moses ? U sacrifice a lamb every morning and every evening ? No we do Not sacrifice animals these are part of the 613 Laws that God abolished and gave us the new 10 Commandments to keep.

    God bless.
  • Rose Hunt Chandler on 2 Timothy 3 - 3 years ago
    I love Psalms 84:18

    And Psalms 37: talking about time when people will not die but will live forever upon Der God's kingdom. Dan 2:44
  • John - 3 years ago
    AMan My Friend , im ApostolicPenecostal , And I believe you and what you said 100% I believe in the word of God and in God . I believe and know this verse is real as well and works as well . I needed it to one day for something Not as serious as yours but need to stop bleeding my pastor told it to me and it worked of course .

    Also i went paralyzed by a blood clot when I was 20 years old I didn't know that verse then but I'm 40 years old now and I can walk again. God blessed me to walk while I was in the hospital 20 years ago from while after having my back surgery . God bless you my friend love you in the Lord ' peace and blessings be upon you and your family May the blessings of the Lord be upon you take care, Murray Kentucky

    Me & my family attend life tabernacle of Murray Kentucky . come see us if you get to this part of the world! we'd love to worship with you and your family
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Rich, well said and good food for thought. Perhaps it is good for all of us to think of how we can "downsize" our lifestyle, "unloading that camel" as you said. There are so many ways to bless others with our time, talents, and "treasures", (One man's junk is another's treasure rings a bell).
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Like,

    Can you please explain Replacement Theology for those who do not know what it is? that way, we can speak to what you've explained, not just stated a term.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello, Luke.

    I think it is good to remember what the world was like in Jesus' day and that of the early church. They were under Roman rule and occupation and this empire was ruled by the whim of the Emperor, who often was very corrupt and often a bit crazed. People did not have anything near the freedoms we have now, nor any reason to think that the government ruled by the Emperor was favorable towards them. It was far worse than what it is like for us now.

    We ought to be thankful for the liberties we possess in so many countries of our world now. But there are still billions alive today that do now have such liberty. Take China, for one. Our governments are far from perfect. Believers should look to God for all things. But for many of us, we still retain a great amount of liberty without fear of being martyred, persecuted, or oppressed. I, for one, do not like the direction my country, (the U.S.A.) is going. I exercise my right to vote and all of the civil rights afforded to me with a hope that such exercise may effect a positive difference in those who govern.

    Yet, I do think that it may get a lot worse and so, I want to be prepared as much as possible. There is enough going on in our world that we who believe have plenty to pray for every day. I want to be prayerful in this matter as much as I am reminded to do so.

    As far as capital punishment is concerned, I am not opposed to it. There are many behaviors that are so heinous that the person should not be allowed to live any longer or be kept in prison until death takes them. I prefer the latter over the former, but do not stand in opposition of such punishment being followed through with as long as it is truly just to do so. Scripture supports capital punishment. But many of the things that are considered deserving of such judgment in the OT are better handled with the aim of bringing someone to the knowledge of the gospel and repentance. I would not want every disobedient child stoned.
  • L.A - 3 years ago
    This is the day that the Lord hath made I shall rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you to all my prayer Warriors . I wanna say that God is faithful he is there when you think he's not. Trails and tribulations come to make us stronger. I can say that God is the only one I can depend on sometimes friends and family let you down but God. He said in his word that he will never leave you nor forsake sake you. I hope this reaches someone spirit today be blessed in Jesus name Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello again Luke,

    The OT was written in Hebrew and translated to the Greek in the 3rd century B.C. (called the Septuagint) This was later translated to Latin and then to other languages around the time of the Reformation. In the Hebrew, God's name was YHWH (written this way). Because they did not want to sin by mispronouncing or disrespect of His name, they substituted the name Adonai in Hebrew, Kurios in Greek, (LORD) in English. So they all mean the same thing. The NT was written in Greek (and a bit of Aramaic) then translated to Latin and then to other languages around the time of the Reformation. Jesus' name in Hebrew was Yeshua, in Aramaic, Yeshu, in Greek Iesous, in Latin, Iesus, and English Jesus. So these name are all referring to our Savior, Jesus. or Iesous In other language translation, His name may be different than Jesus as well. Jesus is anglicized, so in His lifetime on earth, He was not called Jesus, but most likely Yeshua (Yashua, Yehoshua) or Iesous or Yeshu. The letter "J" was not a part of the alphabet in Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek, but was introduced in Latin to replace the "Y" sound, spelled with an "Ie".

    I prefer to respect how people choose to call our Savior, depending on their language or preference. I am an English speaker, so I call Him Jesus most often, but if I was in a country that did not speak English, I would use their translation for His name, as I am using an English translation.

    You are free to doubt people's salvation according to your own rules. I just don't wish to presume to assess another's true staus before God simply on which translation they use.
  • Neetdyson - In Reply - 3 years ago
    how many covenants did God make with Abram in 12-50?
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    God bless you Sister, you and family are in my prayers,
  • Eric - 3 years ago
    While America was fighting their 'war on terror' 21 years, Russia was busy creating unstoppable hypersonic weapons. No army on earth can match Russia's arsenal.

    To think that Russia's battle with Ukraine is just a dust up, wait till Putin turns his face towards Israel with grievances and demands. You will get a glimpse of the spoiler before he goes beast mode. The world deserves everything coming to it for denying Russia's security guarantees. God will use Russia to hammer the world down.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    You are most welcome, Joleen, none of us can really know when we will come to a time such as you are experiencing. So, we encourage on another, as opportunity arises. Keep us posted. I really pray that you have a good day.

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