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We constantly see it through the Bible. And i'm so happy for all the pictures we get, and who u have. So this became a new one dear friend Love you in Christ, I will look at it with open eyes.
Galatians 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Given that the Genesis writer is generally accepted as being Moses (written between 1450 & 1410 BC), where he would have been given special grace to relate these events that he personally had not experienced, it could be that God was already showing him that 'special' connection to His people Israel, yet future, was already set in Adam & Eve.
Yet, would all those living pre-Moses (i.e. pre- Exodus 3:13,14), even know that 'special' Name? Exodus 6:3, says that the 'Name YHWH was not known to the patriarchs'. And yet we know that they were aware of it, like Abraham ( Genesis 15:7; Genesis 22:14), Jacob ( Genesis 27:20) & others knew that Name. But did they only know OF that Name but did not know Him fully, the full depth of understanding of the Name, YHWH? This debate probably still goes on. But when the children of Israel were in slavery in Egypt for over 400 years, that Name which should have been remembered & faithfully passed on, was forgotten, hence their need for an urgent reminder by Moses.
And "why should the Israelites listen to Moses & trust God?" There were four tokens of identification of this 'forgotten' God: the one of His Name ( Exodus 3:14, I AM: I've read that it is the inner meaning of YHWH - I Am the One Who Is); the one of the rod/serpent ( Exodus 4:1-5); the one of the leprous hand ( Exodus 4:6-8); & the one of the river of blood ( Exodus 4:9). I guess that any one or all of these signs should have confirmed Moses' call without any dispute & revealed to the Israelites unequivocally Who the One was Who had heard their cries & come to save them.
I am sure many Christians have IRA's, 401K's, investments, etc. Those things are very much o.k. to have. We should not look down on earning a living that generously provides for our family. The Scriptures do not say anything against this, nor against saving or investing. Jesus did speak of the (already) rich man who filled his storehouses and built more to store more as evil because this man was depending on His riches, not on God, nor concerning himself with matters of the kingdom.
So, I understand your word of warning. I would give the same warning to someone I know who is too fond of their money and ability to gain it. I am not one of those people. My husband and I just believe that it is much better to own one's home outright than be in debt for it until one dies. And we believe that saving by living as simply as we are able is wise. Scripture does not speak against such attitudes and practices. The parable of the talents is instructive. Although it is not really speaking about monetary matters, but fruitfulness in the kingdom of God, Jesus is equating multiplying monetarily with good stewardship of our gifts and talents for the Lord's work.
I'm not sure what your specific question is looking for in an answer. Perhaps being more specific can help.
Wow, Wow, Wow. Wow. Theology like what you've written is tight. Wouldn't suffering for Christ in light of what you've said be hard? Actually, it's super easy. Barely an inconvenience. Just focus on the glory to be revealed. (Thanks ScreenRant Pitch Meetings, the Apostle Paul and of course God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
I agree with Chris. We should be committing ourselves to much prayer in this situation. do you think that Christians did not commit to prayer during the first and second World Wars? I think they were very much so.
When world powers begin wars, it is almost never by the vote of the people. So, the people involved in these countries where the war is taking place are victims of war, whether their leaders started it or not. And aside, from the power of prayer, many are really powerless in themselves in these situations. We should care that people are getting killed, displaced, terrorized, and impoverished because of this Putin war. We should look for ways to give aid to those in need. Most of Ukraine's populace lives in poverty. And i doubt Russian people fair much better. The wars that happened in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria were not wars of superpowers. They were not insignificant, and we should have been concerned in these wars. But acts of war by a superpower is a really big deal of a much greater magnitude. The sleepy church needs to wake up and contend against spiritual enemies behind these wars by the Power of the Spirit and the armor of God. This war can easily escalate into WWIII as Putin has openly said that He wants to re-establish the cold war boundaries of the Soviet Union. NATO will most likely defend the Western Front so that countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland will not be retaken (among others).It is really important that the NATO alliance not lose any ground to Russia. Ukraine's independence is really crucial. Putin gaining control of the vast natural resources of Ukraine will greatly increase Putin's economical and military power. Also, gaining more ports on the Black Sea will enable Russia to advance upon the Mediterranean countries and have easier access to the Atlantic, both Europe and U.S.A.
Also, it would be very easy for Putin to advance into the middle east to take control of the natural resources there.
My understanding is that at minimum the 11 apostles and a few women were at the Ascension. But I do think that it was the 11 apostles and many of the 120 disciples and women who later stayed in the upper room as Jesus requested them to do.
Thank you for affirming what I wrote and expanding upon it. I fully agree with your point that Christ had to be flesh and human in the same way Adam to deliver us from our bandage to sin that Adam brought upon our race. Christ's perfect submission to God's will had to be a genuine human act in order to defeat Satan's temptations and the curse the serpent brought upon our race. The serpent had to be able to inflict real damage to Christ's flesh in the bruising of his heal, so that He could crush Satan's head in the resurrection of that damaged flesh, robbing Satan of all his powers of death (kill, i.e. the rich man that ignored Lazarus ultimately died in the midst of his pursuits of pleasure without ever overcoming Satan's deceptions), the grave (steal, i.e. the rich man was buried which was the last time his earthly wealth was spent on his earthly life and his soul was rendered as naked as the day he was born) and hell (destroy, i.e. the eternal torment of the rich man that can never know relief, because he never loved to God or his neighbor and never listened to either of them, even though he knew about both of them). Christ had to overcame real temptations from Satan appealing to the lust of His flesh (miraculously make bread to stop your hunger), last of His eyes (He could have everything could put before His eyes in this world if He betrayed God to worship Satan) and boastful pride of life (jump from a height that would kill anyone else so You can show off your power over angelic beings). To the last Christ was aware that He could call on angels to prevent His flesh from experiencing, His eyes from seeing and His earthly pride from the humiliation of His being arrested, mocked, beaten, stripped naked, and nailed to the cross, even to the point of being taken down from the cross at the last minute to shut the mouth of unbelievers, but the only thing He authorized angels to do that day was carry a believing thief to paradise to be with Him
Some say, in order to know our weakness of flesh (infirmities) He needed to be able to sin but to always choose against it, facing every temptation with a spirit, mind and will doing his Father's will.
Others say that, because of He was divinity in uncorrupted human flesh, He was not able to sin because no member of the Godhead is ever capable of sinning. And since the humanity and divinity of Jesus was a union that did not mix the two natures but existed in only one single Person, this union made Jesus unable to sin because in every act, thought, word of Jesus it was this unified nature that did these acts, thoughts, words. If Jesus did something in His human nature by this union, the divine nature did it also. If Jesus did something in His divine nature then His human nature did it, too, bcause of this union. When Jesus walked on water, His divine nature was performing the act, but Jesus the God/Man did the action without separating into two persons. When Jesus was hungry (strictly a human feeling and need) because of this union both God and Man hungered.
Still, some also say that God the Son emptied Himself of His divinity in the incarnation, (referring to Philippians 5:2-8 and therefore Jesus did everything as a human fully empowered by the Holy Spirit. In this view, Jesus was able to sin, being only human.
Personally, I do not believe this reasoning, because the whole of Scripture refutes it. Instead, I believe that the God the Son humbled himself by laying aside His glory and did not operate out of his divine powers outside of the will of God. Though He was equal to the Father and the Spirit, He chose to subordinate Himself to the Father, becoming the servant of the Father, but retained His full deity in the incarnation as well as being fully human.
For me, this is somewhat of a mystery. My first two views presented here are both plausible. I am not convinced on one over the other. The third view I wholly reject.
Luke 3:23, people take that scripture & add holidays & other events to draw a timeline.
It doesn't actually say that Jesus CHRIST ministry is/was limited to just those years of HIS open ministry because it's everlasting. Luke 1, John 1:1-5, Luke 2:42-50, John 8:58, 1Corinthians 15:47-58, Ephesians 3:9-11, Titus 3:7, John 3:15, Hebrews 5:9, Jude 1:21, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:21, John 17:3, 2Timothy 2:10, 2Corinthians 5:1, 1John 5:11, John 10:28, 1John 5:20,
Hopefully these are helpful
My bad, too. As I read farther, I saw the name LORD God used repeatedly in Genesis 2. My questions are: does this name in Genesis actually equate to the name YHWH? Or was LORD God or Lord God indicative of another meaning or Hebrew name? And if the pre-flood people knew God as YHWH (I AM THA I AM), did Noah not carry this name over to the post flood era? If Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob knew God as YHWH, when did the Israelites cease to know Him by this name among others mentioned? If the Israelites never knew that God's name was YHWH, why did God think that the Israelites would listen to Moses and trust God if Moses gave them this name for God?
Part 4
So, creatures are not to say to the potter "Why hast thou made me like this? ( Romans 9:20-24) Who are we to question God's purpose or wisdom ( Job 38-41:6). We just need to be humble like Job, accepting Who God really is by studying His nature, essential nature and acts from the Word and also from the writings of those who have studied this topic over the ages.
Tozer, "The Knowledge of the Holy" is a good read on Who God Is. Packer is another. The early church fathers are other writers that can help us understand what Scripture teaches us about the God we worship.
The more I train my mind on discovering the excellencies of God, the more humble I become and the more readily I accept His wisdom, purposes and plans as being perfect, holy, righteous, unfathomable, and praiseworthy. I can live with knowing that God created angels and humans with the ability to sin. I can live with knowing that He indeed creating us and angels with the inevitability that sin would begin at some point in some angels and in all humans. I can live with the knowing that God created some angels and humans with the foreknowledge that these will suffer His wrath forever and other angels and humans will receive His mercy forever. I can live with knowing that the exercise of God's attributes within creation and the manifestation of His glory in all of this is truly good and righteous. I can live with knowing that God humbled Himself in creating anything, in relating to His creatures, and in becoming our Savior in Jesus Christ, because without His condescension in these things, we would never exist not receive salvation, nor know Him personally.
May my life give Him glory as He so well deserves. My only value is in what value I have in Jesus. I am but a big bag of dust and corrupted soul and spirit without the whole Trinity's loving work in me. A true view of God and of myself is really a blessing and well worth pursuing. It is a treasure because it causes us to value God
You ever notice after a wedding difference people will focus details on certain aspects of things? Sometimes it's things that you yourself didn't notice or didn't seem as significant as something else. Some talk about the cake, another about the people that attended, another can't get over how white the dress was, others saw the doves released.
There's also differences in personalities It may be one of reasons that Jesus chose the varying difference in people that wrote the Gospels. Knowing each would have a unique perspective & emphasis on different details.
Matthew speaks much about angels, major significant events pertaining angels. Matthew 4:6,11, Matthew 13:39,41,49, Matthew 18:10, Matthew 22:30, Matthew 24:31,36, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 26:53, in context: Matthew 26,
Mark 1:13, Mark 8:38, these following 3 Matthew & Mark both discuss: Mark 12:25, Mark 13:27,32,
Luke has emphasise on several events others do not mention: Luke 1, Luke 2, but, like Matthew & Mark mention Luke 4:10,
Luke 9:26, mentioned by atleast 1 other. Luke 12:8,9,
You asked also if the others were present or witnessed the angels, it looks like Luke 24:23, testifies to that question. & John 20:12, testifies to angels being present.
John also notes John 20:30-31, John 21:25,
Hopefully this is helpful
Part 3
We believers and the holy angels who never sinned are the direct recipients of this marvelous benevolence. God created in order to redeem us to benefit us, not Himself. Conversely, unbelievers and the sinful angels are the direct recipients of his fearful wrath and judgment. God created in order to exercise His righteousness and justice for both groups. God 's nature is active self-existence. He acts and is always acting. Therefore, He is always expressing all of His attributes as a display of His glory.
So, when we consider just these small number of attributes of God, we can understand why the plan of salvation was decided before the creation of the world, before there was any need for this group of attributes to be expressed outwards. The plan of salvation is the big picture when considering the purpose of creation, especially of beings that have the freedom of volition in regards to self-rule or God ruled, obedience or disobedience. Creation was necessary for the plan of salvation to become a reality. It needed time and space and matter and creatures that can know God (angels and humans) and those creatures who are not capable of knowing God through faith and reason (animals). It needed angels who could sin and those who did not, as God's salvation is not extended to fallen angels. God in His perfect and infinite wisdom decided this when the plan of salvation was willed within the Godhead.
In thinking of this, we may think of humans and angels and animals as "pawns" for God to do with as He wishes. It is true that God can do with His creation and creatures as He wills, but His will is never evil, selfish, nor unloving. So, I think we who are believers and the objects of God's mercy should accept that we just cannot know God in the internal council of the Godhead. that is an area that is off limits to us as creatures.
I will finish in part 4
If you're thinking of this aggressive act by Russia extending southwards, with the Middle East not being far away, then this can always be a possibility as other countries might take courage in pursuing acts of aggression in league with the dominant ones. We pray that Russia will come to its senses & withdraw, even as we know Putin to be of a particular bent who may get more stirred up because of any adverse responses to him. But as in all matters, personal & worldly, our hope & trust are cast upon the Lord Who superintends all things, that His Perfect Will may be realized. I think that to be unconcerned & blas about matters that might not directly affect us for the time-being, is not demonstrating a compassionate, concerned spirit to the suffering of others & the advancement of wickedness. Philippians 2:4; Philippians 4:6,7.
Part 2
Here I will explain my speculation based on my study on Who God Is (for the past 4 months), although I have studied Him in depth before.
In my study I have learned that God is eternally self-sufficient and self-satisfied within Himself. Therefore, He is in need of nothing outside that He Himself cannot supply within the Godhead. He draws nothing he needs from outside of Himself. Paul speaks to this in Acts 17:23-25 So, I learned that God does not need us to be happy or for survival. to receive love, or to be complete.
I also learned that God created everything in accordance to His own volition, in order to display His glory, and because it pleased Him to do so. ( Rev. 4:11 for example). It is part of God's nature to manifest the glory of His Being. Before creation, many aspects of His essential Being were manifested within the relationships among the persons of the Trinity. However, there was no need for God to manifest the glory of His mercy, grace, compassion, wrath, justice, nor judgment before creation because there was no sin within the Godhead, no degradation in need of reclamation, no broken fellowship to be reconciled, no death to be resurrected.
Yet, God possessed these qualities mentioned and so, being Who He is created to give expression to these qualities.
He created all things to display His power, glory, and wisdom as a creative Being, but mostly, He created to express mercy, grace, compassion, wrath, justice, and judgment through the plan of the ages which is all about benevolent redemption and wrathful judgment. To us, it may seem somewhat cold to think of God this way and especially about His reasons for creating
rational beings. But we, as mere creatures cannot fathom the depths of God's love nor wisdom.
God is not self-absorbed, conceited, nor narcissistic. He expresses Himself through His holy and faultess will to the benefit of the objects of His generous benevolence. I will continue in part 3.
I am just saying this to avoid the danger of national pride over love of Christ. There is danger on both sides in the church with politics today-I'll leave it at that. All nations will face God's judgment soon; may God have mercy on us as judgment for innocent blood is overdue
May we all be "wise as serpents; innocent as doves."
Part 1
I agree that Adam and Eve were not created with inherent sinful nature. The Bible does not support the view that they were created already fallen. I do believe that God created both angelic beings and human beings with the a nature that has the freedom to choose to obey God or disobey. Therefore, they were made "able to sin". This freedom means also that angels and humans can choose to rule by their own will of be ruled by God's will.
God, in His wisdom according to His eternal purpose for creation, designed this option into His "plan of the ages" which was, He created for the purpose of salvation of being He created. Therefore, the ability to sin, and the inevitability of it, were a necessary part of His purpose for creating beings He planned to be in relationship with after creation. Whereas, prior to creation, the was (and is) perfect relationship within the Persons of the Godhead.
Creation does not affect this internal relationship in the Godhead. But it does affect the Godhead's external relationship to His creation and creatures (both spiritual and physical).
God's essential nature is infinitely complete and full. He never changes in His character. He never adds or subtracts anything necessary in his Being. So, such attributes as mercy, grace, compassion, and wrath, justice, judgment have always existed in God's essence. He did not acquire these from outside of Himself nor create them inside of Himself when the angels and man sinned.
So, this begs the question-"Why did God create knowing His created beings will sin by self-will and disobedience? I am sure that there may be many explanations for this, but I do not think that the Scriptures clearly tell us. So, any explanation would be a speculation based on what we know about God and what He has said about the plan to save sinful humans, but not sinful angels.
In my next post (Part 2) I will explain my speculation (or educated guess, so to speak).
I am not entirely convinced that there will be an immediate mideast regional war; and certainly not that the seal wars will commence; at least not BEFORE false peace; and the Daniel 9:27 covenant is enacted. Of course there is no guarantee that our nation will be here at least as we are now BETWEEN now and the rapture. If we are Babylon; or not it would seem that with individuals from every tribe; nation or language will be represented in the faithful group of martyrs in the 5th seal; and later in heaven. Perhaps the man of sin is identifiable to those who are discerning now before the 1st Seal and our departure.
I am not sure what is on the block list in my original statement that I was going to say. I would just say that the Russia's leader has been right on many comments at least partially; in regard to our own nation's hypocrisy; and with his support of the Orthodox church there and in league with Syria; the Lord allowed that effort to end a conflict that was poorly handled as to our allies at the time. He has also supported the Jews at least in comments in the past-basically it is more of a nationalistic effort than communist as in earlier years. He has been correct on things that we have done to some extent with subterfuge; and on comments as to our acceptance of the gay lifestyle and other things that no doubt the Soviets had in their propaganda designed through media to decay our society a generation or more ago.
I would watch Turkey as many have warned it has 300,000 men which can fight-they are loosely allied right now with Russia but they clearly are a major player in the Ezekiel 38 war; and perhaps precursor skirmishes eventually leading to the wars in the Tribulation but the FIRST SEAL of false peace must come first.
In the references you gave, we can understand & know the meaning of the various names given. In Genesis chapter 1, the author refers to God as 'God' (or, Elohim). Elohim, is a general name for the True God, as it can also be used to depict other gods (e.g. Genesis 31:30; Exodus 12:12), of angels ( Psalm 8:5), of men ( Psalm 82:6), of judges/rulers ( Exodus 21:6)). So, in relation to God's creative Work, the Name Elohim was given here. And of course, Elohim is also used of the True God elsewhere in the Bible, where creating is not signified (e.g. Genesis 35:7).
But in Genesis chapter 2 we see the use of the word, LORD (or, Yahweh), & this signifies a special revelation & a special relationship to Israel: 'Yahweh' means the active, self-existent One (as in Exodus 3:14, where the word is connected to the verb, 'to be') & also being Israel's Redeemer ( Exodus 6:6). So the use of the word, LORD, signifies this True God (Elohim) is not distant (as seen by His other Works), but is now revealed in a most personal way to Israel as LORD (Yahweh); hence combining the two words to read, LORD God. And from Genesis 2:2 onwards, this Name is used to signify the commencement of a personal interaction with His creation.
And when we read the word, 'Lord', this means 'master, lord, sovereign' (as in Genesis 15:2). Hence we can have a variety of combinations: God, LORD God, Lord God, each one depicting what the author has received from God that has to be revealed to the reader (chiefly, Israel in the OT references). And of interest, this God Who is a personal God, is also experienced in many ways in that relationship. Hence, we get compound Names of Yahweh, such Yahweh-Jireh (the God Who will see to it; or provides); Yahweh-Shalom (the God Who gives peace); & many other compound Names.
Very well put, Jesus was the second man and the last Adam, same as the first before the first disobeyed the commandment that God gave him, and his one sin brought the penalty of death upon mankind. Just like the first Adam, the last Adam (Jesus) was capable of sinning if He chose to but He did not. If Jesus came and lived in the flesh and was not capable of sinning as His Father, He could not have fulfilled the law and the first covenant, Hebrews 4:15
Then, how is He touched with the feelings of our infirmities, if He could never really sin?
God bless,
Hopefully this is helpful
Psalms 88:1-5, suffering feeling like death draws near him. Crying out to GOD.
Psalms 88:6,10,11,12 could even be considered prophetic, pointing towards Jesus CHRIST: 1Peter 4:6, 1Peter 3:18, like Psalms 86:13, 2Samuel 22:6, Psalms 18:5, Acts 2:25-36,
Vrs. 14, 15 seem also to be prophetic to Jesus CHRIST the MESSIAH , John 12:23-50,
James 1:5,
Hopefully this is helpful