All Discussion PAGE 1403

  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I assume you meant to ask:

    Could Judas who hung himself be saved?

    If your question is specifically about Judas Iscariot the answer is no with near certainty, but he was already doomed before he chose to hang himself based on Jesus' statements about him and the pronouncements against him in the Gospels and Acts from even before the moment he betrayed Jesus. His death by hanging himself seems to have been viewed as a fitting end for a wicked man, much the way Haman's death by hanging on the gallows he built for Mordecai in the book of Ruth is viewed as a fitting end for a man who utterly hated God's people. Judas' judgement has in many ways been made known in advance much more as a warning against betraying our brothers and Christ, than as a warning against how his life ended as a consequence of that betrayal.

    If your question is instead:

    Could anyone who hung himself (or committed suicide by some other means) be saved?

    I would have to leave that decision to God. I have known a Christian brother who had a vital ministry in music who ultimately committed suicide several years after he moved on to serve elsewhere. I didn't know him or his family well enough to get a real understanding of what led him to make that decision. Understandably those who knew him better than me focused on his gifts and the moments in his life that affirmed he had faith. I choose to focus on that as well.

    Having known and survived long-term clinical depression myself, it takes real faith to endure the pain, despair and seeming hopelessness of that condition. I am much more concerned with praying for mercy upon those that experience it than on trying to know God's mind regarding anyone that has not survived it and who's judgement has not been revealed in advance. Through my experience with depression I have learned that our lives are loved by more people than we ever realized and we will see it if we choose to put any pain we know into Christ's hands and praise him as we endure it.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Genesis 17,
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I've heard it explained it was a perversion thing. Note they were adults, Genesis 6:18, Genesis 7:7,13, Genesis 8:16,18,

    Genesis 9:22, honestly ask yourself would you go tell others? Or cover? Who showed their father honor? Genesis 9:23

    Noah, "knew what his younger son had done to him." Genesis 9:24, it wasn't that he just saw.

    There's additional information, to help readers understand, Genesis 9:18, Genesis 9:22, Genesis 9:25, Genesis 10:15, note Canaan, 1st recorded rape of a girl Genesis 33:18, Genesis 34:1-2, & Sodom & Gomorrah, Genesis 10:19, Genesis 13:13, Genesis 18:20, Genesis 18, Gen. 19,

    Isaiah 3:9, Jeremiah 23:14, Ezekiel 16:49, Jude 1:7, it appears to point to a root of evil started with that person.

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • GiGi - In Reply on Jeremiah 16:19 - 3 years ago
    scDavid thank you for speaking truthfully about our Lord.

    Many people do not seek to have sound doctrine concerning Jesus, our Heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit and their relationship within the Godhead. I've meet many believers who say things like, "I don't think doctrine really matters as long as we have Jesus as our Savior." And in my heart I think, "Which "Jesus" are you believing in?" But most of these people do not really want to discuss matters of doctrine or examine their beliefs against the whole of Scripture. I am one who sincerely desires to know God truthfully. So, I study doctrinal matters along with what the Scriptures say.
  • Roman - In Reply - 3 years ago

    Noah got black-out drunk and Ham sexually took advantage of him. Ham's two brothers, out of respect for Noah, walked into his room backwards as not to see his nakedness. When Noah realized what happened to him, he cursed Canaan. He placed the curse on Canaan because he had already blessed Ham.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you Donna,

    I know that I am in God's hand and He controls my life, thankfully.

    In hearing my heartbeat on the ultrasound (echocardiogram) I thought, "dear Lord, You have been faithful for 65+ years to give me every heartbeat without ceasing. I do not even need to think about it or do anything to make it beat." So, I thanked the Lord and praised Him for His faithful care of me.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you Adam.

    This situation sure come upon me as a surprise, but I know that nothing surprises God. I am in His hands and love.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Well said Richard.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Ronald, thanks for your replay and kind words.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Heavenly Father, Please let no weapon formed against Alex prosper at his workplace. You know all things. I pray that you would put the enemy under his feet. I plead the blood of Jesus over him. Please move him to a new better job. Thank You Lord, in Jesus name, Amen.
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Gigi, I am praying for your health right now. May God fully heal your body and protect you from harm.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Father God, We lift up Russia and the Ukraine. Please supernaturally protect The Ukraine from these attacks. Give them strength, their army is small comparatively. Please move upon the heart of Vladimir Putin. Let him have a Damascus experience, save him Jesus. Let your name be lifted up in the midst of this war. Let many hearts be turned to you Lord Jesus. I pray for supernatural apparitions protection salvation in Jesus mighty name. Lord please protect the refugees that are fleeing from the Ukraine. Please provide resources such as food water medicine supplies rest safety making supernatural intercession for this country. In Jesus mighty name. May your name be high and lifted up.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Several points. My first would be that in my last post; I am in no way condoning things that I suppose I can't specifically mention without being flagged as to what is going on in Russia in particular. It would be nice if we would acknowledge things we have done such as not taking in Jews during World War Two; destabilizing governments; etc. Same for our accusers as well. A big danger in WW2 were those sympathizers (Ukraine and elsewhere) who were at times those primarily responsible for rounding up Jews to their death. There is still in these countries a lot of Neo Nazi sympathizers. To hear about the history from a leader of a nation that has existed for over 1000 years and who has some intellectual acuity in understanding foreign affairs is rare these days; thus I have paid attention to Putin; and also read from some alternative news sources what's going on in Syria and other nations. I realize that either mainline or alternative sources may be skewed with political agendas; but usually some strands of truth come out.

    The second thing is that we all must primarily be focused on the gospel; and in turn through His love be able to show unconditional "agape" towards our enemies. The most important thing is not our freedom; although many don't appreciate our blessings. That gets me into the third point. I am going to categorically state that the last generation must not have started in 1948 if that prophecy partially fulfilled in Christ's generation still is meant for the future. Psalm 90:10 takes us to 2029 already which is 81 years. My basic theory is that for ALL nations along with Israel to prosper; the Psalm 83 conflict must come; where Israel takes much more of it's promised land; secures its borders and or eliminates the Palestinian issue; perhaps the Isaiah 17 Damascus prophecy must come to pass; and it becomes a land of unwalled villages allowing for Ezekiel 38 to come to pass as conditions predict.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi GiGi,

    Thank you for replying, you do a lot of good on this site, and the care and love you show towards the people on this site, you wear your heart on your sleeve, I contemplated on how to answer. I do not deny the divinity of Jesus the only begotten Son of God, but maybe with a different understanding. We with our human minds, at times, take simplicity and complicate it until it becomes a mystery, something difficult or impossible to understand or explain.

    The first two views you listed, if my understanding is correct, Jesus was unable to choose to disobey or was not able to sin. A covenant is a contract made between two parties, God and man.

    In the covenant of works, is a conditional covenant, the condition to be accepted and ratified by man, obedience to the law of God, and also an inward heart-observance of complete holiness, itself the law. Perfect obedience and righteousness had to be performed to the whole Law by man under the same trials, and temptations as we. If any part of Jesus forbade Jesus from being able to sin, He could not have fulfilled the law and the covenant of works.

    You said, "when Jesus walked on water, His divine nature was performing the act". Not to be belligerent, but Peter also walked on the water until he got scared and Jesus scorned him for his lack of faith. We may also be partakers of the divine nature, 2 Peter 1:3-4

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Michael: Whenever a mindset of politics and culture dominate our thinking; we are easily skewed into what seems right as patriotic citizens. There seems to be increasing awareness of some nowadays that as they used to say it is "both sides of the same coin" when it comes to which side we vote for at least in this country. Some seem blissfully unaware that there is only a handful of corporate entities responsible for the majority of media today. Even more important than this; is how the Christian entertainment industry (and yes this has swallowed up the whole identities of certain megachurches I'd rather not mention directly here) have abandoned sound doctrine for a sappy sort of lovey dovey Christ; largely of their own imaginations. These prosperity ministries and associated music groups seem to have lacked the privilege of suffering any persecution; loss of property (heaven forbid INTELLECTUAL property rights); or in general been anything besides a friend of the world. No wonder Christ said to the Laodiceans that they were poor; blind; miserable; wretched and naked in their true spiritual condition under the veneer of self assurance and pride. There are movements afoot by a well known persona to somehow declare the O.T. as being antiquated somehow. We are saved by grace; but not supposed to live like hell. I don't know any other way to describe it. Repentance seems to be missed as to an element of saving faith; yet according to Ephesians and elsewhere God grants it to us; and there must be "fruit meet of repentance." Therefore the faith of John 3:16 isn't "decisional regeneration" but God electing to make us part of the beloved. If we love Him; we obey His commandments. The Spirit is the only way we can do this anyway; with His residence in our souls. Hatred seems to not be understood as David stated in the Psalms; we are to hate the sin and love the sinner. All this self assurance is nonsense to those truly Born again who have died to self.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I agree I failed to properly account for all the things angels were authorized to do when I pointed out what they weren't authorized to do. Signs did occur that shut the mouth of unbelievers, as You pointed out. I would agree that those signs can be added to the list of things Christ and the Father authorized angels to do on that day in addition to bearing the thief to paradise. Probably the last 3 hours of darkness that occurred was also produced by angelic means. They ministered to Him in the garden as well when he prayed. So I agree I need to expand my statement about what angels were authorized to do to signify that Jesus was the Christ on that day, and there is probably more I've overlooked.

    My statement was meant only to be taken in connection with the statement by the mockers that Christ had to save Himself and come down from the cross by angelic means for them to believe His claims were true and Christ's statement that He merely had to ask His Father for an angelic army to prevent what was about to happen, but He wouldn't so that the scriptures would be fulfilled. I don't see any angelic interventions in the events surrounding Christ's crucifixion that were designed to prevent or deliver Christ from suffering and dying on the cross.

    If I had the kind of power that Christ had at His disposal merely by asking for it, but I had to resist the temptation to use it and not save myself from such sufferings ending in death, were my fallen nature to have had any say in the matter, I couldn't have seen it through to the end like Christ did.

    After rereading the passages you pointed out about shutting the mouths of not only the Centurion, but those with Him, I see why you took issue with what I wrote. I had only thought it was only the Centurion that said that, probably from watching Hollywood's version of the crucifixion. Live and learn. Who knew Hollywood makes historically inaccurate movies? ;)
  • George Warr - In Reply - 3 years ago
    who was abram first son
  • George Warr - 3 years ago
    could judas how hung himself be save
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for GiGi. I lift her up to You today and I ask You to bless her health. Specifically her heart health. I pray that if there are any blockages that You will let them dissolve in Your presence! Lower her blood pressure for good. Iam asking for healing for her. You are able.

    You said we have not cuz we ask not, so Iam asking, and thanking You because I believe right now that You are doing great things.

    Help her to stay in Your presence. Surround her with Your peace, comfort, and joy. Give her assurance that Your watchful eye is on her every heart beat. It beats because You will it and it's precious to You Father.

    And let nothing come against her from the enemy. Let no weapon formed prosper. Bless her time. Help her to rest in You Lord. Bless her time in Your presence.

    Thank You for GiGi. In Jesus name, thank You Lord Jesus.Amen
  • GiGi - In Reply on Leviticus 18 - 3 years ago
    Yes, it is sad, Richard. At this time, we have the historical record and the Bible to inform us of this more comprehensively than those in ancient times, since we have a longer period of time to view the sinfulness of man. But this also shows us the relentless sinfulness of Satan, since He continues to live throughout history, whereas, people lived and died throughout history. Satan will not relent in His evil ways until He is forced into the lake of fire along with all of His minions.

    We must not underestimate Satan's utter wickedness and total intent on bringing to naught the human race. He wants us obliterated before the face of God. he wants us to be completely dis-enfranchised of the place God has allotted to humans. He wants to cause all believers to fall away from faith in Jesus. He wants to cause the gospel of Jesus nullified and discredited as it is brought forth by believing witnesses to unbelievers. He wants to destroy the fellowship of believers and corrupt the doctrines of the faith so that believers are fooled into believing false teachings and doctrines of demons. He wants to entrap as many as he can into idolatry and pagan/occult practices. He wants to turn our children against the faith taught them by believing parents. He wants to entrap as many as he can into addictions that will master these people. He wants to rob, kill, and destroy.

    We are to be watchful and prayerful. We are to be bold and strong in our faith and to love one another deeply. We are charged with guard our doctrine and faith against false ideas and heretical viewpoints. We are to resist the devil and flee from immorality. We are to be humble before God and sober minded. So, in these ways we can stand firm in our relationship with Jesus and defeat the wiles and schemes of the evil one.
  • GiGi - In Reply on John 1 - 3 years ago
    Hello Richard. Yes, it seems the Holy Spirit descended upon Jesus like a dove. You are right in saying that The Holy Spirit is a Being, however, He is Spirit and in His essence does not have a form. He is everywhere present, just like the Father. God the son now exists as Jesus-fully God and fully man (with a glorified body). If the Holy spirit in His essence had a form, He would therefore by localized in time and space, but he is not. This omni-presence allows the Holy Spirit to both fill all the universe and reside in each believer personally simultaneously. God is so awesome.
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I think Jesus was in ministry from age 30 to 33.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 23 - 3 years ago

    You will find the verse in Matthew 26:52. This is in the account of Jesus' betrayal and arrest after Peter uses his sword to cut off the soldier's ear.
  • GiGi - 3 years ago

    I just wanted to ask for prayer over the next few weeks.

    I was hospitalized 9/22-9/24 for an observation period and tests to determine if I had a T.I.A. (mini stroke) as I had tingling and numbness on my left cheek. Being hypertensive, this is always a concern. I thank the Lord that throughout this time my Blood Pressure was normal! I did not suffer any permanent paralysis or damage. So, I am very thankful. had a whole battery of tests done and the long wait for results to be interpreted and relayed to me. (2 CT's, MRI, Heart Echocardiogram) All result came back favorable. I am thankful. I just ask people to pray that I do not have any recurrence of cardio-vascular issues. Thank you so much.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Lameko, I will pray for you today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, come to Lameko's aid immediately in his time of emergency. Protect him and deliver him from harm and evil. We ask this in Your name Jesus, Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear FREE

    I know that you living in Scandinavia feel this situation more intensely than we in the U.S. do. I pray today: Jesus, keep FREE from much anxiety about this new war. Help her to be strong and supportive of those around her that feel fear and uncertainly. May she be a bright light of Your hope among those who interact with FREE.

    LORD, press your people into a praying body concerning this war.

    We ask this in Your name Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 5:17 - 3 years ago
    Dear Dianne, I will pray for you today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, we ask for You to provide all of Diane's needs in this situation. Cause her sister to reverse her decision to force Diane out or to repay Diane for her investment into this home plus appreciation in value. We ask that You will continue to house Diane in adequate housing that keeps her safe and comfortable. She is vulnerable, so do not allow anyone to take advantage of her or mistreat her. Protect her. Change the heart of her sister so that she will honor the promise made to Diane. We ask this in Your name, Jesus.

  • Denise - 3 years ago
    I pray to you oh Lord Jesus, please watch over the people of the Ukraine!! Their hope and strength are leaning on you for their future and families!! Be merciful oh Lord, as we walk on the narrow path to You!! I also pray for all the people of the world who are affected by the evils of this world! Please Jesus, Lord of all, for your strength to stand our ground!! On that great day of your second coming, we will rejoice, sing songs, praise and honor you for all eternity!!!! May the Jesus Christ have mercy on our souls!!!!! Amen!!
  • Go - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Lord Jesus, Trusting You know all of this pastor's situation, we ask that You answer his prayers quickly in ways that are helpful to him and that glorify You above all. Restore to Pastor Aquigo all from the enemies hands. We ask this in HYour name, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Jessica,

    I will pray for you today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, Please intervene in the sentencing of this man Jessica is seeking Your help for. Bring the matter to the best conclusion for all involved. Provide a way for this man's parents to be cared for. Bring healing to Jessica's son from the abuse he suffered at the hands of a loved and trusted adult. We ask these things in Your name, Jesus, Amen.

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