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Part 3.
Jesus by His blood entered once into the holy place not made by hands having obtained eternal redemption everlasting, never to fade, and in Jesus, we have everlasting righteousness and salvation, through faith, given by grace from God, by the blood of the Lamb freely offered for us. To look for everlasting righteousness to be brought in the future is to deny the work of Christ, which he claimed was finished. We have no righteousness apart from Jesus Christ.
5 To seal up vision and prophecy; seal up, affix a seal, a seal in biblical times as today, is used to guarantee security, or indicate ownership, fulfill a vision of God's communication with man, prophecy w-n-, the same word for prophet, the word of God given to us through a prophet. The greatest prediction, which runs through the whole Old Testament, is that regarding the coming and work of the Messiah, Jesus. Daniel 9:23 John 6:27 Mark 1:14-15 Acts 3:18 John 5:36-40 Matthew 11:11-15 Romans 3:21.
All through the New Testament, it shows the fulfillment of the prophets and the law; fulfilled on the cross at Calvary. Gabriel was sent to help Daniel understand the matter, and consider the vision.
6 To anoint the Most Holy. Anoint, the theological meaning of mashach to smear, anoint. The Most Holy qa-da-sm qo-des, most holy, most holy place, Set apart from the rest for a special function. This was done by Jesus after he ascended to heaven before the destruction of the temple made by man. It is the anointing of the holy of holies in the temple not made with hands. Hebrews 8:1-12 Hebrews 9:6-14
Jesus went in once and anointed the Holy of Holies not made with hands. Jesus anointed the Holy of Holies once and made it possible for man through him and the Holy Spirit to enter the most holy and God can dwell in us. When Jesus cried out and said it was finished and gave up the ghost, the veil of the temple rent in half.
See Part 4
Part 4
The service in the temple made by hands was over as Jesus told the woman at the well, John 4:21-24. Soon in that generation, it would be physically gone and never be again. The animal sacrifices that never covered sin ended on the cross, the whole Levitical priesthood and sacrificial shadow service, Hebrews 7:11-13. Only the Messiah Himself could legitimately abolish once and forever the system of symbols that pointed forward to the atoning self-sacrifice of the spotless Lamb of God.
This was the cause of the sacrifices and oblations to cease in Dan 9:27. This unveils one of the most profound and decisive revelations of the Messiah's mission, the very goal, the things determined by the seventy-weeks prophecy, God's will, the work Jesus was sent to do John 5:36 John 17:54-6 the sixfold goal of Daniel 9:24.
In vs. 26 after 69 weeks the Messiah is cut off, which after means it is in the 70th week. The people of the prince that shall come are the judgment of God not in these 70 weeks. This connection between the coming of the Messiah and the destruction of the city is the crucial message of Daniel 9:26, 27. They had 490 years to be ready and accept their Messiah and the people of the prince that shall come is the outcome of Jerusalem's rejection of her Messiah.
Jesus related the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 to Israel's final refusal to accept Him as her Messiah, Matt. 21:33-44 Matt. 23:37-38; Luke 19:41-44. The abomination Jesus was referring to in Matt. 24:15 and Mark 13:14 was not to the future but to their near future when the Roman army would destroy Jerusalem and the Temple in their generation Luke 21:20-24.
See Part 5
Part 5 and last
The Roman armies under General Titus placed their idolatrous ensigns as an "abomination" in Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple. There is much more in history. what the leaders of Jerusalem did I will not say it here because none of it is recorded in the Bible. The prophecy is given in three phases one of seven weeks, a second of sixty-two weeks, and a third of one week. Nowhere does Gabriel imply a gap between any of these three phases.
The events in Verses 26 and 27 are joined together of the same event and cannot be taken to be in chronological order, the same as the events in Revelation are not in chronological order. The Messiah in vs. 26, who is cut off after 69 weeks is thehe in vs. 27 the one who confirms the covenant and in the middle of the week, His crucifixion is the cause of the sacrifices and oblations to cease.
Does any scripture confirm an event that happened in the middle of a 7-year week? The Gospel of John verifies the precise historical fulfillment of this prophecy in Christ's life; the time between His baptism and anointing and the cross was exactly three and one-half years. And Jesus through His apostles confirmed the last 3.5 years, that is recorded in history of Stephens death 3.5 years after Jesus crucifixion when the gospel went to the Gentiles.
I understand this is a lot but I hope this will be enough for you to see where I am coming from. It is not from a teaching or a group it is my understanding given to me of scriptures.
God bless,
Will someone please explain to me how to use this site?
Exodus 20:8
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy."
When God instructs us To Remember Something why would we want to forget this?
Exodus 20:9
"Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:"
He instructs us to rest one day! Is one day too much to ask? I don't know why so many Christians make such a big deal about following Gods Commands.
Ryan was asking about fishing or golfing. Fishing can be considered relaxation, if he is not a commercial fisherman doing it for a living. His fishing could be a way to relax and unwind from his work week. He would also have the perfect time to pray, give thanks for the time to spend in a relaxing manner enjoying all that God created around while waiting for that next fish to bite.. Golfing could be considered the same, as a relaxing pastime, maybe giving God thanks for the opportunity to breath in some fresh air, get some healthy exercise for the body and so these activities would not be considered work, but a relaxing pastime.
God simply instructs us to refrain from our work for one day! Is one day too much to ask? I don't know why so many Christians make such a big deal about following Gods Commands.
You state it is a Jewish Sabbath and you don't follow it. Well Jesus is Jewish, do you follow Jesus? Jesus also asks you the following:
John 14:15
"If ye love me, keep my commandments."
Remember, Christs followers are Jewish and Gentile, and we are all treated the same now, One Church, ONE GOD!
You continue to post basically the same ideas over and over again, and seem to be implying that you got this revelation straight from God and not from Scripture. you are in grave error if that is what you believe.
did not acknowledge the eternal existence of the soul after death.
1Jn 1:8-10 explains the operations of John 16:8; & the exercises of Hebrews 5:13;14; when He convicts of sin or of righteousness, He bring these two seeds of thought within into judgment. The still small Voice of conscience that reproves us of sinful thoughts, words or actions, this is Grace Titus 2:11 / Light John 1:9 Christ spiritual appearance within our hearts, Ephesians 5:13; to 1 John 3:8; if rejected, His word has no place within us, & we call Him a liar & why? John 3:19,20; Rom 1:18,19; rejecting Him, we suppress the Truth in unrighteousness. Therefore we don't John 1:12; but if we receive His convictions, we received the power that comes with the conviction to become the sons of God, for the 1Cor 12:7; More insight of the Spirit operations within conscience, Rom 2:15;
So there's a time when Holy Spirit comes to us as sinners, for Rom 3:23 & a time ( if we received His words ) repentance is granted & we're cleanse from all sin. 1 John 1:9; Titus 2:14; 2Cor 7:1; by the 1 Pet 1:23; = Light, becoming Matt 5:48; 1 Pet 1:15,16; for they that are 1Cor 6:17 & in Him 1 John 3:5; All by the working of Grace / Light / Spirit appearance within conscience.
In Love & Truth
Frankie J
I would add one thing. When God speaks of Israel or Jerusalem or the Church, He uses these terms both in a corporate sense and in a Spiritual sense.
"Not all Israel (all of National Israel) are of Israel (the Israel of God, i.e. all true Believers) Rom 9:6
The Jerusalem that is now (all that are in bondage to and under the law, i.e. all unsaved) and the Jerusalem above (that is free, i.e.True Believers) Galatians 4:22-26.
The Church (local churches or National Israel made up of saved and unsaved) and the Eternal Church (All True Believers) Eph 5:23-32 Heb 12-23
And this is dependent on the context.
There is no future role for National Israel with respect to God's Salvation Program. We all stand on exactly the same ground.
If you are responding to my comment on "Dispensations". I used that term only because I do NOT hold to the view of scripture and God's Salvation and Judgment plan and End Time events held by those that would consider themselves "Dispensationalists".
As you say, the Nature of Salvation and Judgment are constant and consistent throughout the history of the world.
The Salvation of Able was exactly the same as the Salvation of Abraham and Moses and Paul and any True Believer throughout time. And every individual, regardless of national origin stands on exactly the same ground before God.
However God does operate differently during different periods of history regarding His plan for the sending forth of the Gospel. And He expands our understanding of Salvation and Judgment as He deals with and records His dealings with various individuals and Nations and the Church. This was my point.
I was using the word "Dispensations" a bit tongue in cheek for a subject that is otherwise very serious. And I probably should not have done that.
My apologies if I was not clear. But what I stated is what I believe the Bible teaches.
Oops. The earlier reference should be 2 Corinthians 5:6-8.
I wonder if you might explain your understanding of the following verses.
3 Corinthians 5:6-8
2 Thessalonians 4:13-17
Jude 14,15
1 Corinthians 15 Particularly 1 Corinthians 15:50-54
Are these passages not teaching that when a True Believer dies, their BODY dies, i.e. "sleeps" and goes into the grave and their SOUL, in which they have been BORN AGAIN, goes to be present with the Lord in Heaven.
And are they not teaching that when Christ returns at the Last Day, He will come "on the clouds of glory"along with the Resurrected SOULS of those saints that have died before to be reunited with their Resurrected Spiritual BODIES and caught up, i.e. Raptured along with those saints still living who will be changed "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye".
But if the SOUL of a Believer dies along with their BODY, what does in mean to be BORN AGAIN and given ETERNAL LIFE at that moment?
How else would you reconcile these and other passages that teach us about what happens to the True Believer when they become "saved". And what happens on the Last Day in the Resurrection and Rapture of the True Believers?
I have no other solution than what I just said.
Rom 5:12-14
I would agree with all except, for the last sentence, beginning with "Absolute Purity". Luke 6:40; 1John 4:17; Rom 12:1; the plain write of the words used denotes we're still living in this world.
Hypocrites; I don't believe you intentionally imply this, yet the results of your statement implying this. They did not speak of the new birth, but from the new birth, 2Cor 5:17; Ezekiel 36:25,26,27; heart of flesh; denotes our life now in the flesh. Eph 4:24; you put Him on, here; Col 3:10; The apostles lived, enjoy & possessed what they preached; Philippians 3:15,16; Again, what God required of us is to live according to the measure of the Truth that He has revealed, the apostles received Acts 1:8' Eph 1:19; Eph 3:20; Col 1:29; to do so.
You stated "has sin left them or ever leave them: Never, but they can have victory over sin; this is an oxymoron. Being born again of His Spirit alias; Matt 3:11-12; the threshing floor of the heart is thoroughly purge of the chaff. (sin nature), the spiritual old man of sin, the Adamic nature that animates the flesh. He's deny, mortify & final crucify, he's dead & self is seen no more. All by the Grace appearance within our hearts.
Friend,,,,your covering yourself, but not with the Spirit of the Lord, but with; Gen 3:7;
Your the understanding is veiled, for only the spirit of darkness would plead for sin to remain within one, after all that God has wrought & revealed to us through His Son. For he (Satan) knows that despite one's profession, though maybe ever so high or lofty, & profess with elegant words, it what one does that defines him, Rom 6:16; John 8:34; Rom 2:6;
Hebrews 9:11,12,13,14,15; do you hear what the Spirit is saying here? The flesh purified, OT, now in NT even our conscience cleanse, the heart. Eternal inheritance Roman 8:17; 2 Pet 1:4; John 17:21-23;
Therefore, 2Cor 7:1;
In Love & Truth
Frankie J
Testaments, Old and New.
And a precious gift for believers. The Spirit of God, not upon people as before, but inside His children. A helper with our strive against sin, the means os sanctification , a means of becoming the image of God ... and much more,
So the New Testament is moving a step forward from where the Old Testament stopped, a deeper dive in the sea.
So going back to my previous posts. Different types of grace to different people using different covenants? No but one people (now extended) and one Covenant (now renewed).
Continuity, from the very begining till the end.
Testaments, Old and New.
Different Testaments? No, not really. Actually the Old one but renewed.
Jesus has said, Matthew 17-19, "(17) Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (19) Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
The New Testament is actually a "renewed version" of the Old Testament.
BUT it progresses one step forward. It goes deep in the heart of people where all starts.
Jesus quides people into the deeper origins of sin creation. Sin, He said, is not pnly the outward manifestation of it but people should look inside their heart to find out the origins of it and fight it. The circumcition of the flesh should become the circumsision of the heart. There is no need to swear, just say the truth. Don't separate your wife, God doesn't accept it any more, it wasn't His actual wish from the very beginining. Do not get angry with your brother since that may lead you even to murder. You can eat any type of animal we want, because God now cleans them through prayer...and many more. And mainly the sacrifices of animals were actually of no use in erasing sins. Jesus has now become our sacrifice. The Old Testament revealed what sin is, BUT gave no way of escaping from it. Paul says in Romans 7: 7 that the Law showed us what is sin.The Law lead people to Christ, Paul in Galatians 1:24 says "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." The perfect sacrifice who leads believers to perfection. Not abolishing of our sinful nature but forgiveness through His sacrifice.
This corresponds with the idea of all those not written in the Book of Life as well in Revelation 20:5. The status of a person is determined by God; as well as those who the Son is revealed to. ( Matt. 11:27). Thus; in God's timing Antichrist is revealed; and therefore those who do not love the truth will believe THE LIE ( 2 Thess. 2:11-12).
Stephen in his apology to the Jews among others he said, Acts 7:38, "(7) This is he(Moses), that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:"
Stephen calls the Hebrews in the dessert as church. Why? Because he wanted to show to Jews that the church is not something foreign, but it is actually them. And it was them, the remnant that Paul speaks about in Romans 11:5.
Romans 11:25-27, "(25)For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.(26) And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: (27)For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins"
Blindness in part. The remnant with the nations who now entered the Covenant became the church, God's people, as always. And at the end the rest of Hebrews will enter God's saved people, the church which is the assembly of all saved people since the begining of the world.
And lets not forget that that initial church where unimaginary miracles took place and God showed His power so often was the Hebrew christian church.
So Hebrews and nations separate? No, but together in one.
So, Dispensansional theology? For me No, Covental theology.
Jesus now reigns sitting on top of the throne of David in Heaven over the new Israel, the CHURCH. And His reign will last for ever, as it is written in the Scriptures.
Different Dispensations? No
Divisions in the Word of God? No
So what?
Often we hear about different dispensations of God's grace to different people through history. Like to Israel and to the church. But is this so?
Let's start from Ephesians 2:14-18, "(14) For he(Jesus) is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; (15) Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; (16) And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: (17)And came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. (18) For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father"
The above says clearly that God united Israel with the rest of the nations (who hath made both one). Israel is no longer considered as a separate people from the rest of the people but as one unified body. Israel and the Gentiles are now ONE BODY, the Church.
Often it is said that God made 2 Testaments, one (the Old) for Israel and the second and final for the gentiles. Right? No, it's wrong. God made the New Testament initially for the Hebrews.
Hebrews 8:8-10, "(8) ... He(God) saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: (9) Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. (10) For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people"
His good seed the word has to be sown in our hearts initiating Faith a spiritual pregnancy....When a woman is pregnant she has the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen....But our fetus is the H.G....As that which is born of the spirit is spirit...She brought forth a man child that is gona rule all nations which is that spirit of truth that is gona reprove this world of sin and righteousness and Judgment.... Gal 4 :19 My lil CHILDREN of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you.....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in....That Hidden manna.....Plz note their is no SALVATION OR KINGDOM till the woman gives birth to the Children as says in Rev. 12 :10.....Thats y Jesus is saying these things are HID from the wise and Prudent...But only revealed unto babes....His babes...His seed etc....Behold me and the Children the lord has given me are they not for signs and wonders to the house of Israel.....They are our new hearts and new spirits.....The H.G. is truly the Israel of God a heavenly ppl that are gonna be born in us....The sun does not lite on them or any heat nor do they ever hunger or thirst simply b/c they are Spirits..Th H.G....
1 John 2:27).
Be not Deceived ( 1 Cor. 6:9; 15:33; Gal. 6:7).
I feel compelled to say a few words about comments that I read regarding "parables" and "hidden meanings" in the Bible.
Let me say upfront that I do not hold to the understandings set forth by Pierre, Landry and others who are presenting ideas that, I believe, are very contrary to what the Bible declares. And I think my comments to them demonstrate where I stand regarding their view.
Now when it comes to "parables" and "hidden meanings", we must start with a principle that God lays down in the Bible that is expressed in Matt 13, Mark 4, Psalm 78:2, and perhaps other passages.
So lets ask, What is a "parable"? The best definition I have heard is "A Parable is an Earthly Story with a Spiritual Meaning". I believe that every "parable" in the Bible is teaching some aspect of the GOSPEL. This is certainly true when we read the parables that Jesus spoke.
But what about passages where God does not specifically identify them as a "parable"? We read, for example that Jesus is "the Lamb of God". Are we to understand that Jesus is a physical lamb? Of course not. God is using this figurative language to identify Christ with the lambs and other animals that were sacrificed as a picture, a shadow, at type of the sacrifice of Christ Himself as the Savior required to pay for our sins.
In the miracles that Jesus and the Apostles performed we are not told that these are "parables". But in raising Lazarus from the dead, in healing the sick and the lame and the blind; are these not pictures of Salvation where Christ raises the Spiritually Dead, heals the Spiritually Lame, gives sight to the Spiritually Blind. Who would deny this?
Then we come to other events recorded for us in the Bible that may not be quite as obvious at first blush. The Book of Ruth, the Book of Esther, other historical events recorded in the Bible. In addition to being very literal accounts of these events, should we not look for a deeper spiritual meaning, always relating to the Gospel in these event?
We start with creation and the Garden of Eden where sin did not exist until Adam and Eve fell into sin.
We then enter a period where we read about a few becoming saved, like Able, Enoch, Noah and his family, and a few others as God was "saving" apart from any earthly organization.
We come to the period of God establishing and working within the Nation of Israel as the corporate representation of His Kingdom and the custodian of the GOSPEL, the BIBLE. And where, despite Israel's nearly constant rebellion against God, a remnant chosen by the "election of grace" became saved. And Israel was the Human vehicle in which God, in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, came to "BE THE GOSPEL". God's dealing with National Israel would end when Christ went to the Cross and the "veil of the Temple was rent from top to bottom".
Then came the Church Age beginning with Pentecost where local churches became God's corporate representation of His Kingdom, with the mandate to bring the Gospel to the world. But the churches also, like National Israel, were often times in rebellion against God as many have presented a WORKS/GRACE gospel where mankind is ultimately in control of who, how, and when a person becomes "saved"; and where many worldly practices were introduced. So God's Judgment would come upon the organized churches as it did upon National Israel. 1 Pet 4:17
This Judgment upon the churches begins the Great Tribulation where True Believers are commanded to flee the churches. Matt 24. But God is saving a "great multitude that no man can number", Rev 7:9, as the True Gospel goes forth from individuals and ministries apart from the local churches. This is called "THE LATTER RAIN".
Christ will then return to Resurrect/Rapture ALL TRUE Believers, begin Judgement Day, destroy this sin-cursed earth and create New Heavens and New Earth where those saved will live and reign with Christ Eternally.
I would agree with Adam's advice above, and I disagree with Chris on this issue.
You're asking a great question that all of us should be asking ourselves each day.Based on the scripture we should always be putting Christ/God FIRST in our daily lives - not last!
As a Christian if we are not putting God first, then we should reevaluate our priorities. Whenever you have an issue like this ask yourself: Are you living for the world - or are you living for God?
Mark 2:27
"And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:"
God loves us so much, and He knows everything that we need to stay healthy, so he gave us a day of rest every week. The Sabbath Day is really a gift! He wants us to observe this blessed day to rest our bodies and minds, give thanks and commune with God and others, and use this time to regenerate ourselves - and refrain from our normal work day routines.
Thanks for the information. I think that using the word for soul in the Hebrew text indicates the Hebrew belief that the soul and body are unified and thus when the body dies, so does the soul, especially if they did not believe in an afterlife.
Just for information.
Actually the Hebrew text says that "the soul of the flesh is in the blood",[ki nphsh ebshr bdm ---that soul-of theflesh intheblood, Hebrew Intelinear Bible]. The Septuagint says the same [he psyche(soul) pases sarkos haima(blood) autou esti(is)--- the soul of every flesh is its blood" which is slightly different].
BUT it is always interpreted (even in modern Hebrew and Greek) as "life".
Also I agree with what you posted.
I disagree with you.
I think that Jesus was saying that He made it so that those who thought they were wise and prudent in understanding spiritual matters would not understand, making their ears not hear and their eyes not see. But it is those who are reborn that are able to understand that which has been written in Scripture in light of the gospel and work of Jesus for our salvation. I believe that the New Testament interprets the Old Testament so that what was written in the Old Testament is given correct interpretation in the new Testament.
I do not think as you do, that every Scripture has a hidden meaning. Much of what is written in the Word is easily understood by believers without resorting to some hidden meaning or knowledge because the Holy Spirit brings understanding to us if we continue to read the whole of Scriptures. The more we read from both the New and Old Testament, the more we understand what God was conveying to us and the Holy Spirit helps us apply it to our lives.