King James Bible
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It is interesting that there was an offering for Aaron alone (the calf); and one for the people
(the goat). He also had a peace offering (bullock and ram) for the people; as well as the meat offering (apparently flour cakes); along with the wave offering (breasts and shoulder) in verse 21. First of all; there were all types of offerings in one ceremony. Secondly; only one animal was needed for everyone-normally there were numerous sacrifices going on for each person's sins. The only other case I am aware of (I think with Samuel or in Judges) where only one animal was sacrificed..probably when there was no temple and there had been a long period of neglect of ordinances in the land. This situation also occurred with Solomon's Temple initiation of prayer when he was still faithful to the Lord and finally built the Temple that David had attempted to start. Ultimately, the Son of David was to be Christ Himself; and obedience is better than sacrifice. The Lord would in Isaiah state that he was weary of the sacrifices; the incense; the new moons and other things that had become ritualistic rather than with a heart devoted to the Lord. Those rare occasions when the nation was faithful at least externally it was able to make leaps and bounds forward.
Thank you for clarification on the poetic nature of Job 21:24. It was really helpful.
I will pray for you.
Far Jesus' calm Greychen's heart and do not let this desire for Bruce consume her life and energies. Lord, teach Gretchen to look to You whenever she thinks of Bruce and occupy her thoughts with You instead. Show her how to practice being in Your Presence always so she can be attuned to your will and your plan and your purpose for her and for Bruce. May both Gretchen and Bruce have a concerted willingness to agree to and follow You plan. We pray that this plan includes Gretchen and Bruce having a loving relationship together with You as the Master and Upholder of Such a relationship. Give Gretchen the patience to wait upon You as she occupies her time with the work Younhavbfor her to accomplish each day. We ask this in Jesus'. Name. Ameb
Let's pray earnestly in faith for the duration of this war. May it be shortened and put down with many people being able to escape harm
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
God is good,, Amen!
Jesus says in Matthew 19:24 "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!"
God of Victory, sometimes I feel like every endeavor ends up in failure. No matter how much effort I put in, I seem to always wind back up in the same place. I am broke and without the means to provide for myself or my family. I desperately need to see a change in my life. Help me to find success. Illuminate my mind so that I can see where I am messing up. Help me to continue to live virtuously with integrity. Above all, restore my faith so that I do not give up. I know you will provide everything I need! I pray to the most Holy One! Amen.
Stay Strong in God (.)
In the sacrifices; it is also interesting that His blood covers the mercy seat in heaven; and it is certainly possible that in Isaiah where He returns with garments dipped in blood (also in Revelation in Armageddon)-that could literally be the blood of His sacrifice. That would show that we are either covered by His blood or our blood will be required (or explains the verse of falling on Him or the ROCK falling on us).
After 42 years of marriage we still chose to be kind to one another, to speak honestly, to speak reasonably, and to speak encouragement to each other.
We laugh a lot and when we disagree we try to stay I topic without name calling, manipulative words or emotional displays to get our way, with the aim to talk it out, came to a conclusion or agreement or understanding of the other. We have had our ups and downs and hardships, but we choose to love each other each day and determine to tightly keep our vows to our partner and to God to stay together as one and to be handle the future of the other with care and deep commitment to be together all of our lives.
We also have been bless with very
Compatible personalities and that has helped us fuze our lives together peacefully.
For my husband and marriage, I am thankful and give all the glory to Jesus.
Those of us who study to become teachers rarely dream to face what is happening now in our schools. We enter this field to teach children and help them become good citizens. And as Christians teachers, we are indeed missionaries in our actions and demeanor in our teaching positions. In the public schools we are not there to teach the Christian faith anymore than another is a teacher to teach Islam, Buddhism,or any other religion to children that are not our own. But we are outward expressions of our inward life in it shows. Over my career I had many parents ask me during conferences if I am a believer in Jesus, and I can say "yes". These were so happy that their child had a Christian teacher, even JW and Mormons!
We should indeed pray for teachers.
Abraham's covenant of the land is given to his seed, which Paul says is Christ. In Christ, God's Word and His wrath are once again united at the cross where the New Covenant in Christ's blood is established. Coincidence? New creation? Just something to ponder.
Praise God for His grace and mercy to you. Thank you for sharing
Thank you for sharing.
Good job explaining the nature of Jesus as being fully God and fully man in one person. Two natures in one Person-divine and human.
From my studies, this is classically taught and affirmed as completely orthodox. Also, part of that orthodox teaching says that the two natures of Jesus are united but not mixed together to form a one new nature. The hypo static Union is a centuries old term used to describe this about Jesus, making Him absolutely unique in all of the history of the world.
I was reading the other day about the Kenosis of Jesus from Philippians 2 (I think) where it speaks concerning Jesus "emptying Himself". This, too, is a doctrine that is hard to understand, too, and is often misconstrued. I'm away from my computer, do when I get back home I can explain this more.
Glad you are here. Rich, your comments are appreciated.
A male having breasts filled with milk most likely refers to a man who from the moment of his birth had a mother with breasts full of milk that amply nursed him and cared for him tenderly and ever attentively until he was fully weaned. This may extend to a future wife that he was able to provide for so that his children received the same care. The verse says that the man being described is an individual who lived a life that never knew want and saw the only the best life had to offer that made his bones full of marrow right up to the moment of his sudden death, or in Job's case his sudden downfall in the eyes of his friends.
I think you dos just fine in your post. It gives us food for thought
Hope you have a good day.
Today; I was comparing the bowl judgment when no man can stand in the inner court of the HEAVENLY temple until the judgments were complete. I don't know any other passages that compare with Exodus 40 where even the most godly person; or the Levite priest sanctioned to enter the Holy of Holies annually was not allowed in there. In Revelation; it shows a sort of finality; just as it did to the Egyptians at the finale of their judgments and just prior in the Dead Sea. It is noteworthy that in the seal and trumpet judgments; prayers came up as incense before the Lord. It would seem that at the consummation of events the Lord acts in this way. It is noteworthy that the rebellion of Israel was the only thing that took that glory away; as God had and still in fact retains certain covenant promises. Mercifully; now with Christ His Spirit dwells within our body; i.e. His Body or Tabernacle and we are "sealed until the day of redemption." (Ephesians). He has kept His face hidden for our own good; for in all His glory no man can stand.
I'm new at this commentary stuff; it is helping me study the Word better. I'm certain others can give more detailed responses. I didn't have a theme here that I put any real time or study into; it was just a thought.
Agape. Rich P
I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth.
Praying with tears
For our world
For every lost soul
For every head to bow
In prayer
To ask You for
Help us today Lord
In Jesus name
It . It is referring the large area of the country . Thank you
Please hear my humble prayer, I can't make it without you Jesus
First of all, there was no inherent stain of sin in the flesh when Adam and Eve were first created. Had Adam and Eve never eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and had children their children would have been unstained by sin, even though they would have been born according to the flesh. If Christ became flesh in the same way Adam did or apart from Adam's will, which alone made sin an inherent part of him, he could be fully flesh and without sin.
Inheritance is passed down from male to male in all ancient societies. Adam is excluded from being a father of Christ passed down by natural inheritance because He was held responsible for the fall and bore responsibility for Eve, who only existed through Adam. Adam was her head under God. Eve on the other hand is promised a woman like her without the natural right of headship or inheritance will bear a seed like Adam's, but unlike all other sons she will bear, he must be her son alone and must establish a new headship directly under God that was never under Adam's headship in order to establish a new lineage free of Adam's sin.
Christ is our second Adam. He is fully man come in the flesh in the likeness and image of God without sin like Adam originally was and not subject to Adam's sin or headship. The minimum I cay about Christ's genes is that His Y chromosome, which made him male, was directly from God's Spirit, not from Mary, and never passed down from Adam's Y chromosome through any sexual act or act of human will that could tranmit Adam's sin in the exercise of Adam's will to Christ's flesh. Since Christ is a male, that grants him the same rights of headship and inheritance that Adam had over Eve that He can pass on to all who are born of His Spirit through the woman created for Him and through Him by God that is subject to His headship, His church. His flesh is our salvation and His Spirit is our inheritance. Separate one from the other and all of us are still in our sins from Adam.
In our reading of Jeremiah 17, the rulers and people were told to keep the Sabbath. Seems pretty easy, except to truly keep the Sabbath in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord would really mean strictly following the rest of the commandments. As a Jew, they would have to know everything that went to the preparation and executing the proper etiquette of the Sabbath to please the Lord. It would be tantamount for me to know who my Lord God is in order to worship Him in Truth and in Spirit. Other wise my worship of the Lord in attending a church service would be meaningless and would not give my God the glory or praise He so richly deserves. Hebrews 10:25
These comments were not meant to hurt anyones feelings. Just to help in our discussion. God bless everyone. May the Lord bless our nation as we learn more of Him and apply the wisdom of Christ in our lives. February 24, 2022
Certainly will do so.
God bless.