All Discussion PAGE 1411

  • Carol Budd on Psalms 62 - 3 years ago
    Regarding Trust : should I not trust my mother, my father or my pastor. please give me insight.

    Thank you
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Trusting, praying, and thanking God with y'all for Rebecca. Lord please bless her recovery. In Jesus name. We glorify You
  • Josie4me on Wisdom of Solomon 1 - 3 years ago
    Verse 12 chapter 1 Solomon. I'm unsure what to make of this. The error of your life. Seek not death understood but error of life what does this mean? In addition put not destruction with the works of your hands meaning don't harm, steal or use to hurt yourselves or others? Is this kind of what verse is trying to deliver to reader?

    Thank you,

    Josephine Delgado
  • Marcus Brazil - 3 years ago
    The reason God accepted Abel's gift over Cain's is because Abel's was from the first fruit. Proverbs 3:9-10 Genesis 4:4 tells us that Abel brought of the firstlings of his flock. Genesis 4:3 tells us that Cain just brought an offering of the fruit of the ground. A pastor named Robert Morris taught me this and much more.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Hebrews 11 - 3 years ago
    The author of Hebrews at least is clearly stating that Enoch was translated and did not see death and that this is his understanding of taken.

    Hebrews 11:5

    By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.

    If you choose to dismiss that and say he is still romanticizing physical death, I don't see how that fits any of this author's other examples. Perhaps you should first tell me your position on Christ's resurrection or God's ability to create man from dust to see if we share any common frame of reference for interpreting this portion of scripture (or any scripture for that matter).
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Sherry, How are you feeling today? I am keeping you and your mother in my prayers. May God shower your with His healing mercy and bring relief from pain, illness, and degenerating problems in their bodies. Please stop the spasming in Sherry's back. This is so painful, Lord, so bring her relief today. Lord I pray that You keep Lupus from flaring up in Sherry and have her Doctor prescribe the best combination of medications to ease her debilitating pain. Restore function to her hands, feet, knees, back, foot, ribs, and relieve the neuropathy pain in these areas.

    Lord, Sherry and her mother are both in so much pain, as You know, have mercy on them both, in Your name Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Doris,

    I agree in prayer for these requests. Also, Lord Jesus, strengthen Doris to be a great mother to these blessed children in her care. Provide for their needs and care for each one, especially Grace today. We agree in prayer for these things in Your name Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    oops, sent before I finished.

    Lord Jesus, grow Laura's husband as the spiritual head of this marriage and household. We ask that You cause Laura and her husband to grow together as a couple in love for each other and faith in You , their Glorius Lord! We contend for this marriage. We seek You grace in bringing Laura and her husband back together strongly bonded by You. We ask this in Your name Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi, Laura, I will pray for you and your husband.

    Dear Lord Jesus,

    We lift up Laura and her husband today to You. Put a fire in her husband's heart for You and Your word. May he make a turnabout from his complacency and work at becoming mature it his faith in
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Ludovic, I will pray for you and Oksana

    Dear Lord Jesus, We ask that you touch Ludovic's hip and mend any tissue that was damaged from this dislocation. Enable him to be able to walk and drive very soon.

    We also lift up Oksana. She needs your help being so vulnerable. Give her aid in this time of tumult in Ukraine. Protect her and Ludovic's families as they face the uncertainty presented by the Russian troops. Allow Ludovic and Oksana's family to stay in a safe place or travel to a place of safety as situation needs. Send people to help Oksana and her family. Send people to help Ludovic and his family. May aid come to the Ukraine as resources become difficult to distribute during this conflict. Spare them form ruthless people, from indifferent people, from opposing forces in the spiritual realm. We ask all of this in Your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • Meron Koro - 3 years ago
    Hi, My name is Meron and this is how I came to Christ.

    I was born and raised in a "Christian" and religious home. But I nor my family acknowledged God that much. My past held a lot of pain. At a very young age, my mind was filled with dirty, sexual things. I was thinking and doing things that I wasn't supposed to, thinking it was ok because no one taught me otherwise. At the age of 10, I witnessed one of my aunts manifesting a demon and was screaming and crying. I couldn't understand her behavior and I felt scared. For the next few months, I had nightmares and the scene was playing over and over in my head and I couldn't stop thinking about my aunt. I loved her very much and I didn't understand what had happened.

    At the age of 12, because of all the pain and loneliness I felt, I turned to porn for support. I thought that it might help me get rid of that longing desire I had to be loved and understood. I thought it might help distract me from the emptiness I felt. But the truth is, it made my pain grow day by day and I felt even more lonely. At that point, I felt that I had gone too far from God and that God hated me for what I had done. I would cry myself to sleep every night, with no one to talk to.

    Then, one night, after I had cried myself to sleep, I heard the voice of God. I don't remember seeing anything in that dream but I do remember hearing these words, "I forgive you, my child." The next morning, I felt so refreshed and so much better. I knew it was the voice of God and knew that I couldn't have just "imagined" those words. The next few months were hard because I was trying to get rid of my addictive nature for porn. But it was better because then I knew that God loved me and didn't hate me. I think he spoke to me a couple of times during that time period but I just couldn't hear him because I was "too far away." So then I brought a Bible. I started to read and got closer to God. Now, 2 years later, at the age of 14, I have committed my life to God:)
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Bessie, I know that sepsis is extremely serious and many do not survive, so I will pray for you today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, get the best medicine into Bessie to treat this Sepsis. she needs immediate healing. Bring this to her now. Give her peace of mind through this scary illness and strengthen her body to fight the infection. Cause her body to create more than enough white blood cells to attack and consume these bacteria in her blood. Nourish her organs, muscles, brain, heart, lungs, and all as her body fights to overcome this illness. We ask that you touch her with Your mighty power according to Your great love for her and holy will. We pray all this in Your name Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Nicole, I again agree with you in prayer for all of these things. I also pray that God will heal your heart from this betrayal from you husband and fully prepare you to receive him back. In Jesus name Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Emory, I will pray for you today.

    Dear Lord Jesus, we ask you today for mercy and healing of pain for Emory. Take from her this pain and the depression that makes her life so hard right now. We ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago

    I will pray for you today.

    Lord Jesus, please come to Mukiibi's aid today and provide for his daily needs each day. Provide the income he needs to buy necessities, fix his car, and save some in the bank. End this struggle he is having to make ends meet with little money available to him at this time. Bless him financially now and along the way until he is in a position to provide for his family and others in need. We ask this today in your name Jesus, Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Acts 15 - 3 years ago
    Hi Lorri, glad to meet you.

    From what I have read, and T. Levis has given Scripture, the just causes for one to divorce a spouse are;

    1) If the other spouse is unfaithful-adultery

    2)If the other spouse abandons the marriage and reconciliation is not possible-such as if the other spouse marries another.

    3)If the other spouse is abusive, separation and eventually divorce may be in order.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Jeremiah 12:5 - 3 years ago

    Thanks for such a good reminder of Whom we serve! Even if the mountains fall and the seas rage, God is in control, always. He is sovereign! Nothing gets by Him. He is infinitely able to fulfill all of His promises to us and all prophetic events. We can trust Him in life or death. In peace or war. In joy or sorrow. In uncertainty or stability. In plenty or want. In danger or safety. And so on and so on.

    We can rest in knowing that what He has in store for us in eternity is so much more than we can ask or think. We will be so amazed and overcome! What a hope we have in our God!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Adam, I hope you get some good responses on this question.

    My husband and I are preparing for retirement and getting our finances in order has been something we have worked on for the last five years. It isn't always and easy of instant fix. But we were able to pay off our home and save substantially over the past three years. We banked as much as we could each paycheck and try to live simply.

    With the economy going so haywire now, the future seems pretty uncertain. I am planning to grow a vegetable garden this spring and summer and preserve as much as I can for the upcoming winter. I am buying meat on sale and freezing it to keep fill our freezer again (it was depleted during the first 6 months of covid. I am stocking up on necessities and unperishable with each shopping trip. May need to purchase some freeze-dried survival foods as well. We continue to practice shooting our guns and are buying ammo when we can. We have assorted camping gear that will allow us to cook without electricity if needed.

    But I am sure some who are more financially savvy than me can give you better suggestions. But I hope I have been helpful.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 2 Samuel 6 - 3 years ago

    1Samuel 15:9-35, 1st, is Haman in Esther the Agagite the result of this disobedience? Because 1Samuel 15:32, shows time passed, that Haman tried to have every Jewish person put to death & property, possessions taken Esther 3:6,9,12,13,

    2nd, 1Samuel 13:9-13, 1Samuel 13:14, it was already promised to Saul his kingdom would not continue. GOD's WORD stands. 1Samuel 16:1, 1Samuel 18:17-28, 1Samuel 25:44,

    3rd, 2Samuel 6:16, why wasn't she with them celebrating? 2Samuel 6:15,19, There's a point made here "as well to the women"._. 2Samuel 6:20, instead despising as David came to bless them. 1Chronicles 15:29,

    4th, 1Samuel 18:16, 1Samuel 18:6-7, yet 2Samuel 3:13, he honored Saul & Michal, when he had choices

    Hopefully this is helpful,
  • GiGi - In Reply on Numbers 22 - 3 years ago
    Hi Bonnita,

    Happy 2-22-2022. This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

    have no worries about today. God will take care of it in His own way. And His ways are best!

    I hope you have a wonderful day.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    T. Levis

    I, too, compare other translations. I am not one to stick only the KJV and have several translations to draw from here and online. I find the Septuagint for OT reading along with this KJV and others online. I believe God has a very vested interest in superintending the translations of the Scriptures into any language. I
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 127 - 3 years ago
    Hello Blessed, so glad to meet you.

    My son just married a woman from southeast Asia. She is Muslim, but they will be llving in the U.S. away from her family's daily influence. So, I am wondering what helped you to convert from Islam to the Christian faith? Also, what do you recommend me to do or say to help my new daughter in law in her faith journey to Jesus (because I am praying for this, I believe she will convert).

    I just want to be accessible to her and do not want to offend her in her current spiritual place in time. Yet, I want to be able to share about my faith with her, too. (which I have a little bit the few times I have spent time with her alone). Thank you for your help.
  • Richard H Priday on Exodus 18 - 3 years ago
    The "Jethro' event. The first few verses indicate the names of Moses' 2 sons; which if are elsewhere in scripture; it is quite sparse. The meanings of the names of the children; as usual relate to a real life event; that or a specific attribute of offspring had something to do with the names given quite often (and at times; the Lord Himself would provide a name).

    The evidence given to Jethro; by the story of his wife and children; and likely other sources in the indefinite period of time his family went to stay with him showed his deep respect and admiration in Moses; and he came to worship there; apparently being a priest of Midian. As to that role; I also would like to know more; as Midian largely was a pagan culture before that.

    Anyway; the rest of the chapter indicates the practical wisdom which apparently Moses was too myopic to see. His character was that of great humility; and apparently he took on the burdens of the hundreds of thousands of people alone as to their grievances (or however many had survived up to this point). Clearly; the advice to delegate these responsibilities to able men was practical advice and in his best interests. It kind of gives a backdrop to some churches today; where pastors are "flying solo" without other elders and leadership sharing the burden. At any rate; Moses takes the advice; and Jethro leaves; which shows that his purposes were not to meddle in things longer than needed. This is a good lesson in trust and the wisdom of believing family members who have our well being and the Lord's work in our best interests. Clearly; Moses didn't need mundane things; some of which probably would be dropped from those just trying to get his attention in some cases. The earlier chapters illustrate much murmuring; which had led Moses in the past to make a costly mistake when striking the rock for water more than he ought.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 4 - 3 years ago
    Hello Diana, I hope you are doing well today.

    I looked up "selah" and it came up with too different meanings. One "se'lah" means to praise of lift up. The other meaning for selah was to pause or rest, as in music. So to me, I will remember this when i read the psalms. When I see the word "selah" I will lift up praise to God and then pause, rest, and wait in Him,.meditating on His character. Thanks for asking. It prompted me to think more deeply about this word
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 131 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Mishael,

    I, too, never spanked my kids in anger. I told them what they had done wrong so they would know why they were spanked. I used other methods of discipline as well. As they got into their preschool years, often we would just pray together and ask God for forgiveness. Also, had them go to their rooms to think about it and encouraged them to apologize (but emphasized, only say you are sorry if you really are sorry you did something wrong to another person. And I taught the one that was being apologized to not to say, "that's o.k." because it was not o.k. I told them to say, "I forgive you." Instead. This helped a lot because, as most know, brothers will be brothers. My sons did not have much negative interactions with each other once they got school aged.

    As a Kindergarten teacher, I experience first hand the effects of who were not trained and left to their own, mostly with a T.V. or tablet to keep them busy. I was privy to some very outrageous behaviors from a handful of kiddos each year who did not think that they should be corrected or pay a consequence for their bad behavior towards me or other students. But as the year passed, most of these kiddos came into line with my help. one or two went on to first grade with severe behavior problems and these followed them through school because most teachers and parents did not view bad behavior as I did (as sin). I was not really allowed to speak about behaviors this way, so most students were dealt with using Psychology methods, but I knew that if the sinful nature was not dealt with, these problems will just be abated as long as the reward given for good behavior was frequent and consistent (which rarely happened due to lack of in classroom support for these students to do the rewarding).

    Parents were defensive (understandably to a degree) but most of these parents of students with behavior difficulties blamed the teachers for "triggering" their child or out to get the child on every little thing.
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Like another said, I believe we are fully responsible for our sins. We can't blame Adam and Eve. I think human beings generally tend to gravitate towards sin and evil. Maybe that's the devil tempting us. So I think it takes intentional effort to fight against it. Paul talked about struggling against his sinful nature.

    People have different motives for sinning, so its just guessing as to what the person is thinking. Some think they are protecting someone by lying, some are afraid of the outcome if they tell the truth, some don't want something to be exposed so they will lie to cover it up. There are perceived moral dilemmas too when 2 values intersect, which can make things especially challenging. For example, lying to a terrorist in order to save lives? And there's gray areas, such as choosing to not communicate or to omit something. I can only pray for wisdom in those situations.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Isaiah 63:7-14, John 8, interestingly there is much about lies & deception in this chapter.

    Ephesians 4:13-32, Colossians 3:8-10,

    Revelation 21:27, Revelation 22:15,
  • Roman - In Reply on Hebrews 11 - 3 years ago
    I like what you say, but have a problem believing Enoch and Elijah didn't die a mortal death when they're described as "taken" = dead. It's easy to see the author used hyperbole to romanticize their deaths.

    Hebrew 9:27
  • Adam - 3 years ago
    I'd like to seek any advice on how to manage ones estate, be financially responsible, and be a good steward ( Matthew 25:14-30) while avoiding greed or loving money ( 1 Timothy 6:9, Luke 12:15, 1 Timothy 6:10)?

    I'm wondering what are some possible indicators of whether someone is starting to like money too much?
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Don't be hard on yourself. You have been kind & given your time helping answer questions & lifting people up! Many don't give scripture references.

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