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All of us are descended from the Noah, who had three sons. Noah was from the lineage of Seth (who was a son of Adam and Eve.
Noah's sons were Shem, Japheth. At the time of Noah and his sons, no one was a Hebrew.
You can read the lineage of Adam and Eve in Genesis Chapter 5. You can read the lineage of Noah in Genesis Chapter and 11.
Eber (or Heber) was the great grandson of Shem. It is from Eber that the name Hebrew came about People called them Hebaru.
All of the descendants of Eber were Hebrews, not just the Israelites. Abraham was descended from Eber in the sixth generation from Eber.
There were many descendants from Shem (Noah's son). These people were considered as Semites (which is derived from the name Shem).
Abraham was a Hebrew. So was Lot and Sarai. Abraham had eight sons-Ishmael (from Hagar), Isaac (from Sarai), and six more sons from Keturah after Sarai died. All of the peoples descended from the sons of Abraham are Hebrews and Semites. These are mostly the people who settled the Arabian peninsula and wilderness/ mountainous areas near Canaan. Isaac settled in Canaan with his father, Abraham. So, the Israelites are not the only descendants of Abraham, however, God told Abraham that it is through Isaac that are heirs to the promises (covenant) to Abraham ( Genesis 17:19)
Jacob and Esau were born to Isaac. They were twins. God determined that the promises/covenant God made with
Abraham and Isaac will be fulfilled through Jacob as the heir, not Esau. So, both Esau and Jacob were Hebrews, grandsons of Abraham, but the people God was going to call to Himself were to come from Jacob.
God changed Jacob's name to Israel and renewed the covenant of Abraham with Jacob. Jacob had twelve sons. These sons were
all Hebrews. Jacob's son, Judah was selected as the son by whom the Messiah would descend. The people of Judah's lineage were called Judahites, Jehus, and as a term of derision, Jews by the surrounding peoples.
see Part 2
We are made in the image of God, who spoke everything into existence.
We have God's indwelt Spirit and are His sons.
Jesus conformed this very fact in Mark 11:23
However we need to not only live in Spirit but walk in Spirit - Gal 5:25 . That is to be led of the Holy Spirit.
When God reveals something to you or puts a word in your heart, you are expected to speak it out, stand on it and establish it in this world.
And of course stand in faith resisting the principalities & powers of this age who will try prevent you from doing so.
Genesis 3:19; Genesis 6:3, violance or destroyed by the flood ( Genesis 6:5-7,11-13;17). Only Noah his wife, Shem, Ham, and Japheth their 3 wives survived. that means only eight people survived out of Adams and eve's children and grand children.
The point! not all of Noah's children listened to God. They followed Satan the devil and his lies Genesis 3. when you read about the Canaanites ( Genesis 13:7; Leviticus 18:1-5) this bad nation came through Ham descendance ( Genesis 10:6). or Ammorites, some Noah's descendance created a nation by their family name Genesis 11. When Jehovah ( psalm 83:18) confused their language they all spread out and became nations of people like you see today.
to the point: Abraham was a righteous man who lived in Canaan. but one of God's angels told him to leave Canaan then became a father to a nation of Israel ( Genesis 17:1-8). God name Jacob Israel ( Genesis 32:28). this is how a Nation of Isreal came about. Canaan land later became Jerusalem belonging to Israel the Jews.
However, Israel repeatedly sinned by worshiping other gods. even Solomon the last king worshiped false Gods ( Nehemiah 13:23-27) Jesus turned to the Gentiles which means nation who will believe ( John 3:16,17).
However, their are some Israelites who did believe, but most rejected Jesus.- Acts 1:6-8; Matthew 24:14; 2 Timothy 3:13-17
It's a lot of info. but I hope the bible answered your question HOW A NATION BECAME A INDEPENDANT NATION
Questions as to why specific writings became 'apocrypha' and subsequently removed from the original KJV is simply that content therein cemented the foundation of the word giving greater understanding. A time for everything and everything has a time.
You are replying to a comment by "Charlie Slaves"
If you read from Genesis to Revelation their is a common theme. The Promise seed Genesis 3:15, Israel Gods chosen people , The coming one the messiah, Israel's disobedience and captivity, Jehovah ( Psalm 83:18) mercy and delivering his people from captivity because they repented. Even the book of Ruth played a part in the symbolic descendant role in the promise seed
Matthew 1:5.
How does the book of Esther add up? this book talks about Jews being in Shushan. The Jews were always in captivity by their enemies for their deliberate disobedience to Jehovah- Nehemiah 13:23-31; Esther 2:6 (Exile). Esther didn't have a choice; she was in exile or in captivity as while and taken to the kings house- Esther 2:8. Jehovah god blessed this situation because they relied on him when Haman tried to scheme or plot to destroy all the Jews Esther 3:5-15. This book is accurate because it matches the other books regarding Jews being in captivity or exile.
When you read the apocrypha does it match the bibles overall theme? does this puzzle pieces match?
does it complete the whole picture?
I hope this answers your question. Thank you
I hope that I can do this but I was wondering when you're reading scripture how do you know who scripture is talking about the unbelievers believers or both thank you for that other text you sent me
Mount Horeb REPLY:
John Ray: I hope I'm answering your question correctly. These scriptures will help.
We have an example of Jesus talking to his disciples. he was speaking in a illustration, but they took it quite literally.
by means of this, many left Jesus because his speech was shocking. Jesus viewed this as a betrayal. to leave him because they didn't get the point. the question is, why didn't they ask him to explain? they no longer wanted to follow him. These are what you call unbelievers. Peter and the twelve, did not leave Jesus; and believed that what he was saying meant everlasting life. even if they didn't understand what he meant, they believed that Jesus was send by God. Those who don't believe Jesus; He Considers these ones lacking faith, unbelievers, Goats, bad fruit, hypocrites, and slanderers etc. John 6:25-71
Unbelievers have a Father, And his name is... John 8:44,45; John 8:31-47
Jesus wanted his 12 apostles including Apostle Paul to speak about him. This is why we have
these beautiful letters from the scriptures. These letters should not be distorted to fit ones own Selfish purpose
or view. what is written or said in the scriptures benefits us all if we want it. 2 Timothy 3:16,17
I'm not sure if this the right section to be asking this question, As I read through the old testament trying to understand all that I can, I noticed it is the history of the Hebrew, so in the beginning it where did other people come from if this the Hebrew history, now we are all one in Christ, but before Christ where did other people come from who made them since God made man in his image ( Adam & Eve) Hebrew. So other nationality where did they come from , are we all Hebrew blood line
For me, my children are adults, no grandchildren yet, and so, my skin in the game isn't the same as those parents with young kids. Even so, just like with abortion, we can continue to stand unwaveringly against immoral influences in our culture and especially the governmental strong-arming to silence citizens.
Like you, I don't want to just let this all happen without a reasoned resistance and the offering of a meaningful alternative to what is being pressed on us to become normative. Certainly there are some options already open for us: attending school board meetings and speaking up; being involved in the campaigns of candidates we can support with a good conscience; refusing to be involved with community events that feature these debasing lifestyles such as Pride celebrations.
I admit that I should begin to be involved in some of these ways. I certainly will continue to seek in prayer the direction the Lord would have me take at this crucial time. For those of us who experienced a very different U.S.A. culture growing up than what children are experiencing now we should be alarmed. Those who do not know such a different past have been acclimated to this immorality already. So, how do we speak to these folks who view our recall of our childhood as an "OK Boomer" moment.
The assault on the family has been going on for at least a century. Faith-filled godly family units are the foundation of an healthy society and culture as well as what God wishes to bless. All of what we have seen with alternatives to the Biblical family of a mother and father who are married and a positive and welcoming attitude towards having and raising children are an assault on God's order and His purpose for creating mankind male and female. It strikes at the core of human existence and is done so intentionally by those who use their power, money, and influence to bring about a radical change in everyday life in our country and the world. We all should be grieved.
In my earlier segment; mentioning prayer for people I wanted to say that I try to keep things scripturally focused. One example would be someone who is used to praying to saints from their traditions. In that case I will say according to the will of Christ; the Lord and focus on a person's spiritual needs; for instance with whatever their request is if it doesn't appear that they yet have saving faith.
Certain "catch phrases" or pretend debates among those preaching on the streets to get attention or other such methods I don't find appropriate. Another mistake I have seen is assuming that someone has a particular sin because they are involved with a sect that has a tendency to err in certain ways. So we assume innocent unless proven guilty; and even when we see apparent sin; it is the nature of sin which should be the focus; and also what triggers certain behaviors. There are a few people who are dangerous to be around on drugs or intoxicated. We also shouldn't get into lengthy discussions which may be interesting topically but taking time from our main mission which is to proclaim Christ and make Him be known. Also; although I believe in the doctrines of Grace (or 5 points of Calvanism); trying to get someone to understand such matters as to whether God has chosen them to repentance shouldn't be proclaimed. We SHOULD; however get past the misconceptions of "decisional regeneration" where we think we can live like hell and yet think we have "fire insurance". We also need to be careful not to look at those caught in sin or in a season of struggle and assume a person isn't saved. The Spirit will convict some and they don't need to be kicked when they are down.
Finally; seeing other believers should encourage us. We certainly should be teachable and appreciate wisdom and insight from those we meet who love the Lord. Eventually; hardship may draw more out to share their faith if He tarries.
I will state here what I have said in other posts; I am not gifted in evangelism. I have found that myself and others can have supporting roles in prayer; both for those out there sharing with others and the recipients themselves. Offering prayers for people unless they wish something inappropriate is helpful as well; as was all I felt I could do a couple years back with someone whose son had been murdured and was still in grief. Nursing homes often; of course have individuals concerned with their own health; but also tend to have one or two individuals deeply grieved in concern for the welfare of others (as well as having difficult roommates). Some may feel too squeemish for those environments; but they can certainly make us more of a man or woman of faith as well as giving us a reality check as to how short life is when people start dying around us as time passes.
As to our gifts; some are better versed and have a gift of teaching; for example. To patiently go through scriptures and give and recieve attention from others takes discipline and some abilities on our part. Sharing the Gospel; a true one emphasizing His grace and our unworthiness certainly isn't divorced from our own experiences and weaknesses. There are some personal things others don't need to know about us; nonetheless we should all be willing to admit our failings; and hence bring out His righteousness as our standard for living; and living Hope. Those such as my friend in Pittsburgh who used to be "down and out" with drug issues can of course be uniquely able to relate with those who are still in that bondage.
In terms of organizations who do mission work such as feeding the hungry; it is good to dig in and read their mission statements to make sure they are viable. Posting specific instances probably won't be allowed here; my pastor was able to discover one place wasn't preaching the Gospel and stopped supporting them in Pittsburgh.
My sense is that those who believe that a Christian's security in salvation can be lost and/or that a Christian can never be sure that he is saved until that day when all have to stand before God's Throne, stands flawed, not understanding these fundamental Truths (both from Scripture & experience). And these Truths are: when we speak of a Christian, are we understanding only in a spiritual REFORMATION or in a TRANSFORMATION. And secondly, with the Christian's claimed faith: is it seen & believed by him as a PROFESSION or as a POSSESSION.
If we take the time to analyse these spiritual positions in our own lives, & yet not to be used for the judgement of others, then we can come close to understanding how a believer (whether a new 'convert' who responds to the Gospel invitation, or to an aged 'believer' who eventually allows sin to take hold & departs from the Lord) how he actually stands in regards to a true conversion & a faith that saves.
When we take all the Scriptures that supposedly prove that a Christian's salvation can be lost & all the Scriptures that prove that it cannot be lost, then we should apply those rules to see how a 'Christian' ought to behave & how the Work of God, His Spirit, does a complete, lasting, irrevocable work in the truly born again person. It is true that when we see a faithful Spirit-filled believer go the distance, never denying the Lord & His Work of Grace in his life, we know that that person has finished his course well. But the teachings & admonitions of the apostles (& of pastors today) were to encourage, warn & assist in spiritual growth & not to face God's Discipline. Those who had not the Spirit of Christ were none of His ( Rom 8:9).
The methodology; then of individuals or small groups sharing the Gospel on the streets has therefore been able to elicit tearful responses; or cursing and rowdy behaviours as a response; and in turn in the Nursing Home environment led to a mini revival with almost all residents interested in prayer; and a number of folks attending an impromptu service when I was in the Pittsburgh area. (probably about a dozen). The formal Sunday meeting was not something I could attend or was leading as I had Sunday services to attend myself. I will say that being able to transport one or two elderly individuals was a blessing and good opportunity for fellowship; and if more of these type facilities could coordinate travel to churches that would be helpful.
Truth be told; there aren't too many churches in may neck of the woods who are out there regularly evangelizing on the streets. I am exercising some caution living here at home as some areas are very dangerous; and I don't want to upset my mom beyond measure and have responsibilities here taking care of them restricting time as well. I have known one or two cases of individuals in health care who have been bold enough even going against protocol by sharing the Gospel with those who are dying. My former roomate who started the Nursing Home work in Pittsburgh was very bold with his mom and apparently she came to the Lord a couple months before her death which was greatly prolonged beyond what the doctors and family expected.
Whenever we have repeated and consistent ministry we build relationships and trust; and eventually we can see the fruit of that.
I would certainly recommend Voice of the Martyrs and Bible League International. Their reports show how youth and many widows of those martyred for their faith tirelessly persist in sharing the Lord; as well as finding strength from God not to hold grudges against their captors. May we learn from their examples.
That's an astute synopsis of the demoralization of our society. It's really sad and heartbreaking witnessing it. So many are deceived and alternative views are suppressed or silenced, where it doesn't seem fair the default deceptive messages people are exposed to. I feel compelled to fight against this somehow but I don't know how. Maybe I'm not alone in feeling this way. Others seem to just believe this is just part of what is prophesied to happen, like we're just temporary passive observers in this life and can't change or do much. I feel my influence is so limited.
I'm somewhat against centralized organizations like denominations, but I also wish such structures could somehow be leveraged to push back more strongly against all these perversions. A clear alternative should be there to the world's nonsense and baseless and fake morals. Hopefully this is happening and I'm just not seeing it yet.
God bless!
Today; I finally approached someone who I have walked past in the park before work each day for at least a month. He walked ahead of me then was seated nearby and finally approached me when I was coming out of the bathroom (and he was on his way in). He wasn't interested in gospel literature; hence the discussion terminated as I went on my way to work. Nonetheless; I could see that it was a Divine Appointment; as were others where people have been more receptive than I would expect based on my past experience.
I; sadly have often looked at sharing the Gospel or handing out tracts as a necessary duty; and have been rather sparse in my ventures in the last year and a half that I have moved back home with my parents in Eastern Pa. When I was in Pittsburgh; there was prayer before organized efforts for receptiveness; removing obstacles in hearts and minds and being fomented by the enemy. I have been with more than one Pastor who has started out with personal evangelism; or door to door in their neighborhood; then reverted to passing out literature for their church. The second method hasn't brought a single person to church from what i've seen even after many hundreds of pamphlets were passed out. A website has always brought a trickle of individuals in both cases; however. My opinion is that a demonstration of the power of Christ; as well as offering prayer for those in need whether or not they are interested in church attendance; and a clear message of the need for repentance need to always supercede clever marketing; which based on the results seems to be a disaster. We should tell people to go to ANY church that preaches truth; but first to those who profess faith but live in active rebellion we must warn; and that means making it clear that they have no right to Communion and that any confidence in a confession without POSESSION of the Holy Spirit means they have no part in the fellowship of the saints.
We also have situations where the welfare of our children or that of other innocent victims makes following orders or even being truthful come in question. As for us being believers; we can look at Paul's example where he usually handled imprisonment well; but there were times when he protested ill treatment being a Roman citizen for instance. That was probably focused on his being able to continue to freely preach the Gospel; or perhaps to ensure others could do the same. We also see examples where; for instance the King's edict to do the census was repulsive and wasn't folowed through for counting all the Levites.
Of course the example of dictators who are committing genocide means that they are no longer following their own governance as God intends. We see today many countries who are persecuting the church; to compromise and have a government sponsored and monitored state church clearly is unacceptable. If they burn down the churches; destroy our personal property; etc. we certainly in the USA have rights to protest; but where the line is drawn is in home churches; or praying as Daniel did even with the King's edict of a death sentence. The same could be said for public evangelism; and speaking out against today's political agenda. Persecution is coming; and the time when all nations shall hate us for His Name's sake. ( Matt. 24:9).
We can protest but still show respect.
These things concern me greatly, too. Back in the 60's and 70's the issue regarding sexual freedom was centered on sex outside of marriage and living together without being married. Birth control was the means by which people could freely indulge their sexual freedom without consequences and abortion was the back up plan. Their strategy worked so well that now it seems that most couples live together before marriage. society became desensitized to this sinful lifestyle and it became "acceptable".
Then in the 80's and 90's it was homosexuality that was being touted as the next barrier to eliminate in our communal sense of morality. The desensitization began full throttle with so many celebrities "coming out of the closet". Once society became so desensitized to this lifestyle, same sex marriage was next on the docket and then the right of homosexuals to adopt children.
Next, came the LGBTQ+ push in the last 20 years to include whatever sexual deviant lifestyle one chooses to pursue. Now in the 20's transexualism and gender fluidity is being pushed strongly. Bruce Jenner's decision was publicized with full embrace.
The most hideous aspect of all this perversion is the targeting of children these lifestyles cannot produce. The agenda is to groom and recruit more and more young people so that their % of the population increases giving their lifestyle more power and political clout. Parents need to wake up right now to what is going on in schools.
Having recently retired from public school teaching, I saw what was being proposed by the state dept. of of education and how it was being implemented in locale schools by first indoctrinating teachers and not allowing teachers to object without repercussions. I am glad I was able retire before all this social justice, equity, and social learning was required to be taught. I would have resigned anyway after speaking my objections, but covid brought about my retirement.
So sad what is happening.
I would respectfully ask you again.
What is man's condition before we have become saved?
What does it mean to become saved, i.e. to become Born Again?
How do you understand, for example, Galatians 2:16-21 and similar passages in Romans?
How do TRUE BELIEVERS become apostate and come under the wrath of God if Christ has paid the full penalty demanded by the Law of God for their sins? Is that not double jeopardy?
If we hold a gospel that is CONDITIONAL upon something we do or do not do, is that not a gospel of grace plus works. In other words are you not saying "Christ has done His part and now its up to us"?
Are these not questions that you must face if you hold a gospel where we can lose our salvation.
And yes, the ETERNAL CHURCH spoken of in the Bible is made up of ALL TRUE BELIEVERS throughout history. And that church cannot become apostate. But every local church and congregation, just like National Israel of the Old Testament, has NOT been made up of ALL true believers and that is the church that becomes apostate, as had National Israel by the time of the Cross.
Let me say right up front that it is not our job to decide who can or has become saved and who might not have. That is God's business not our business. Just like God's Elective program is God's business not ours. And God did not elect any one to salvation because they were in any way righteous. We are ALL by nature dirty rotten sinners deserving of the wrath of God because of our rebellion against Him. It is only by God's Mercy that anyone becomes saved and if we have or do become saved it is because God chose us, paid the full penalty for our sins required by the Law of God, then applied that salvation to us at some time during our life when we become Born Again, and He adopts us and makes us His child, and much more.
This is a salvation that is guaranteed to be accomplished in the life of every one of God's elect and cannot be lost. God may save us in the womb, like John the Baptist. Or He may save us in the last moments of our Life, like the thief on the cross. Or we may be like Paul with a knowledge of the scripture but still unsaved until Acts 9. And this is a salvation that CANNOT be lost because "God works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure" ( Phil 2:13).
The Bible is clear that our salvation in no way depends upon anything that we do. Salvation is 100% the work of God alone. Our faith, our "good works", our endurance and much more are the RESULT of our salvation, NEVER THE CAUSE. Read Ezekiel 36, read Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, read the whole Bible because everything in the Bible relates in some way to God's Judgement and Salvation Program.
No matter how sinful or rebellious we have been, no matter how many times we have rejected the Gospel, as long as we are still living, up until the Last Day, we may still be one of God's Elect, we may still cry out to God for His Mercy in the very real hope that God might save us. Just like the Ninevites did when Jonah preached a message of Judgement to them.
Psalm 34:18
Psalm 51:17