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Conceptionally; as well you are more mature than I am. Postulating such an idea perhaps is foolish; as I tend to put down my thoughts in these posts without thinking about it. In one sense I deliberately posted this to get a better idea (learning myself as well as getting people to think about the subject).
I could have examined something like Baptism as a secondary application with initial salvation from God's granting of repentance as the primary one; and also based the thief on the cross as an example. Again it is somewhat nebulous since salvation is always the most important thing (baptism without true faith doesn't save anyone; but yes it is necessary as a declaration of faith and disobeying such an ordinance serious implication our public confession is not right and of course shows poorly as to us being a mature disciple).
Maybe I need to step back from the frenetic pace of these postings. I fear it is too often to garner attention although I don't deliberately set out to put myself on a pedestal or in a spotlight. Is it wrong to wrestle with issues and deliver these messages before taking time to seriously pray about them and seek His face? I do want to press on and continue to minister as well as love His Word by considering many matters on this site. I am doing this realizing in the future I probably won't soon have the time to do this once my parents are deceased. Advice?
In my last post after I got wiped out AGAIN the first time I forgot to elaborate on the verse of the servant who said he wouldn't do something and later does; and vice versa. ( Matthew 21:30). We need to test the validity of a true disciple over time not instant following; that concept is also true for identifying who is truly saved; and corresponds with the parable of the "good fruit".
Another thought before I attempt to get into what seems clearly "secondary issues" I will also add to this discussion by stating that someone who is a true disciple has to make the hard decisions to go against church leadership or bring a disciplinary issue up with the church if one on one with a rebellious brother proves futile. This would include and I fear increasingly so these days challenging those who are teaching errant doctrine; no matter how esteemed the minister. If we aren't willing to be jealous for His Name's sake; we may end up with a church being much the same as the Temple was when Jesus had to clear it out overturning the moneychangers tables; that is a house of merchandise that is literally selling out the souls of men under it's roof. This is following in Christ's footsteps; and walking in the Spirit means we love the things He loves; and hate things He hates.
Furthermore; being a disciple means standing up for brothers and sisters who are being persecuted; even to risking our own lives when necessary. I won't give a manual on the subject as it varies depending on the situation we are in; protecting our family and whatever the Lord brings into our lives as a challenge in this area. Nonetheless; it is how we take seriously verses such as Matthew 25:36 which I believe is ultimately fulfilled in the Tribulation which will determine those who are saved by their behaviors when all of God's people are imprisoned or killed for their faith and support anywhere in the world will guarantee our lives are in jeopardy.
To enter into this conversation on the topic of discipleship/evangelism.
Deuteronomy 6:4-8 came to mind as the Israelites were commanded to teach their children according to the ways God proscribed to this chosen nation.
I think that this verse applies to the church in that we are to teach sound doctrine to those who come into the church by faith in Jesus. Since there was not Scriptures printed for all to read and that not all were able to read, it was important for the leaders to read the Scriptures they had access to and to teach what they learned from the apostles in order to encourage growth and maturity among the believers. Just as parents are responsible for bringing their children up in the faith, those who bring are brought into fellowship are to be brought up in the faith taught by the apostles. So, I don't think that either evangelism nor discipleship are primary or secondary, but both are vital to the health of the individual (to hear the gospel and grow in doctrinal knowledge of God and His ways) and the church (to preach the gospel and disciple those who are babes to become mature and able to teach others Scriptural truths). Some are gifted and called more specifically for evangelism and others for discipleship. While it is only by faith that one is saved in Christ, the church is tasked with discipling converts and babes in Christ. Paul did plenty of discipling in his letters to the churches he had planted.
It seems to me that God wills for every believer to grow in their faith and knowledge of the truths taught in Scripture, and, even though we do not need to be perfect in every way to be saved, it is valuable to each believer to be discipled and to learn to feed themselves on the Word, its truths and to grow into a life of willing service to God.
Jesus defined eternal life this way: to know the one true God and Jesus. This involves a right relationship with God, but then we are to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.
Actually,the SACRIFICE of JESUS SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY when the Beast like a lamb,the MAN of sin,son of perdition(the little horn)sits in the temple of God-JERUSALEM-,shewing himself that he is God-2 Thes.2:4-,then the abomination of desolation will stand in the holy place,THE DAILY SACRIFICE OF JESUS WILL BE TAKE AWAY BY THE JEWISH FALSE MESSIAH in the second half of the last week by 1260 plus 30 days,I would say the current Dispensation of Grace gets to the END with this terrible and SATANIC event through the Jewish false messiah(2Thess.2:9),and the establishment of the abomination of desolation in the holy place or sanctuary.
Revelation 11:1-2 reveals how will be the FIRST half of the last week (1260 days),ended the FIRST half,the false messiah,an esoteric, kabbalistic and spiritist messiah,will be enthroned in JERUSALEM-spiritually called Sodom and Egypt,for 1290 days,the sanctuary will be cast down.
Blessed is he that waiteth,and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.Dan.12:12.Yeah,day 1335,the Ineffable, Wonderful,Indescribable,Unspeakable day,the day 1.335. Hallelujah!
The sacrifice of JESUS until the current time lasted around 727000 days-THE DAILY SACRIFICE WILL BE TAKE AWAY WHEN THE JEWISH FALSE MESSIAH-THE BEAST LIKE A LAMB( Revelation 13:11-18 and John 5:43-47SIT IN HIS THRONE IN JERUSALEM- THEN THE PLACE OF THE SANCTUARY WILL BE CAST DOWN, as was prophesied by Daniel. Daniel 7:7-8 & 11.
Dan.7:7-and behold a fourth Beast,dreadful and terrible,and strong exceedingly;and it had great iron teeth:it devoured and brake in pieces,and stamped the residue with the feet of it:and it was diverse from all the Beasts that were before it;and it had ten horns.
8-I considered the(10)horns,and,behold,there came up among them another little horn,...and,behold,in this(little)horn were eyes like the eyes of MAN,and a mouth speaking great things. Yea,he(the little horn,by his mouth)shall magnify himself(magnified as God)even to the prince of the host(it is Michael- Revelation 12:7),and by him (by the Jewish false messiah-the little horn)the daily sacrifice will be taken away,and the place of the sanctuary will be cast down.
The false lamb/messiah( John 5:43),he is also a Jew,and he is from one of the 10 tribes of Israel, maybe from the tribe of Dan as Jacob prophesied- Genesis 49:16-17. He shall rise up from the earth-from Israel-from one of the ten tribes of Israel-HE IS THE LITTLE HORN.
The false lamb- John 5:43-has two horns like a lamb.Two horns represent the two kingdoms of Israel,but he will rise up from one of the 10 tribes,as prophesied Jacob. Genesis 49:16-17.
7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work:only he who now letteth will let,until he be taken out of the way.
9Even him,whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
The prophecy on the RESTRAINING be taken away,it didn't fulfill yet, of course,but will LITERALLY fulfill in days to come,would say in this current decade,and it only after the end of the FIRST half of the last week,when the next and last Pope be elected,i.e. week 70th Daniel 9:27,actually it will occur only when the Abomination of Desolation be established in the 2nd half of the last week for 1260+30 days.
The current Dispensation of Grace gets to the END with this terrible and SATANIC event,I say through the manifestation of the Jewish false messiah( John 5:43-47, Revelation 13:11, 2Thess.2:9), and the establishment of the Abomination of Desolation in the holy place.
Who is he who now does not let the MAN of sin,SON of perdition,a former Cherub,be manifested among his own people(Israel),and also before the whole Gentilic world?The Complete Jewish Bible-CJB says the MAN of sin is at work secretly,in other words-KJV-,"the mystery of iniquity doth already work",but it will be secretly only until he who is restraining him is taken out of the way.
Well, there are three that bear witness in Earth,the Spirit,the water, and the blood:and these three agree in One- 1John 5:8.The blood is the blood of JESUS that was shed on the cross;the blood of JESUS is the millennial sacrifice of JESUS that REMAINS until the current time for salvation of souls,AND WILL REMAIN until it BE TAKEN AWAY, WHAT WILL HAPPEN ONLY AND ONLY IN THE SECOND HALF OF THE LAST WEEK,WEEK 70th DANIEL 9:27,WHOSE EVENT IS NOT SO FAR FROM THESE DAYS,IT MAY OCCUR IN THIS DECADE .
I give you thanks for these young men precious lives. Father, I pray you intervene and have your way. God, we acknowledge your word. Luke 1:37 tells us "For with God nothing will be impossible". God bless these young souls with healing, deliverance, joy, strength where it is needed. Amen
29'I will not,' he replied. But later he changed his mind and went. 30Then the man went to the second son and told him the same thing. 'I will, sir,' he said. But he did not go. 31Which of the two did the will of his father?" "The first," they answered. Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you.
( Matthew 21:29-31).
We see through Romans 8:30 the idea of being called; justified and glorified without any mention of sanctification implied through discipleship. We can look at immature believers in Corinth who likely died in some cases without really being effective disciples. Nonetheless; we want to ensure that as Paul says in Phillipians 3:14 that we run for the prize. Crowns given for ministry; patient endurance or martyrdom don't come easy or to all but nonetheless since it affects our stance and spiritual authority under the King at least for the Millennium if not all eternity these are vital goals for us to pursue!
When we consider the Great Commission and God's calling for us to go and make Disciples of all men in Matthew 28:19-20 we certainly see that emphasized; and that seemingly over the concept of just leading men to Christ which of course is part of what it means to teach all the things Jesus meant and taught to His own on His earthly ministry.
The concept of personal sanctification and becoming separate from the world; therefore is also part of our growth as well as teaching others to be FOLLOWERS of Christ and the sacrificial lives that should accompany their declaration of salvific faith.
It has been stated and I wholeheartedly agree that today the message of coming to Christ is often watered down. This often is to keep attendance up and money coming in from unscrupulous church leaders. It also comes from the misguided notion that we may say something to scare someone off unnecessarily. We must share hard truth with love.
In the last few hours I have wrestled with the question of discipleship and whether it is primary or "secondary" in importance.
First of all I need to categorically state that it is still VERY important and indeed necessary if we are ever going to be "sold out" for Jesus to ensure that we truly are disciples; and that of lasting ones that aren't going to walk away like many Jesus challenged on His way to eventually being crucified on the cross. Taking a brief internet survey of this subject there are varying opinions. It seems that one can be saved without being a disciple at least the level of commitment Jesus described. The thief on the cross would be one example; there was no time to work through issues like Jesus did with the 12 Apostles He chose as His primary disciples. The Corinthian church also stands out as a place where immature believers sometimes died before their time and had many other issues; clearly not acting as a mature disciple at least in terms of submitting their lives to the Lord.
The church changed over time; and although other churches also had issues it would seem certainly that the many admonitions written in Paul's Epistles and Peter and John's writings of the same were primarily to build believers up in the local churches to live as worthy of the calling; and hence good disciples.
If we are saved; we are ultimately justified and glorified ( Romans 8:30). We don't see sanctification there as would be expected as a true disciple; but again we certainly need to grow in this way to recieve spiritual rewards in heaven (Phillipians 3:14; also see other verses about crowns for service; ministry; patiently waiting for His appearing; etc.) Just because it doesn't necessarily determine our ultimate fate to lose out on what will be at least for the Millennium if not all of eternity our spiritual position in heaven would hardly be unimportant. I'll leave this open to debate
1 Corinthians 10:11 says: Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
This verse helps to tie in the examples; both good and bad from various characters and narratives in the Bible so that we can understand the temporal and eternal consequences of our actions; and hopefully learn the fear of the Lord as a result. The moral principles of the Lord never change; even if we study the lives of those under the authority of the Old Covenant vs. the New Covenant. The souls of all men are mine ( Ezekiel 18:4) states God. Therefore; it is just as true that not one "jot or tittle" of His word will fail ( Matthew 5:18); the spiritual laws in scripture of conduct are as certain as the natural laws that every man lives subject to.
One more point I want to cover before wading into the waters of the subject of secondary themes and applications is that although it usually involves large swaths of scripture and repeated concepts throughout with many cross references most of the time; there are a few key concepts that are rather limited. One which jumps to mind is Christ actually stating that He is the "I am". John 8:58 from what I know is the only place it is explicit; there are other places clearly where it is either implied or meant with the original language; certainly the Pharisees knew this or they wouldn't have tried to kill Jesus 10 times or so before they finally succeeded. More often seen is the unique claims of Christ as being the only way to the Father (I am the way the truth and the life may perhaps means the same thing as my last reference). He also showed this with offering forgiveness of sins which is only something God can do. We see in this what is implied if CORRECTLY interpreted shows much of the primary themes; we could cite the Parables as a good example of this.
Thanks for the inquiry.
Have a nice evening. R.P.
( Song of Solomon 5:7).
Perhaps for context we can look at these verses ( Matthew 25: 1-13). Specifically verse 5 says "
"While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept."
The main theme of Song of Solomon is about two lovers; the one woman had; in previous verses heard the knocking of the door. "I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night." ( Song of Solomon 5:2).
Here we see some similarities to Revelation 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."
We are to wait for the bridegroom; this story reminds us of the foolish virgin. Verse 6 in this chapter of Song of Solomon seems to also say the same thing; possibly an analogy of missing the Rapture.
There is some conjecture to beating fellow servants which is in Matthew 24:48 to the end which would seemingly represent servants warning of the Rapture who are rejected today. Luke 12:47 says
And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
This could also be a parallel verse to Song of Solomon 5:7.
This particular topic came up with some who espoused the idea that there was a "phased rapture". I tend to agree with the Rapture being a reward for a remnant of those sold out for the Lord now; but a later resurrection of the dead either at the midpoint or the end of the Tribulation. That is what I would call a tertiary issue; eschatology as to Pre Trib or not view secondary. The main thing is not to become lukewarm. As my latest posting shows I don't like to get too much into hidden meanings.
Keeping in mind that our hope and home is with Jesus for eternity, we can apply ourselves to the calling the Lord has for us in this present life with willing service to Him and others. Each day given to us is a gift and an opportunity to love others and do the will of God through the guidance and strength we receive from the Holy Spirit. It is good to be in this lie and also good to be called home to our eternal home. Both this life and the next come from God. We will live in the present every day God has ordained for us. We can be assured that He knows what is best for us. We also long for eternal life with him in the life to come. We know that what is in store for us is by far much greater and more valuable than any manner of life we have in the present.
We know that Jesus is everywhere present, so He is always with us. But we do desire to behold him face to face fellowship.
Paul said it well that to be present in this life is to be absent from the Lord and to be with the Lord is to be absent from this earthly life in our present body. Although he (and us) desire to be absent from the body and present with the Lord. Nut whether we are in this life or the next, we do the work He has for us and are to value that we are accepted by Him whether present of absent in wither scenario. ( 2 Cor. 5:6-9).
When I was young, I desired to live out my life with my husband and children before being called home. Now that I am older, I desire more and more to be called home. Since my first grandbaby will arrive any day now, I hope to see her grow up and be a part of her life along with any other grands God gives me. It will be a pleasure and an honor to participate in their lives and experience our children being parents. God knows when my time here will be completed. So, I am so happy to still be given days in this earthly life, knowing that the life to come is guaranteed me with the surety of the Holy Spirit to remind me that our hope in Jesus is secured.
It should be fairly obvious that we only can follow what the Lord says in scripture. As previously mentioned Satan accurately quoted scriptures to Christ but it was to suit his twisted logic in order to make another failed attempt to bring down Christ to get the glory for himself. The previous example of Moses as well as any other Bible characters; almost all whose flaws were painstakingly detailed in the Bible show that even accurate biographies of these individuals doesn't mean we should emulate them in all things. Certainly we can learn from their mistakes; even with circumstances from thousands of years ago when men would covet a neighbor's donkey and other things that are hard to relate to.
"Substance over form"
In 1 Samuel 7:9 Samuel only offered ONE lamb which would be for; as far as I can tell all of Israel at that time. There were other instances when men were allowed to take the Passover one month later when unclean; when David ate the shewbread only by law for the priests; etc. Even in the old Testament times; a true sacrifice was with a broken and contrite spirit ( Psalm 51:17). It became clear later on in passages such as Isaiah 1:14 that God was tired of rituals without being heartfelt and he actually used the word HATE to describe it. That word is rare; the only other time I am aware of it is used with the passage "I hate divorce" ( Malachi 2:16). Eventually the New Covenant would render the old obsolete; but we can't say there aren't relatable themes here; once again pointing to a man's heart condition such as was seen with the parable given in Luke 18:13.
Justifying our religious pride certainly hasn't died out with the law and the Old Testament regulations; it has merely found different ways to control and manipulate people under the "authority" of the church and offices of administration that are excuses for "lording it over" parishioners; and often fleecing money.
Psalm 119:97 is just one of many verses in this Psalm talking about loving God's law and commandments. We have looked in the last posting about 2 Timothy 3:16 as to the practical truths of the Bible in instruction; but of course without love as Paul stated we are nothing but a clanging cymbal as part off 1 Corinthians 13:1 mentions; and this idea continues throughout what many call the "love" chapter which is often given as a gift to married couples with a door hanging type motif so that hopefully they can realize what they are called to in the Lord. The sentiment of John 14:15 marries the concept of love and obedience together. We can't have God's love (agape) without the truth; and if we attempt to follow the truth without love; we run the risk of what happened to the Ephesian church as described in Revelation in the beginning of chapter 2.
I won't make this study a detailed description of basic codes of conduct for a new believer which are of course needed for a young Christian to study in regard especially to the Epistles of Paul. Maturity in the faith is certainly bolstered by these necessary means; but is not by any means exclusively determined by these instructional verses. We can; for instance find meaning in the book of Esther and Ruth where God isn't even mentioned or just with a passing glance. The faith of both of these women is clearly seen through example. The Song of Solomon; probably the least read book in scripture seems to be an oddity in many ways and of course should be read by mature audiences. Nonetheless the theme of loyalty to the one someone is espoused to is something we can learn from; along with some possible hidden prophetic meanings in, for instance chapter 5; verse 7. In many ways; however it is best not to overspiritualize this one particular book; in attempting to make any direct correlation between eros and agape love for Christ in the sentiment
Section 1: Primary themes of scripture and primary applications
A child could probably read a section of the Bible and learn fairly easily about David and Goliath; Noah's Ark; and major characters in scripture as well as basic scriptures about Christ. We can make two errors related to this topic; the first finding nothing of meaning to us as 21st Century citizens of the USA or other modern civilizations or the opposite-thinking every verse somehow applies to us. Without disputing the 2 Timothy 3:16 concept; we simply cannot find a way to directly relate to David's story fighting a giant or any other incidents involving the genetically mutated offspring of Nephilim; nor can we relate to a command to destroy all men; women; children and cattle in a wartime situation today. In these cases; of course we can apply principles such as obedience being better than sacrifice ( 1 Samuel 15:22) as well as understanding the spiritual dimension which still exists today; even with certain entities already chained in the abyss ( 2 Peter 2:4) being a past event. Still other passages may discuss ceremonial laws which have no practical moral application but would keep an individual out of being part of Israel in the Old Testament times; when certain other Sabbath rules were strictly enforced to the point of death ( Numbers 15:32-36). We also are forced to deal with certain passages such as Deuteronomy 24 and later commentary by Christ in Matthew 5 and 19 which trumpet what Moses permitted due to hardness of hearts but apparently wasn't God's will in the beginning and therefore not "commanded" as the Pharisees presented their arguments in these passages to permit divorce.
In short; I would say that primary themes help tell the story of God's master plan; or, as Navigator's states in the concept Dawson Trotman states "to know Christ and to make Him known." The exclusivity of Christ in such passages as John 3:16 show how to be saved
Memorial of the body in heaven is the pattern God showed Moses. "And let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them./According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it." (Ex.25:8-9) Firstly let us consider the tabernacle which has a body. Memorial for it is set in heaven. In Chapters 4 and five John sees a pattern. " And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within" (Re.4:8) In the Exodus, the candlestick is "And six branches shall come out of the sides of it; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side"(25:31-32) and in place of eyes we have, "And in the candlesticks shall be four bowls made like unto almonds, with their knops and their flowers."(v.34). and the seven lamps of "one beaten work of pure gold."(vv36-37 refer to "and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God."(Re.4:5). There are similar other pattern to indicate the stewardship of the last Adam is spiritual than literal. The vicarious death of the slain Lamb, and he makes his presence there. "in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth."(Re.5:6) God sanctified the seventh day since he was found worthy!
Please read these lines
"The Word become flesh has a command number 5. The Parable of Five foolish virgins refers to the nation of Israel."
As the following:
"The Word become flesh has a command number 4. So abiding in Christ has this number 5. The Parable of Five foolish virgins refers to the nation of Israel.
In the four beasts we shall see why God rested on the seventh day.the Firstly the man represents the last Adam. When Jesus Christ came to the world it was as the last Adam because we have the reason in Ps.40 introduced. The writer to the Hebrews adds "Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me."(He.10:5; Ps.40:6). So the motif of the slain Lamb (Re.13:8) arises from this point. Creation of two worlds framed by the word sets this colloquy in the world unseen between divine Will and its fulfilment. (He.11:3) Though Adam was created in 'our image and and in our likeness' his disobedience required the Son setting into the breach. When Seth steps into the breach in place of Abel is re-enactment of this covenant between the Father and the Son. The Spirit records, "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made."(Ge.3:3)
Now for the three beasts lion establishes him as the root of David. "And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David,:(Re.5:5-6) . The second beast the calf speaks for the Servant-Messiah and the flying eagle refers to his resurrection. When God gives the Law which we know as the Law of Moses the man and the ox were considered as one. "Only the firstling of the beasts, which should be the LORD'S firstling, no man shall sanctify it; whether it be ox, or sheep: it is the LORD'S."(Le.27:26;Ex.13:2) So one fifth added to the value as trespass offering is applied to man who abided in the Son. The Word become flesh has a command number 5. The Parable of Five foolish virgins refers to the nation of Israel. Number ten is a full hand and those who are wise are as stars and the foolish are shut out from the Marriage of the Lamb.
Oral traditions (continued).
A primary consideration on this topic is the whole concept of oral presentations of scripture and how it is a method that may be underappreciated today. It is commendable; as an example of this; that our church has the "Awana" program where there is a decent level of scriptures memorized by children. This concept; of course comes from scripture. (see Deut. 32:46). Teaching our children should be helpful for the adults involved; nonetheless hypocrisy is something that renders much of what is taught as ineffective. We do well to "preach to ourselves" in meditating on the Word; and naturally this aids us in taking the Gospel to the highways and byways in fulfilling the Great Commission if we have a fair amount of scripture in our hearts and basic Gospel truths memorized.
Taking this to a deeper level we are able to address the culture as to how it had in the past more or less adhered to these truths and how it has now largely departed from it.
Part One: Primary meanings of the Bible
Perhaps the easiest statement that can be made is that the Bible is basically the story of man's history; God's redemptive plan through His Son as atonement for our sins; and the eternal future. If we truly believe we are at least able to see the forest through the trees. What comes with maturity is starting to view the trees as significant signposts that lead to and connect with this overarching theme in seemingly disparate ways at times. It is much like running a marathon as opposed to a sprint; if we were to expect to make sense of running between trees on a slope and curved paths a marathon would be the proper approach rather than a sprint. The varied terrain would; of course make precision timing of the tape at the finish line be all fouled up in a race of say 400 yards. The marathon runner; in contrast prepares his mind and body for different terrain ahead of time.
This is something that is but a small thing in relation to the war that is taking place for the souls of man all around us. Take things like this patiently friend. The Lord knows what you need even before you ask. He provides for you daily. Be patient and understand that these things are all part of God's doing to teach you patience, endurance, long-suffering, and even opportunity for the Lord to be revealed in you through things like this by your patient disposition through disappointments. May the Lord be with you and bless you, Rick.
1 Peter 4:12-19
12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:
13 But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.
14 If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified.
15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.
16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
19 Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.