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I hope you don't mind if I reply as to what you asked GiGi, "Is anger a sin?
Yes ,it appears to be so according to Scripture: Eph. 4:26-27, Col. 3:8 includes it with wrath, malice, blasphemy, and filthy communication. James 1:19-20, and more.
The word anger is associated with wrath and abundant throughout the OT. It is attributed to God. Should I conclude it is only a sin when we display anger and wrath? Help me out
Yet it seems you were justifying it as a righteous act because it appears that Jesus displayed anger.
I'm not insinuating you are right or wrong; just looking for a clear explanation. I'm probably misunderstanding what's being said.
Thank you in peace.
Another aside in this chapter is the mention that the time from Kadesh-barnea with the spies and evil report to this point was 38 years until all of the men of war in that generation was "wasted out" from among the camp of Israelites by the LORD as He promised.
And God spoke to Moses to pass over through Ar on the coast (border) of Moab that very day. God tells them not to distress the people of Ammon because, like Moab, they were the descendants of Lot and cousins. Ammon was north-east of Moab and the Amorites held the land from west border of Ammon to the Jordan river and north of the border of Moab.
Ammon was also a land of giants in the past, called Zamzummin, (meaning murmurers, perhaps as in conjuring of spirits) whom the Ammonites drove out in times before this.
Next is listed the Avims (meaning wicked or perverse men), who dwelled in the area of Gaza who were driven out by the
Caphtors. The Caphtors are believed to be either Egyptians descended from Mizraim (of Ham) or people of Crete who took over the area of Gaza which later was the home of the Philistines.
All of these giant clans were considered to be Rephaim (meaning terrible ones) or Nephilim (meaning fallen ones or feller of men) or Gibborim meaning (giants, men of reknown as Nimrod was called).
The land of Canaan was a land of giants, most likely all-over.
This journey around Edom is recounted in Numbers Ch. 20-21. After Moses and Aaron had brought water from the rock at Meribah and were reprimanded by God for their unbelief ( Nu. 20:12) telling them that they will not enter the land of promise, they approached Edom to seek safe passage through their land and Edom refused, coming out against them. Aaron dies on Mt. Hor and the battle with King Arad (who may have been a giant like many in Canaan) is fought in Kadesh. This is the area where the spies had surveyed the land 40 years prior noting the giants. The Israelites headed south to the Red Sea at Ezion-geber and then northward gain encircling Mount Seir. This is where the fiery serpents attacked the murmuring Israelites. They ended up at Oboth at the edge of Edom south of the Dead Sea in the Arabah valley. From there they traveled around the east of Edom (because the Edomites would not give them safe passage through their land (which most likely did not have giants).They came across the brook of Zered and into Moab at Ije-abarim. Then they moved to the valley of Zared. From there they went to the northern border of Moab at across the Arnon River. The Amorites lived north of this river. Apparently there were great victories brought about by God in this area. ( Nu. 21:14-15) These battles were recorded in the book of the wars of the LORD.
The Israelites did not disturb Moab ( Dt. 2:9), as the descendants are from Lot, whom God blessed and protected, the Moabites being cousins to Israel. Then they came to Beer, a place where God said He would give them water. The princes of Israel dug and water sprang forth for them. As the princes dug, the people sang, "Spring up , O well, sing ye unto it. So it seems that they needed to show their faith in God by this song sung before or during the digging.
From there they went to Mattanah, Nahahiel, to Bamoth and up Mt. Pisgah. There must have been some tableland on this mount.
From the edges of Canaan in the south God instructs them to travel from Mt. Hor where Aaron dies and circled Mt. Seir many days before God instructed them to travel around the border of Edom going northward, which is the land that Esau and his tribes took from the Horites. God told the Israelites that they are to travel along the border (coast) of Edom and are not to enter Edom or disturb the descendants of Esau dwelling within Edom, since they are descendants of Abraham (and cousins) whom God had given a blessing to in addition to Isaac. God told them that the Edomites would fear the Israelites, so they are to take heed, for God will not give Israel any of the land of Edom since God had given the land of Edom to Esau as a possession. The Israelites could interact with the Edomites to buy food and water (evidently the Manna and water from rocks had ceased. Since God had not ceased to provide for them for 40 years and blessed them so that they lacked no necessity, they now were to buy food and water from the Edomites. So they passed by Edom and headed towards the wilderness of Moab.
Is anger a sin?
Did Christ every get angry.
John 2:15 And when he had made a scourge of cords, he drove them out of the temple ......
Psalms 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry ......
Romans 14:23 whatsoever is not of faith (of Christ) is sin .....
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even dividing the body and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is the discerner of the thoughts and INTENTS of the HEART.
Ezekiel 36:26 A NEW HEART will I GIVE YOU, and NEW SPIRIT will I PUT IN YOU ....
Ezekiel 36:27 And I will put my SPIRIT IN YOU and CAUSE you to walk in my statutes (maybe become angry) amd keep my judgements (words) and DO THEM.
Can truth be figurative or is truth alway literal taught by things that are symbolic (figurative) of truth.
John 14:6 ...I am TRUTH ....
Is not TRUTH always literal.
Christ is TRUTH, so is Christ sometime figurative or ALWAYS literal.
Revelation 12:1 - 1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the SUN, and the MOON under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
Revelation 6:12-17
12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the SUN became black as sackcloth of hair, and the MOON became as blood;
13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth( Revelation 12:3-4), even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. (The TAIL of the red dragon rew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth):
14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. (the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against this Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men- 2Peter 3:7).
15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:
17 For the great Day of His wrath is come(the Lord's Day, the seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium); and who shall be able to stand?
John 3:34-36
34 - He whom GOD hath sent speaketh the words of GOD: for GOD giveth not the Spirit by measure unto him.
35 The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into His hand.
36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the WRATH of GOD abideth on him.
Get ready
When I say that God is separate from all of His creation-this is one meaning of Holy-being set apart or distinct. He is the only uncreated being and is perfectly, infinitely righteous and pure. This makes Him separate from anyone created, including angels.
As to your contention concerning our holiness-this topic has been thoroughly discussed in recent threads and I do not agree with your view. But we are free to think on this. You are free to call anyone who doesn't hold your view as espousing heresy. I do not call your view heresy even though it differs from mine. So we can come to the agreement that we differ in this respect. However, most who hold a view that we continue to possess a sinful nature as long as we are living in our present life are emphatic about living holy lives and endeavoring to avoid sin. However, ALL of us sin even after salvation, including you and others who take your view. Have you never been needlessly angry and sharp with another person, thought about someone else judgmentally to find out that you were not correct in your judgment, determined that another person was not following God by the Spirit when you cannot truly know if that is true or not, been distracted in worship with your mind wandering to other things besides the Lord, thought that some coarse thing someone said is funny? These are all sins.
Only Trust Him
By: Robert A. Searles
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3: 5, 6.
What does it mean to trust in the Lord? Trust is the word frequently used in the old testament to mean the same as faith in the new testament, for example: to trust is to have faith, and if we have faith, we trust. It means to take refuge; to lean on; to follow; to wait . To trust in the Lord is to put full confidence in the word of God for our salvation, and for our strength as Christians, and for our daily needs. We are told not to lean on our own understanding. In other words, we are not to try to rationalize or figure out God's amazing grace, or his power, or the working of miracles, or his work of redemption in our lives; but we are simply to trust in what his word tells us. God honors those who have confidence in his word How can we trust in something with which we are not familiar? How can we claim promises if we do not know what those promises are? This is why it is so important for us to spend so much time in God's word, and in our private meditation, so that we can know what God's word has to say, then we can put our trust in it.
"Trust and do good" Psalm 37: 3-5, In other words, when God has spoken through his written word or through the Holy Spirit in our lives, again, we ought not to try to figure out what is going on in our heart or to rationalize away the working of the Holy Spirit. Instead, we ought to trust God and do good. God's word tells us the things that are good and right. We ought to obey God immediately, with the right heart attitude, when God speaks , and trust God for the results. As we read and study the word of God, and as God reveals himself to us and we see his glory unfolded before our eyes, we ought to delight ourselves in him. He ought to be our prime source of joy
Thank you for your kind message.
I'm doing alright, it came back some time ago, but I stayed in the power of our Creator and it is subsiding every day. Also he shown me the path I need to take and what work for me is waiting, so focussing on that is my next priority.
I hope you are doing well, may God our Father bless you throughout all your days.
With love,
As humans He created, we cannot attain to His infinite and boundless Holiness, but in Christ we will become perfected in the life to come to have perfect holy humanity without sin any longer. The angels are also holy and without sin, but they are creatures and thus not holy in the sense of being separate
Friend, its not God's holiness that in dispute here, but our inheritance in Christ, now in this life.
The holy, innocent, pure, blameless, unreproachable life of Christ is our inheritance Rom 8:29 becoming partakers of His Divine Nature, the Fruits of His Spirit which against such there is no law, In Christ, the Father withholds nothing of Himself from us, for Luke 12:32
Its is a perfection of holiness that can be added too, as one grows in knowledge & understanding through the appearance of Grace in our hearts 2Cor 4:6,7
It's known, felt, consummated & possess in this life & is rewarded in the next. 2 Timothy 4:7,8
Christ prayer is answered John 17:21-24
Holiness is none other than being engrafted into God, union & oneness with Him in heart, mind & soul, for He along is Holy
This is the greatness of the salvation Christ purchase, that Hebrews declares "ought not to be neglected".
For 1Thessalonians 4:7 2Thessalonians 2:13,14
G4047 Obtaining: acquisition, possession (the act or the thing); by extension, preservation, peculiar, purchased, possession, saving.
Concerning angels Mark 8:28
G40- most holy, consecrated
They are separated, Rev 19:10 "I am thy fellowservant, & of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus, worship God"
Your quote is unscriptural,
you are advocating a life of continuous in sin & repentance for life term, there's no fellowship, union or knowing Him in this state according to Scriptures, this teaching becomes a stumbling block to the babes in Christ, Whom God is leading in the Way of holiness, your directly contradicting the teaching of Christ who says deny self & "sin not" & put on the Lord Jesus Christ.
As you asked, (I like you try to keep comment short). I claim to know nothing and when I go to the Bible, I do my best to not take anything with me with my head empty and my ears open. Dan. 10:13 Michael is one of the chief princes, how many there are we have not been told but Michael is the only one who is named, Jude, 1:9 Gabriel may also be an archangel. We have not been told all the hierarchy in heaven but there is only one Jesus who is above all that is in heaven and earth, Matt. 28:18.
Jesus is the only one, the only begotten Son, John 3:16, the king of kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19:16. All the angels including all the archangels/princes were made to worship Jesus Hebrews 1:6. As the angel told John Rev. 19:10, angels are not worthy of worship. Revelation of Jesus given to Him by God that Jesus signified it by Jesus's angel to His servant John Rev. 1:1. Is Jesus's angel the same as we see in the OT, the angel of the Lord?
Jesus is not one of the archangels, He is the only begotten Son of God whom our Father sent into the world and who shed His blood for us, and only through his blood, we have the forgiveness of our sins.
God bless,
1 Samuel 30:8
And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I pursue after this troop? shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.
James 2:5
Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
Matthew 11:5
The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
Luke 4:18
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
Be the voice, Be Christlike, and keeping on Striving. God Bless You all.
perceive with the eyes; discern visually.
"in the distance she could see the blue sea"
discern perceive glimpse catch/get a glimpse of spot,notice,catch sight of,sight make out pick out spy distinguish identify recognize detect note mark clap/lay/set eyes on clock behold descry espy
be or become aware of something from observation or from a written or other visual source.
discern or deduce mentally after reflection or from information; understand.
"I can't see any other way to treat it"
experience or witness (an event or situation).
"I shall not live to see it"
meet (someone one knows) socially or by chance.
"I saw Colin last night"
escort or conduct (someone) to a specified place.
"don't bother seeing me out"
"Lucy saw to it that everyone got enough to eat"
world, all, made/make, fast, lost (check how many meaning these words have in Hebrew, Greek and English (just need the English definition really) ,give each word its proper meaning in context.
Prodigal son (lost:astray losts ones way)
Word is hid his from those that are lost (lost:parished)
We constantly grow in the grace and knowledge of God, only in his time frame, his appointed time to each of his children.
I think there is enough evidence through out the word of God that shows Christ is the angel of the Lord.
Acts 27:23 And there stood before me this night the ANGEL of the Lord, whose I am, and whom I serve.
We serve Christ, the angel (messenger) of the Lord (God).
Galatians 4:14 ....but received me as an angel of God, EVEN AS Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 63:9 In all their (creations) affections he (Christ) was afflicted, and the ANGEL of HIS (God's) presence SAVED them, in his (God's) love and his (God's) pity he (God) redeemed (through Christ, God's does all things through Christ) and bare them, and
carried them all the days of old.
There is many more scriptures, I like you try to keep comment short.
God BLESS YOU as we grow together in the knowledge of God.
Ephesians 4:4 ...ONE body ... ONE Spirit ....
Ephesians 4:5 ..... ONE God ..... Father of ALL .... even angels .... above all ..... through you all .... and IN YOU ALL .....even angels.
1 Corinthians 15:28 ..... that God may be ALL in ALL .....even angels .....
Psalms 103:20 HIS ANGELS ......
Romans 8:29 ...conformed to the IMAGE of HIS SON ....
Luke 20:36 Neither can they died anymore, for they are EQUAL to the ANGELS (Christ being the angel of the Lord, and they were resurrected in his image), and are the children of God, being the children of the RESURRECTION.
Your perspective is good to hear and it causes me to think deeply on the topic being presented.
I can understand where you are coming from in your view of God's form and I can not say that this is not so or He may take a form to sit on His throne and may look like us in this form. But this form may not be what He is like in His essential nature.
Thank you for you input. I may be wrong, but to me it seems that having a body like ours would put limits on God, and I think that He is not bound by any limits as part of His filling all.
I love you my brother from your sister in Christ. God bless you
May I add a little bit of my understanding to your understanding, which are parallel to each other.
We are taught by God, the Spirit of truth and life that gives us existence.
God is Spirit, invisible, yet he wants to be known and seen, so he created a BODY, and he called that MAN Christ (Adam) the beginning of creation.
Through that MAN, Christ. he does ALL THE WORKS of the Almighty God, so truth and life CAN BE SEEN.
Christ can appear in a body of flesh, or he can be the SPIRIT of prophecy, he is omnipresent as is his Father.
We cannot exist without the SPIRIT of God, through Christ, giving us LIFE, just as Christ, a BODY, cannot exist without the Spirit of his Father giving him LIFE.
Christ commended HIS Spirit, the Spirit of HIS Father back to God who gave him LIFE, thus his body DIED on the cross, for the SALVATION of God's creation.
When God put his Spirit back into Christ he RESURRECTED all creation ANEW, the IMAGE of GOD, the body of Christ.
When we are MATURE in the TRUTH and LIFE of God, Christ will sent his angels to harvest us, in the twinkling of an eye we will PUT ON CHRIST, the express IMAGE and GLORY of GOD.
Christ told his disciples I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there will you be also.
At present Christ is indwelling creation revealing the KINGDOM of God to creation.
Isaiah 63:9 ...and the ANGEL of HIS presence SAVED them ....
Colossians 1:27 ... thist mystery .... CHRIST IN YOU ......
That where I am ye may be also.
Revelation 10:11 ... Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and TEACH ALL NATION, BAPTIZING in the NAME .....
His disciples never understood till pentecost that they would not be able to TEACH ALL NATION, until they had been harvested and become the express IMAGE and Glory of God, all by the WORKS of Christ RESURRECTION.
God Bless YOU!
You didn't offend me in the least.
Although my answer was not directly answered as you preferred, I stated that I did not believe anything the ego speaks. That leaves only one remaining choice , in my opinion. The Holy Spirit and the ego (the devil to you, I assume) are the only choices open to us. God created one, and so we cannot eradicate it. We made the other, and so we can. Only what God creates is irreversible and unchangeable. What we made can always be changed because, when we do not think like
God, we are not really thinking at all.
Personally, I haven't read a bible that says, "Jesus Christ is a liar". I do believe though, it is likely there are mistakes in them. This is why the Holy Spirit Who is the Voice for God is my Authority.
Of course Truth matters, Jimbob; as I clearly stated in my previous comment. You might want to reconsider that everything we say and do, no matter what the topic or situation, has a direct relation to our thought system. Where else would it come from but the mind, which is what we think with?
Your desire to show the truth is obvious, and I've encouraged you to exercise this gift. Yet none of us have knowledge, because knowledge is all one and has no separate parts; we either know or we don't. Until we are in the Kingdom, we merely perceive with a right mind or wrong mind, with seemingly endless degrees of perception between. As I've said before, perception can always be wrong. My perception is not perfect as yet, I admit. Because I have one desire and you have another does not mean I'm judging you.
The reason I prefer to have God bless all, even though they seem to ignore and push aside truth, is because I'm certain I'm in no position to judge another's heart. I don't know any man's entire past, present, or future; don't want to: no peace in that. I'd rather judge God's Creation innocent, and trust the Holy Spirit to do His thing.
see p. 2
p. 2
Please my friend, how could a Child of God offend me; perhaps on a very bad day. You've never offended me. Sometimes it seems we offend each other because it's difficult to perceive our tone, and of course we can't see our expressions. I have tried to communicate with you as carefully as possible, and hope I have not offended you.
I choose to think neither of us desires to offend each other.