All Discussion PAGE 1414

  • Shanekia Frederick - 3 years ago
    Who is Jehovah
  • Free - In Reply on 2 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    Hallelujah Friend, A Living Congregation Growing!
  • Free - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    There is no man who can stop Him. Perhaps Jesus' High Priestly Prayer John 17 can. Remeber they two was One.
  • Free - In Reply on Isaiah 26 - 3 years ago
    Thanks Roman the words of Isaiah 54:7-17 touched my heart today. Thank you Almighty Lord for the people who will go The Way You have said. You will never turn Your back on Your Holy, You Jesus. But always stand up for the cause of the Saints. Thank You Lord my God and Savior! Forever in Jesus Christ Holy Name.
  • David on Jeremiah 12:5 - 3 years ago
    Our Lord God is righteous in all His ways. Many times we cannot see or understand the depths of His wisdom in His actions. When this happens, we must trust in the first principles we learned at His feet. There is a parallel here as in Psalms 73. The wicked seemed to be blessed beyond anything we can imagine. It made Asaph, the writer upset that the wicked and foolish looked to be blessed and prosperous in every thing they did. Until he went in to the sanctuary of the Lord and then he understood their end. It is our responsibility to proclaim the gospel and declare the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and the availability of the Gospel for all. We know the end.

    God bless everyone on this forum. The Lord shine His face on all and bless your walk with Him. February 22, 2022
  • Nicole - 3 years ago
    Please pray for marriage restoration and for my husband's faith to get stronger. Praying that my husband will rededicate his life to God. Praying that the Holy Spirit will continue to convict his heart to do God's will. Pray that he will seek God's heart and His kingdom. Praying that his decision will be firm that he wants our family get fixed. Praying that he will remember us and God at all times. Praying that he will truly repent and surrender his sin to God. Praying that the mistress will also turn away! Praying that my husband will be disgusted by the sin. Pray that God will destroy all evil plans and schemes. Pray that God will destroy everything that hinders him from seeing and hearing God! Save him Lord God! Make him feel it's not too late for him to go back to you. Lord don't give him peace and joy when it comes to sinning. Continue to rattle him until he goes back to you. Please make the desire of his heart to be for You God and our family. Redeem him Lord. Dont let the enemies lies deceive him. Set him free Lord God! Destroy the lies and the curses surrounding him. Save our family. Have mercy on us!
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear "Vicky" we pray, and in your case you need the Holy Spirit. Please join Galatians 2:11-21 and remember that the Word of God is sharper than a double-edged sword.

    God bless you finest girl, pray that you will be enabled to serve all over the earth in Jesus Christ Holy Name. Amen
  • GiGi - In Reply on Numbers 10 - 3 years ago
    Hi Anthony,

    As Bro Dan stated, there have been several threads on this subject in the past few weeks. I encourage you to go to past pages and find the threads to read. Hopefully, you will find the answers you are seeking.

    Other than this recommendation, I just want to ask, which of the 10 commandments do you not want to obey out of love for Christ? For me, because of the grace that has brought me salvation, I am a new creation in Christ and the Spirit lives in me. So, because God first loved me, I love Him. And because I love Him, I want don't want to disobey any of the 10 commandments nor anything I know is sinful. However, I still sin and turn to God for forgiveness, which He freely gives me. I love our Lord so much that I do not want sin to come between Him and me any time. But when it does, I can be confident that He cleanses me from all sin when I confess to Him.

    This is my approach to the 10 commandments and any moral law given by God in the Bible.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you Anna,

    I appreciate your prayers and know that our Lord hears and answers prayers in the best ways. I look forward to our Father in heaven causing the best lot to become available and that we will be able to buy it without a bidding war, which we cannot afford.
  • Cinda Tygart Beck - 3 years ago
    What does an "observer of time" mean?
  • Lisa - 3 years ago
    Im praying for my current job search. I haven't given up yet even though my options are limited, which is my fault. Guide me quickly to a job that I'll follow through on & send Holy Spirit to help me with that & to provide peace & support. Open up hiring managers/recruiters heart to give me a chance. Help me fight the Devil & his evil thoughts that cause me to go off course. I ask for forgiveness for letting people down, not doing Gods will & not being grateful for what God has given me - I'll have to face consequences of all that & have mercy on me during those times. Im calling for a miracle that only You can send. Please God help me, even though Im not worthy.
  • Bev - 3 years ago
    My husband, Jose had a fall and injured his kidney in 2020. Testing is now showing he has a cancerous tumor on the same kidney. He is having more testing to see what kind of cancer and if it has spread. Please pray that it has not spread & for his healing and peace for us both.
  • NEVIS VAZ - 3 years ago
    Praise the Lord

    please pray for me my wife Angela&son valston complete Deliverance,generation curses to be broken,spiritual growth for us ,to use us to serve the kingdom of god ,to get clear from all my debts,the company which i am working to be blessed,salaries to be release on time hence i am working in Dubai,good health for me wife &son suitable god fearing life partner for my son valston,continue keep praying till almighty god answers our prayers ,cause Philippians ,4v6, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.god bless mu Testimony i will send
  • Bessie Miller - 3 years ago
    i have sypis please pray that it leaves me
  • Vicky - In Reply on Obadiah 1 - 3 years ago
    yes indeed!!!
  • Vicky - 3 years ago
    Hello! I am a child who has given her life to the lord I do not regret this decision one bit! but since I have started I have been struggling with the devil daily I try to read the lord's word but I keep having struggles keeping up and always get distracted. it may seem as if it is something trivial but for me not knowing the lord's word is rather frightening for it is there for us to learn from and live by. I ask you pray me strength to go on thank you! as we pray each other up brothers and sisters!! thank you in advance
  • David Krimm - 3 years ago
    I was worried about the 2020 election being stolen and was angered to the point of rebellion. I decided to pray and for days I continued to pray. I was afraid of doing unspeakable things but God had mercy on me and during one of the prayers in an instance he took all the fears away from me. I felt brand new and dug out the Bible and started to read the book of John. Several chapters in I picked up the computer and looked up a church to attend.

    Two days later I attended church for the first time in a long time, and the words came to life for the very first time. Soon I joined the Friday night Bible study and the Bible has been speaking to me ever since like never before. A couple months later I was baptized for the second time but it felt like the first.

    A little more than a year later I am involved in missionary work, and sharing the Gospel to everyone that will listen, and a few that are trapped into hearing the good news.
  • S Spencer. - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi David.

    The saint in Daniels vision is unnamed. Not sure if he even knows.

    God blessed.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Exodus 17 - 3 years ago
    Hi Richard.

    Great work! Just wanted to I understand the view as you stated it, Moses was supposed to speak to the rock the second time, Christ was the rock 1 Corinthians 10-4. Moses was to smite the rock in Exodus 17:6. And speak to it in Numbers 20:8-11. It seems in verse 10 Moses shows frustration and says "Hear now, ye rebels; must "WE" fetch you waters out of this rock?

    I believe he misrepresented the Lord and made it look like theLord was angry. But to fulfill the type, if the rock was Christ scripture says it pleased the Lord to bruise him. And then we come to Numbers 20:12.


    God bless.
  • E. - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Amen. In Jesus mighty name.
  • E. - 3 years ago
    Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need.
  • Carolyn Quinn on Proverbs 3 - 3 years ago
    Jere 31:3
  • Adam - In Reply on Numbers 22 - 3 years ago
    Hello, I just became aware of tomorrow's unusual date, but we've already had similar dates before, like 2-2-22, 2-20-2022 is like a palindrome, 12-12-12, 12-21-21. I think it's just random and doesn't have any Biblical significance. The number 7 is more Biblically significant, but I'm naturally skeptical and don't assume every instance of a 7 in society automatically has a profound meaning. Confirmation bias seems to go hand in hand with numerology, which I think is similar to the birthday paradox in how it seems to impress people.

    With that being said I do believe were are near the end times, because God gave us things to keep watch for and we are seeing more of those playing out in this world. Wars, rumors of wars, strong delusions and deceptions, bad being perceived as good, and good being perceived as bad, we have all seen within the last year. We must watch out for the antichrist and definitely don't inject anything in your body you don't know what it is or does, and definitely don't take a mark, especially not one that means 666 and allows you to buy/trade.
  • Roy on Matthew 1 - 3 years ago
    Do we have a similar piee of software under which we can read and discuss the NJKB?
  • Anna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank You Lord Jesus for reserving the right lot for Gigi and her husband.

    For Your favour and swift provision. And for giving her the generosity

    of spirit to intercede for others in Your mighty name Jesus. Alleluia. Amen.

    Psalm 26:7 kjv: That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell

    of all thy wondrous works.
  • Anna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank You Lord Jesus in advance for all You are doing in Rebecca's midst.

    For the testimony to come. By Your grace. For Your glory.

    We plead Your precious blood over all concerning her. Alleluia.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on Numbers 22 - 3 years ago
    Why should the scripture reveal anything significant based on the Gregorian calendar unknown to any biblical writer? No doubt God knew about it, but He also knew more false prophets would mislead their followers using human calculations of so called significant dates on which God would reveal certain end time events than almost any other thing. Beware of all such calculations. No one knows the day or the hour except the Father and all who say otherwise should be disregarded. We need to prepare for His coming without knowing when he will appear. Thinking we know or can know the day or the hour only puffs us up with knowledge and leads to the world's ridicule and false belief that Christ won't come when we give ear to false prophets rather than builds up the church with love which is what he will be looking for when He comes. Pursue God's love and be found serving it when He comes if you want your master's praise.
  • Roman - 3 years ago
    Just a muse on the next big attack, in these end-times....just my thoughts to pass time.

    If the fifth trumpet, Revelation 9:1-11, was 9-11-01 the war on terror,

    will the sixth seal, Revelation 6:14, open on 6-14, or June 14th?

    The US govt is crafty smart to choose relevant dates for military campaigns.

    Whenever Revelation 6-14 happens, it should serve as notice that the sixth trumpet is coming.
  • Aaron - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Alex N

    The story is allegory. The characters behave in the same way the saints do, weary of the beast.

    They are not additional characters, but a picture in time of their plight. They are the only group protected for 3.5 years. They are also likened to JTB, 'wilderness'.
  • Dillon on Revelation 21 - 3 years ago
    I love it

    It is a good bible story

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