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  • Lee the Follower - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Greetings in Jesus name.

    When I say I am not good with words is because usually people don't understand what it is that I am trying to convey. Although sometimes I may be slow to understand I am by no means stupid. I have not walked in to Christianity blindly because it makes me feel good about myself like a lot of people I know, I do have reason which makes me sincerely believe that Jesus is the truth. Message me whenever you like to, I'll respond as soon as I can as I only have a home computer now and nothing else.

    Take care and may God bless you.
  • Lee the Follower - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Thank you again for taking time to help me. I believe His words but my understanding is equivalent to that of an infant, as I mentioned I am only 2 half months in to my walk. The first four weeks I spent all day, everyday studying by myself but I think I might have deceived myself due to my lack of understanding hence why I am here. I thought I might mention that you said about how people go to movies etc. and enjoy life, I do not watch television because I do not enjoy it. I enjoy reading and learning more about God, that is my enjoyment. Psalm 1:2 That is my delight.

    God bless you again for taking time to help a brother out, I really do appreciate it.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Rjgil4769.

    Genesis 12:2-3 is probably closest and the most popular.

    Some try to associate these two verses with the Church along with all the promises and blessings prophesied to Israel. and all the cursings to the Nation Israel.

    Antisemitism began in the early Church, as soon as Paul brought the Gospel to the Gentiles.

    Some saw the Jews as the Christ killers, even though for this cause he come into the world.

    ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD and God blessed him!

    God blesses the Nation Israel because he is faithful and remembers the Abrahamic covenant that is associated with the Davidic covenant.

    A chosen people and a land here on earth is tied to those promises.

    When we bless Israel we enlists ourselves as one who believes God also.

    God brought Israel alive from a valley of dry bones and yet some say God is done with Israel.

    Here's just a few of many verses similar to the answer of your question.

    Zechariah 2:8-9.

    For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

    For, behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me.

    Zechariah 12:1-9.

    Zechariah 14:12.

    Psalms 122:6.

    The Lord also punished Nations that relished when Israel was being punished by God. Obadiah 1:8-14.

    Israel exists today because of promise not faithfulness to God.

    They being brought back to the land because of prophetic promises not obedience.

    2 Samuel 7:23-24.

    God bless.
  • Rjgil4769 - 1 year ago
    Where will I find Scriptures concerning how God deals with those who hate Israel.
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    The Truth really does matter!

    The Bible speaks of a time of great deception and a falling away from the Truth in the Latter days. We are living that time period right now.

    Many of you on this site believe that the words in the modern version bibles are just as important as the words are in the King James Bible.

    Those who are deceived and the falling away in the Lastdays will be true believers, it will be Christians who think they are doing the will of God.

    I'm not trying to change anyone's mind or tell them what to believe or how to think in this post, but we should ALWAYS allow the Word of God to speak for Itself!

    Please read the whole chapter of Jerimiah 23 in a KJB with an open mind and Pray for the Holy Ghost to lead you into the Truth, Then, you should see how God feels about His Words being changed! ( Jer 23:36) perverted means "to change".

    You should re-read the first 2 verses and the last 2 verses in that chapter several times ( Jer 23:1-2) ( Jer 23:39-40)

    May the Lord open the eyes of all who are being deceived.

    We are running out of time fast!

    God Bless you all!
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago

    The 144,000 are the Old Testament saints raised with Christ at his resurrection, they were made ONE FLESH with Christ at his resurrection..... Matthew 27:52-53 ..... Jerusalem is the New Jerusalem, the city of God.

    The woman is YOU and Christ, the city is YOU and Christ, the temple is YOU and Christ.

    The man child is YOU and Christ.

    You were made ONE FLESH at his resurrection.

    Revelation 12:1 And there APPEARED a great wonder in STEWART; STEWARD clothed with the Spirit of God (light), and CHRIST (God's faithful witness in heaven: IN STEWART), and upon STEWART'S HEAD a crown of twelve stars (the ministering spirits of the 12 tribes of OLD, the resurrected saints).

    Revelation 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in STEWART, and behold a great red dragon (of the sea) .....

    Revelation 12:9 .... that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, WHICH DECEIVES the whole world .....

    Revelation is a revealing of Jesus Christ and THOSE who believe they were MADE ONE FLESH with Christ, by his resurrection.

    It's symbolic, make Revelation apply TO YOU, and be BORN AGAIN by the words of God.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Lee the Follower:

    Your getting closer to understanding.

    You are right, the old (wine bottle) has passed away, and YOU ARE the NEW (bottles of heaven).

    Job 38:37 Who can number the CLOUDS (of heaven) .... Mark 14:62 ..... Hebrews 12:1 ...... IN WISDOM? or who can stay the bottles of heaven.

    You DIED with Christ, but only Christ arose, YOU were a JOINT HEIR with Christ in the Kingdom of God, Christ is the kingdom of God.

    You DIED, only Christ is alive and YOU are the Body of that LIFE, as Christ is the BODY of the LIFE of his Father.

    You said you want to lead a LIFE of OBEDIENCE, You DIED, ONLY Christ exist, he is the LIFE, and you the Body, He CAUSES you to do his WILL, Christ, The Body, walks in total obedience to his Father's Life (Spirit); therefore, if and when you come to TRUTH, you walk in total obedience.

    1 John 3:9 Whosoever is BORN of God (resurrected as ONE FLESH), doth not commit sin; for HIS SEED (Christ) remains IN HIM, and he CANNOT SIN, because he is BORN of God (resurrected as ONE FLESH with Christ).

    You obey and honour God when you BELIEVE his words.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Gigi , yes I also despise cruelty to animals , if we have domesticated them then we must take kind care of them . It takes a certain kind of person to be cruel to an animal . I hate any kind of violence and the more defenseless the victim is , the more of a cold cowardly bully the perpetrator is . People who use weapons , any kind of weapons , unless it's in self defense and they are in real fear for their lives , these are also cowardly . My husband was a bit of a lad when he was young . He was big for his age and when at school his friends would always get him to stick up for them . He had a bit of a reputation , however , he never used a weapon or hurt anyone once they were on the floor and never picked on anyone who was smaller than himself . His reign came to an end when he was just seventeen , he fought two men , at the same time ,in a pub carpark and got a broken nose . Hes never fought since , he's too old now :) . Violence of any kind is never the right answer , I hope I never find myself in a situatuation where I feel I have to fight . All of God's creatures are so beautiful and are a reflection of the beauty of God Himself . I can't wait for the days when no one will use violence and the lion shall lie down with the lamb , Thy Kingdom Come , God bless all my brother's and sisters , I do love you all and can't wait to meet you in person . Awesome days are coming ! Rejoice and trust in Our God .
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Lee the Follower,

    You say you are not good with words but what you've written here makes perfect sense. Reading through what you just wrote, several things passed through my mind. I have a few things I want to share with you but it will be a little bit later as I have company coming over soon. Perhaps sometime tomorrow.

    Blessings to you in Christ Jesus!
  • Lee the Follower - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You say I don't understand which I already explained my understanding is very limited. I am only 2 and half months in my walk with Christ. However, I do understand a little when you are saying about me being "dead" with Christ. I am like the wine bottles. the old me has been destroyed. I am now a new wine bottle filled with the LIVING blood (wine) of Christ. I became His bride at the cross. You're assumptions of me are far wrong though. It's not that I feel guilty, I truly love God for what he has done for me and so want to live a life of obedience to show that love. I am not good with words either when I said about "Christ lives in me" I came across Galatians 2:20 a few days ago which explains it better than me. Also as I stated, my church that I attend although is a baptist church mirror what you are saying. They actually preach these exact words "by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone and not of works lest any man should boast." They did not add to it like you said "you have to do this, this and this." or anything after that. If anything it was myself that was adding to it. Again though I really like to thank you for taking time and patience to help me with my understanding and my growth in God, I really do feel the Holy spirit in me resonating with what you are saying. My carnal mind however is not yet at capable of understanding if that makes sense lol.

    I sincerely pray that God blesses you with even more understanding, wisdom, knowledge and strength so that you may continue to help guide others on the narrow path. God bless you, peace and love to you in Jesus name.
  • RED APPLE TREATY 4 ME ONLY on Proverbs 10 - 1 year ago
    Genesis 15:18

    King James Version

    18In the same day theLordmade a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:

    GOD said let there be light. I can see these things on earth as it is in heaven
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Brother S Spencer:

    You say you believe, but is HALF BELIEF enough to get you into the Kingdom of God or does God require TOTAL BELIEF of his WORKS.

    You say you believe in the works of the resurrection.

    But is belief in half the WORKS of Christ resurrection enough or does it takes total belief to OBTAIN the Kingdom of God.

    I don't think you know what the kingdom of God is, YET.

    What were the WORKS of Christ's resurrection:

    OUR sins of the flesh were forgiven and covered by the Lambs blood.

    DEATH was conquered, and IMMORTALITY, the gift of God, established, and CHRIST ONLY hath IMMORTALITY ( 1 Timothy 6:16).

    Christ ONLY arose, and we as JOINT HEIRS.

    Here is where you STOP BELIEVING.

    Mark 10:8 And THEY twain shall be ONE flesh: so then THEY are NO MORE twain, but ONE FLESH.

    So whose flesh are you, Christ flesh,

    Or is Christ, your flesh.

    The word gives the answer;

    1 Corinthians 15:50 ....flesh and blood cannot INHERIT the kingdom of GOD .....

    You INHERIT the Kingdom of God, it is not a place, it is a person.

    Genesis 2:23 This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: for SHE, Christ wife, shall be called WOMAN, because SHE is taken out of MAN ( Revelation 12).

    1 Corinthians 15:53 ..... this mortal shall PUT on IMMORTALITY .......

    1 Timothy 6:16 ..... Christ ONLY hath IMMORTALITY .....

    John 17:22 ..... that THEY may be ONE, as WE are ONE .....

    You believe Christ and his Father are ONE.

    Yet, you DON'T BELIEVE, you we made ONE with them by the resurrection of Christ.

    These are not my words that you don't believe.

    John 10:34 JESUS SAID, is it not WRITTEN in your LAW, I said, ye are gods ...... Psalms 82:6 .......

    Isaiah 55:11 My WORD WILL NOT return unto me VOID .....but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the THING whereto I sent it.

    Isaiah 28:21 ....that he may do HIS WORK, his strange WORK, and BRING TO PASS HIS ACT, his strange act.

    Can you enter the Kingdom of God, ONLY BELIEVING half of God's WORD.
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Heavenly Father, I pray for EncoreGX2024!'s family salvation. Open up their eyes that they see that time is short. Give them a burning desire to know who You are. That You sent Your Son Jesus to destroy what satan has done to them. That Jesus is the answer to all their needs. Father God, please bless Encore to be a blessing to others.

    In Jesus name. Amen
  • Stewart - 1 year ago
    The manchild in Revelation, 144,000. The woman in is the City (Am I getting this right?)

    Revelation 12:2-6 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. 3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

    Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:

    Matthew 24 13-16 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. (Before the end, and start of Tribulation) (Jesus goes from signs of the end to speaking of when Daniel mentions the 'antichrist' stands in the holy place. (let them that are 'in Judaea') 15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:

    End From a primary tello (to set out for a definite point or goal); properly, the point aimed at as a limit, i.e. (by implication) the conclusion of an act or state (termination (literally, figuratively or indefinitely), result (immediate, ultimate or prophetic), purpose); specially, an impost or levy (as paid)
  • Stewart - 1 year ago
    Praise the LORD and God Bless You all.

    Just wanted to thank you and and God Jesus and the Holy Ghost for all. Glory to God on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Isaiah 54:17

    "No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD."

    No Sickness no attack spiritually, AMEN and glad someone shared that and give God all the Glory.

    I can do all things through Christ, God will never give more than we can handle always leaving a way of escape. We just got to do our part and RESIST and the devil will flee.

    GLORY TO GOD! GOD BLESS YOU ALL. In Jesus Christ Name I pray help us all in everything we need. Holy Spirit fill us in the name of Jesus Christ I ask Father God. AMEN.
  • Kosh74 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you for the kind and heartfelt messages and prayer. We are undoubtedly living in a time where prayer carries immense significance. I will keep your Rob, Brain and Kevin in my thoughts and prayers, and I stand alongside you in beseeching God to grant strength to parents and grandparents as they continue to pray for their children and grandchildren, especially amidst the challenges faced by this evil and wicked generation. I firmly believe in the profound power of prayer and its capacity to bring about transformative change. As a child, my mother instilled in me the unwavering belief that nothing is insurmountable for God, and that prayer holds the ability to usher in positive transformations. Although my mother has passed away, her words live on in my heart, resonating deeply. May we all find solace and hope through prayer as children of God we continue to keep each other in prayer. Bless !
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Psalm 144 "New Song"

    "I will sing a new song unto thee, O God."

    New song in the lexicon of the Holy Spirit is of salvation. In the vision of John we have the first fruits,- the saints redeemed from among men singing 'and no man could learn that song but 144,000, which were redeemed from the earth." (Re.14:1-4). Soul is no more under the law of sin. It is a song taught of the everlasting gospel. Jesus Christ brought it to children men and no man who has not lived in it, signifying that he has put on Christ and learned of him, shall not be able to sing. It is special because life and the voice making melody of the word of God sound in harmony with heavenly choir. It is called the song of the Lamb. ("And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb,(Re.15:3)." There are the song of Moses and of the Lamb obviously. The first fruits hold a quality in their voice as there are musical parts written unique for castrato (whose voice can hold high notes). They are called virgins on account of it.

    Psalm 138 onwards we have seven psalms ascribed to David which out to tell us a few tips as to how the Spirit has organized the God document. At the end of psalm 72 we have this note: "The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended"(72:20). Second point to remember the number of psalm ascribed to David, which are seven. Seven is the completeness determined from heaven. Thus the name David is a label for giving the role of the soul of man being led by the Son. In Psalm 139 when David asks,"Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?" we have to infer that it is the soul finding voice where David is interchangeable with any other.

    In vv.1-8 we have the scene described in the Book of the Revelation where the Word of God, the rider on the white horse about to engage in a battle with the beast the false prophet and their cohorts. (Re.19:11-21). Thereafter Satan is bound for thousand years. (Re.20:2-3)
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jema,

    I am glad that you have your sweet cat for your "caretaker".

    We have a neighbor cat who comes over whenever we come home. He knows our vehicles. He is looking to "chat" and get some good rub downs. He follows me around the yard when I water my flowers. If we are outside in the back, he comes over and lays down on our patio. He is so sweet and gentle.

    He was in a cat fight a week or so ago. We heard it and there was cat fur lying around on the grass. We have only seen him a few times since then. I do not know if he is ok or not. Please pray for him to recover. He had scratches on his face when I saw him after the fight.

    He does not fight much, but there is a black cat that comes in and out of the neighborhood. He is young and must be trying to establish territory. The neighbor's cat, Boy, stands up to this cat. I don't want either cat to be harmed. So, I hope that God will cause the black cat to stay closer to his home on another street.

    Pets are a blessing and should get the love and care they need from their owners. I hate it when pets are neglected or treated with violence. They have their value before God who made them and we should do the best we can for them since they are domesticated by man.

    Thanks for sharing about your cat. I love to hear pet stories.
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Ps.140 "Selah"

    The Holy Spirit once again introduces selah at the end of v.3. The line'When I awake, I am still with thee' points it to the day of regeneration. The passage, marked of vv.18-22 from the previous psalm is to be considered as coming from the man, the psalmist assured of appearing before the God.

    "Do not I hate them, OLord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?/I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies." (139:21-22) is to be read as part of the psalm where he prays, "Deliver me, OLord, from the evil man: preserve me from the violent man;/Which imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war./They have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders' poison is under their lips."

    Selah at the end of verse. This is what concerns the body, where man has to be constantly vigilant from being ensnared by the ungodly 'who have purposed to overthrow my goings' which is now set from the standpoint of the soul. Compare with 139:3, "Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways."

    Keep me, OLord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings/The proud have hid a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the wayside; they have set gins for me."

    Selah at the end of v.5 marks the change and passage marked vv.6-13 is from Jesus Christ the captain of our salvation. The prayer of the psalmist is thus being allied to the word of God in the vision of John where saints follow the rider on the white horse. ("And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean."-Re.19:14) "OGodthe Lord, the strength of my salvation, thou hast covered my head in the day of battle."(v.7)

    Selah is inserted thrice in this psalm v.3,v.5 and v.8 to indicate a saint as foreknown and abiding in Christ
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago

    Here we have soul of man before the throne of judgment. The psalmist spells out his credo: "And that my soul knoweth right well."

    "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them/.... so that they are without excuse;"(Ro.1:19-20) Breath of God supplies impetus which Esau would treat as trivial while Jacob even in womb would reach out.

    We have three major divisions.

    vv.1-3 Preface 'all my ways'

    'My downsitting and mine uprising' are with regards to the spiritual content so God understands the vector of his thinking."Thou understandest my thought afar off," significant is that thought is singular. Consequently God hated Esau and loved Jacob.St Paul annotates the quote from Malachi to introduce what God could offer Esau. (He knows the thoughts of man are vanity but he could offer mercy if Esau felt the need for it. "It does not, therefore, depend on human desire or effort, but on God's mercy." Ro.9:16)

    vv.4-14 Division-I "My soul knows"

    This division is about the world of the Spirit What is his confidence but that his life in its entirety stand naked before God. The v.1 refers "O lord, thou hast searched me, and known me." His soul knows well what His divine breath set him for.

    vv.3-14 enumerate the spiritual impulses in him to which his soul was acquainted with. 'Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence?" His soul was right there.

    In v.16 Division-II "The Body "

    The psalmist presents his body the source of which characterized him as earthy. 'when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth," in contrast with the soul. (God breathed into the nostrils of man) It implies his spiritual content as from heaven. "But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground./And theLordGod formed man of the dust of the ground,"(Ge.2:6-7)

    v.25 Division III Prayer

    "Lead me In the way everlasting"
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Ps.139 "introduction"-1

    Truth writ in our inwards makes both worlds of the flesh and of the Spirit as one in relation to the word. Thus testimony of Jesus Christ in the inaugural vision is both father and the Son as one. Whereas the night vision that the Spirit revealed to Daniel in Ch.7 we have the Ancient of days and the one in the likeness of the Son separately. From the above how do we consider our body? Only present in the world of the flesh or both worlds as one, having to give confession before the eternal word? Heresies are brought by Satan who is spirit but unclean since he puts himself out side the Law. Without the Son man is lost. Without abiding in him by faith all works are froth. "He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him."( John 5:23--NKJV)

    "And lead me in the way everlasting" The eternal word assures eternal life for those who have the Son abiding in them'. "I am the Way the truth and the life" Death of the body merely changes the order of two worlds so the world of the Spirit which were unseen stands before the risen Lord savior which is of heaven."And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly."(1 Co.15:49)
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Ps.139 "Introduction"

    The psalmist in this psalm touches upon 'my substance'. "My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth./Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them." This also is open before God meaning the past present and eternity glory of which is bound up with the Son (He.13:8). In terms of theology predestination is the glory of God in terms of Power and Wisdom principle so when Jesus says, "I am the way" it is validated by the eternal word. '"For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name". This glory of the word has two parts. Holy is his name. This refers to the divine will of the Father. Second part is the name that the son gives to the overcomer. "And I will write upon him my new name."(Re.3:12)

    Secondly 'The works of thine hands' (138:8) is a proof of the unity of the Spirit. The psalmist asks 'Whither shall I go from thy spirit? In terms of the Spirit there is no up or down as we speak being primed for terrestrial living. Our inner ear tells its own story which is true as far as our body goes. The world of the Spirit in which heart carries a personal spiritual space is merely to give volume to a man dead in sins a context. Dead to the world at baptism he is hidden in heavenly places refer to this unity.

    As mentioned above there is no up or down; nor is there in terms of the Spirit, east or west. "If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;/Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me." (vv.9-10) In terms of glory God the Father signifies Power and the Son, the wisdom aspect which is female principle. When God ('elohim') speaks male and female it refers to the glory aspect of Christ and the church (the bride) as well.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You said you are not trying to be a nuisance, just trying to understand where I'm coming from.

    When a parent comes on the site and asks for prayer for their child because he's given over to sin.

    Why not pray for him rather than pitch your beliefs on the parent.

    If you don't believe in what he believes in, let someone help that share the same beliefs.

    When you stand in the way of that, Yes you are being an nuisance.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago

    This will be my last reply to you on this topic.

    You and I have debated this for years and you know we believe in different endings.

    You guys believe one day we will be Gods.

    You guys believe sinning is just a tool God uses to accomplish that.

    You guys don't believe in Satan or Hell.

    You try to ease this belief into the fold.

    We directly say there is One God and there always will be. And there is everlasting punishment for those who will face judgment because they didn't receive Gods atonement. (Christ)

    Christ came to lift the curse, "singular" caused by Adam sin.

    This curse which is death is pronounced on all creation, Not just man. Romans 8:22.

    Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

    Romans 5:15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

    That's all I have for you on this.

    God bless.
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Ps.137:5-8 "In the day of Jerusalem"

    "Remember, OLord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.(vv.5-7)

    In the day of Jerusalem speaks of a day, a day of calamity for Israel. The word of God says,"Except theLordkeep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." (127:1b) Isaiah wailed over it,"How is the faithful city become an harlot! it was full of judgment; righteousness lodged in it; but now murderers."(Is.1:21-22). This change was not instant but the result of walking after their own ways.'we have turned everyone to his way' as the prophet would lament. and when God sent his only begotten Son they would reject him. In the vision of John the great city was spiritually same as Sodom or Babylon. (Re.11:8) In another vision she had become so deep in mire so she even wore a name,"And upon her forehead was a name written,Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth./And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus:"(Re.17:5-6). In this dramatic change we cannot help but recall the words of Jesus, ""So the last will be first, and the first will be last."(Matt.20:16)(De.

    This can explain the enmity of Edom for Israel their brethren, which found expression in their day of reckoning. Beginning of their quarrel owes to Jacob cheating Esau the firstborn over the birthright. Isaac having blessed Jacob what he could offer him was somewhat comparable to a 'left-handed blessing. "By your sword you shall live,/and youshall serve your brother;/ but when you grow restless/you shall break his yoke from your neck." (Ge.27:40-ESV). Israel never learned how and their works without faith made the soul very alien to them. The word was in their heart to which they had no respect.

    Their lament in the captivity meant nothing. "I will make them angry by a nation that has no understanding"(De,32:21) It makes news.
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    My cat and I have a very close relationship . He's very clever and tells me what he wants . If we pay enough attention to our animals they will let us know what's going on with them . Every morning when I get up , he looks at me with such love as I'm doing my morning routine he's following me around purring and demanding love . I'm not fooled by this :) he's hungry and reminding me to feed him . As I prepare his food he sits patiently at my feet looking up at me with eyes full of love . After he's finished eating , he looks for me around my apartment , finds me wherever I am and says thank you by fussing around me , rubbing his face on me etc , he does this for a minute or so then he puts his tail in the air and trots off to bed in the hot water tank cupboard where it's warm and quiet and dark . I was touched today by his vulnerability . He's dependant on me . I felt very powerfully how dependant I am on God , for everything . He does everything for me , every day . Without His love and mercy in my life I'm done for , literally . No hope , like one of those poor stray cats that wander around desperate for human attention and care . May God bless them , there but for the grace of God go I . CJ the cat loves me mostly because I feed him . How much do I love God ? considering all that he does for me ? Always thank God for everything . Never forget you are in His hand completely . Thy Kingdom Come .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Awesome post ! Thank you .
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember my daughter Jessica and her family in your prayers please remember me in your prayers
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Ps.137 "In a strange land" (2 of 2)

    Israel's captivity in a strange land remained unchanged and their sorrow was merely a luxury they indulged in since they had no depth to seek the truth in their own heart and turn it around. "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."(He.11:6)

    How well are we fitted out in our times when the humanity of Jesus is more preferred than his deity and his miracles? The key to the heresies that have clouded the vision of Christian world is their lack of faith. What are the songs of Zion for them? Christian nationalism is a clear example of miry clay making common cause with the runaway State off the guard rail than stick to the national motto. "in God we trust." How good people could stand by and make excuses for bad people in power, or promote them with a missionary zeal shows this strange land. Like reprobate Israel these Christians cannot see past their own resentments and bias.

    With such mindset what does the word of God mean to them, "For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come,"(He.11:14)?

    "O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us./Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones." This is what apostate Israel would and had no clue that they themselves were to blame. Prophet Jeremiah had warned them,"For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water." (Je.2:13) Then as now.
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Ps.137 "In a strange land" (1 of 2)

    "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion./We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof./For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion."

    The rivers whether it be of Babylon or of Damascus, their source as well as their end rests with God. The will of God directs it's course and the Son shall fulfill it so one might say Jordan, Tigris or Euphrates are mere labels and interchangeable. Naaman the leper asked," Are not Abana and Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel?"(2 Ki.5:12). No no, God has determined before beginning of the world as to where and on whom His blessings shall rest.

    'God sent his word, healed them and delivered from their destructions'. The rivers accordingly trace a course in the visible world. "So he (Naaman) went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times,as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restoredand became clean like that of a young boy."(2 Ki.5:14) Naaman, a Gentile took the word of the prophet totally, doubting nothing, and as a result was healed. The word was from God and whether it was administered by Elisha or Jesus faith is the same, and for this reason it worked.

    Gentile or Jew when one hears the word, it creates in the world of the Spirit faith (Ro.10:17), which must prove that the sovereign grace of God and faith are not imposed from external world but gushes forth from inner world of the Spirit.For this reason God commanded Samuel to reject Jesse's other sons. Eliab seemed right for Samuel. "But theLordsaid unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for theLordseeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but theLordlooketh on the heart."(1 Sa.16:7)

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