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Let's look at what God declares regarding our GOOD WORKS and how they enter into God's Salvation program.
Galatians 2:16 Knowing that a man is NOT JUSTIFIED BY THE WORKS {our works} OF THE LAW, but by the FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST {Christ's faith}, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the FAITH OF CHRIST, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified.
What does it mean to be "justified"? It means that we stand perfectly just before the Law of God because we have paid the full penalty required by the Law of God for each and every one of our dirty rotten sins. We no longer stand guilty before the Law and the Law can no longer condemn us.
How have we been justified? Christ has paid the full penalty, eternal DEATH for the sins of those He is saving by being perfectly faithful in taking upon Himself all of the sins of each of His Elect (we will get to Election, Predestination and Foreknowledge later perhaps) and Dying an eternal DEATH as the full payment demanded by the Law, and then rising to life again as proof that the payment had been fully made. All of this as Eternal God Himself. We can't comprehend How God could actually DIE, but it is so because the Bible declares it to be so.
And BECAUSE Christ has accomplished all this on behalf of His Elect, it is guaranteed that each and every one of His Elect will become saved.
More to follow
Part 2.
You gave your understanding that in Hebrews 2:17-18 Hebrews 14:2 1 John 4:2-3 to mean that Jesus was a living soul like you and me except He was anointed without measure with the Spirit of God?
Ronald, I don't hold the view that Jesus was a living soul.
Jesus wasn't born of Adam. He was of the seed of the woman! (That is very different and have meaning of specially done! Something I want have time to get into at the moment. Perhaps others would.
You mentioned Hebrews 2:17-18, Hebrews 2:14 and 1 John 4:2-3. Those scriptures say the Jesus came in the flesh.
Yes, he did!
1 Timothy 3:16 tells us who came in the flesh and where he returned.
"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
He came to condemn sin in the flesh as our Kinsman redeemer, something only he could do, "being of the seed of the woman" and not of Adam.
These are my beliefs Ronald.
I will speak on the kinsman Redeemer when time permits.
God bless.
Part 1
I was relating to Gigi's insert of Revelation 13:8. It parallels with 1 Peter 1:19-21 "But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot:
Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,
Who by him do believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him glory; that your faith and hope might be in God.
I don't believe Jesus had a mission to complete to "become" the unblemished Lamb of God. He existed in the realm of eternity in the God head before he took on flesh.
You are correct, I was referring to 1 Corinthians 15.
And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
(JESUS, A LIFE GIVING SPIRIT) In John 14:6-7 Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
Jesus said this before he was crucified and resurrected.
Verses 47-49
The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.
As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
Jesus was the Heavenly before the foundation of the world, he didn't have to wait on the resurrection to be what he already is.
The resurrection proved he is who he says he is.
We are baptized into eternal life!
Thats his life!
Eternal has no beginning nor ending!
Running out of space, See part 2.
The question may arise that if we are indeed crucified with Christ and dead to sin then why we need to be concerned about such matters post salvation. Romans 7:17 seems to bolster that point when Paul states that it is not him but sin living within that causes problems. This still would show that sin lives or exists but that Christ through the Holy Spirit indwells us once we come to faith ( John 14:23). This would show that during the entire sanctification process on earth we go through this sad state of affairs.
It is implicit in meaning that Christ died for all sins; past present and future. That would be the case for us living today; of course as we are already nearly 2000 years past the atonement so that in that sense all the sins were future for us; and indeed all the generations before us until the time of Christ.
When it comes to sin; we need to emphasize how doctrinal errors lead to all sorts of gross behaviors following apostasy. Indeed the doctrine of demons now or in the past causes the worst evils as we see from occultic rituals still followed today that originated from pagan religions millennia past inspired by the enemy of our souls. Unrepentant sin often is associated with lifestyles of sin or leads to it inevitably in time. As a believer indwelt with the Holy Spirit we will be grieved as the Spirit within is affected by evil that we allow in ( Eph. 4:30). True believers not only don't mind testing themselves to see if they are in the faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5-6) but like to remind themselves of such passages even if they are living right to keep them on course. This of course involves godly sorrow not worldly ( 2 Cor. 7:10).
Human logic needs to be subjugated to Godly wisdom for a believer. Satan always has plans that he likes to bring to our minds which he has concocted so that we think our plans can sort of help God along. All things must be in submission and obedience to the cross.
Without a heart change; we won't have works that are done that produce any good fruit. Thus; we need the gift of repentance ( Rom. 9:15-16) to bring us to saving faith in order to have the desire in our hearts to serve; obey and love Christ ( Ezekiel 11:19; also see Mark 1:15).
An example of this is when Christ says that we who are evil still can give "good gifts" to our children ( Matt. 7:11). The problem with such actions isn't toward what is done for the recipient (unless there is a deliberate attempt to control; spoil or manipulate their behavior which may be more common than some parents want to believe). Another example would be with those who give their lives to charitable causes but choose not to preach the Gospel. I won't name names here but this has happened with famous people in the past; and there are charities today which I don't support that refuse to proclaim the Gospel.
Of course if the only repentance had to be the type associated with our moment of salvation there wouldn't be so many warnings not to fall away. We are foolish to be so myopic as to disregard examples throughout scripture where sins have destroyed lives; even of saints. We see people in the New Testament who die prematurely due to sinful lifestyles ( 1 Cor. 11:30; James 5 end of chapter). The whole of 1 Corinthians and much of 2 Corinthians shows a slew of problems such as incest; greed; disputes; gluttony; jealousies; etc that needed to be dealt with. It also shows how they were indeed to judge disputes among themselves not the world; in 1 Corinthians chapter 6 and several other passages in the same book regarding those living in grievous error and covering for women.
With the context of the church and the Old Testament we see that not only individuals but nations are petitioned to be forgiven (such as with Daniel's prayer after the 70 year exile). A little leaven ruins the lump.
"He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me."
Whosoever received the twelve, no matter which, they were associates and fellow laborers working in unison towards an end. Jesus was aware of it, and he had compassion on seeing desperate masses dithering through as sheep without a shepherd. It prompted him to send his disciples forthwith, obtuse and jejune as they were, was the spiritual sloth that had settled on the land of Palestine. "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few;/ Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest."(9:36-38). So their level of knowleldge was not the issue but number in order to reach those who were ready to fain on the way. Power and Glory worked so Jesus assured them,"For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you."(10:20)
The disciples were 'little ones' in their naivete and it is in this context Jesus spoke,"And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward."(v.42)
As associates every one of the disciples was dealt with equally, as well as encouraged since no one was allowed to stand athwart the Gospel out reach. In one moment St Peter is praised, ("Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven."-16:17) and in the next he was berated rightly so, since his solicitous remark for his personal safety than for the glory of the Word elicited this reply, "Get thee behind me, Satan;thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.(16:23)" The glory of God did not allow Jesus to give any preferential treatment to them.
The rewards of heaven are symbolized by crowns; and such things as patiently waiting for the Lord's return; Pastors and elders have crowns given for faithful service. Martyrdom also is a way someone can receive a crown which in itself is an instantaneous action. ( James 1:12). Dying to self; however is usually a prolonged process for a believer. God keeps His servants here normally for a period of time so that they can bear fruit and be witnesses of the Good News before they are martyred or have a natural death.
The crowns cast at the feet of Christ in Revelation are only symbols; of course indicating the authority of the rewards of a servant of Christ. Ruling and reigning with Him; no doubt will be with some in as high a position as David who is promised to return in the Millennium ( Hosea 3:5 and other verses). Of course it is better to be a doorkeeper in the Lord's presence than lost in outer darkness. (see Psalm 84:10).
As a personal application; Victoria I would encourage you to continue in prayers in your closet as it were and not letting your right hand know what your left hand is doing ( Matt. 6:3-4). Good deeds may include exhorting or rebuking someone which may not be appreciated in this lifetime. It may mean lending to someone who can't or won't pay you back in your personal private life. Hunger and thirst for righteousness is never fully satisfied this side of heaven and living Godly through sufferings and chastisments is scriptural but not popular today. All Godly suffer persecution (2 Tim3:12
So what does it mean to be Spiritually DEAD and condemned to DEATH in body and soul?
It means what we read in 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the NATURAL MAN RECEIVETH NOT the things of the Spirit of God: for they are FOOLISHNESS unto him: NEITHER CAN he KNOW them, because they are SPIRITUALLY discerned.
It means that both in our body and our soul we LUST after SIN and are in REBELLION against God. We want to go OUR own way and have no desire to be under the AUTHORITY of God; to HUMBLE ourselves and be OBEDIENT to the Law of God, the Bible. We want to do it OUR way, not GOD'S way".
It means that in both our body and our soul we are subject to eternal DEATH as required by the Law of God because of our sin.
It means that we have NO ABILITY NOR DESIRE to become right with God, ON GOD'S TERMS.
IT means that apart from God's intervention in our life we CANNOT NOT and WILL NOT come to Him ON HIS TERMS.
This is what God sees as He looks down the corridors of time before He ever created this world and mankind, i.e. what He sees in each and every one of us WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
So how then, how does anyone "get right with God" and "become saved"? What must we DO to be saved? How do we become RESURRECTED from Spiritual Death to Spiritual Life? And what does it mean to be "Saved"?
Let's answer the last question first by asking another. What do we need to be saved from? We first must endure the penalty demanded for our sins by the Law of God, eternal DEATH. God's justice must be satisfied. But how can we accomplish this if the penalty is eternal DEATH? The answer is we CANNOT. We then must be made totally righteous in our entire being, both body and soul, in order to even be in the presence of God and not be consumed by Him; how can we do this? The answer again is we CANNOT.
So the answer to all of these questions is this: We can do NOTHING. We are totally utterly helpless to DO any of this or CONTRIBUTE to any of this because of our Natural Condition.
More to follow
Absolutely right! Thank you!
" the best way to understand God's Word is to take it as literal as possible. When it says You can have Your Name Removed from the Lamb's Book of Life . That's what it means."
"I could walk out of that Salvation and be a Reject of God."
"There are a 100 Verses in The New Testament alone that destroys the " Once Saved always Saved , live any Ol way )"
God told Adam and Eve that if they ate the apple, they would surely die. Satan told Eve, " You will surely NOT die."
The Protestant faith has bought into this lie, we will surely NOT die. The movies and tv shows in Hollywood promote ghosts in both comedy and drama. If the average person goes to church one hour a week, and rarely reads the Bible, this lie becomes entrenched.
This life we are now living is the time of our probation. The choices we make will determine whether we will be part of the first resurrection or the second resurrection. The condition of the human soul at death is in a state of sleep. The dead know nothing. The Bible is replete with verses supporting soul sleep.
And thank you for those very good questions.
I have tried to address some aspects of those questions in my earlier comments regarding the Nature of Salvation and what it means to be "Saved", although inadequately I'm sure. Any truth that we may have come to understand from Scripture is only by God's Mercy as He may choose to open our understanding.
I will attempt to further address your questions in more detail, which may take several post and time. Ultimately, what I say is worth nothing. Only what God declares in His Word, the Bible, the Entire Bible, is important as we seek to "compare scripture with scripture" in order to come to Truth.
The starting point must be our condition, apart from God's Mercy in Salvation, which God summarize in Romans 3 in language that we don't like to hear:
Romans 3:10-18 As it is written, There is NONE righteous, no, NOT ONE: There is NONE that understandeth, there is NONE that seeketh after God. They are ALL gone out of the way, they are TOGETHER become unprofitable; there is NONE that doeth good, no, NOT ONE. Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Their feet are swift to shed blood: Destruction and misery are in their ways: And the way of peace have they not known: There is no fear of God before their eyes.
Emphatic and all inclusive! This condition applies to each and every one of us throughout time once Adam sinned. And because of Adam's sin, God has delivered all of mankind (as all of mankind was in the loins of Adam) and the Creation itself under Bondage to Sin and Satan.
We are Spiritually DEAD, body and soul, and are under the sentence of DEATH, body and soul, required by the Law of God for each and every sin, every violation of the Law of God, that we commit each and every day of our life.
And we CANNOT escape. Is there no hope?
More to follow.
If I may ask, not to debate but just for my study and better understanding, Your reply to GiGi, It had to be the last Adam; A life-giving Spirit!! Not a living soul. This comes from 1 Corinthians 15, "the last Adam was made a quickening spirit". Forgive me if I misunderstood what you said (not a living soul).
I understand Jesus was made a quickening spirit when He was resurrected. What do you mean by not a living soul? My understanding is that in Hebrews 2:17-18 Hebrews 14:2 1 John 4:2-3 would that not mean Jesus was a living soul like you and me except He was anointed without measure with the Spirit of God?
Thanks, brother,
God bless,
"And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease."
He (Jesus) gave them power,
In the Prayer of Jesus we have it explained. "As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him./And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent."( John 17:2-3) Their power came the Word ("Thy word is truth") so God in the Father-Son Relationship gave them certain privileges in the kingdom of heaven as such what actions they did on the earth was on their behalf. For example it conferred knowledge with regards to the Son so Jesus did not have to talk to them in mysteries.("Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven,"-13:11)The disciples were raw and untested and we shall see they were left to grow in their service with their ups and down, so in the end they were more as friends than as servants. "It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord"(v.25) Association therefore devolved from heaven where Jesus served as the Intercessor before his Father and historically began with the 12 the tag for the Gospel of Christ. The number served so where Judas Iscariot fell of another Apostle stepped into the breach.
" From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it."( Job 1:7) There we have Satan's mobility to wreak havoc wherever and whenever possible.Power against unclean spirits necessitated a different approach. These spirits have no fixed abode even as Satan the prince of the power of air could go anywhere and attack the strongholds of man whenever it suited him. For this purpose Jesus Christ established the principle of Association. (10:40)
There is no contradiction, we see in Exodus 33:20-23 God told Moses he cannot see my face and no man can see me and live, so God showed Moses His backside, that is the closest any person has come to seeing God. Matt. 5:8 Jesus says those pure in heart meaning those who are amongst the saints/saved will see God. Job knew this as he says in Job 19:26, his glorified flesh/body.
We have our confirmation in Revelation 22:3-4 And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: 4 And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.
We will see God's face and the Lamb/Jesus for they will be the light and the temple of the new earth and the new Jerusalem, Revelation 21:22-23.
God bless,
"No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse." God is a consuming fire and against it the traditions of the fathers and superficial observances of the old did not stand a chance. So it required for the lost sheep of Israel to trust the Word become flesh. He was 'the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.' God well knew that they were stiff necked and evil. As in the case of Ezekiel God sent his Son to them with the same condition. "And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious."(Ez.2:7). It is significant that God addresses the prophet as Son of man, and Ezekiel serves as a stand in for his Son.
The 12 disciples did not choose the Son but He did. " But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him./ And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father."( John 6:64-65) and he well knew who would betray him. "Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve."(6:70-71).
Jesus chose him as man not judging him before hand. As the Word become flesh he would give him a chance to redeem himself. But Judas was an old bottle, whose disobedience, sin was like the proverbial little fox burrowing deep and yet spoiling the vineyard while in bud. Time tests of what man is.
"Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.(9:16-17)
" Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:/But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
God had determined before the worlds began and also spoken through his Prophet Isaiah,"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined."(Is.9:2). Further down he connects it to the Prince of Peace "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end." As the light of the world Jesus was particular the direction the doctrine of his Father should take. As the Savior of the world the fulness of God radiated from his Life and not from any geographical place. So it was upon them and not the land, the land of the shadow of death, 'hath the light shined.'
"The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it hath lighted upon Israel./And all the people shall know, even Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria."(Is.9:1-8) Even Ephraim and the inhabitant of Samaria were included within the ambit of his ministry. How come Jesus chose to send his disciples 'go rather to the lost sheep of Israel' and not Samaria?
We need look at this passage to understand why.
In the dialogue with the woman from Canaan (15:21-28) Jesus tried to put her off and said,"t is not meet to take the children's bread, and to cast it to dogs." Her answer satisfied him. He said, "O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour."(v.28) He was hoping to find the same quality among the lost sheep of Israel. Without it was a total mismatch as he had mentioned earlier: "No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto an old garment, for that which is put in to fill it up taketh from the garment, and the rent is made worse./Neither do men put new wine into old bottles:.(9:16-17)
Christ's Church is no different & the spiritual & leadership integrity of the Elder/Pastor/Council are of utmost importance. Should they do nothing (even just quietly speaking to the sinning member & then leaving the matter with the Lord), or else to take an active position of dealing with that member, which would include private ministry & warning, as well as a more visible judgement & punishment? In the Corinthians passage you shared, Paul understood that "judgement must (first) begin at the house of God..."( 1 Peter 4:17), for once the cancer sets in, then the Body begins to be infected all over, & if the Church decides to remain a mute spectator to this evil, they would greatly err bringing shame to Christ & deeming the power of the Cross unworkable. We can see today what the world sees & believes about Christians, when child molestation instances have appeared, and without the Church identifying & dealing with it.
Even Jesus was so critical with the Churches in Revelation 2 & 3, both in their teaching & bearing with & approving of evil amongst them. I believe that the Church is to take a strong stand against sin, but done according to biblical guidelines.
The verses I shared earlier to show that repentance & belief are necessary after one hears the Gospel message are certainly not isolated in clear teaching for us, or else the apostles had it wrong in their delivery of the Gospel & instruction in what must be done to be saved. So the questions that arise in my mind from what you've shared are:
a. what is the need to preach the Gospel (according to Christ's Command), seeing that repentance & believing (Works to you) can only follow conversion/rebirth?
b. then, if the Elect (i.e. one who is chosen to be saved & accepted at the outset) has no need to hear or be challenged by the Gospel (since he is elected/accepted already), at what point in his 'Christian experience' will he sense a need to repent & believe? I simply cannot fathom such a situation.
Maybe you have answers to clarify, or even share if you choose to do so, how you were 'saved' under such a belief of 'salvation first, then repentance & belief after'. Since I've never heard of such a thing, I would be interested in a practical example to consider further. Thank you.
The marriage of two people becoming onetwo people united in purpose plan and action. The marriage of two people who will act as one unit but the married couple are two different beings.
This is an object lesson given to us by God to help us understand the trinity. Three separate beings united as one in purpose, plan, and action.
It's really very simple and not complicated at all.
1 Corinthians 5:11
"But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat."
I don't want to go into this like I'm carrying a hammer, and like THOR, here I am, coming to pound you on the head with my judgement. No, instead I come to you as I would want someone to come to me. There are some things that just shouldn't be talked about in front of large audiences, and some would argue "But it says rebuke before all!!". My goodness, if that's the way we were all treated we wouldn't last too long in this now would we? I think it's easier to just do, and not say a word. People will usually get the hint. Most will at least, and those who don't will learn fast that living a double life will eventually reveal itself, and there won't be no hiding it. "But you're going against the word". Am I? The bible says to love one another as I have loved you. To love our neighbor as ourselves. JESUS didn't announce all of your sins did he? No, he didn't. The reason I'm even touching on this subject has to do with my own stinking attitude, and I never really thought about it this way, until now. Isn't that something. God has given me clarity, and he wants you to be free from that sort of dictator like spirit and attitude. It's God's church, and he'll clean house when the time comes for him to do so. We just need to keep truckin! Keep living for Jesus. I'm good with finding another seat, or simply saying to a brother "I'm sorry, but I'm no longer interested". There's just a better way to go about it, than becoming emotionally involved to where it causes us to sink down to a level GOD has not purposed for us to be on. I don't comment on here much, but when I do, I feel like I'm being led of GOD to do so. I hope that this is clear, and hopefully it will help you as it has helped me. May GOD bless you richly!
When there are those in power who want to take away or diminish that which is truly good about our nation and instead support that which is not good and damaging to our nation and therefore to the world at large we should be prayerful and concerned. We should desire for our country to be one that God can use for good and for the advancement of the kingdom of God. We should be citizens who know our rights and our history so that we can know what we wish to stand for, fight for, and preserve.
Our rights as citizens are rights that are NOT given to us by the government, but come from God and reflect the freedom we have as Christians. If Believers will use these rights to do good, help one another, protect themselves and their neighbor, value the freedoms we are blessed to possess, and use our time in this world in this great country to further the cause of Christ in the world and be a defense against the ungodly ways of those who despise our Lord and Savior.
We in the U.S. have lived two centuries with these rights in place. Some of us have recent experiences with prejudice and restrictions on our basic human rights, bit most of us do not know what it is like to not be free in one's life, home, community, and country. if we knew such a lack of freedom first had, we would surely resist all the more anything that the government does to restrict the rights enumerated in our bill of rights and constitution (both of which were adopted as supreme law that cannot be overturned or altered by any other law that government may pass). The bill of rights and constitution was meant by the founders to be inalienable and not able to be reversed or impinged or overridden by government or by other citizen seeking to restrict these rights and constitutional law. These two pillars of our government ensure that we stay free and responsible as citizens.
So, we do need to pray more for God to intervene in our affairs in this nation.
I meant very Good Scripture.
" Rev. 13:8."
That's a very scripture.
It let's us know that this perfect Lamb was chosen with the foreknowledge of success.
It also let's us know that God knew Adam and every one after him would fall short. .
It gad to be the last Adam. .
A life giving Spirit!!
Not a living soul.
A quickening spirit that has no beginning or ending and took on flesh, ministered here on earth, gave his spirit to those who trust in him to become sons and daughters of God.
Then he returned to his former Glory that he had in the Godhead.
God bless.
When John came preaching the Kingdom of God, as the forerunner of Christ, all that was available to understand the Kingdom of God was Moses and the Prophets.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth HIS SECRETS to his servants the Prophets.
Moses and the Prophets is the REVEALING of the Kingdom of God, a kingdom here on earth.
Nowhere in Moses and the Prophets does it say the reward of the righteous is Heaven, nor nowhere does it say the reward of the wicked is HELL.
What it does say is the wicked shall be JUDGED by the righteous.
The wages of sin is DEATH.
Christ came and he and all creation was crucified for the sins of the world.
Christ died for us in the sense we did not have to suffer the wrath of God poured out on him.
But we died just as he die.
Only Christ arose and we as joint heirs with Christ, SAVED from ever dying again.
But there are two kinds of people in this world, believers and unbelievers, symbolised by the two malefactors crucified with Christ, one believed, one did not believe, one went to the presence of God, the other went to the grave to await the second resurrection.
The Believers WERE SAVED at the first resurrection: believing they were resurrected as ONE FLESH with Christ.
The unbelievers will DIE and go to the GRAVE, and await the second resurrection, and will be judged and ruled over by the BELIEVERS of God's word.
The reference in Moses and the Prophets is they will be the wood choppers and water haulers, and they will bow the knee.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I WILL MAKE THEM of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews (circumcised in the heart) and are not, but do lie, behold, I WILL MAKE THEM come and worship before thy feet, and TO KNOW that I have love thee
Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of CREATION WAITETH (in the grave) for the MANIFESTATION of the Sons of God,
Romans 8:21 For creation itself ALSO SHALL BE DELIVERED from the bongage of corruption ......