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Had a garage sale last weekend at my friends house and will do it again at my house in a few weeks. We both are purging our belongings. We just have accumulated more than we ought to have and I have been working at this since I retired a few years ago. Got rid of all my work clothes, shoes, etc. Been going room by room and giving much away over the past few years.
In this area of belongings, I am repenting, for sure. Having a house big enough for the kids to grow up in was great when they were young, but now they are grown, and we hope to downsize to a much smaller home in an area of the U.S. we can afford to purchase a lot and build a home I designed that is ADA favorable. We hope to be able to stay in the house we build for a few dozen years. Then we would be 90! But we have been in this home almost 30 years and my has things filled it up!
So this conversation is a very appropriate one for me. It hits me in the area I have working at mastering. When we were first married 43 years ago all of both of our belongings could fit into a small Subaru wagon in the early 80's. We did not have much and lived simply. Want to get back to that.
I grew up in poverty and didn't mind. But as our income has grown I must admit that I have enjoyed having some special things. But then I found too many special things and now must make a change. We have always been frugal, but looking for a bargain can be equally troublesome, as I found out.
Our culture is not just consumer driven, but in this present time, we are a throw away society that wants to change things up every few years/season. HD TV has helped this trend, for sure.
Well, got to get to dinner now. Please pray that I keep at this purging until God says I can stop.
Always enjoy your input, and glad to hear that you are on board with loving Jesus and not the world.I think today Christians (including me) have major difficulty divorcing ourselves from all of the fleshy worldly things. I believe this is a major roadblock that we place in front of true and real relationship with God.
Jesus tells us Matthew 6:25-34 If we are preoccupied with providing for ourselves, including and specifically more than we need, are we depending on ourselves more than we are on Him?
Wanting newer bigger homes, and more luxury, cars, clothes, jewelry, vacations, fancy meals/restaurants, opera, hollywood entertainment, sports, I could go on..All of the time spent pursuing these things take away from the time we can be spending with God..
I don't believe Gods Holy Spirit guides us, or approves us, to be pursuing all of the fleshy worldly things.serious problem here.who is keeping us involved with this world?
I really am starting to see the validity of this verse. Matthew 7:14 "Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
I don't think we as Christians really take this verse to heart! If we think we can continue to live worldly lives and make it to heaven.I think we are fooling ourselves, and it's not just us fooling ourselves, it is the devil, and Matthew 7:15
God Bless
Like you, I believe that Scriptures when written were so inspired by God that every word is what God intended to be written by the authors. I do not think that God dictated the Scriptures through the writers.
We do need to have a high view of Scripture and know that it is the truth of God to man. We do need to be steadfast in pronouncing the Scriptures as our source, rule and authority for matters of life and doctrine.
It is sad that so many churches have indeed wavered in this stance in light of the changes in our culture over the past 50-75 years. Yet, there are many churches that still hold fast to this view of Scriptures and are reliable witnesses for the Lord through the teaching, preaching, and individual lifestyles and witness of the believers that attend these churches. It is a great thing when one is led to such a church by the Holy Spirit.
The dumbing down of and taming of what the Scriptures say to become more palatable to both believers and unbelievers has been going on for a few hundred years beginning in the "Enlightenment" era.
While I think that God does call some believers to "come out of" the visible church, as you say, but I also believe that most believers can thrive in the visible church environment today. This is a matter of the "freedom of the believer" as long as what is chosen is truly of the Holy Spirit.
For me, the top topics that are most important for believers to learn and discuss are the Truth about Who God is in both His Oneness and in His three Persons, the Person, Life and Work of Jesus Christ for our salvation, and the essence of the Gospel.
The Scriptures is where we get our doctrine from and also is empowered to be profitable towards salvation to those who hear the Gospel. The Holy Spirit uses Scripture to bring people to Jesus for salvation, to teach us what is sound doctrine, and for us to know how God wishes us to live our life in imitation of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Thanks, David.
Stay with us hear and keep reminding us to pray for your faith and lie in Christ.
Glad you are here.
David and Jema have steered you correctly.
Knowing where Scripture says that Jesus is God is what you use to show that Jesus is God. John 1 speaks of Him as God. You could look this up online by asking: Scripture verses that mention Jesus is God for you to get a listing for your study and your friend can benefit from you showing all the places in Scripture that indicate that Jesus is God and a one of the three persons of the Godhead.
Glad you are here.
David and Jema have steered you correctly.
Knowing where Scripture says that Jesus is God is what you use to show that Jesus is God. John 1 speaks of Him as God. You could look this up online by asking: Scripture verses that mention Jesus is God
It is interesting how God did use Balaam despite Balaam's use of sorcery and certainly his heart was not to bless Israel. But God forced Balaam to bless Israel. We don't often think about this kind of action of God, but He is all-powerful and can do as He pleases. Our free will is a gift, not a "given" and knowing that God works this way at times is compelling. But most of the time, He does not use such force as far as we know. But then again, there is a lot we do not know of what God does.
The leading Republican candidate for the 2024 election has announced his plan for the prosecution of drug cartel and child trafficking groups. The cost for such efforts will be extreme as was brought up in a recent message. Countless thousands in Mexico have been beheaded and butchered; including police who have dared to stand up against such things; and they have been outgunned in the last attempt to take out a major drug dealer.
The love of money is the root of all evil ( 1 Timothy 6:10) and as a pampered society we have reaped what we've sown in many ways. There are many issues such as international military affairs that are tied into business dealings with contractors; and as is pretty clear there is enough corruption to go around. We have record numbers of people expecting a handout and not contributing to society with productive work; while the rest of us are out working 2 or even 3 jobs to make ends meet; and partially to support these unproductive individuals. The image of life as being a continuous party ensnares some to get rich by any means necessary as to get the newest car; nicest home; or trade in their wife for a newer model. While everyone seems to accumulate more things there is less quality time; less value to human life and of course this results from turning away from the God of the Bible. 1 Timothy 1:9 shows how the law is supposed to keep the unrighteous in line; but of course not enforced we see the chaos and decay of any structure that was holding us together in the past.
Judgment is inevitable; but on this side of the Rapture how much resistance can hold back the overwhelming flood of sin is unknown. Certainly God's people can be used for a time to accomplish this; but they THEMSELVES need to turn from evil ( 2 Chron. 7:14). It is GOD'S people who must once again in significant numbers become DISTINCT from the world and be willing to count the cost. ( Luke 14:28). We'll see.
As the recent movie the Voice of Freedom shows; there are a few courageous individuals that are truly heroic and an inspiration to us all making a difference by taking action to stem the tide of evil. Clearly; this sort of thing needs to expand to more such individuals and involve a long term systematic effort for any major changes to take place statistically.
It is encouraging that adults who have for some reason been ignorant of these goings on are waking up; and probably more significant that many pre teens and teenagers are becoming aware of the magnitude of this situation. If they can get a vision for their generation it certainly is a positive change. Also; the simple act of restricting or monitoring time on cell phones and computers and basic common sense will certainly keep more kids safe as well.
The root cause; of course of any sin is the condition of the human heart. Sin eventually leads to death; whether literal physical death or spiritual; inevitably both. ( James 1:15). The same temptation which the serpent used to beguile Eve is being used by the perpetrators of these heinous acts toward children; whether it is candy; a toy or an online message seducing young girls to meet someone "special". This is how others are caught up in bondage; it is either learned by those who practice such things against them; or we learn it ourselves. Online porn for instance or smoking weed starts someone in a downhill spiral of ever increasing dependancy and control over their minds; bodies and souls. The collateral damage of a whole society eventually results as is so evident today.
Knowing the right way to live through a viable family structure and being taught the Word of God certainly helps. We are instructed to train a child up in the Lord and when he grows up he will not soon depart from it. ( Prov. 22:6). This is not guaranteed salvation but a needed foundation while they are living at home.
The best advice I can give to anyone on any subject related to the nature of God and our relationship to God is this:
Read the Bible. Read the Bible. Read the Bible.
Be mindful of the fact that when you do this you are sitting at the feet of Almighty God Himself. And as you read, this is God speaking directly to you.
Read the Whole Bible, Old Testament and New Testament BOTH. Some would have you believe that we don't need to pay much attention to the Old Testament; nothing could be further from the truth. 2 Timothy 3:16 ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Notice God is saying ALL SCRIPTURE. Not just the New Testament or some particular part of the Bible.
Pray God as you read that He might open your understanding; and that He might work in your heart "to will and to do of His good pleasure" as He would give you understanding. Philippians 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
May the LORD richly bless you.
BTW somehow I got one of your posts linking to a message to someone else; may have been my fault somehow attaching to that link.
Agape; Rich P
A angel appears to shepherds guarding their sheep telling that a savior has been born that night. And then the sheperds went to see the baby.
Then they find Mary, Joseph and the baby inside and they tell everyone what the angel had said to them. The baby is named Jesus, as said by the angel before. Mary and Joseph took him to Jerusalem to God and to offer the sacrifice.
Simeon was promised by the Holy Spirit that he will see the savior before he dies, then he went inside the temple recognizes Jesus as the savior sent by God. Simeon holds the baby in his arms and blesses God and said that he is happy to die now that he has seen the promised savior. He blesses Mary and Joseph.
I used to know a GiGi in fort Polk Louisiana & Vincent! Back in 1982
Ephesians 2:13
But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Ephesians 1:3
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:
Thanks again for your blessing
The Star comes from Jacob, the Sceptre, comes from Israel. Balaam saw Christ in a vision, but said He is not to come now. He beholds Him, but His coming is not nigh. The Messiah will smite Moab and destroy the children of Sheth. He shall possess Edom and Seir and Israel shall do valiantly (overcome them). The Messiah will dominion and destroy those who still remain (at His second coming)
Balaam prophesies concerning Amalekites and the Kenites (Midianites). They both will perish and be wasted. He speaks of Chittam (Cypress or Greece) coming against Asshur (Assyria) and Eber (I don't know who Eber is as a nation nor Sheth of vs. 17)
After completing his prophecy, Balaam left Balak and returned home. Balak went home, too.
It is really awesome to see in this account how God MADE Balaam speak what He willed and Balaam could not do otherwise!
God's power is overwhelmingly great and able to accomplish whatever God wills. No one can stay His hand, nor truly oppose Him without being judged to enter the lake of fire in the end. Some may think that they can outsmart or overpower God's will, but they are wrong and deceived to think so. This chapter names nations that the Messiah will judge and waste, But I think this is a way of speaking that those who oppose God will be wasted as these nations were wasted.
The rebellious who dig in and resist God's will to the end of their life or at the second coming will be spending eternity in the lake of fire experiencing unending torment. So, we must pray for those without Christ to be saved and speak to them what God's Spirit tells us to say to them. We who have come to faith and taste of the goodness of God and His grace towards us have a responsibility to share how we came to be blessed with salvation and forgiveness of sins. We need to explain what happens at the final judgment to encourage those who believe and prompt those who don't to turn to Christ to be saved from our sins, death, and the lake of fire.
Fist, Balaam speaks about his eyes being opened. Since he was not blind, I think he is referring to a spiritual "seeing' or acquisition of knowledge of God he did not previously possess. Then he speaks of his vision. Then his words turn to Israel, speaking of the goodness of Israel's dwelling place-tabernacles, tents. I think he is speaking of Israels place of favor and blessing with God, not the physical tents. ballam speaks admirable words about Israel (vs. 5-7) prophesying that Israel will be great-exalted int the land.
Vs. 8-9 Balaam speaks of the strength given to Israel by YHWH and how Israel will defeat their enemies thoroughly. ballam proclaims: Blessed is he that blesses Israel and cursed is he that curses Israel. God had promised this to Israel in Genesis 12:3 and Genesis 49:9
Balak was furious and took Balaam to task about how he had hired Balaam to curse Israel but blessed them instead once again, this third time Balak tells Balaam to flee from him to his home. Perhaps this was a threat that he may be harmed if he does not leave Balak right away. Balak mentions how he wanted to promote Balaam to greater honor but blames YHWH for preventing it. Balaam answers that Balak's honor and treasures could not make him go against the of YHWH. Balaam say he could not do either good or bad in his mind, but only what the LORD saith, he must speak. God compelled Balaam to do this. If Balaam could have done bad he would have, but the LORD costrained his mind to only obey YHWH's command to bless Israel with the word God gives him and the power of the Holy Spirit makes him carry out God's will.
Balaam then tells Balak to listen while he advertises (announces) what Israel will do to Balak's people (Moabites) in latter days.
Then Balaam again speaks of his vision, opening of his eyes spiritually and the knowledge he acquired from the Spirit.
In vs. 17 YHWH gives a magnificent prophecy through Balaam concerning the coming of Jesus...cont..
Balaam decides to go into the wilderness instead of offering sacrifices on a mountain top "high place" where Baal is worshipped.
The wilderness he went into overlooked the camp of Israel. Whereas before God told Balaam what to say and Balaam obeyed, this time God bestows Balaam with the Spirit being put upon him like God did for the Old Testament prophets of Israel and Judah. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, Balaam begins his parable to bless Israel.
In verse 4, Balaam speaks of hearing God's voice, and gained knowledge from God, and had an eyes open vision of God Almighty. It doesn't say his reaction to this vision, but in other instances of prophets having visions of God (Isaiah and Ezekiel come to mind) they were forcibly laid prostrate before the LORD as though dead until the LORD lifted them up. They realized their sinfulness as they experienced the holiness of God. But Balaam does not speak of any of these things. But I imagine he was humbled and knew that He could do either good or bad from his own mind, but only what the LORD says he must speak )(Vs.13)
When Balaam beheld the camp of Israel, the Spirit came upon him and he begins his parable (blessing and prophecy).
I will gladly pray for you tonight.
LORD GOD, we come to You tonight asking that You enable Stareve and all of us who have placed our faith and trust in You and Your Son to shine the light of the Gospel to those we encounter day to day. We ask that You deepen our commitment to You and knowledge of Your word so that we can hold out the light of truth to those Your Holy Spirit urges us to witness to every time he directs us to do so. Help Stareve to sanctify the Lord God in her heart so she will always be ready to give out the most appropriate answer to all who recognize Your life in her and ask her about her hope in You. Amen (1 Peter3:15)
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus we speak deliverance for Kaya from this worldly viewpoint and show her in Your word where You say that only heterosexual relations in marriage are morally good, that You have created only two genders, and that You do not make any errors in choosing which gender each of us are according to the DNA You selected for each of us. Kaya is being seduced by the radicals who oppose You and Your ways, as You well know. She needs Your help in returning to a right mind on these matters and also in coming to You in faith that does not fail her. Rescue her from the draw of the world and the evil mindset that is getting so much approval in our communities and nations at this time. Please put down these evil forces that deceive, seduce, confuse, and foment rebellion in the hearts and minds and souls of most of those in our world so that many more people will turn to You when You call to their hearts. Lord God, if only the world would know how much You love the world, so much so that You gave Jesus to the world to be our perfect Saviour, sacrifice, Lord, Priest, and King. Send forth You redeeming goodness into our world to destroy the works of the principalities, powers, rulers, thrones, dominions, and all malevolent beings that wish to bring ruin to whomever will give in to them. Your Son has conquered all of these and has all power and authority over them. Have mercy, Lord, on our world, and especially on Kaya. Amen.
I am happy to pray for you tonight.
Dear Heavenly Father, You are great and mighty and able to save and uphold the faith of all who call upon You. We ask of You in the name of Jesus that You increase the faith that was implanted in Nomatter when converted and that You will strengthen this faith, causing Nomatter to be steadfast in faith in and love of You and Your Son, Jesus. We ask that You answer all of NO matter's doubts and raise up this child of God in spirit to a joyful state of mind. We ask that You keep Nomatter from falling away from You. Hold this child of God securely in Your hand, refusing to let anyone snatch Nomatter from Your loving claim and embrace. Lift up this one who falters in faith, who needs to be renewed and infused with the grace that comes from Your Holy Spirit. Remind Nomatter of his sonship in You through Christ Jesus, that You are a loving Father, and that You attend to the needs of Your children mightily. Amen.
Nomatter, glad to have you here with us. Let us know how you are doing soon.
I read your prayer request the day you posted it. Today I will pray for you.
Dear Heavenly Father, we bring before You today the needs of Greimuth in the name of Jesus. We ask that You will enable him to breathe better, make his lungs clearer and have the staff in his retirement home attend to him with compassion, joy, and kindness. May these who tend to Greimuth keep him well-cared for and alert to his needs. We are thankful that he served in the military for two decades and remained safe during his time of service. Thank You, Father, for keeping him. We ask that You will help Greimuth learn from You as he reads the Scriptures and give ear to all of his prayers. Amen.
Their DNA lives on in some sense, but they are so intermixed with other peoples that there is no definable group of Edomites today.
When Isaiah or other prophets mention Edom in connection with future judgment such as in Isaiah 34 or 63), they are mentioned because they represent the nations that hate Israel and Israel's God, it's sort of a back hand.
They were wiped out as a people.
See Obadiah 1:8-18.
Hopefully this helps.
God bless.
Amos 9:8-9.
Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the LORD.
For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.
( They have been scattered amongst all the nations.
In the latter days God will raise up the tabernacle of David and gather them from all nations.)
AMOS 9:11.
In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old:
AMOS 9:14-15.
And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them.
And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.
James quotes this in Acts 15:15-16.
I hope this helps.
God bless.