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  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    check out

    2 Tim. 2:13

    Matt. 9:24

    Isaiah 26:3

    I pray that you will continue to look to Jesus who is the author and the finisher of our faith. Heb. 12:3
  • Pierre1939 - 1 year ago
    Hey room Gbu.....Lemme ramble a bit....There is a perfect translation, its the book in the right hand of the father Rev 5:1....And no man in heaven or earth or under the earth cd look into this book....Its the perfect translation that Jesus wrote with his own blood at Calvary....Thats y Jesus is saying my words are SPIRIT AND LIFE....Not paper and ink When he said its finished thats the book that he wrote with his own blood THAT NEW COVENANT IN HIS BLOOD AT CALVARY....John said i wept much b/c no man cd look into it...In heaven or earth...(THIS New Covenant) by his blood is the perfect book....Thats y Paul said when that which is PERFECT is come....(the new covenant) that which is done in parts shall be done away with....They sang a new song after the book was opened....We are not gonna sing this Churchanity song much longer....Remember the image in Dan. 2 that was all in parts....Silver GOLD and BRASS CLAY IRON ( deacons teachers preachers evangelists ) had to be done away with by a stone cut without hands which is the N.C. THE LIVING WORD....The perfect church Christ Jesus....That stone of great price....

    This N.C. is a Birthing Covenant....Thus there is a child in our future....She brought forth a man child that is gona rule all nations....The Child is the H.G. That Child of Promise....As that which is born of the spirit is spirit as God is spirit...To whom the word ( the living word ) came it made them Gods and the scripture cannot be broken....The living word is the seed of God the wonder of this New Covenant.... Daniel 12 :6 Daniel refers to this New Covenant the book as living words of wonder that is sealed till the last days with 7 seals....That Perfect translation simply b/c it was written with the blood of JESUS AT CALVARY....But its the living Words as Jesus said my words are spirit and Life....A much greater light then written words of the old covenant....The gift of God is the H.G. a living being....And Jesus is the author of this book of life....gbu
  • RicoUS - 1 year ago
    Asking for strong protection and breakthrough for us and all in need. Lord Jesus please fight our battles and please send encouragement.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you S. Spencer.

    We had a great time! What a blessing to take this trip with this dear friend in the Lord.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Jimbob,

    to answer concerning the Jeremiah 23:36 verse and the entire chapter-I do not believe that it is prophecy for today or to verify the KJV.

    As to seeking to discuss things that are true, I agree.

    As to continuing this thread, I think that you have stated your view multiple times and so those who read along or have posted have a clear understanding of your position. Because of this, I recommend moving on to another topic, not because I don't think it is important to discuss this topic, but because it has been fairly thoroughly presented with in depth explanations already.

    Therefore, I would hope to see another topic discussed by those on this forum at this time. I don't have any sense of urging to introduce another topic at this time. Hopefully, others do. I welcome a fresh topic at this time. But this does not necessitate that you do so either.

    have a wonderful day today Jimbob. I will be reading, but don't wish to engage in this topic further unless urged to do so by the Holy Spirit because I want to keep this thread from belaboring the point of view of those who participate or to have this thread appear quarrelsome in any way.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you Gigi.

    Welcome back and I hope you enjoyed yourself.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen David0921.

    Well spoken!

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You're Welcome Jimbob.

    However I would have to respectfully disagree with you.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    You're Welcome Ronald and God bless you brother.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    GiGi thank you for responding. You did give your understanding of ( Jer. 23:36) as being spoken of the prophets in the days of Jeremiah. Do you think that chapter could possibly be prophecy for this time we live in now? I believe it is prophecy for today!

    You said "And in ( 2 Pet. 1:20) it speaks of the apostles and prophets being inspired by the Holy Ghost to speak and write the Word of God"

    This verse does not mention apostles or prophets.

    Should we believe that God preserved His Words in the Hebrew manuscripts as the Old Testament.

    Then God preserved His Words in the Greek, which would be the books that were written during the time of Christ.

    Then all His Words would have been preserved in the time period before the KJB was translated.

    Is it logical to believe that God would not want His Word preserved for the time period when there would be much more evil in the world, more corruption, more deception, and more false doctrine and false prophets than ever before?

    And even the time period of the Lastdays when Satan will soon be cast to the earth to deceive the whole world?

    Is it logical to believe that God would not preserve His Word for this time period?

    You said "there is so much we can agree on concerning God's Word"

    Are we really looking to "agree" on all things GiGi, or is it more important for us to deeply discuss topics to find the Truth in Scripture?

    You also said "go on another topic so this forum can be more beneficial to the many on this forum".

    If the KJB is the True Inspired Word of God then it is truly beneficial for all others in this forum to see that Truth whether it be the many who do post, or those who only read the posts. Or especially those new Christians who are searching for the Truth.

    The Truth does matter GiGi.

    I do not wish to offend you GiGi, I do have respect for you and all others who post here, but I will not stop posting what is the Truth from the Word of God.

    I don't expect a response unless you feel lead.

    God Bless you GiGi.
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Jema - 1 year ago
    To David0921 , I tried to reply to you on the thread but the thread is so big now that my phone went hay wire . Just to say thankyou for your latest post . You cut straight to the heart of the matter with ease . As far as I'm concerned you have the last word on this subject as I won't be reading anymore posts in this thread , it's giving me the irrits :) .
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jesse Thats a lot of questions. (1) Yes I believe any Bible not Inspired by God is corrupt. (2) I'm not very familiar with the Geneva Bible but I believe whatever was used to translate the KJB was given to them by God, ( 2 Pet. 1:19-21) does say they were (moved) by the Holy Ghost. That sounds like the Holy Ghost was in control of the translation not the men. v20 Says "that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation". Being (moved) by the Holy Ghost sounds like it could be the Inspiration of God. (3) You asked "Were the KJB translators King James Onlyists"? I honestly don't think this is a serious question Jesse. (4) You asked " Did they (claim) that their translation alone was the Word of God"? They were (moved) by the Holy Ghost, God didn't come down from heaven and talk to them personally and tell every one of them they were translating the True Word of God.

    (5) You asked "Did they (claim) that all previous translations were corrupt"? Why would they? Why would you expect them too?

    (6) You asked "Did they (claim) that any translation written after theirs should be automatically discarded and labeled as being corrupt"? ( Jer. 23:36) ( 2 Cor. 2:17) ( Prov. 30:5-6)

    Now will you Please answer the one question I asked you in my last comment to you that was ignored?

    You are pretty much a Greek scholar Jesse, so getting the True meaning of the words from the Bible in the original language is very important to you and I completely understand why. It is very helpful in many different ways to get the True meaning of the words in the original languages of Hebrew and Greek. Right?

    Will you please answer this?

    What is ( Jer. 23:36) telling us about the Word of the living God? The word (perverted) is #2015; it means ((to change))

    This verse is saying they changed the words of the living God. All modern versions change the Words of the living God.

    It is being spoken of pastors who are feeding God's people ( Jer. 23:1-2)

    Truth matters.

  • John ray - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you for continuing to pray for Shelly Bailey she saved she's the ones living in a nursing home there's also nursing homes all over the country too I'll never forget about Jesus Christ he leaves me bread crumbs just to let me know that he's there thank you
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    David0921 Thank you for your comment. I completely agree with you the KJB translators believed the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts they were using were the very Word of God. Yes that was the Word of God.

    You said "The original Hebrew and Greek CANNOT be questioned. But a translation, no matter how faithful, can be checked out against the original Hebrew and Greek".

    David how many modern version bibles are in such alignment with the original Hebrew and Greek languages?

    The answer to that would be zero!

    All modern versions have changed their words to remove that option.

    Would the Inspired Word of God be faithful, and checkable as you say against the original Hebrew and Greek?

    The answer to that would be Yes!

    I have said being able to go back to the original languages for the True meaning of the words in Hebrew and Greek is like a second witness in the languages. You get the True meaning of the words.

    All modern version bibles take that away.

    Can anybody see taking that option away as being a good thing?

    God breathed Scripture would be connected to the original Languages so much more than it would not be!

    The Word of God is Alive!

    Very good points David.

    God Bless you.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jimbob,

    If you look back on the post you first asked about Jeremiah 23:46 i did give what I believed the Scripture was referring to-those in that day who proclaimed to be prophets but were not called by God do to so and what they prophesied was erroneous and not from God, thus Jeremiah states that they pervert what God has truly said. I stand by that interpretation.

    It is stated in 2 Tim. 3:15 that all scripture is God=breathed )or inspired by God_ And in 2 Peter 1:20 it speaks of the apostles and prophets being inspired by the Holy spirit to speak and write the word of God.

    Other than referring to these scriptural references, I don't have much more response for you om this subject at this time.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    It's nice to know that you agree that that there were bibles before the KJB. However, you say that you wouldn't think those are the Inspired Word of God. From what I have gathered from you to this point is that you believe any bible that is not inspired by God is a corrupt bible. Would that be correct? If so, why would King James charge the translators to heavily rely on the Geneva Bible during the translation process? Do you believe the Geneva Bible was corrupt?

    You say you don't understand my logic, but then you go on to say "These verses are prophecy that's why they are shown to be past tense."

    Whenever a prophet spoke prophecy, was he speaking past tense or future tense? Was he speaking of something that already happened or something that would happen in the future? Jimbob, I hope I'm just misunderstanding your statement?

    I do apologize for asking those questions the way I did. You are correct in saying that you couldn't tell me what the translators were thinking. I mean, how could you?

    But I do find it ironic that in one of your previous posts, you seemed to be telling me what I was thinking. I responded back and asked you to please don't tell me what I'm thinking because you have no way of knowing what I was thinking.

    So with that, I suppose it was wrong of me to ask you what the KJB translators were thinking. I would like to ask the same questions but I will replace the word think with the word claim. That might be easier to answer that way. I would be more than happy to help you if you wish.

    Here are the questions again:

    Were the KJB translators King James Onlyists?

    Did they (claim) that their translation alone was the word of God.

    Did they (claim) that all previous translations were corrupt?

    Did they (claim) that any translation written after theirs should be automatically discarded and labeled as being corrupt?

    Blessings to you, Jimbob
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I'm confident, Jimbob, that the King James Version translators believed the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts they were using were the very Word of God, which indeed they were. This is why the KJV is superior to any English translation we have today and is exceptionally faithful to the original languages.

    The original Hebrew and Greek CANNOT be questioned. But a translation, no matter how faithful, can be checked out against the original Hebrew and Greek. Anyone that claims to be a Theologian or Bible Teacher should be doing just that as they compare scripture with scripture using the rules for Bible interpretation that God has set forth in His Word, praying that God might open their understanding.

    God has graciously provided tools to do that in the form of concordances and interlinears for the KJV.

    We should all be earnestly desirous of never declaring "Thus saith the Lord" when the Lord has not said.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    GiGi Welcome back. You said Jesse asked me valid questions and I only deflect. Thats not true GiGi. I cant tell you what the translators were thinking in 1611. Can you? You also said I don't give reasonable answers? All I can do is provide Scripture which is where I get my understanding of the KJB being the True Word of God. There are verses that show us things that can't be ignored, here's an example of one I have provided several times but nobody has commented on it having any meaning other than what I have said it means ( Jer. 23:36) The word (perverted) is #2015; it means ((to change)) What does this verse mean GiGi? This is not my opinion its Scripture written to pastors who feed God's people. ( Jer. 23:1-2) Scripture provided! (What do pastors feed God's people)? That verse is saying someone ((changed)) the words of the living God!

    They CHANGED THE WORDS OF THE LIVING GOD! ( Prov. 30:5-6) ( Rev. 22:18-19) We should not change the Words of God.

    How can it get any more clear than that? ALL modern versions have changed the Words of the living God.

    You said the translators did not state anywhere that their translation was re-inspired by God? Would they have to say it was inspired by God for you to believe it was?

    Some have said the prophets and the Apostles were inspired by God. ( 2 Tim. 3:16) Tells us All (scripture) is Inspired by God. Not people!

    Can you provide any Scripture that tells us the prophets or Apostles were (Inspired) by God?

    You said "Since these men did not claim what you claim about the translation they created, then what you say about the KJV is based on faith influenced by personal bias and not on facts".

    I would also disagree with that statement GiGi. If you are provided with Scripture from the Word of God that should be fact enough. Again it is not my opinion! Please disprove ( Jer. 23:36)?

    This subject is very important GiGi if the KJB is the Inspired Word of God! And it is!

    Blessing to you.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Fearful signs and great sights ( Luke 21:11).

    Today; a brother from my church discussed what He said was a time the Lord told him not to fear; and today it seems like confirmation as I was admonishing him in much the same way. Specifically; it was related to the nearness of His coming as well as several things related to what appears to be the imminent demise of our country as judgment draws nigh.

    The Lord has held back the day of the Lord with His great patience to this point but it will come suddenly ( Habakkuk 2:3 and many other N.T. verses). Jesus also states that people will be buying; selling; giving in marriage etc. much like the time of Noah when He returns ( Luke 17:27 also referring to the days of Lot.)

    I remembered how 40 years ago many were talking about giving up everything and standing on a mountain as they were convinced Christ would arrive by 1988. Clearly that didn't happen. We also discussed the timing of when the last generation actually begins; the Antichrist and other issues. What I would say characterizes both of us is a hunger and thirst to preach on the end times which for me is something I feel I have put on a shelf for most of my adulthood since the early 80's.

    These days spiritual warfare is harder than ever; again something which we seemed to have gone through. We cannot afford to leave any sin unforgiven; as the enemy is ready to pounce on us with any weak links in the chain; and also the fear of death needs to be overcome through trusting Christ. That can't; of course be done without total surrender to Christ and having good fellowship is a key especially as we see the Day of the Lord coming ( Heb. 10:25).

    I would venture to say that there are very few left who are living out a totally surrendured life to Christ as charactarized by the Laodicean church. We should test ourselves to see if we are in the faith now ( 2 Cor. 13:5); if anything to flee the Tribulation as well as assure that we are saved from hell.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    David0921 ( 2 Pet. 1:19-21) v20 Tells us "that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation".

    The word (prophecy) is #4394; it means ("prophecy") prediction (scriptural or other) This prophecy is the Word of God, mainly the NT and this verse tells us it came not in old time by the will of men: but holy men of God spake as they were ((moved)) by the Holy Ghost.

    The word (scripture) is #1124; it means a document, i.e. holy Writ (or its contents or a statement in it) to write, to describe.

    This clearly tells us the (scripture) is a written document. You might say in a Bible.

    This prophecy is a written document that came in old time by men who were ((moved by the Holy Ghost))

    Then there's ( Ps. 12:6-7) v6 "The words of the LORD are pure words"

    The word (pure) is 2889; it means pure (in a physical, chemical, ceremonial or moral sense) sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated, morally innocent or holy.

    v7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt ((preserve them)) from this generation ((for ever)).

    The word (preserve) is #5341; it means to guard, to protect, maintain, obey.

    If we didn't have those pure, unadulterated, uncontaminated, sound words today then this verse would be a lie.

    ( Prov. 30:5-6) v5 ((Every word)) of God is pure.

    v6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.

    If we didn't have those pure words today then what is this verse saying we should not add unto?

    ( Rev. 22:18-19) We are not to add to or take away from the words of the ((prophecy)) of this book.

    God came to this earth in a flesh body as Jesus Christ ( Jn. 1:1-3,14)

    How can we believe that God didn't want ((His Words)) to be written down and documented exactly as He spoke them, and preserved them for the Last generations? (holy men of God spake as they were ((moved)) by the Holy Ghost) in 1611.

    God is not the author of confusion.

    Thanks for your comment David.

  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Excellent contribution, S. Spencer.

    This explains so much. Thanks!
  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear "John ray" There is so much that I would have comforted you with, we pray faithfully to the Lord every day. We pray for Shelly and Bayly and John, and many many more ppl. We bear each other's burdens too. Keep your heart, forth all things, and trust in God in the holy name of Jesus Christ, that He will deliver you and make peace between you all. It's easy and miss understand. Juveniles are juveniles, they can be capricious.

    I want to thank u for the witness you are John. And always remember that you are His child and He cares for you. I love u in Christ.

    1 Corintihans 13 chapter.
  • David0921 - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Where in the Bible do you read that the KJV translators were "inspired" by God so that the translation is without any error of any kind?
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Greetings, just go back form my trip and am catching up on posts here.

    Not really wanting to jump full board back into this discussion but I would like to comment that the full text of the New

    Testament was compiled in the first few centuries. In the 4th century (I believe) Jerome translated these manuscripts into Latin. Erasmus translated the Vulgate and the Greek text once again in 1300 A.D. (approximately). The Geneva Bible , Tyndale Bible, Wycliffe Bible, the Bishops Bible, the Great Bible, Martin Luther's German translation and others existed before the KJB.

    So the full New and Old Testaments had been complied into one Bible during the millennium before the KJV was translated.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello again, Jimbob

    Again, I agree fully with jesse.

    Jimbob, you claimed Jesse already had his mind made up on this topic. The same is true of you. It is you who are continuing to "convert" people to your King James Onlyism viewpoint here and continuing this conversation long past the point of being unresolvable.

    Jimbob, there is so much we can agree on concerning God's Word. I think it is time to lay this conversation to rest and go on to another topic so this forum can be more beneficial to the many on this forum, both those who post and those who are mostly readers. This conversation is at a standstill and so, let's move on to another topic unrelated to the KJV and into the what the KV teaches on matters of faith, doctrine, and conduct.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Jimbob,

    Sorry to interject once again., but Jesse has asked you some very valid questions and, since you are perpetuating this thread with your assertions that the the KJV is the ONLY true word of God, then you should be able to answer Jesse's sincere requests. Instead you are deflecting back to your original position. Because you do not give reasonable answers to Jesse's questions, but instead continue to repeatedly state the same belief you hold concerning the KJV, it is clear that you what you believe about the KJV is a position you hold by faith. Go and read an original of the introduction and preface of the KJV by the translators and you will find that they did not state anywhere that their translation was re-inspired by God and that it was error-free. They did not denounce other translations as corrupt, nor did they claim that the KJV was the ONLY preserved and God-inspired translation.

    Since these men did not claim what you claim about the translation they created, then what you say about the KJV is based on faith influenced by personal bias and not on facts.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Jimbob,

    Sorry to interject once again., but Jesse has asked you some very valid questions and, since you are perpetuating this thread with your assertions that the the KJV is the ONLY true word of God, then you should be able to answer Jesse's sincere requests. Instead you are deflecting back to your original position. Because you do not give reasonable answers to Jesse's questions, but instead continue to repeatedly state the same belief you hold concerning the KJV, it is clear that you what you believe about the KJV is a position you hold by faith. Go and read an original of the introduction and preface of the KJV by the translators and you will find that they did not state anywhere that their translation was re-inspired by God and that it was error-free. They did not denounce other translations as corrupt, nor did they claim that the KJV was the ONLY preserved and God-inspired translation.

    Since these men did not claim what you claim about the translation they created, then what you say about the KJV is based on faith influenced by personal bias and not on facts.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Greetings, just go back form my trip and am catching up on posts here.

    Not really wanting to jump full board back into this discussion but I would like to comment that the full text of the New

    Testament was compiled in the first few centuries. In the 4th century (I believe) Jerome translated these manuscripts into Latin. Erasmus translated the Vulgate and the Greek text once again in 1300 A.D. (approximately). The Geneva Bible , Tyndale Bible, Wycliffe Bible, the Bishops Bible, the Great Bible, Martin Luther's German translation and others existed before the KJB.

    So the full New and Old Testaments had been complied into one Bible during the millennium before the KJV was translated.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you Jesse,

    God is faithful and gave us a great trip. Saw so much we both didn't know was there to take in. We did not have a hard and fast plan, sort of a general one of where we would go and stay each night. But each day brought us knew opportunities to take in experiences with what He has created int his state. I am hoping my husband and I can go there again in a few weeks when he retires. He wants to go on a long rode trip riding his motorcycle with me following in our car. (This is how was normall do such trips to increase safety in case something comes up, we have back up transportation, etc.)

    He is not quite on board yet to decide because he is preoccupied with getting all things squared away for his departure from his job. He supervises many people and is training the person who will replace him. So, that is on his mind right now. We have time to decide yet. We won't leave any day of the Memorial Day Weekend. Too much traffic at that time.

    I so appreciate your prayers and well wishes. Thanks so much.

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