King James Bible
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2Timothy 2:1-5, Psalms 102:12, 2Thessalonians 1:4,
Hopefully these are helpful
Importance to gather together as a group and worship the God that we love so much. He wants us to be there in a group to love on each other and comfort those who are beat down by life.
Sometimes a "hi how are you, and a holy hug" will really make someone else feel they can get through another week of trials, they are dealing with.
Jewish culture is somewhat different than American culture. Israel is a much smaller country. Not spread out like the USA, or Europe or elsewhere. I think we can be a community as a church and teach outward to those who live in it. Everything about God is showing family and community strength.
I'm reading the Bible "through" the lense of Gods Will for us: community that outreaches families in that community.
We live in a culture now, that is accustomed to using SOCIAL MEDIA, to touch friends or people who share our particular beliefs. Online life is not the same for everybody.
Bottom line: as God says, we work 6 days and the 7th Day is Sabbath. We work within the Known Will of God.
Love one another as I have loved you__what is so difficult that we cannot work that into our routines? It pleases God when we do that.
When I was working, I would bake awesome chocolate chip cookies 1 day a week. Wrap them in aluminum foil with a mini bow on it. Pray: "come and taste the goodness of the Lord; in Jesus Name". I always got to work early because of traffic. I put them on peoples desks. They knew I did it. :)
Try to touch people and include them in your joy of being God's child. We are His Church, and I think that Church is everywhere the soles of our feet go. "GO YE" into all of your world. Externalize; Not internalize.
Numbers 20:7-12, is a portion of the whole story & reason.
Let's look at the bigger picture:
Numbers 20:12, please note it says "Because you believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore._._" , Please read Exodus, Moses' doubts: Exodus 3:11,13, Exodus 4:1,3,10,14, Exodus 4:24-26, Exodus 5:22, Exodus 6:12, Exodus 6:30, Exodus 14:11-15, Exodus 16:2-28, Exodus 17:2-7, Exodus 32:11-19,30,31,32,33, Exodus 33:1-3, Numbers 11:1-15, mercy ( Numbers 11:16-20,) Numbers 11:21-23, * Numbers 13, Numbers 13:30,31,32, * Numbers 14, very significant I believe, when they were supposed to take the promised land please read Numbers chapters 13 & 14, & notice: Numbers 13:30, Numbers 14:24, Numbers 14:22-23,
Psalms 95:6-11, note Psalms 95:10-11,
Hebrews 3:5-19, Luke 13:24, Mark 10:15,
Hopefully this is helpful
First of all, I believe the trinity. Yahweh or adonai or whatever nonsense that is, is not found in the king james bible. If people do not get the saviours name right, I doubt their salvation. Every person I know that uses the name yeshua does not believe in eternal life. The devil attacks the name of Jesus more so than any name and has put all these other false names out there to confuse people. God is not the author of confusion.
I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites families, marriages, churches! ! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May all men love and adore You, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us!! Help us not to put ourselves under yokes, never to smoke or lie, to be tough, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Submit to us!! Help us with the H, to DP! May our loved ones know and love you, seek your face, read and love your word (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, neighbors, neighborhoods, M, family, friends, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, DDEC, A, AD, J, A, M, B, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, G, LL, R, B, L, K, B, N, I, Tankoua, SL, J, others, T, Yolain's, T, D, P, authorities, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, ISFEC, R, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, high schools, EP, A, CNED, Rachel, D, B, Mika, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, CSC, SP, SC, L, France, E, CNED, A, G, L, directions, university, employers, EP, L, C, B, W, W, U/R, R, M, unemployed, B, B, D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm, Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptists, GP, G/I/V, traders...). Help us with the C and D, J23, 24, smooth our ways, always give us your peace, your joy, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A, your benevolence!! May all men support us and be slow to anger!! Heal backs, shoulders, depressions, gout, pains, sufferings, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with perjury!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, calling and destiny!! Change times and circumstances, laws (telephone), work miracles in our lives, secularism, programs, help us with worldliness and adultery!! Help the greedy, help us with the evil spirits!! I pray you for the avenger
I also need to be increasingly more responsive and trusting like the little child Christ called to himself. Getting into the kingdom of heaven by conversion as a little child is not all there is to gain by becoming more and more like a little child in humility each day God's mercies are made new for us. The riches of Christ's wisdom and the fruits of the Spirit must increase and are only available to little children that wait on their Father.
I am also beginning a journey of volunteering and learning how to love the poor in the communities where I live and work and not disregard, despite or neglect them or think of them as somebody else's problem and not part of my calling. If I can truly see them as my neighbors and learn ways to show His love to them and share His gospel with them, He says He will see me responding to His needs in response to His voice as His sheep. I never would have even thought to do that if hadn't learned to humbled myself like a child homeless on the streets to receive the love Christ showed me when I was a beggar.
He died for our sins.
I use this opportunity to ask him, may he forgive us our sins we committed since our dates of birth to date. May he forgive us our parents sins, patternal and maternal anchestral mistakes, clan and traditional acts that were performed on our interest, those which were done knowingly or unknowingly. Intentionally or unintentionally. Those we met by the way, even the evils that were sent to us, some by our relatives wives n girl/boy friends, even workmates, unwell wishers, the jealousy. Fire. We forgive them and forgive ourselves. Forgive our family members and give them Deliverance. Solve our problems and ease our leaving in Jesus's name.
Throu The Blood of Jesus Christ Holy Spirit, heal us earliest with your love. Deliver us from evil to ashame the devil I pray.
Good night, good time.
You're being sifted! Satan desires to have you. I can testify to you that he will destroy you and your family if you give up. Jesus will be there to refresh and restore you at the end of this trial. Just PLEASE, don't let go! Do your best to read your Bible. Stay in church. Stay on your knees. I will put you on my prayer wall at home. I'm praying for your family. For your dad. He's discouraged. Try to encourage him and don't take it personal when he lashes out. Just pray!
31And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: 32But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
In Mark's case the disciples rebuked parents to hinder them from bring their little children to be blessed by Jesus, and Jesus rebuked His disciples. In Matthew's case the disciple wanted to know who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven and Jesus called a little child to Himself to teach them.
From Matthew 18:4 we learn the greatest in the kingdom of heaven humbles himself as that little child did when he that came to Jesus' call. The child's response was unquestioning, trusting and innocent. In Mark 10:17-31 we get the account of the rich young ruler that wanted to be justified. He claims to have kept the commandments since his youth, but knew he still lacked something. Jesus loved him, but when Jesus gave him the call to sell all he had to become rich in heaven and to pick up the cross and follow Him, he walked away disappointed. He was not a child of God, since little children don't possess anything under their own authority, they must get everything from their father. The rich young ruler chose the visible wealth he gained from his earthly father and his own initiative over the unseen, but far more valuable, wealth offered by being a born again follower of Christ and His Father. The disciples were astounded by this requirement, even though they had pretty much done what he asked when He called them. They must have still been holding on to some hope that earthly wealth and power like the rich man had would be part of the future Christ would bring them. It wasn't until they finished carrying the cross and received their riches in heaven as Christ did. The health and wealth gospel is not taught by Christ. The crucified and poor gospel is the narrow way to eternal life.
John 19:19, Matthew 27:40-42, Mark 15:30-32, 1 Corinthians 1:18, Hebrews 12:2
Numbers 20:7-12, 10"And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock?" 12 "And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed me not, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them."
I am a nondenominational Bible believing Christian who has always attended a Sunday service. We had Saturday services too but did not honor God on the Sabbath by resting and refraining from doing our own will. I do lean heavily on the Pentecostal side Because I believe in the gifts of the spirit as the Bible teaches them. I believe in being lead of the spirit and worshiping God in spirit and truth.
I don't know everything about the Seventh-day Adventist church I don't know anything really except for they believe in worshiping on the Sabbath. And keeping the Sabbath holy, I assume.
I am a little nervous personally about putting any stock into Ellen White's prophecies because I don't know if she was a true prophetess. But even if she was I would not build my doctrine on her prophecies.
The Bible is my doctrine. My only doctrine. The Old Testament and the New Testament that's my doctrine. Anything outside of that is not my doctrine. I just wanted to clarify that. I am not putting anybody down I'm just clarifying.
Sunday worship has always felt a little weird to me for some reason I don't know why because like I said nobody has ever taught about the Sabbath in any church that I have attended. I would like to find a Bible only church that believes in worshipping on the Sabbath. Because that's what Jesus did. He always set an example for us. He was in the temple on the Sabbath teaching and worshiping. I don't know everything but I am studying it. And trying to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling.
It's also a commandment. And I believe we should honor all of the Ten Commandments. And try to keep them.
I stand with Donna in prayer and with Adam in his advice. I pray that the Lord will show you how and when to leave this situation safely. I pray for the Lord to do a miracle in your husband's life. But because he has broken your marriage covenant by covering his family with violence, you are no longer bound to remain with him. He and God will work out the change needed in him. But for you and your children, it is probably best for you and the children to get away from this man and trust God to establish you in a different way of being a family without this man as a husband. There is a lot at stake, especially for your children. The effects of abuse (even viewing it) can be long lasting in children, affecting them emotionally, mentally, relationally, and spiritually as well as physically. So, as a mom who loves her children dearly, take advantage of all of the doors that God opens for you to leave this situation. I pray that God's directions to you will be so clear and compelling that you will know exactly what to do.
Keep us posted, please.
I will pray for you today. Dear Lord Jesus, we lift up Joleen to you today. She is You is feeling distant from You and her interest in growing in You is low at this time. Spark Your fire in her through the Holy Spirit to empower her to seek You and call on You for help and comfort. Fill her with the oil of Your joy. Draw her to call on You in prayer. Satisfy her with truth from Your Word. Strengthen her faith and lead her in her walk of faith. Lord Jesus, we affirm that Joleen belongs to You and that Your love has set her free from sin and unbelief. Help her to walk by the Holy spirit who lives within her. Lift up her spirit to praise You and have a thankful heart for all You have done for her. We are so glad she is Your child and a sister in You. Bless her richly today. We ask all these things in Jesus' name. Amen.