All Discussion PAGE 2

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 9 months ago
    I am asking the Lord to intervene with the doctors; intercede if the man doesn't know the Lord to reach him.

    Also help Ronald to minister to the family in the best way possible in this situation through your wisdom.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Certainly will Brother Ronald.

    God bless.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Dear Ronald will pray for Nathan. Thanks for letting us know.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 9 months ago

    Consider it done!
  • Ronald Whittemore - 9 months ago
    Hey brothers and sisters, I am asking you to join me in prayer for my neighbor's son Nathan. He had an accident, he has a broken neck, broken ribs, and blood clots on his lungs and kidneys.

    Thank you and God bless us all,

  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    The source of persecution: Satan and his minions

    Sometimes; in my experience I don't know which is worse; the inevitable struggle with difficulties daily; or the annoying knowledge that the enemy is using the same old tactic over and over and over again and how predictable it tends to be.

    That may be reflecting badly on my own weaknesses that are causing me to struggle more than I should; so I can't speak

    for everyone else here; nonetheless I have a strong suspicion that someone here can relate to that observation.

    People wildly shouting or shooting off fireworks when we are trying to sleep; neighbors having conflicts; problems with relatives; and other chaos in our lives may not appear to be persecution in one sense but the enemy as I like to call him is an "equal opportunity destroyer". Having any confidence at all in today's society especially that there can be some solace in anything going on in this life tends to be fruitless. Again; I may be biased having to live alone for years after my spouse had an affair and I had to divorce; feeling that I was missing out on what normal families experience. It is easy to harbor bitterness; but I can say that first the Lord has His reasoning and certainly has matured me in the last 10 years; and also that my ex wife has lost out on what the Lord had purposed for our marriage in the first place; as well as opportunities for us to grow and have an influence on others in witnessing to others. I thought I would mention this once again; briefly since many have their biggest struggles at home. Probably would be better to address seperately as to verses to maintain a strong marriage although I feel I am not the best person to discuss it with my own failures. Nonetheless; Satan's attempt to affect me with uncontrollable anger has been dealt with through Biblical counselling in the book of James and much prayer about 5 or 6 years ago and I would recommend that others would avail sound counselling in the church.
  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    What is persecution?

    Hebrews 11:37

    They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated-

    Other parts of this passage mention torture and wandering as nomads. It is fairly clear that when people are put to severe physical suffering and or death directly because of their profession of faith that persecution is occurring. When we look to the individuals who are exiled or made homeless because of either being directly evicted or put in a position of poverty because of their faith (even related to a caste system so encompassing anyone not in the elite status) it can be less clear. Some of this seems like "collateral damage"; and if we look at more subtle things such as verbal abuse and harassment on the job it may be even less clear. No doubt having a work ethic to work "heartily unto the Lord" (Coossians 3:23); to work as unto the Lord and to be above reproach thus not agreeing to use illegal means to promote the econonic status also can have fallout. Of course we must be diligent not to be robbing from our employer's time in having conversations that cause us to deviate from the work at hand; such much normally be reserved for break or after work hours; although there are times when in my own situation I have had to emphasize that I'd better clock out when being alone with one individual on my past job discussing theology. A lot; of course would depend on how complex the task is; there have been one or two times I can think of specifically when working in a warehouse; for instance when the whole production line jammed and there was literally nothing else to do at that time but usually there is some mundane task we can do to fill in for these moments.

    Jesus promised that all who were Godly in Christ Jesus would be persecuted ( 2 Tim. 3:12; John 15:20). The origin and SOURCE of this situation is nearly always Satan's minions.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hey Jaz,

    Thank you, Jesus shamed the leaders of Jerusalem about traditions, Matthew 15:3 and we are told in Colossians 2:8. My understanding is when we believe in our heart that Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to salvation we are justified by God's grace, Romans 3:24 and being baptized is being obedient to God's word, being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: We then start the road to sanctification by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost, Titus 3:5.

    Jesus Christ has done everything necessary for our salvation and all we do we do in is name including being baptized, Colossians 3:17. He paid the penalty that our sins deserved by His sacrificial death on the cross. His death satisfied God's justice and turned away His wrath from us. God calls us but we must answer we must believe and be obedient to Him to be chosen, Matthew 22:14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

    When we are baptized in the Name of Jesus we have put on Christ, Galatians 3:27. Being baptized is obedience, Ephesians 2:10 2 Thessalonians 1:8, every believer who has opportunity will be baptized in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. Baptism is the result of salvation, not the means to it.

    Our obedience strengthens our faith, obedience shows our love for God, and our obedience to God's word is essential and it is not works. Those who are obedient are imitators of Christ and are willingly submitting to the authority, His will, and the word of God.

    God bless,

  • GiGi - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hello, Giannis,

    I do think that the Lord's Supper is open to all who have a professing faith in Jesus, are old enough to attest to this faith, and who live a life that is turned towards God and his ways. This does not mean that one needs to be sinless in one's life, but one who confesses their sin and seeks forgiveness and hates that they have sinned. This person should partake of the Lord's Supper because it is an "Encapsulated gospel" sign. It is the acceptance and celebration of the New Covenant of the shed blood and broken body of Jesus unto death for our sins. So, those who acknowledge that this is true and for them can partake of the Communion. Those who don't should be excluded.

    As to your son's waywardness, like my own sons, I pray for them to return to Jesus in faith as you are praying for your son. I know that God loves our sons and yours more than we ever could and that He is able to work in their lives 24/7 and we cannot.

    So, as parents, it is painful when we see our kids turn from the Lord and walk in the ways of the world, especially when they once embraced the Lord as children and teens. In today's church society, this is all too common. I wish the church was more effective in helping children of believers continue to keep the faith as they become adults. Our society is so different than when I grew up in the 60's and 70's when there was much more people of faith surrounding us in our neighborhoods and schools. But even then, many who grew up in church did not continue. I do not know what the answer is to this problematic trend, but I do desire to be persistent in prayer to those I know who have gone wayward like my own sons.

    God is so good and knows our sons through ad through. I ask Him to enlighten their hearts again with the gospel and shed His grace upon their souls. I will keep your son in my prayers, too.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Also Jaz, I do not believe that one s saved by baptism. I believe that the elect will be regenerated by God and enabled to believe, and they will put their faith in Jesus either right away or sometime in their life at the time appointed by God.

    If I had them baptized as infants, I would have done so by faith that God had or would regenerate them according to His election (that no one truly knows the eternal will of God) and I would bring them up in the faith as I did when they were not baptized, being sure that they heard the gospel. I believe. whether they were baptized as infants or by their choice, that the gospel presented is the power of God unto salvation. So, God would use the hearing of the gospel message to bring them to faith in Jesus.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hello Jaz, We did not have our sons baptized as infants. We thought that they would choose to be baptized sometime in their childhood/teen years by their own choice since we were bringing them up in the faith and in a church environment. But they did not choose that as of yet. I continue to pray for them to return to the faith they had in Jesus as children and young teens/
  • Giannis - In Reply - 9 months ago
    GiGi, part 2

    Question. Can an infant take part in Lord's Supper? It is not possible, is it? When they grow and become children, can they take part? Assuming that they haven't given their heart to Jesus, can they still have Holly Communion? In 1 Corinthians it says that if one participates in Lord's Supper and have unrepentant sins then they are judged. So you see that also practical issues emmerge with baby baptism. It is not the baptism that protects our children. It is our prayers and teachings. As you said the children of the saints are holy. My son was born in the faith, he was actually a present from God to my wife, He attended the church untill he was about 14, he was regenerated and was baptized in the Spirit but not in water. God's grace was surely upon him. And then he made his revolution and abandoned the faith. But I see that he still has brakes in his brains. He knows God and his commandments so he avoids doing sins (not fully but at least not the heavy ones) and stlll prays but he is also attracted to the world. We are prayind for him and we know that God protects him and eventually he will come back. But it is true that God allows people to be taught by life itself like the prodigal son. Some have to end up eating pig's food to wake up and return. So lets keep praying for our children They will definitely come back to the Lord sometime, sooner or later..

  • GiGi - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hi Giannis,

    I guess we differ on when regeneration happens. I believe one needs to be regenerated (which God does in one by grace alone) in which one is )given the capacity to believe. I believe that without God regenerating a person, that person cannot believe because they are dead in sin and depraved and not inclined to seek Him or obey Him.

    As to the people you mentioned. It is true that ma y who have been baptized as infants fall away from their belief in the gospel which they have heard at least in the readings during church services. Just because someone has been baptized does not equate to them being regenerated. They are to separate works, one is what God (regenerate) and the other is what a person chooses (baptism). In churches that baptize infants, children, and adults it is common to speak the gospel over the person before they are baptized because it is the power of God for salvation ( Romans 1:16) and your quote from 1 Peter..

    As parents we cannot know of God's work of regeneration in our children, whether they are baptized as infants or as older teens at that time. We will know by fruitful living over time that demonstrate this has occurred in the past. Baptism does not save a person, but it is a sign and a seal that places one into the body of believers. So Christian parents baptize infants and children because they are holy due to the believing faith of their parents and therefore covenantal members of God's people.

    We cannot know if one is elect or not. That is God's determination. Churches are full of both those who are elect and those who are not. It can be hard to tell one from another.

    And it is true that many who were baptized, whether as infants, children, teens or adults, who stray from faith in Jesus and live lives that are in opposition to God despite being baptized by their parents' choice or their own. This is quite evident. And as long as they are alive, there is still hope that they will come to Jesus in faith. So we pray.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hello GiGi

    Question. Is baptism any good if one does not believe in Jesus? I am living in a country where 95% of all the population have been baptized Greek Ortodox christians. It a custom and a trandition here. I believe in Italy and Spain a huge percentage of people have been baptized as Roman Catholic christians. So what? Is that any good? The prisons here are full of baptized people. People outside swear, steal, murder, rape, etc and they are all baptized when infants. Do they carry on them the grace of God? Has their baptism has done any good to them? I don't think so. They all know a few about Jesus and His life and teachings and that is all.

    Can a person be regenerated as an infant? Lets leave it to the scripture to tell us. 1 Peter 2:23, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." Which is that incorruptible seed that the verse talks about? The answer is given in 1 Peter 24-25, "24 For all flesh is as grass, ...:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." It is the word of God, the gospel, that was preached to us.

    In the parable of the Sower and the seed it is the seed that goes inside the good soil(all last 3 cases, never mind that some fall away afterwards). There is no other way. David and John the Baptist were people of the OT, that were never regenerated. Regeneration is not something that we do as people, it is something that God does. When? After we have heard the gospel and have believed and repented and decided to live a new holly life. So God regenerate us so that we become new people, and also become His children, and also through regeneration we are given His grace to obey His commandmenta and change our character in similarity to Jesus. Next step we are baptized, which means that we bury our old self and raise as new people to start a new life. This is how it goes.
  • James - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Prayers for you to have comfort in knowing that the unconditional love of God surrounds you and His blessings be upon you and his peace and mercy do a wonderful work within you. In Jesus name we pray amen
  • James - 9 months ago
    I can use prayers for a physical healing in this lifetime. I know God is drawing me nigh to him and calling me home. I have been blessed to be a humble servant of the most high God in this lifetime and I'm thankful for my journey with him.

    Thanks everyone for the prayers God bless you all
  • James - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Prayers for God's complete healing to come upon you. In Jesus name amen
  • Mike_Ancona - 9 months ago
    When looking at the scripture references given on the 1611 KJV, some of them include "&c"

    What does that mean?
  • T - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Mighty David, I lift up your family to the Lord. May he release his angels now to protect you night and day! I cover your food & water with the blood of Jesus & ask the holy spirit to guide your steps & your family. I pray shalom peace over you! Enter into his shalom rest, peace & restoration today. Amen. Maranatha.
  • Tyzion - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Stratnut, I pray all infirmity break off you now, we bind the spirit of infirmity, diabetes offyour feet, we curse the curse sent to your feet, we rebuke any place your feet walked and shouldn't have, we cover your feet in the covenant blood of Jesus, please anoint your feet daily, we cancel all infirmity to your feet & legs, we bind those spirits under the feet of Jesus, go now! Father, please remove all generational curses to their feet, holy spirit direct them & reveal the root of the problem, unmask it now, in the name of Jesus! I pray healing over your vascular system, we break the spirit of highblood pressure off you & release total healing, blessing, restoration, God heal this person on the cellular level & remove all contaminants by the enemy. Amen, praise God, receive your healing in the mighty & powerful name of Christ Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. Shalom.
  • Tyzion - In Reply - 9 months ago
    I pray for you Sandra, the door of heaven will always be continously open for you, God hears your prayers, I am in agreement with you, I pray Father you open the door for a safe place for Sandra, on one level with all the amenities she needs and unexpected miracles and blessing and favor for she and her son. Direct her son to various Christian insurance companies, there is one that each Christian member shares the cost & pay a monthly fee, plz direct him to that site & other Christian sites to help defer medical costs. I pray for strength &healing over their bodies & mind and hope,peace & joy be released over their lives. Shalom, Maranatha. Amen. Praise God.
  • Ojien Enoch - 9 months ago
    Prayers for me against every evil covenant against my die by fire
  • Jaz - In Reply - 9 months ago
    I am offended when someone , anyone , rejects the teachings of God in favour of the teachings of men and then teaches others to do the same . I think we all need to spend more time with our Bibles and less time in the things that pertain to men .
  • Jaz - In Reply - 9 months ago
    May I ask you a personal question ? Of course you do not have to answer and I shan't be offended if you decline . Your own children , were they ' baptized ' as children ? If ' yes ' do you consider them all to be saved because of this infant baptism ? Even your son who converted to islam in order to marry a muslim lady ?
  • Jaz - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Amen to you Brother , Acts chapter 8 has been written and preserved by God for our understanding , in particular verse 37 . The traditions of men , however comforting they may seem to us with their smooth words , are to always be rejected but especially when they quite obviously contradict what is written in the Bible . The Bible which is the Word of God .
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Hi Stratnut.

    Hang in there, don't lose faith in God.

    These temporary bodies ware out.

    Pain and suffering is a byproduct of sin entering the world thousands of years ago.

    Romans 8:22-23 states; "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

    And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

    It is very difficult to focus on what good God might bring about as a result.

    The clearest example of this in Scripture is found is Psalm 119. Notice the progression through verses 67, 71, and 75 - "Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey your word...It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees...I know, O LORD, that your laws are righteous, and in faithfulness you have afflicted me." The author of Psalm 119 was looking at suffering from God's perspective. It was good for him to be afflicted. It was faithfulness that caused God to afflict him. The result of the affliction was that he learned God's decrees and obeyed His Word.

    Romans 8:28-39.

    God bless you.
  • David Allen - 9 months ago
    Please pray for me and my daughters and their families
  • Stratnut - 9 months ago
    Do the promises of healing still apply ? I'm in horrendous pain in my feet and legs daily and in spite of my prayers and efforts to do good, it seems like I'm being punished. If Jesus said to be perfect like your father in heaven and to forgive others that have been abusive to us, wouldn't it be reasonable to believe that God would answer our prayers ? I've always thought that punishment was meant to alter behaviour, but if this physical torment I'm going through is with me till I die, then to me it's vengeance and I can only hope death comes sooner than later.
  • Sandra and Jarett: mother and son - 9 months ago
    Prayer that I release my son to the Lord. It is So hard to do. He is unable to get health insurance because he has inherited income from his father's death benefits. The lowest plan he sees is $700.00 monthly and that doesn't include medication. He's very frugal with the money but can't afford these costs. My son is dying before my eyes. I also need help in packing and moving to senior housing. I would like a place where I am able to smoke food.we now live upstairs in a duplex and it is getting hard for me to go up and down with laundry, food, etc.

    Thank you for your prayers
  • GiGi - In Reply - 9 months ago

    The Anabaptist rejection of infant baptism and insistence of believer's baptism as the only valid baptism is a TRADITION that began in the 1600's in Europe following the Reformation movements of the 1500's. Who are those who believe like the Anabaptists to say that infant baptism is a tradition of men? I could say that about the anabaptist position since it was not held by believers for 1600 years and there are early church leaders such as Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Origen who speak of baptizing infants as being normative in the church since the apostles. I would think that these people who were close in time to the apostles and apostolic church teaching and practice would better know what was true of the church in those first centuries than anyone else who lived in the last 400 years. There are two traditions here, the one of 1600 years of practice in the church (infant baptism) and the one of 400 recent years of the anabaptists. If you are going to speak ill of traditions, in all fairness you should recognize that your own anabaptist belief is just as much a tradition as my belief in the validity of infant baptism. Both are inferred from Scripture as to whether or not infants were baptized in the first century church as there is NOT any Scripture that explicitly speaks to this practice pro or against.

    I am offended when people play the "tradition" card when speaking of beliefs that date back to the early church as opposed to beliefs that have arisen in recent centuries. Both are traditions or doctrines of the faith and neither is wrong or should be denigrated simply because someone thinks that traditions and doctrines automatically reflect unbiblical teachings.

    I do not intend to be quarrelsome with you in this matter but it does bother me when someone uses the "tradition card" to be dismissive about a viewpoint that has long been considered to be orthodox (right belief) views.

    That said, I wish to end this conversation with you for the sake of peace.

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