King James Bible
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Up at the top is the SEARCH BOX. Links for all books of the Bible is below that. for Bible subject only
You can put the word 'Atonement' in the Search box and hit the arrow >
The engine will fetch every scripture that contains that word. You can sort the list; choose OT or NT only; and the engine places the list in book order.
With DATES OR HISTORY, you'll have to go on GOOGLE. Type it in like this:
"Atonement, history".
You have to use ancient names from ancient maps.
By using all the search options, you'll learn some really awesome information. If search doesn't fetch anything try wording it differently.
If it fetches 5,000 verses; try wording it another way or just look at only OT or NT verses.
Look around on this whole website to see what's in it. If you get lost, just back out and come back in. Curious is good.
The location of the COMMENTARY BOX is below the search box. Touch a scripture and it will highlight Yellow. Scroll down slowly.
I like: BIBLEHUB on Google. It is many commentaries, to compare
Ancient maps of Israel, and then type the name of places you are trying to locate.
If it's not in Israel, type Palestine.
Matthew 24:8 - All these are the beginning of sorrows. (Birth pains)
1 Thessalonians 5:3 - For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
These events on earth will happen simultaneously, and occur more frequently toward the end. It's good to keep an eye on the news, disasters around the earth, and events happening in Israel concerning the building of the third Temple.
The world will move towards One World Economy, One World Religion, One World Government.
They'll prepare people to receive the Mark of the Beast.
Don't freak out because that mark is in the Right Hand or The Forehead. A vaccination in the arm is NOT the Beast mark. Pandemics and Pestilence are one of the signs.
While world leaders are working out the details, we need to strengthen our closeness with the Lord. We could store food, water and meds now (at cheaper prices) than a year from now. Give Bibles to people who do not have one.
Psalms 62:2, Psalms 16:8,
* 1Peter 3:12-16,
I thank you Almighty God for my life but I want to live much longer, I need money to buy land for settlement and burial site and build a better house. All this is possible throu the Blood of Holy Spirit Jesus Christ I believe. I am one of who contested for Dollars, today is the draw. Am waiting for results, Distance is not a barrier!, Let there be Jesus by the way!. I need everyone's prayer. The devil hasn't to defeat me!. Jesus Christ send me Angles to fight for me and, you lead me ahead and by my sides.
Bythe bigining of this year2022, I commented am going to become a Multi-billionaire(Honey Wealthy, Healthy Prosperity person).
Am tyred of hard life to assure you. I will testify when I succeed, I feel am more previllaged
I give Glory back to Jesus Christ I thank you in advance. God be with you always, IU all.
Am Mukiibi Musa.
that 'maybe it was because HE had to make a strong early example because people have a tendency to diminish respect over time. If there was no consequence in the returning & beginning a new ere, then how much would have been disregarded after?'
It appears to be consistent with the beginning New Testament Church; Acts 5:1-11,
Whether we like it or not, David was significantly upset & considerably moved by it. 2Samuel 6:8,9, but yet also took a more respectful, Holier approach, with much reverance 1Chronicles 15:2, 1Chronicles 15:1-25, even then as David gives total honor to GOD & in his "first Psalm" says "be mindful always of HIS covenant, the Word which HE commanded to a thousand generations" 1Chronicles 16, then that respectful approach continued with David's son King Solomon; 2Chronicles 5,
Hopefully this is also helpful & welcomed to discussion.
Barnes' Notes on the Bible
Then I heard one saint speaking - One holy one. The vision was now ended, and the prophet represents himself now as hearing earnest inquiries as to the length of time during which this desolation was to continue. This conversation, or these inquiries, he represents himself as hearing among those whom he calls "saints" - or holy ones - qadosh. This word might refer to a saint on earth, or to an angel - to any holy being. As one of these, however, was able to explain the vision, and to tell how long the desolation was to continue, it is more natural to refer it to angels. So Lengerke understands it. The representation is, that one holy one, or angel, was heard by Daniel speaking on this subject, but nothing is recorded of what he said. It is implied only that he was conversing about the desolations that were to come upon the holy city and the people of God. To him thus speaking, and who is introduced as having power to explain it, another holy one approaches, and asks how long this state of things was to continue. The answer to this question Daniel 8:14 is made, not to the one who made the inquiry, but to Daniel, evidently that it might be recorded. Daniel does not say where this vision occurred - whether in heaven or on earth. It was so near to him, however, that he could hear what was said.
My comment: considering the importance of the Book of Daniel, I would agree with this commentary.
In Malachi 3, we see angels recording what people are conversing together about God; into a Book.
Scripture tells us that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, and ever lives to intercede for The Saints: those who are saved and those who will be saved.
We join our prayers with Jesus's.
Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of others. But it is also much more than that. Intercession involves taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass.
Intercession is warfare -- the key to God's battle plan for our lives. But the battleground is not of this earth. The Bible says, "We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against invisible forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and spiritual powers in the heavens above" ( Eph. 6:12).
Intercessory prayer takes place in this spiritual world where the battles for our own lives, our families, our friends and our nation are won or lost.
My comment:
There is strength in numbers. Five people in a church room interceding together can make a huge difference. Not only do we BIND evil, we LOOSE the power of heaven to fight for, release captives (to sin), heal the sick, release blessing according to Gods will.
This subject requires some book reading to prepare. We need more people to learn of this kind of prayer.
They made a movie about it, some years back. Walmart might have it? The War Room
I appreciate all of your time, and have enjoyed reading all of the scripture shared, and topics discussed. I believe we agree on much more than we disagree, and I will pray His Spirit will continue to work in each of us, to shine the light of truth on the scriptures for our continued understanding.
Stay well and God Bless You!
To find where each place it's located : (I just searched Jehovah in the search tab, on this site. It opens in top left of page when you tap the KJV Standard)
If you notice in Exodus 6:3, it's perfect how it explains HE appeared to Abraham, Isaac & Jacob as GOD ALMIGHTY, but JEHOVAH that name was not known to them. It's very interesting the way the Bible has the names of GOD, especially old testament. In Psalms 83:18, Most High over all the earth.
Hopefully that's helpful.
The very seed of God ...But Satan is the Father of the tares...But they grow together with in us...The wheat and the tares make us 2 ppl...The 2 men in 1 bed is simply 1 man that has been bornagain of an incorruptible seed..His Tareman is satan but his wheatman is the H.G. the Child of Promise....But a warfare begins with in us...But the tareman answers to the dog that returns to his vomit and the sow that returns to her mud....But the wheatman is the H.G that cannot fall away EVER...As the wheat is his Word that cannot return unto him Void ever...Thats y Paul is saying when i wd do good evil is present within me..O wretched man that i am...
......Jesus said my Father that gave them me is greater then all and no man can pluck them outta of my Fathers hands...Thus the wheat cannot fall away ever simply b/c the wheat is a baby Christ ,the son of Man ..mankinds fruit unto God....But the tares falls away...Jesus says 1 shall be taken and 1 shall be left...Our old adamic nature is gonna be destroyed which answers to the tareman....The tare was made white at repentence but he answers to Judas that loves to eat at the lord table...But he lifts up his heel against our lord...He that eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me...Jesus said when the unclean spirit is gone out of aman he goes thru dry places seeking rest but fineth none...But he goes back into his house our bodies...sin revived and i died says Paul...Paul said he saw another law ( another innerman the tare ) waring against me bringing me into captivity But Paul said there is no condemnation to them in Christ Jesus the wheat the Child of Promise the H.G .
.......Its only the tareman that falls away not the wheatman...Our new innerman is Another Christ Jesus...That can neva fallaway....The 2 men in one bed is the wheat and the tares...Its only the tare that is taken. gb
Take for example this site portraying KJV that replaces the Blessed with "Happy" all over the place. Take this Psalm 127:5 for example. If you ask me it's a disservice to replace Blessed with Happy. Happy may be a connotation of Blessed, but blessed imply something deeper as far as I am concerned. "Happy" points from Man to the World, whereas Blessed points from God to Man.
We live in a society that places pleasure above godliness. In this hedonistic world, the world in constantly looking for happiness wherever they can find it. Blessed indicates the Grace of the Lord even when you're not happy 24/7 like the world would have you believe.
I am therefore looking for that original (Anglicized) KJV that taught me that to be Blessed is to be happy and not the other way around. If anyone know that original KJV version please let me know. All I've seen up till now are "Happy" instead of "Blessed".
For now, I will stop reading this site and move to Bible[.]com to read NIV that is not ashamed to use the word "Blessed" in the 21st Century.
has me depressed please pray for Jesus to heal me.
Son,and Holy Ghost Amen
All these practises were not only devilish, but also demonstrated a clear lack of trust in God Who alone has the power & authority to instigate events in both personal life & in the worlds He has made. Even the Apostle Paul in Galatians 4:9-11 was very concerned for such practises still going on amongst some believers, as it is evident today, with the occult & horoscopes, that even believers sometimes resort to, to their hurt.