All Discussion PAGE 314

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks Carleton,

    Ot is pleasant weather here, nut the wildfire smoke can be problematic some days.

    The Lord had need good to us and we are thankful to Him.
  • Tunney on Lamentations 1 - 1 year ago
    2 Timothy 3:16, 17

    Thank YOU FATHER for reminding me of YOUR perfect mercy and grace. I can continue forward when I remember YOUR promises to all who are saved and walk in YOUR truth and spirit.

    May I remember spend more time to read YOUR word; pray and intercede for our nation; give my time and money for the ministry; tell and make disciples as YOU have directed us to do.

    GOD to shine HIS face on all on this forum and gloriously bless us as we go forward and do the work HE has ordained us all to do.

    For my GOD is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance and into the knowledge of our SAVIOR, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

    August 25, 2023 1108hrs NC; USA
  • Oseas - 1 year ago

    Revelation 1:8- I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the ending,saith the Lord,which is, and which was,and which is to come,the Almighty.

    Matthew 28:18- And JESUS came and spake saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.

    Luke 20:35-37 -> 35 They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world(the next world), and the resurrection from the dead,neither marry,nor are given in marriage:

    36 Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

    38 For GOD is not a GOD of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.

    Phil.3:20-21 -> 20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:

    21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

    1Cor.15:51-54 and 24-26 -->51 Behold, I shew you a MYSTERY; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

    52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

    53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

    54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

    24 Then cometh the end,when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God,even the Father;when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power(This prophecy will fulfill LITERALLY from now on)

    25 For He must reign,till he hath put all enemies under His feet.

    26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

    Get ready for the last week, week 70th Daniel 9:27

    continues below
  • Oseas - 1 year ago

    continuation from above:

    Now, on this seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium, the world that was promised it would be to come- Luke 20:35-36-the third heaven, the same will be established and will last 1000 years, the first and second heavens(the OT and NT) will be burned up with everlasting fire, and those which believed not in the Word of GOD for salvation will perish for ever.

    By the way, remember 1Corinthians 3:12-15 (quoted below) - , combined with 2Peter 3:7-13. Take a look and understand the prophetical voice, otherwise, you might lose your soul. There is not and will not be any kind of sacrifice for salvation of souls from now on, after Noah, and Moses, the last one was that of JESUS.

    12 If any man built upon the foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;

    13 Every man's work shall be made MANIFEST: for -in this Day- it shall (be)declare(d) it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

    14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

    15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as BY FIRE. (I suppose you don't know this kind of fire- Isaiah 33:10-14)

    Get ready

    Revelation 21:8 - 8 But the fearful(the COWARDS), and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
  • Michael J - In Reply - 1 year ago
  • Carleton - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good morning GIGI! Thank you for your own meditations. The Lord can reveal his light to us as God divides the His Word into that in which we need this present day. Hope all is well up the coast!

    God Bless this day.

  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers please remember my daughter Jessica and her family
  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you for the kind words GiGi, the only way is to be close to the Lord, in the Bible in thoughts and words. I can share with you a word that I was reminded of today. Acts 16:31. My words I love them. Here the words tell that salvation is as simple as that, so easy it should happen. Jesus carries me, he saves me,

    Yes thank you Jesus came soon! By thy will, Lord. Amen
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You said its Christ's soul not Davids soul in view. How does that change the fact that the word hell has the meaning of "the place or state of departed souls"? Its not me differentiating between the soul and spirit of man David I'm only showing what the Word of God tells us about the soul and spirit being divided or separated. You asked if I'm aware of any other verses? ( 1 Thess 5:23) would be one.

    In ( 1 Thess 4:13) Who are "them which are asleep"?

    In ( 1 Thess 4:14) Here we see "them also which sleep in Jesus" and also "will God bring with him" This verse tells us those which sleep in Jesus will come back with Him. This is the spirit.

    In ( 1 Thess 4:16) We see "and the dead in Christ shall rise first". Where are these dead in Christ rising from David?

    We see those who sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him, this would be the spirit.

    And we see the dead in Christ shall rise first, this would be the soul rising from the grave. ( Jn 5:28-29) v28 "all that are in the graves shall hear his voice". v29 "And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation".

    You asked if being Born again occurred in the spirit or the soul? That would have to be both because the spirit returns with Christ and the soul rises from the grave to be reunited with the spirit.

    I'm not quite sure about your 1 Cor ch15 question.

    You said that Jesus endured the wrath of God? The wrath of God is violent passion, or [justifiable] abhorrence, by implying punishment, anger, indignation, vengeance.

    Jesus laid down His life, God wasn't angry with Him, God did not punish Jesus to bring eternal life to all who Believe in Him, men did that. Jesus suffered for the sins of the world but it was not vengeance from God. Thats how I see this.

    Thank you for your response David.
  • Jcubria - 1 year ago
    This is what you are looking for...

    RVG/KJV - Bilingual Edition (Black)

    You have to get it from Chick Publications just do a google search.

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  • Jcubria - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The short answer is no. Yet doing so is very dangerous! If you don't read your bible you won't be grounded in scripture as if you were. It will delay your growth into a mature Christian and there in lies the danger. You would be much more vulnerable to be mislead and perhaps lured away from the faith.

    Ephesians 4:14 (KJV) That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

    Ep 4:14 When the gifts operate in their God-appointed manner, and the saints are active in service for the Lord, three dangers are avoided-immaturity, instability, and gullibility.Immaturity. Believers who never become involved in aggressive service for Christ never emerge from being spiritual children. They are undeveloped through lack of exercise. It was to such that the writer to the Hebrews said, "For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again-." ( Heb 5:12).Instability. Another danger is spiritual fickleness. Immature Christians are susceptible to the grotesque novelties and fads of professional quacks. They become religious gypsies, moving to and fro from one appealing fantasy to another.Gullibility. Most serious of all is the danger of deception. Those who are babes are unskillful in the word of righteousness, their senses are not exercised to discern between good and evil ( Heb 5:13, 14). They inevitably meet some false cultist who impresses them by his zeal and apparent sincerity. Because he uses religious words, they think he must be a true Christian. If they had studied the Bible for themselves, they would be able to see through his deceitful juggling of words. But now they are carried about by his wind of doctrine and led by unprincipled cunning into a form of systematized error. "Believer's Bible Commentary". Marion, IA: Laridian, Inc., 2021.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Good to hear from you. I am glad you found my post edifying. I realize that there are several differing views on this topic and I was just entering in what I believe to be true from my study of Scripture. Not trying to convince anyone, really, but hopefully give something for others to ponder and seek out in the Scriptures as I do with what I read from others that think differently than I do.

    I think it is a good think for people to be open about their beliefs on here so that we can examine beliefs from differing angles and hold them up to the Word of God for verification. It is iron sharpening iron, good for helping us mature and remain sharp and useful for what God would have us say and do.

    Blessing to you, Jesse. I have yet to finish reading all of your posts on your intro to the books of the new testament. I appreciate that you did this. I hope to read through them all.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Carleton, great meditation. Yes, the Spirit knows us through and through, all of us. He can discern between thoughts, intentions, motives, and the struggle we wage between the sinful nature and the reborn spirit within us. We can never fool God, for sure. And so, we should always remember that He desires truth in our inward parts before Him. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us. What a good feeling it is to stand cleansed before our Maker. It is the best way to be!

    I appreciate the way you connected the Spirit's parting of the waters in Genesis to the Spirits dividing between our soul and spirit by the Word of God ( Heb. 4:12)

    Have a blessed evening of rest, Carleton.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi David0921. Apologies for intruding into your conversation with Jimbob, but wanted to also refer you to 1 Thessalonians 5:23, as you spend time in Hebrews 4:12. There seems to be a clear distinction made in describing tripartite man, especially noting the contiguous nature of soul and spirit.
  • Carleton - 1 year ago
    Good evening! An evening meditation. In the generations of Genesis, God and His Spirit can divide waters from waters and many other wonders, even soul and spirit and He can divide our thoughts and intents of the heart.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear 1980babs,

    I would have to say no to that. But if I may ask you, where do you believe the kingdom of God is? And are there bibles to read in Gods kingdom?
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Those are some great questions and I also want to say amen to your entire post. I have been following this thread for a couple days now and it seems as though a majority of the things being said have nothing to do with brother Carlton's original post. There are a few responses from the beginning that were relevant to his post (yours being one), but it seems as though it went off topic pretty quickly. I wanted to chime in a few times but what you posted is perfect. I'm am interested in reading the response to your questions.

    God bless!!!
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 continues,,,

    proud shall be abased, and the poor shall be exalted; the high and lofty shall be brought down, and the meek and upright shall be set up; Truth shall reign as King, and deceit shall utterly be confounded; they that now suffer all manner of evil for the Name of Jesus, shall possess everlasting freedom, and the dominion shall be in their hands, and they that now cause the just to suffer, shall go into endless captivity, the seed of God shall spring forth and flourish, but the seed of evil-doers shall never be renowned: And betwixt these two seeds is an enmity put, and they can never be reconciled, each seed hath his fruit, the one is cursed and the other is blessed, and each seed is known by its fruit, and must receive from the Lord accordingly.

    And this is the testimony of the servants of the Lord, and the witness which they give unto all the world of those things which we have handled, tasted, heard, seen and felt; blessed are all they that can receive it.

    We are known to God in the Spirit, and one to another in his life, and are known in the world by the name of Quakers, cast upon us through the derision of the heathen.

    But Quaking and trembling at the Word of the Lord; by the servants of the Lord, we do own, when the power of God reaches to the witness of God in the creature, which brings condemnation upon all high looks, and upon the lofty nature, which causes the earthly part to tremble, we do own and many of us do witness, the Quaking and Trembling which is by the operation of the Spirit of God, and the several operations by the one Spirit we own: which brings down proud flesh, whose honor God will lay in the dust, and bring it to everlasting contempt, and when this comes to pass, quaking shall not be a strange thing, nor the Name reproached as it is at this day by the proud spirits of men, who knows not the work of the Lord, nor the operation of his Spirit.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    The Acts 2 passage (and also in Acts 13) are teaching us something about the Nature of Salvation in Paul's and Peter's preaching. In doing so they are referencing Psalm 16 and providing a commentary on this Psalm and it is very clear that The Holy One spoken of in these verses is Christ Himself, not David the man.

    Christ endured the Wrath of God, eternal death, in full payment for the sins of His Elect and then rose from that death. It is Christ's soul, not David's soul that is in view.

    I have always understood the Soul to be the Spirit essence of an individual, and therefore synonymous. So mankind has a physical BODY and a Spirit essence, his SOUL. But the Hebrews 4:12 verse is interesting. I have some thoughts about that verse but not prepared to share yet.

    But I'm puzzled by your differentiating between the Soul and the Spirit of man. So are you saying that mankind has a Body, a Soul, and a Spirit? Perhaps you could elaborate on that idea a bit. Are you aware of any other verses that teach that three-way differentiation?

    And how do you understand what it means to be Born Again? Does that occur in the Spirit or the Soul?

    And what is the Spiritual Body in 1 Corinthians 15:40-44? There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: It is sown a NATURAL BODY; it is raised a SPIRITUAL BODY. There is a NATURAL BODY, and there is a SPIRITUAL BODY.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Luke 23:39-43 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, TODAY SHALT THOUGH BE WITH ME IN PARADISE.

    The passage above is Christ applying Salvation to one of His Elect before our very eyes. Causing that thief on the cross. to become Born Again, to receive his RESURRECTED SOUL.

    And no, Christ was not lying to him.

    So that thief died and was buried and his body has returned to the dust. But that thief was indeed with Christ in Heaven, in Paradise at the moment of his physical death. And will be returning with Christ in his Soul Existence to receive his glorified Spiritual Body at the Resurrection of the Last Day.

    What you are suggesting is a complete denial of what it means to become "saved", to become Born Again.

    Yes! "the SOUL that sineth it shall die". And apart from God's mercy in Salvation (in Christ having endured the Wrath of God, eternal death, the full penalty for the sins of those whom He saves) that is indeed the fate of all Mankind, Eternal Death.
  • 1980babs - 1 year ago
    can i get kicked out of Gods Kingdom if i dont read the bible?
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I agree with you. Amen
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 A Standard lifted up & an Ensign unto all Nations.

    Concerning mans state in the first Adam before conversion, and his state after conversion, and what conversion is.

    Man's state in the first Adam in transgression, is a state of perfect enmity against God, and death reigns in every man, and he is possessed with blindness and ignorance, and unbelief, and is wholly imperfect to receive the things of Gods Kingdom, or to act any thing for God acceptable to him; man in that state is wholly dead to God, and insensible of the presence, and power, and life of his Creator, for he is drove from God, and is not led by him, he hath no power to perform any good in the sight of God, but is possessed with evil, and led into all evil continually; he is free from righteousness, and free to all evil, being the servant of the Devil, and subject to him, and overcome of him every moment, and is led by him to transgresses against the Lord;
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 cont,,,

    against the Lord; his heart is unclean, and out of it proceeds continually uncleanness in all manner of words, thoughts, and actions, which flows out of the corrupt fountain, which grieves and vexes the Lord and his Spirit, who is dishonored daily by man through his abuse of Gods creatures, who is a devourer and destroyer of them, and not a preserver as he ought to be, who abuses' them upon his lust, and not to the glory of the Lord; he loves the creature and worships the creature, and is gone a whoring after the creatures, and hath forgotten God that made him and all things, and hath lost his own dominion wherein he was set in his Creation, and his state in his transgression is cursed of God, and without the peace of God, it being in the enmity against him; and in all things he is wholly unprofitable to his Maker, and only profitable to himself and to the Devil, and this in short is the state of every man in transgression before conversion; but his state after conversion is a state more blessed, for man is changed, and renewed, and translated by the power of the Lord, through the working of the eternal Spirit through conversion, his mind is changed, and his heart is renewed, the old is done away, and a new heart is given, and all things are become new, even every word and work, and every intent and purpose of his mind, is converted into another end, and guided by another spirit than before his conversion; and man is again returned to God, into the sense and feeling of his Maker, and into covenant with him where he is blessed, and all things to him; for the reconciliation is made with God, and the evil is judged and condemned, and sin is taken away and blotted out, and not remembered: for man is become servant unto God, and only serves him in all things, and not himself or any other creature in any thing, for he hath received power to become sons to God, and hath received power over the Devil and his
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You have presented a reasonable view on this topic, and in many ways, I think it is plausible. However, I am wondering if our body and soul dies and we no longer exist, then who did Jesus preach to in Hades between His death and resurrection? Also, how could Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus in the transfiguration? If Jesus was actually there (since the disciples walked up the mountain with Him and the text say that Jesus' appearance was changed), then it seems that Moses and Elijah were actually there with Jesus as the disciples saw them and heard them speaking with Jesus.

    These two occurrences make me think that our body dies and returns to dust, as that is what is said in Gen. 2:7 and 3:19, but it does not say anything about our soul ceasing to exist. Jesus said that we are to fear the One (God Almighty_ who can destroy both body and soul ( Matt. 10:28) which is the second death of unbelievers, but not believers. In this verse Jesus is speaking of two parts of our being, body is one, and the soul is the other, so it seems that the body can physically die, but not a regenerated soul.

    Another Scripture that makes me think that the soul lives on in the presence of Jesus after death is in Hebrews 12:1 that there is a great cloud of witnesses in heaven who have gone before us in faith.

    And lastly, Jesus said that believers have eternal life and will never die. ( John 11:26) Even though our body dies, our soul lives on because He is the resurrection and the life and those who believe in Him have life even though their body dies, our soul lives in Christ.

    To me, the words of our Lord carry so much weight in regards to what we are to believe. He is the Truth and the Life and what He says will be will be.

    But I truly understand your point of view, but it seems that Jesus differs from you and others here and in your church in regards to this topic.

    I am not trying to be argumentative here, Jema. Just saying that what I know from Scripture differs from you
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 cont,,,

    sight, and the new man is brought forth, and the creating in Christ Jesus unto good works is known, and the birth, which is heir of Gods Kingdom is witnessed, and unto this man is the Lord become an everlasting light and a sure hiding place, for he is not the servant of sin but of righteousness, nor an offence to God in any of his works, but for his names sake is well pleased with him; he is his teacher in all the ways of peace, he is his helmet, and his shield, and his hope of salvation, and his Shephard to feed him and preserve him at all times; though he may be tempted, yet he is not overcome, for God is his strength, though he may be tried, yet not forsaken of the Lord; though he may be cast into the fire it is not to consume him, for the Lord is with him; all things he receives as from the hand of God, & all creatures he enjoys in the Covenant with God, and peace is in all his ways, for it is the Lord that works in him both to will and to do of his own good pleasure; and this is the state of the new man brought forth in conversion, which is a turning of the creature from the power of Satan (which rules in every man before conversion), to the power of God which is the ruler of every man that is truly converted; and this is the truth as it is in Jesus, which I have received from God, he that can receive it let him, and if any have an ear let him hear what the Spirit saithe; this conversion of the creature is wrought by the Spirit of God through the Ministry sent of him, and even for this cause have we received the Ministry of God, through the Holy Ghost, that we might publish these things abroad, that all people may come to the knowledge of them, and may taste, and handle, and feel of the same Word of life in themselves, which will reveal the knowledge of these things to them that they may have fellowship with us, and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with the Son.
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 cont,,

    And now be it known to all the world, and to all people in it, that the Lord hath raised up a people and brought forth a seed, to bear witness of his Name, and of his dominion, and power in all the earth, and of these truths with many more, which are but one in Christ Jesus, hath God given us the perfect knowledge of, even wrought them in us, and revealed them to us by the eternal Spirit, and as that same Spirit doth, and shall move us, do we and shall we bear witness of these truths unto all people upon earth whatsoever, both by doctrine and conversation, holding forth the testimony unto others which we have received of God, that Christ may be exalted, and his Kingdom set up in the world, and in comparison of this, that we may serve God in our generation, by bearing witness of these things, which we have heard and seen; nothing of this world, our liberty, our life, nor any other thing whatsoever, is not dear unto us; yea, even for this cause, that the Name of the Lord may be testified of, do we give up our selves continually to suffer all manner of evil in words or works; and we love not our lives unto death, that truth and righteousness may be exalted, and this is the cause wherefore we pass through many dangers on every hand, and are in perils often, and we are not, nor cannot be afraid of the face of any man, even that the Lord alone may be exalted, whose Name, and Honor, and Truth is more dear unto us than any other thing; and for it have we forsaken all, and counted it as nothing in comparison of the knowledge of Christ, and his truth herein declared and witnessed to the whole world to whom it shall come, and the light of Christ in every one shall give testimony to it unto which I do only commend my self and these truths to be witnessed.
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 cont,,

    And know ye assuredly that God, who is just and righteous in all his ways', it is he that sets the way of life and the way of death before every man, and he hath appeared in this generation, and he hath caused his voice to be heard in the earth, and he hath set the way of death and the way of life before you, and all that perish it is through unbelief; and because they do despise the way which God hath prepared, who hath prepared a way for life and salvation unto all people, that all may come to life and salvation, and may not perish, and he hath not shut out any creature before he was brought forth into the world, but giveth to every one that cometh into the world a day of visitation and a time of repentance and returning, that healing may be received from the Lord, who is the restorer of lost man, and there is not another; so that if man perish, it is of himself, and not of God, who hath so loved mankind, that he hath given his Son, his own wisdom and his power into the world, that all that doth receive him (Christ Jesus) may have everlasting life, and they that receive him not, they perish because of unbelief, whereby they are hardened for destruction, and unto such our Gospel, the Gospel of God is hid, whose eye is blinded by the god of this world, that they cannot see the things which be eternal, nor believe in him from whence life comes, and such are stumbling at Christ the foundation, and therefore shall be broken, and must not inherit the kingdom of God, and unto such, though they be wise in the kingdom of this world, are we become fools for Christ sake, and our testimony cannot be received by them, nor approved of them, even them that seek after a sign, and them that seek after wisdom, to such we are not known, nor can our testimony be acceptable to them which is not with enticing words of mans wisdom, but in the demonstration of God Spirit, and in simplicity of truth, which is of great price with the Lord,
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 cont,,,

    even above knowledge and all wisdom, which is of this world which comes to nothing, but the Lord will confound that and bring it to nothing, for the world by its wisdom doth not know God, neither can it receive the things of God, but is foolishness in the sight of God, and the wisdom of the world must be offended in him, and in the testimony which is given of him, and the Princes of this world, and the wise men must stumble and fall, the powers of the earth must be offended at him, that they may be confounded and brought to naught, all the heathen shall rage, and the people shall imagine a vain thing: but what of all this, the testimony of the Lord is true which he hath given us to bear of his Name, and of it we are not ashamed before the face of the whole world, and we are armed to suffer for it, and not only to subscribe to the truth of it with our hand, or to declare of it with our tongue and pen, but also if we be called to it, may seal it with our blood: Wherefore this is sent among you all, Rulers, Teachers and people in all the world; this is sent among: you as to give you the certain knowledge of what we hold and bear witness to, which is received of us from God, and born witnesses of to you by his Spirit, even those things with many others which we have not received from man but from God, are we purposed in the Lord to declare abroad, and he hath put it into our hearts to fulfill his will herein; for he hath spoken, who can but prophesy, and he hath given the word, and many are they that publish it in faithfulness against the kingdom of the man of sin, which hath long been exalted in the earth over the seed of God, which the Lord is now a gathering and establishing his Covenant with, an Jerusalem that hath long lain waste, shall be made the praise of the whole earth, and the Gentiles which hath polluted her shall be cast out, and the Saints shall rejoice over all their enemies.
  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    Chap 19 cont,,

    And know you assuredly from us, who know the Lord, that God is doing great things in the earth, he is begun to work and his arm shall bring it to pass, he will overturn and overturn, till he come to reign whose right it is, who will change times and things, even that which cannot be believed, though a man declare it unto you, is the Lord bringing to pass; the eye shall blesse that sees it, and the heart shall praise that can understand, and behold the Lord comes quickly, and they are blessed that waits for him, whose reward is with him, and his glorious work is before him to be wrought by his own hand without the help of any other; who needs not the help of man, and yet that man that doth oppose him, shall be overthrown, confounded and destroyed, And again: all the Kings, Princes, Rulers, and People whatsoever, know ye assuredly that we are not enemies against, but friends unto all Civil Government, and to all just and righteous orders and decrees, and wholesome Law and Customs of any Common-wealth, and no way are we destructive to, or destroyers of the Peace, and welfare, and wholesome Laws (which is according to God) of any Nation whatsoever. But are preservers of the peace of all people, and waits in patience for the establishment of justice and true judgement, and that righteousness may spring forth, and the Government of all Nations may be according to the Law of God. Neither are we such who makes void the just Government of any Nation or City; neither are we such who through evil purposes, plotted, or conspired, or contrives evil in our hearts against any Governors or Government whatsoever; but wishes peace and truth, and the fear of the Lord unto all men and Nations, and desires not the overthrow or evil to any people, or their Government: but is subject to just Government every

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