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  • Landry - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen brother Pierre1939"

    The new covenant; the living word in YOU, the LIFE of Christ in YOU.

    The Spirit of God; known as the Holy Ghost, the ONE and ONLY life in YOU.

    John 16:8 And when the HOLY GHOST (the spirit of truth) is COME, the second coming of Christ like a thief in the night, in YOU. The Holy ghost will REPROVE the world of SIN ......

    John 8:9 Of SIN because the don't BELIEVE on me (MY WORDS) .....

    The blood of Christ covers ALL SIN; rightly dividing God's word (judgement) leads to TRUTH.

    Proverbs 16:6 BY MERCY and TRUTH, iniquity (unbelief, sin) is PURGED .....

    These words are for the readers, I know you have already been baptised into these truths.

    God Bless You!
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi David0921,

    Good discussion: my understanding of scripture is as yours, man will not be in the lake of fire for eternity, but also somewhat different. In Daniel 12:2 John 5:24-29 Revelation 20:11-15 we see all good, bad, and ugly will be resurrected so everyone will have a conscious existence to answer and be accountable on judgment day, the last day, and my understanding is that is Revelation 20:11-15.

    Greek philosophy of the immortal soul has influenced the understanding of death so, if the soul is immortal and cannot die the burning in hell/lake of fire will be forever. Scripture says to me we are mortal, Romans 8:11 1 Corinthians 15:53-54 2 Corinthians 5:4. We see in Genesis 2:7 that man became a living soul, not a soul was placed in man, so when that breath of life/spirit is gone the body/soul is dead. The breath of life, Ecclesiastes 12:1-8 there will we be until the resurrection.

    I could say more but in short, just for consideration, if there is eternal punishment, on resurrection day the unsaved will be given what scripture says only the saved will receive, an immortal body and eternal life? "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" So, the penalty for sin will be eternally over and done with, no more sin, and no more death for eternity, forever and ever.

    God bless,

  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Rev 20:11-15,

    "And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.

    And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

    And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.

    And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

    And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

    Rev 19:20,

    "And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone."

    Rev 20:10,,

    "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be TORMENTED DAY AND NIGHT FOR EVER AND EVER."
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    The world does not understand that we are now under a new Covenant....That Jesus gave us at Calvary by his blood ... Romans 8:2.....The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death....Thats y Jesus was saying if i be lifted up i will draw ALL men unto me.... Jeremiah 31 :34.....I will make a new covenant not according to the old covenant....I will KNOW them All from the least to the greatest.....This KNOW them all is an intimacy that results in Child birth....for every body....Thats y he has to know us ....The Child is the H.G. Thats y Isaiah saw this KNOWLEDGE covering the earth as the waters covering the seas....Its ALL INCLUSIVE....I will pour out of my spirit on all flesh....Thats y Jeremiah saw all men in travail and Child birth... Jeremiah 30:6....And I will stain all my raiment (with his blood ).....There is no fuller on earth that can whiten us like his blood....As we are his raiment.. i was in need of clothin and you clothe me.... Romans 8 :2 for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death....Thats y there in no more condemnation to them in Christ Jesus....Tho your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow.....Even in the O.T. When i see the blood i will pass over you....And it was all inclusive.....No matter who it was or what they had done.....When i see the blood i will pass over you.....Thus how much greater is this New Covenant by the blood of Jesus....Thus this book that Jesus wrote with his own blood the book of life....That results in a living being born in us....Which is the gift of the H.G. that Child of Promise....A living being the gift of God....Unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil CHILD you will in no wise enter there in....k gbu
  • David0921 - 1 year ago
    The True Gospel (part 2)

    So having become saved we have also been delivered from bondage to sin and Satan and transferred from the kingdom of Satan into the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Where we were "widows" and "orphans" and "fatherless", and have become the "bride" of Christ and adopted into God's family as His Children. And are safe and secure from the Wrath of God because where we were once at "war" with God, we are now at "peace" with God.

    Now I have only scratched the surface here. But notice that every single action is the action of God, and not any action that we take. Our actions, our obedience to any commandment of God, our repentance, our belief, our endurance, etc. are all "works" That we will begin to do, not to initiate or maintain our salvation, but they are the result and evidence of our salvation, and the work that God has done for us, and in us.

    There are those that would say that Christ paid for the sins of every individual in the entire world and that in order to be saved we must reach out and accept that salvation that God had earned for us. That is not the gospel of the Bible. It is a gospel of grace plus works. It is a gospel that declares Christ has done what he can do, and now it's up to us. It is a gospel that cannot save.

    The true gospel is a gospel where God does 100% of the work in saving us He chose us, He paid for our sins, He draws us, he applies his salvation to our life , He keeps us, and He will complete our salvation at the Last Day.

    So what can we do to become saved? We can do NOTHING.

    But we can come to God in whatever condition we are, no matter how sinful we have been or may be now, Knowing that it is still the day of salvation, and God is still saving his elect, and we may be one of his elect. And we can cry to God for his mercy, and begin to turn away from our sins, in the very real hope that God might save us.

    Christ came for sinners he did not come for good people.
  • Landry - In Reply - 1 year ago

    AMEN Brother David 921:

    As God shines light into darkness we are always repenting of the beliefs of the flesh and growing in the grace of God.

    I believe as you keep studying and God keeps teaching you, you will keep growing in truth.

    I believe you will realize that death of unbelievers is not ETERNAL; but for a specified time, he presently is gathering the priest ONLY; into the kingdom of God, then he will resurrect ALL flesh that has died in unbelief back to their flesh and blood bodies, they will be judged by Christ and his priest and brought to TRUTH, that is the second death describe in Revelation.

    Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature WAITETH for the MANIFESTATION of the Sons of God.

    They died in unbelief and are wanting in the grave, for the Sons of God to be gather to judge the world.

    Romans 8:21 For the creature itself ALSO (second resurrection) shall be DELIVERED from the bondage of corruption (death and the grave) into the GLORIOUS liberty of the children of God (through judgement).

    1 Corinthians 3:15 If any man's WORK shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be save, YET as by FIRE (judgement).

    Isaiah 26:9 ...when thy JUDGEMENTS are in the earth, the inhabitants SHALL LEARN righteousness.

    1 Corinthians 15:28 When God has put all thing under Christ, GOD will be ALL in ALL.

    Ephesians 1:23 Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth ALL in ALL.

    God bless you.
  • David0921 - 1 year ago
    The True Gospel (part 1)

    The True Gospel is circumscribed by the Bible alone and in its entirety and is a Gospel of Grace Alone.

    We must start with the understanding that mankind by nature since Adam's sin is SPIRITUALLY DEAD, and subject to the Wrath of God and the Judgment of God because of our sins. This is our condition, apart from salvation, both in body and soul. And both our body and soul are subject to eternal death and destruction along with this sin-cursed earth.

    Furthermore, we are in bondage to sin and Satan to whom God has given the authority to rule over this world, all of course under the ultimate authority of God Himself.

    But despite this terrible situation, by God's Mercy and to demonstrate His Glory, God, before the foundation of this world, chose a people for Himself to save and to be with Him eternally in New Heavens and a New Earth. These are the Elect of God. We don't know how God made that choice but we know it was not based upon any worthiness in any one of us.

    To accomplish this, the penalty required by the Law of God, for every dirty rotten sin of every one of His Elect was full paid by God Himself in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is, God in the person of Christ actually DIED and was then RESURRECTED to life again. Our minds cannot fully grasp this but we know it is a fact because God declares it in the Bible.

    Then at some point in their life God applies that salvation to each and every one of His Elect in raising their Spiritually Dead soul to Spiritual Life by giving them a brand new Resurrected Soul which, in itself, cannot sin. 1 John 3:9. This is why when a believers body dies he goes to be with Christ in heaven in his soul existence.

    Then at the Last Day God completes their salvation by giving them their Resurrected Spiritual Body which now, in a complete personality, will live and reign with Christ in New Heavens and New Earth eternally. 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15

    Cont in part 2
  • Pierre1939 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    David0921....I disagree with you in the spirit of love....The new heaven and new earth is simply our new hearts and new spirits....That New CREATURE....As Isaiah 66:22 says as the new heaven and the new earth shall remain so shall thy seed and name remain......The seed of the sower is gona form Christ in US.....Which is the gift of God the H.G. his NAME sake...Which is the Children of Promise....An Israel of God....My lil Children of whom i travail in birth till Christ is formed in you....Which is the H.G. the Child of PROMISE.....David there is absolutely nothing wrong with this earth or the heavens.....Its mans evil adamic nature our Spirits that is satanic....Thats y Jesus said outa of the hearts of man proceeds all manner of evil.....Thats one of the reasons Jesus died was to destroy the works of the devil....All Sin is of the devil as John said....When he the spirit of truth is come he will reprove the WORLD of sin and Judgement and righteousness....Which is the womans Child of Rev 12:5....That is gonna rule all nations....Thats y God is telling us I will give them a new heart and a new spirit....Which is that New Covenant that Jesus gave us at Calvary.....The new book of life that Jesus wrote with his own blood....Whosoever was not found written in this book of life that Jesus wrote with his own blood at Calvary was cast into the lake of fire....As our God is a consuming fire....Which is baptism of the H.G. and FIRE....That y Jesus said every sinner has to have his part in the lake of fire.....As our God is a consuming fire that is gona consume mans adamic nature the kindling.....Thats y Jesus says he came to bring fire on the earth....But the new heaven and new earth is not literal.....Its just prophetic of our new hearts and new spirit....But the Kingdom is gonna be here on this earth....As Rev.11:15 says the Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our lord and his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever....And we shall reign on this earth.Gb
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you Jema for that encouragement.

    We must always remember that any truth we may have come to is not because we are smarter or wiser than any one else. It is God Himself that must reveal truth to us from His Word, if indeed He has. And He will do that in accordance with His good pleasure on His time table, not ours.

    I will say that I did not come to my beliefs regarding the nature of God's Judgment and Salvation Programs and my current understanding of end time events and what God declares about the churches and congregations of our day, solely by my own personal study while isolated somewhere in an ivory tower. But I have been blessed by faithful Bible teachers that have diligently searched the scriptures faithfully applying the principles of Bible interpretation that God has given us in the Bible itself. Some of that teaching can be found today in the ministry of SearchingHisWord and Alameda Bible Fellowship as I referenced previously.

    We must also recognize that there are certain truths that could not be understood even by True Believers until we approach the time of the end as we read in Daniel 12:4

    But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

    And Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

    So if there was ever a time when we should be "searching the scriptures to see if these things be so", it is now.
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The wages of sin is death : Proverbs : Pro Ch 2 V 21+22 , Pro Ch 8 V 35+36 , Pro Ch 10 V 28+V 30 , Pro Ch 11 V 4 + 19 + 31 , Pro Ch 13 V 13 , Pro Ch 19 V 16 , Pro Ch 21 V 15 , and finally Pro Ch 30 V 4-6 . Next , later tonight , I will go through Ecclesiastes and start to go through Isaiah and hopefully post all those references . God is not unjust or unfair or unclear , He speaks plainly , He wants us to understand , show me , as many times as I have shown that the wages of sin is death , that sinners live for ever in a place of torture . Sinners die and stay dead . The gift of God , to those who believe , is the gift of eternal life in Christ . If sinners live for ever then they don't die do they ? They also live forever in a place of torture . Where does it say that sinners live for ever ? It says that sinners die . How can they be dead if they are alive in hell suffering eternal torture ? More references to come later .
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The wages of sin is death . This is such a simple statement , I have no idea why so many can't seem to grasp it . Genesis Ch 7, is there any mention of the punishment of these sinners being eternal life in a place of torture ? Why doesn't God proclaim in His Word , if you sin you will die and your soul will spend eternity in a place of torture ? Why doesn't God ever mention this ? Why wouldn't He warn us , in very plain language , frequently , He loves us , so why wouldn't He be telling His prophets to warn us that we will be tortured for eternity if we don't obey Him . Deut Ch 4 V 2 , Deut Ch 30 V 17+18 the punishment for idolatry is death . 1st Sam Ch 2 V 6-10 , Job Ch 18 is all about what will happen to the wicked , where does it say that they shall spend eternity alive in hell being tortured ? Do we not think that God would warn them if this if it were true ? Job Ch 20 , pretty much the same , no mention of eternal life in a hellish torture chamber , why not ? Job Ch 24 V 19+20 , Job Ch 36 V 5-12 . The Psalms : Ps 1 V 4-6 , Ps 5 V 4-6 , Ps 6 V 5 , Ps 9 V 5 , Ps 11 V 6 , Ps 17 V 14 , Ps 31 V 17 , all of Psalm 37 , all of Psalm 49 , Ps 52 V 5 , Ps 55 V 23 all of Psalm 73 and 88 , Ps 92 V 7 , Ps 101 V 7+8 , Ps 115 V 17 , Ps 145 V 20 , Ps 146 V 3+4 , next I'll go on to Proverbs .
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen AMEN ! I have to go out now but latter today I will respond a bit more to you if that's ok , I have read a lot of old posts on this site and you should know that anyone and everyone else that has said pretty much the same as you , has been lambasted until they disappeared from this site , so be prepared ! God bless you for your bravery ! Be assured , I know very many other Christians , who like myself have come to the very same conclusion as you , you are not alone . Much love to you in Christ .
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I have come to believe the Bible does NOT teach that God's Judgment for our sin and rebellion against God includes conscious existence in a place called Hell where we will endure pain and suffering that continues for billions and billions of years without any end, i.e for ever and ever.

    The Bible does teach I believe that the wages of sin is eternal death. That is eternal destruction, annihilation. This means of course that if we die unsaved there is no eternal inheritance for us living and reigning with Christ forever in the New Heavens and New Earth in eternal bliss that never ends. All that is lost which in itself is a terrible punishment.

    The conventional understanding of God's Final Judgment for sin, of suffering and torment that has no end is inconsistent with everything in the Bible that speaks about the Mercy of God. To believe that would mean that an unsaved baby who dies at childbirth would suffer consciously without any end whatsoever. The idea of an "age of accountability" is nowhere found in the Bible and unless saved in the womb we are sinners from birth as the Bible clearly teaches.

    Furthermore God is perfectly righteous which means that God has obligated Himself to follow the Laws that He sets forth, including the Law of Deuteronomy 25:1-3 that punishment for the wicked is Limited. It has an end.

    So when when a person dies unsaved they will never again have conscious existence.

    Now if we are unsaved and still living when Christ returns to Resurrect and Rapture All whom He has saved throughout time, and enter into the Day of Judgment there will be intense suffering and shaming. But that will come to an end when Christ destroys this sin-cursed earth and Satan and all the fallen angels by fire, and there will be no remembrance of anything related to this creation in eternity. God then creates New Heavens and a New Earth where all of those saved will live and reign with Christ throughout eternity, world without end.
  • LindaF - 1 year ago
    How to walk by faith
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    True, David0921, 'stagnation' would be too subtle a word to more fully describe how the Church at large treats God's Word & deals with sin & rebuke of erring ones. Unfortunately, from my limited experience, it seems that the larger the Church (congregation), the weaker they are in some of these areas we've referred to. The smaller, & probably the more exclusive (sectarian) of them, keep a much more rigid control on behavior & adherence to the Word. Yet, saying that, often their teachings also tend to be a little off-track. A few however, I believe, have found the right balance.

    Now, I have a query on what you had earlier written (& now), in discussion with Jema a few days ago: "So when we look at the nature of God's Judgment program very carefully, we find that the Final Punishment is annihilation, that is destruction". And I quote this as you also shared here, "When was the last time you heard a sermon that focused on the Judgment and Wrath of God for sin?" Obviously, I think I have misunderstood you, where it appears that you believe that the final state of man is, either he's enjoying eternal life with the Lord, or a cessation of all existence (annihilation, as you put it). And then the "Wrath of God for sin" as you now stated. Without making any further assumptions, maybe you could clarify your belief, as in my mind I'm unable to reconcile the two statements.

    I believe that Matthew 10:28 was quoted as a reference to the complete destruction of soul & body, to which the Greek word does support; as it does to John 3:16 ("perish"), Romans 2:12, 1 Corinthians 8:11, 2 Peter 3:9, and many others. But reference wasn't made to Daniel 12:1,2; Matthew 18:8,9; Matthew 25:46; Jude 1:7; Revelation 20:10,14,15; & others. In the light of these other Scriptures as well as the essence of the Gospel message which requires an eternal suffering, or else we don't have any Good News of salvation to give, how should we understand your statements? Blessings.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Mr. Spencer,

    I was not suggesting in my comment that we should not call out false teaching when we hear it. We should. And I was not criticizing your doing that with the teachings that these individuals are proclaiming.

    My comment was meant more as a general attitude and mindset that I think we should have as we do this.

    It was not meant as a personal rebuke to you in any way.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Adam.

    Just referring in general whether on this site or the world.

    That's why I said the world persecutes the Gospel message.

    I gave an illustration of three different views.

    The one that the world hates most is the message of the cross!

    The slain Lamb that took away the penalty of sin for the whole world and made an atonement for those who believe.

    That's the only message that's deemed foolish to the lost.

    1 Corinthians 1:18-21.

    That's the partition between those who are truly saved and those who are deceived.

    The law is holy as Paul says in Romans 7:12.

    But it doesn't regenerate the heart!

    The law is the ministration of Death as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 3.

    When the law came it slew us from Adam and Eve till the end of time!

    It declared man guilty!!

    It painted the picture of mankind in Adam!

    Now that we have the law we also have sin and the wages of sin is death.

    The world is softer on you do your best and the Lord will save you by his Love apart from Christ than Christ finish work on the cross apart from the Law.

    And it's emphasized in this notion you can loose your Salvation.

    If you can't work to get it, you can't work to keep it.

    The regeneration by the Holyspirit is a neglected doctrine today.

    Our measuring instrument is Love for the Brothern.

    That's also misunderstood!

    We treat "this Love" as an work rather than a fruit is a big issue.

    God bless you.
  • GiGi on Numbers 18 - 1 year ago
    NUMBERS CH. 18

    Pt. 2

    Vs. 14 tells the Levites that everything in Israel that is devoted (set apart-given over to the LORD be) is yours. All firstborn from the womb belong to the LORD, but firstborn humans are to be redeemed for a set price that is given to the Levites. The firstborn of the livestock cannot be redeemed and are to be used for sacrifices and offerings. They are to sprinkle the blood on the altar and burn their fat to the LORD. The meat can be eaten by the Levites. This meat is set aside for the all in the families of Levites as their regular share, thus bringing sustenance and a regular source of meat to these Israelites called to serve in the tabernacle.

    The LORD tells Aaron that he will not have any share in the land as an inheritance because the LORD is his inheritance. This is a lovely gracious gift. The LORD is our inheritance, our portion, our satisfaction. We can have many things in this life and world, but to have the LORD as one's inheritance is the greatest thing! If we have HIm, everything else will be added to us as we need it.

    The Levites are given all the tithes as their inheritance in return for their work they do serving in the Tent of Meeting.The Levites are to give Aaron and the priest a tenth of the tithe they receive and this tenth must be the best and holiest part of everything

    given to them.

    By living according to these regulations the Levites and priests will keep the tithes and offerings of the Israelites holy and they will not die of defiling the holy offerings given to them by the Israelites.

    These ordinances ensure that the Levites and priests and their families are properly provided for. There should be no greed to have more than they truly need and to receive all tithes and offerings reverently because they are first of all given to the LORD and then the LORD gives them to the Levites.

    After all the ways God brought death and judgment on the people who were rebellious and unbelieving, He should be taken seriously.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi S Spencer,

    Thought I'd comment on your mention "another say we're saved by keeping the law" and ask if you are referring to discussions on this site or elsewhere?

    I don't recall seeing a comment on this site claiming we're saved by keeping the law. If you are referring to this site if you can give some examples of that I'd like to read them.

    God bless.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I agree brother. And the unfortunate thing when confined to discussion/debate via such fora, is that we fail to hear voice intonations, facial/physical expressions, etc., which no doubt would help the reader to more correctly understand how the message is being delivered. I think that is why we need to somehow focus on the message only trying to eliminate our perceived feelings about the other person's emotional feelings, whether good or bad. This of course, is difficult, but just one of the limitations of being confined to a written discussion platform.

    And I agree, where the clear Truth of the Word is given (such as the core beliefs found in the Word: of the Triune nature of God, the pure Gospel of Grace alone, of holiness of life in the Spirit, of eternal life or eternal torment that awaits all, & knowing both "the goodness and severity of God"), there should be an unflinching grasp of these Truths which are the foundations of our faith. And these should be proclaimed with all confidence & diligence. Every blessing & encouragement to you brother.
  • GiGi on Numbers 18 - 1 year ago

    In this chapter the LORD explains parameters of serving in the priesthood (only descendants of Aaron) and tabernacle service (only Levites).

    After making it clear whom God had chosen for these positions of service by having Aaron's rod bud, Through Moses, the LORD sets down the rules for serving in these positions. No one is to "cross the line", so to speak, by taking on any priestly work that is not assigned to them by the LORD under threat of death and no one, likewise, is to perform the tabernacle service of the Levites who is not a descendant of Levi, under threat of death. These servants were set apart as belonging wholly unto the LORD and therefore hallowed. People of the other tribes were to respect them, give the tithes to them, bring to the priests any and every offering, gift, or sacrifice. The general congregation was to provide for the Levites since the Levites could not possess any land or produce any means of support outside of the duties of priesthood and tabernacle. The Levites themselves were to give a tenth of what they received unto the LORD and not use it for themselves. They could only eat of the foods provided by the tithe if they were ceremonially clean. Sometimes they ate of the offering only within the tent of meeting and other offerings they could eat with non-Levites who were ceremonially clean.

    The Levites were to be humble, grateful, and content with what was provided to them by the LORD through the giving of the tithe by the congregation. After all, they were to receive the best of the produce of the land, flocks, vineyards. Since they could not have an inheritance of land like the other tribes, they must have resided in or near the tent of meeting when it was set up in the promised land or lived in the cities dedicated to the Levites. They could not just live anywhere they chose. They were subject to the regulations God had placed on them as spiritual servants of God and the people.

    see part 2
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen and well spoken David.

    Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.

    Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

    Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.

    Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.

    Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

    Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:11-16.

    When that light gets to bright we're asked to put it out.

    God bless you.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks Brother Chris.

    I believe some think I take pleasure out of debating or disagreement probably because of my direct approach.

    I certainly don't!

    I don't engage in everything as I used to do, nor do I read every post or replies.

    Believe it or not I read very little.

    In this case I was giving help where I thought help was needed by way of clarity.

    Even when not engaging in a debate, What I find strange is we can have one that says we're saved by grace, another say we're saved by keeping the law, and one says we're all saved no matter what.

    They all rebukes one another's message.

    Which of the three is most likely to be persecuted by the world?

    It seems many don't like the narrow gate.

    God bless you brother.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi David.

    Thanks for your reply,

    However I don't quite know where you are coming from.

    You stated; "God commands us to love our enemies. To pray for them. It is not the job of the True Believer to pass judgement on any individual. If we want to find sin we need only look in the mirror."

    Let me make this clearer.

    I said that that false doctrine that has been presented from this group for better than 3 years is sinister.

    Then I gave the parallel with their beliefs.( All of man king becoming Gods) with the scripture on Satan/Lucifer found in Isaiah 14:14.

    And I eluded to them saying over this same period of time the Gospel we preach was of man.

    I say again, yes there's something sinister about that.

    Where's the passing of Judgment you mentioned?

    Should I agree with them for the sake of peace?

    Find the recent thread where I spoke to them un truthfully that would cause Jema to react in such a personal way.

    How do we show love to our enemies? Shun the Gospel that the reject?

    Brother what you are describing is them condemning themselves!

    I just declared there beliefs and have you noticed they haven't denied it.

    God bless
  • Adam - 1 year ago
    Greetings fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

    I believe one of the biggest cons is the idea that some people are born with an extra proclivity to a sin and therefore automatically tied to their identity. If you dare to question their perceived identity in that sin then you are a fill-in-the-blank derogatory name and you are the problem.

    So, people have used this to justify homosexuality, transsexual activity, even pedophilia. It's absolutely disgusting and I have no doubt this trend will continue if not unchallenged. We also see people of certain skin colors let off the hook for violent crimes because they assume they are disadvantaged and somehow can't help themselves. I have no doubt they will continue to push to get you to accept any additional perversion and sin they come up with, getting darker and more sinister each time. Now they're corrupting kids into their desired perversions which is hard to imagine the depth of evil.

    People can have temptations in a certain area stronger than other temptations, but no one's identity is that sin. That is a lie. That is from satan. He has deceived many. Satan is not love. Upholding God's morals and values IS love, not the opposite which the world claims. Nearly everything the world says is a lie.
  • GiGi on Numbers 17 - 1 year ago

    The LORD commanded that each tribal leader present to Moses the rod/staff of the leader with the name of the leader written or carved on it. Then these rods were laid out before the LORD in the tabernacle. The LORD said that He will cause the rod to bud of the tribe He had designated as the tribe to lead this nation. Overnight the rod of Aaron (tribe of Levi) leafed, budded, and produced almonds. All the other rods remained the same as they had been when placed before the LORD. The LORD did this to settle the matter for the nation definitively by this miracle in order to stop the grumbling against Moses and Aaron that so displeased Him and brought His judgment on so many among the people.

    Moses showed the rods to the congregation, proving that Aaron's rod had indeed budded miraculously. Each tribal leader took his own rod. The LORD ordered that Aaron's rod would be set back in front of the Testimony (Ark of the Covenant) to serve as a perpetual memorial of this miracle that showed God's will for the leadership of the nation. the LORD said that this placement of the rod of Aaron as a memorial will stop the grumbling of the people against His chosen leaders, Aaron and Moses so that they will not die due to continuing to grumble.

    After this the Israelites cried out that anyone who came near the tabernacle will die. They said that they were lost. They asked if they will die.

    Although the LORD did not say this would happen, the people were in dread for their lives. Perhaps they felt conviction of sin. Maybe they feared the LORD at last. Surely they were concerned for themselves more than praising or honoring the LORD after such a wonderful miracle that showed forth God's grace that Aaron's rod would be a reminder, not an object for condemnation.

    Notice how obedient Moses was to all that the LORD asked of him. He listened to YHWH without argument and was swift to carry out the instructions regardless of results.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks Giannis,

    Haven't heard from you for a while. Hope you are doing great.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello GiGi

    Let's do some greek.

    Eschatology is a compound grk word. From Eschatos which means Last, Final and Logos which means Word but it is also used for Study. So it is (as you said) the study of the end (last) times..

    It is amazing how many grk words exist in English.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago


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