King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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This is a tough verse to fully understand. First, in the context, of the conversation Jesus is having with Nicodemus it would seem that Jesus was telling him no man had ascended to heaven to get the knowledge of heavenly things and returned to teach it to men on earth, similar to Proverbs 30:4. So, no man is qualified to speak of them but He/Jesus who came down from heaven.
John 3:13 No man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.
One thing that makes this difficult is the ending, it is like Jesus said this after He had ascended to heaven after His resurrection. "Which is in heaven" Some translations leave this ending out where it ends with man, which would involve other topics I will not add to this, hope this helps.
God bless,
Was it the Holy Ghost that Saul was persecuting and putting to death in ( Acts. 26:10) ?
Can you provide one verse from the Word of God that clearly tells you that the Holy Ghost is the Saints?
Pierre most of your interpretations are completely out of context.
And as for me throwing away that Concordance, maybe you should use a Concordance, it would help you to keep the pure Words of the LORD in Context!
((Every word)) of God is pure. ( Ps. 12:6-7) ( Prov. 30:5-6)
( Gal. 6:1)
Part 2 one would speak to another close friend.
vs. 3 speaks of the meekness of Moses. This small glimpse into the character of Moses is very telling. He was humbled by God in those years after fleeing from Pharoah to Midian. (From being the top man to Pharoah to being a refugee from him). He was humbled when he became a shepherd tending flocks in Midian. He was humbled when God appeared to him in the burning bush. He was humbled when God called him to stand before Pharoah demanding in the name of the LORD that Pharoah let God's people go. He was humbled through the encounters with the LORD on Mt. Sinai. He was humbled through all the years of leading the Israelites through the desert according to the way the LORD directed them with the pillar of fire and clouds. And above all, He was humbled by the calling of being the prophet of the LORD and both hearing directly from God and in being tasked with speaking the words of God to the people.
Since it was Miriam who was struck by God with leprosy, perhaps she was the one who started the murmuring and Aaron joined in with her. Aaron asked Moses to intercede for Miriam, and he did. Here Aaron understood that it was Moses who was the intercessor and not himself. Moses was the one who spoke face to face with the LORD, not himself.
Moses spoke to God to heal Miriam. God replied that Miriam will go through the ritual of the law for leprosy by being sent out from among the people for seven days. God could have healed Miriam right away. But He must have wanted to press the point of the consequences of rebelliousness are separation from God and His people.
After seven days the people were then led forward on their journey. They traveled from Hazeroth to the wilderness of Paran.
This chapter starts out with the account of Miriam and Aaron murmuring against Moses. It seems that they spoke against the fact that Moses had married a woman. (Ethiopian) It is unclear if this is speaking of Zipporah, the Midianite woman Moses wed while in Midian after fleeing from Pharoah or of another wife Moses may have married while in Pharoah's court or perhaps from among the mixed multitude that came with the Israelites out of Egypt. So it is unclear if this passage is referring to Zipporah or to another wife of Moses. Either way, Miriam and Aaron murmured among the people concerning this wife. They did not come straight to Moses with their complaint, but spoke behind his back about this foreign wife. We do not know what the complaint about this wife entailed. Was it because she was a foreign wife or because Moses was influenced by this wife or was it something about this wife's personality that Miriam and Aaron had difficulty with. We don't know the details.
Also, Miriam and Aaron questioned if God only spoke through Moses but also by them. Were they jealous of Moses' special standing with God? Were they desirous of having such a close relationship with God as Moses had? The text does not make it very clear. However God was aware of their murmuring and called Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to the entrance to the tent of meeting. Did they think that God would not be aware of what they were speaking and thinking concerning Moses? They were going to soon find out.
When they came to the entrance, the presence of the Lord appeared and God confronted Miriam and Aaron about their sin. Addressing Miriam and Aaron, the Lord tells them that He chooses the prophet among them (who was Moses) and will make Himself know to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream (vs. 6)
Verse 7 says that Moses is not called in such ways, because Moses is faithful and God speaks with Moses as one would speak to another face to face.. continued
We have the power in CHRIST name to go before the LORD'S throne of grace and humble ourselves and call on HIM to bring relief to our borders on all areas and levels in our nation.
2 Chronicles 7: 14, 15
We should repeat Hezekiah's cry in 37:20
"Now therefore, O LORD our God, save us from his hand, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that thou art the LORD, even thou only."
I've often included Exodus 8:22, 23 for GOD'S hand of protection and provision for HIS saints in my prayers.
I thank the LORD for HIS faithfulness to HIS promises; may we be faithful in our obedience to HIS word and be willing to go forth and plant the seed and water as we are called to do.
GOD bless all on this forum and may we continually praise and glorify HIM. GOD to shine HIS face on all the saints and gloriously bless you all.
May 19, 2023
We should never pay any attention to our dreams. Our dreams are likely a product of our subconscious mind and are not relevant in any way regarding spiritual things. We all dream, which is likely a very healthy thing. But we never ever want to look upon our dreams as being a message from God in any way whatsoever.
Before the Bible was completed, God did speak directly to mankind through dreams or visions or voices or tongues, etc. He did this because there was no COMPLETE written Word as yet. And He was in the process of "writing" the Bible. This type of direct communication with mankind ceased once the Bible was completed with the Book of Revelations. And God then stated very clearly in Rev 22:18,19 that we are never again to expect any kind of direct message from God apart from the Bible itself.
God also tells us in Matthew 24:24 that as we approach the end of the world during the period of the Great Tribulation, where we currently are in history I am convinced, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; in so much that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect". And we certainly do not want to fall into that snare.
So if you want to hear a message from God, READ THE BIBLE; knowing that it is the very Word of God Himself ( John 1:1-5) and is absolutely true and trustworthy. The BIBLE ALONE AND IN ITS ENTRITY IS THE WORD OF GOD and is our ONLY source of spiritual Truth.
Pay no attention to your dream.
You get BAPTIZE with WATER where you repent from your sins and you RECEIVE the HOLY SPIRIT and then there is BAPTISM of the HOLY SPIRIT in which you receive the gift of the Holy spirit who will LIVE IN YOU and so IT IS WRITTEN that our BODY is a TEMPLE which means we CANNOT do any IMMORAL ACT(like self-pleasure) with our OWN BODY, it will be a SIN against GOD.
I hope you understand and would like to request you to read 1 CORINTHIANS it will help you to know more about the HOLY SPIRIT, GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, IMMORAL ACTS, MARRIAGE.
Thus Faith can only come by the living word the seed of the sower that book in the Fathers right hand....Initiating a spiritual pregnancy by the seed of the bridegroom as his seed is spirit and life ... Hebrews 11:1...Thats y Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen....Even in the natural when a woman is pregnant she has the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...The Child....B/C i have spoken these words sorrows has filled your hearts....A spiritual pregnancy....He wants to impregnate this whole world with his precious seed.... Jeremiah 30:6 Why do i see the whole world in travail and birthpains....David thats y the new birth is so important....And it can only happen by the living word the contents of that book in the fathers right hand....Not by reading a bible...HE HAS TO KNOW US....WE NEED LIVING SEED ( THE BRIDEGROOMS SEED)...Not written words...But the seed of the Bridegroom are Living words of life the Children of Promise..THE H.G...
The wording the King James uses in 1 Chronicles 14:15 is a little hard to understand. The KJV reads "And it shall be, when thou shalt hear a sound of going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle: for God is gone forth before thee to smite the host of the Philistines."
This verse is much easier to understand by doing a Bible comparison to see how other translations lay this verse out.
Below are a few comparisons that might be helpful:
ASV - "And it shall be, when thou hearest the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry-trees, that then thou shalt go out to battle; for God is gone out before thee to smite the host of the Philistines."
HCSB - "When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, then march out to battle, for God will have marched out ahead of you to attack the camp of the Philistines."
NIV - "As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar trees, move out to battle, because that will mean God has gone out in front of you to strike the Philistine army."
I hope this helps. "When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the trees" is much easier to understand than "When you hear a sound of going in the tops of the trees."
God bless!
In ( 1 Cor. 1:2) Tells us "Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are (sanctified) in Christ Jesus, (called) (to be saints), with all that in every place ((call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord))". The word (sanctified) is #37; it means to make holy, purify or consecrate (mentally) to venerate, hallow, be holy.
Th word (called) is #2822; it means invited, i.e. appointed, or (specifically) a saint, invitation, calling.
The word (saints) is #40; it means sacred, physically pure, morally blameless or religious, ceremonial consecrated (most) holy, clean, innocent.
( Acts. 9:11-15) v13 Tells us "Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done ((to thy saints)) at Jerusalem". Who had Saul been doing much evil, persecuting and even having them to be put to death at Jerusalem? TRUE BELIEVERS in Jesus Christ.
v14 Tells us "And here he had authority from the chief priests to bind ((all that call on thy name))". (All who called on the name of Jesus Christ were the saints). That was All True Believers.
( Acts. 26:10) Tells us "Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of ((the saints)) did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them". The ones who Saul was having put to death were the True Believers in Jesus Christ, THE SAINTS.
The word (saints) is in the New Testament 60 times, 13 of those are in the book of Revelation. All 60 have the same meaning in the Greek Language.
No difference in any of them, ALL 60 have THE SAME MEANING in the Greek Language.
Being a True Believer in Jesus Christ is what made one a saint during the time period that Saul was executing them.
(The first Christians)
Being a True Believer in Jesus Christ is what makes one a saint today, also those saints in the book of Revelation are True Believers in Jesus Christ.
Blessing to all.
God Bless you.
Nice post. You say that "Sadly, for many today (their belief) is their truth."
I couldn't agree with you more!
Sin does send us to hell in the sense that those who do not believe the gospel and put their faith in God in Jesus Christ is the very sin that keeps us separated from God and at enmity with Him. God's wrath remains on these unbelievers and the justification that comes through faith does not apply to them because of rejection of it in refusing to receive it through Jesus.
Those who do believe in the Jesus and attest to the salvation He bought for us in His sacrificial death and perfectly lived life have their sins forgiven and are considered righteous before the Father because we receive the righteousness of Jesus' perfect life when He took upon Himself our sins and paid the ransom for our deliverance in His death.
Those who do not believe in Jesus are not covered by the blood of Jesus and their sins remain upon them even though Jesus' death paid the price for ALL, only those who believe receive this salvation. Those who do not turn to God in Christ cannot do anything in themselves to erase any of their sins.
If Jesus had not agreed with the Father to fulfill the everlasting covenant of salvation sealed before the creation of the world and if He had not come to do what was deemed necessary by this covenant to redeem mankind, every person would go to hell because of their sins. Thankfully, the Godhead in His mercy and grace made every provision come to pass to save us who believe. Praise be to Him forever.
This will be the last comment I will make to you on this subject.
You keep saying that God is not "paper and ink". And of course that is true in the physical sense. But God ONLY communicates with mankind as the we "read" the scriptures or "hear" them read to us. "Faith cometh by HEARING and HEARING by the Word of God" Romans 10:17. God is not communicating to mankind using dreams or voices or visions or tongues coming directly from God once the Bible was completed with the book of Revelations.
Anyone that believes otherwise would be in violation of Revelation 22:18,19.
However, God the Holy Spirit must be active in opening our understanding and applying the Word to our heart, as we "HEAR" the Word with our spiritual ears. That is what Romans 10:17 is saying.
I hope you will come to understand that because it is very serious business if we do not.
There don't seem to be many people today GiGi who will take the time to really study the posts on certain topics, to text them to see if it is the Truth from Scripture because it goes against what they believe. I do have compassion and concern but if someone's mind is set on a certain belief, then they will not receive correction even if it's from the Word of God. ( 2 Tim. 3:16).
This post is a good example, this post is the Truth from the Word of God, and the meaning of the Words in the Original Languages. (Not an opinion)
Instead of taking the Word of God as saying what it means, and meaning what it says as the Truth, it would seem that some would still rather defend their position, or even attack or accuse the poster as being divisive, or worse for sharing the Truth.
The Truth matters ((only)) If it matters to us individually. It truly does matter to me!
( Jn. 17:17) Tells us "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth".
Sadly, for many today (their belief) is their truth.
Thank you again GiGi.
God Bless you.
We haven't heard from Adakm for a while. Wondering, Adam, how you are doing. Hope to hear from you soon.
God bless you.