All Discussion PAGE 1407

  • Curtis levigston on Job 2 - 3 years ago
    how old was job
  • MARY MORRIS - 3 years ago
    please lord heal me no more cancer no covid be totally healthy and my internal doctor see me as cured today please lord i need to be healthy for my new grand son who will be born in two weeks i [ray no virus just a cold
  • Pat on Job 21:15 - 3 years ago
    I don't understand Job 21 vs 24, it speaks of his breasts being full of milk.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    1 John 4:1-4

    1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3. And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 73 - 3 years ago
    1Chronicles 6:31-48, 1Chronicles 15:2,3,12,13,14,15,16,17, we actually just had a discussion recently about when David 1st went to retrieve The Ark of The Covenant & hadn't followed GOD's commandments set forth in Leviticus. Here is when David successfully retrieves The Ark of The Covenant by acknowledging 1Chronicles 15:2, then appointed them, including Asaph.

    1Chronicles 16:5,7, 1Chronicles 16:37, 1Chronicles 25:1,2,6, 2Chronicles 29:30, 2Chronicles 5:12, 2Chronicles 29:30, Nehemiah 12:46,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Cheryl on Psalms 88 - 3 years ago
    Explain the meaning of this chapter.
  • Fred - 3 years ago
    Satan does not like to be exposed. How, He thinks he has those who are not His, even in the hour of their temptation!

    While we contemplate our decisions and find ourselves lacking. He watches closely even as a stalking lion!

    Suddenly, He is surprised by the power even unto those who have been forgiven! He watches as the forgiven even ask in the midst of their sin for the forgiveness freely given to those that love Him!

    We see clearly how this one has dropped his own cloak of darkness, revealing His own weakness, unable to know the heart of the redeemed! Praise Him!
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Exodus 40 - 3 years ago
    I imagine elsewhere in your commentaries that you have pointed out the similarity of the presence of God described in Exodus as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night to the manifestation of God's presence that passed between the pieces of the sacrifice Abraham was command to make when God established the Covenant of the promise of the land with him in Genesis 15:17. Abraham saw a smoking furnace and a burning lamp, which to me suggests that the source of the pillar of cloud (smoke?) was connected to God's revelation in wrath and the source of the pillar of fire was connected to God's revelation through His Word acting as a lamp unto our feet even at night. Could you give your thoughts (again?) on the connection between what Abraham saw and Moses and the Israelites saw, since I appear to have missed it in what I have read so far in your commentaries?
  • Jesus Has the Most Beautiful Eyes - 3 years ago
    Before I go lay down a few hours, I want to testify; to those who need to feel Gods love today.

    After I was saved out of the occult and low living-I heard friends say, "There's no way God can ever forgive YOU !!!

    It crushed my heart and spirit. I grieved for days.

    Then I had a vision. I saw Jesus laying atop of His cross on the ground. His hands were still nailed. My mind remembered what those people said of me again. I knew I could make Jesus sorry he had ever chosen me. Rage exploded and loss.

    I saw a rock and picked it up. I struck Jesus's hands with it, as I was looking in his eyes. He didn't wince. He said, I love you. I hit him again, I didn't deserve love. He said I love you. Everyone I tried to love betrayed me. I hit him over and over. He looked in my eyes and said I love you, each time.

    I dropped the rock and fell on his chest. I cannot describe his voice and his arms around me. I felt all of the self-hate come out in tears. It changed my life forever.

    Let Jesus love you. In Him is all of the love your heart and soul crave. One day we will be with Him.
  • Stephanie V. - 3 years ago
    I ask for prayer that my appointment next week will be one of the best appointments I have had so far. It will be, hopefully, the last appointment for a while; please pray that the results are excellent as well. Thank you, and may God bless you!
  • Alex N - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Donna yes....Its Christ that sows that good seed in our hearts,Thats y he has to KNOW US Thus its Christ that is the FATHER of the H.G...Remember Isaiah refer to Jesus as Everlasting Father...Thus His Children have to be Spirits the H.G.PLURAL as the stars of heaven...ok lemme go...The Children of PROMISE HAVE TO BE AS THE STARS OF HEAVEN...And our bodies are their temples
  • Alex N - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Many times i have read Isaiah 11 : 1 Kjv...There shall come a Rod outta of the stem of Jesse which was David the son and a Branch shall grow outta of his roots...Outta of Davids roots ...Solomon the Granson...But all this is just prophetic that a rod is gonna come outta of God the Father which is Christ Jesus the Son and a branch is gonna come outa of Christ Jesus the son. Which is the H.G the Child of PROMISE ,AS Solomon was Jesse's Granson...So the H.G. is God the fathers Granson being Christ Jesus is his Father....Isaiah is just using these 3 men as symbolic language for a kingdom coming the last day...When he sets his hand a 2 nd time to recover his ppl...Its the Heavenly trinity a type of Davids kingdom which was Father son and granson...Jesse David and Solomon. ..As God wd only let Solomon the Granson build the great temple...Thus God will ony let the H.G. build the temple in our hearts..As our bodies are the only temple of the H.G....Thats y Jesus is saying a Greater then Solomon is here.

    As the H.G .will build a greater temple then Solomon...In our hearts...Thats y David said beautiful for Situation...There is no more beautiful Place (Situation) for the Kingdom then in our hearts....ok lemme run...making a Garden
  • God bless our godly public school Teachers - In Reply on Psalms 131 - 3 years ago
    I am so sorry for how you've been treated or ignored. But God knows that you did your best with what you had to work with.

    Thank God, they had a Christian teacher who knew how to pray. There will be 2 Crowns waiting for you. :)


    This is also called the imperishable crown. This crown is given to believers who faithfully run the race, who crucify every selfish desire in the flesh and point men to Jesus. God calls some people to do things that will require some sacrificein the way they will live and conduct their lives. Some people may be called to be a missionary in a far off and poor country. They will literally be working for almost nothing in earthly terms. They will have to sacrifice the money, possessions and life-style they could have had, if they stayed home in their own country. The Bible says,"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all; but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible.

    1 Corinthians 9:24-25 This verse also implies that these people will also receive this crown for the sacrifices they were willing to make for God to successfully complete the call and mission God had called them to do.Basically run whatever race that God has set out for you and be the best you can be for God. Be willing to make whatever sacrifices there may be to successfully complete the mission that God has set out for you.

    "Henceforth there is laid up for me A CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing." 2 Timothy 4:8 To live a righteous life for God will really be worth your while as you will definitely be given this crown by God Himself once you enter into heaven.

  • Sam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    God only You know the heart of Hilda and her family. Please enriched them with spiritual discernment and clarity in their life giving them the opportunities of prosperity for Your glory I pray in Jesus Christ name!

    May I suggest you reflect on 1 Chronicles 4:10.
  • Bob - In Reply on 2 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    Amen & Halleluiah again Free my friend!!!

    I feel it in my bones "...where sin abounds, grace much more abounds..."; Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Tsikeneu [hope i spelled them right]; all names have meanings, espscially the names of our God! Deut.6:4

    Shalom/Maranatha & kol tuv etc .... [never could have imagined today's happennings in my life time! "... the beginning of sorrows ..."]
  • Richard H Priday on Exodus 40 - 3 years ago
    At this stage in Exodus 40; the Tabernacle was finally prepared; with the ark of the Testimony; and the candle along with the items within the ark and exterior decorations commanded. At this point; the glory filled the Tabernacle (verse 34). Moses and Aaron joined the tent of the congregation and immediately when God's presence came even Moses couldn't enter because of the Presence. It was once again a "fire by night"; and the cloud was there during the day (verse 40); probably the same appearance as the smoke in earlier passages.

    The earlier chapters show the great struggles that Moses endured; along with the patience of God and evidence of the Godhead. It would appear that the "Angel" God promised to send that is seen not only in Exodus but other parts of the Pantetauch (can't spell that right) was none other than Christ Himself. Moses had acted as a sort of intercessor; who stopped God from breaking out and destroying all the rebels after the abominable golden calf episode. Christ; of course would be the final fulfillment of the intercessor for all of the sin of God's elect; and Himself be the sacrifice. This seeming dichotomy of wrath and sacrificial love; grace and mercy between the Father and Son gives us some insight into the "hidden things of God" ( Deut. 29:29). Overall; we see how God has the characteristics of perfect love and perfect wrath and yet is not in conflict because of this. We need to remember that it was God who loved the world ( John 3:16) who; because He can't look at sin and we can't endure His full presence and live; that He had to send His son as a propitiation for our sins. This would satisfy the Father to crush His son ( Isaiah 53 and other passages).

    Although the sacrifices at the Temple are no longer needed; it appears that a memorial or ceremonial Temple will be on earth in the future ( Ezekiel 48). The earthly construction was a representation of the heavenly pattern; with Cherubim and the design overall.
  • Bob - In Reply on 2 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    Todah (i.e. thank u) Mishael!!

    Amen & AMEN again (God does 'still' inhabit the praises of 'His' people)

    Kol tuv (be well) etc ....
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Solet me see if I understand what you're saying here. Are you saying that Christ had a son come from his loins and that son is the Holy Spirit?

    So your saying The Holy Ghost is the Son of Jesus Christ?

    Did I understand you correctly?
  • Mishael - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Have you ever studied Jesus's Geneology from Genesis to Luke 1 and Matthew 1 ??

    There are charts on Google of Mary's line; as is Joseph's: Jesus's earthly dad was a son of David's lineage.

    And yes I know Jesus did not have Joseph's blood. Jesus's blood came by the Holy Spirit over shadowing Mary. She consented.

    God kept track of Jesus's ancestors carefully. Before and after the flood. Each individual was chosen by God.
  • I'm Praying Hard for This Miracle! - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I have prayed years for the Ukrainian Jews. I know people get old and cease to think of freedom as being attainable.

    I'm praying for someone strong to just go in and peel them off those ragged chairs snd put them on the planes.

    I've donated money for years, for their care and food; in Ukraine and Israel. How can we close our eyes to these elderly people. All the young families fled 2 years ago.

    Israel is already finding homes for them! praise God. They will have food and heat in their homeland. I truly believe they will have it.

    Please pray for Israel to have favor to go in and get them!
  • Betty Flanigan on Psalms 73 - 3 years ago
    What do we know about Asaph? Who was he and what was he to King David?
  • Denise - 3 years ago
    Dear Lord of All, I cried this morning when I heard of the war in the Ukraine!!! Man can't stop killing one another over power and might!!! The Lord says in His word, Revelation that the bear will come down from the north!!! His words will stand ,as all these things must come to pass!!Have mercy dear Lord on our souls!! We all have freshly sin in ourselves, this just goes to show how truly sinful we are!!! Please Lord I pray to watch over your people, I'm hoping I will be with you and to see You coming in the clouds with Your robe dipped in Your blood that You shed for our redemption to Your Father which is You, Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of All!!! May the Lord have mercy on our souls!!!!! Selah!!!!!
  • Listening is the greatest Act of Love - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Trouble begins when people stop talking their Heart with their mate. We should hear out the other person fully, and not interrupt.

    Personally I think television, internet and other media can be a terrible influence for husband/wife conversations. We have to turn off that VOICE.

    Consider the help in Psalm 91, and pray that over your marriage. God said "the two become one." Allow no one else's voice to intrude into your marriage.

    1 Corinthians 7, is the marriage chapter.

    I really like Romans 7. Paul is really working the problem in his heart. I call it the "I" chapter__starting around verse 15. Then he gets to chapter 8:1-2, and is gloriously rewarded after all that warring he was doing.

    I hope you'll read these chapters before you give up.

    Marriage will return to normal when we do. So see what you can change to make your home more peaceful. Another OT scripture says, "set your house in order, because you're going to die." The King freaked and did it, and then asked God to spare him. God did.

    Ask the Lord to help you set your house in order. I truly believe you love your man. Bring peace back in the home. LISTEN to what he is saying he needs.

    You listening to other women is not the way; neither the voice of the world on tv or Facebook.

    Adam and Eve were naked to each other. No one was covering over anything. It was heaven until satan saw a way he could destroy it. Other people, serpents, "the voice of the world"__are opposers to peace.

    Be in each other's heart. Not the head. Prepare it with peace. Ask, can I get you something? Turn away from hair, nails, shoes; and if you WANT THIS MAN, ask him what he wants. Be silent while he speaks.

    I speak from experience, sadly. Listening is a lost art of Loving someone.

  • Alex N - 3 years ago
    Hi Bro. Chris...GM... Plz lemme give ya my take on the lineage of Christ Jesus...He cd not come thru David or anymans lineage simply b/c all men carry the stain and the spot of Adam....It was only Mary that was of the tribe of Judah Davids lineage...But what ya gotta understand is the bible just uses David as symbolic language for Christ...As Peter tells us in Acts 2 it was not David's whos soul was left in hell and wd not see corruption...It was Jesus that was not left in hell etc...When the bible speaks of a son wd come out of David's loins it was prophetic that a son wd come outa of Christ loins his seed etc which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...As Matthew 22 : 41 says its the lords righteounsess...Impling a heavenly being the H.G. that is gonna rule all nations the manchild which is that Child that is gonna come outta of Christ loins...the H.G...Jesus's Seed the words of that New Covenant.

    ......Its not speaking of Davids seed...But its just uses King David as symbolic language for Christ our King...Thats y Jesus is saying if David calls him Lord how can he be his son...Jesus was not of this world...thus he cd not be of Davids lineage...The bible just uses David as symbolic language for Christ Jesus as ACTS 2 : 27 tells us But Peter tells us it was just prophetic of Christ...Thats y many ppl thought that Christ was of Davids lineage...But it was only Mary that was of Davids lineage not the Christ...It was a great mystery thats y Jesus said these things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto Babes which is the H.G. that Child of Promise...That Great king that comes outta of Christ loins...His loins, His breath which was his words his seeds etc...The lord our righteousness is the H.G...As MATT.22 : 41 tells us...No natural man cd ever be our righteousness.....

    ....Whats the meaning of all this..Its just means this Father and Son Relationship between David and Solomon is just Prophetic of a father and son relationship between Christ and the H.G.
  • Mishael - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Your comment shows someone who walks close to God. You're blessed.

    A long time ago, I desired to grab up every crumb that falls from the Lords table. Crumbs sound small, not filling. I have never left the table not feeling full.

    Lowliness has its rewards.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Song of Solomon 1:3 - 3 years ago
    A commentary on the Book and verse you mentioned=

    John Wesley's Notes for Song of Solomon 1:3

    1:3 Ointments - Because of those excellent gifts and graces of God's Spirit wherewith thou art replenished. Thy name - Thy report, the very mention of thee, and all those things by which thou makest thyself known to men, thy word, particularly thine offers of pardon and salvation to sinners; and all thy works, especially that great work of redemption is most acceptable, and refreshing. The virgins - called the companions of the bride: Psalm 45:14, particular believers, who are called virgins, # 2 Corinthians 11:2; Rev 14:4, who have their senses exercised to perceive this sweetness and fulness of Christ.

    This Bible Comment Room is a place to get answers to questions; For anyone to make a comment on a question.

    To make new comment for others to respond to.

    To preach, teach, or make comment on unfolding prophesy in the news today.

    Some people tell testimonies of how they came to believe Jesus is their Savior; or wonderful things God has done for them. Sometimes we pray for those that have suffered a tragedy.

    Think of it as the household of God, in action. The body of Christ. We're all learning about Jesus Christ, Today in the lives of everyone visiting. I hope you'll come back often.
  • David Allen - 3 years ago
    please pray me and my family please pray for my lost coworkers
  • Roman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    2 Thessalonians 2:4

    He will claim to be God in the temple he built.
  • Roman - In Reply on Revelation 17 - 3 years ago
    Isaiah 47:11 Babylon's sudden destruction will not be put off.
  • Roman - In Reply - 3 years ago

    We talked a few weeks ago. I'm glad you came back to seeking wisdom, discern of the scriptures, most notably, the prophets. This is the season when they shout. How they all uniquely describe the day of the Lord is a marvel. Life has more fulfillment when musing about what the Lord strung together, and does another prophet have the answer? Keep looking to the light.

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