All Discussion PAGE 44

  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Dear Terri,

    I pray that your daughter be completely restored to perfect health and not only this, but that her heart is happy and full with joy, with her family! I am praying in agreement with you, Terri, "unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," . . . to Him we give all the glory, in the precious name of His son Jesus, we pray - AMEN!
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Praying for you, Lena! Have faith, the right boy/man wil show for you as you put Jesus first in your life. You will not lack anything, rest assured! I pray this for you in Jesus'mighty name, AMEN!
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    My dear sister in Christ,

    I feel for you and will be surely praying for God to reveal Himself in a mighty way in your life and erase all the pain, suffering and confusion. I pray in Jesus mighty name that the veil of dark thoughts and depression be removed and let the Sun of Righteousness rise in your day, with healing power in his wings! Amen

    My name is Stella Orlinova (Bulgaria) and you can find me on facebook so we can chat and encourage each other more,

    Blessings in Jesus'name!
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Thank you, be blessed in Jesus'name!
  • Pnovello - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Terry, I am praying for your daughter. Heavenly Father, through Your Son Jesus Christ, You are glorified. We ask for healing for her daughter, she is needed at her home. Thank You Father God, Thank You Jesus, and Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen
  • Mirjam - 10 months ago
    To sum it all up into something short: That God would hear and answer my desperate cries for help in a situation that's beyond hopeless. I'm so tired of hurting and I've lost my life, my youth and all the best years to it all. I need a miracle.

    -My health (body, mind, spirit and soul. Chronic pain. Dangerously bad breathing issues. Severe loss of hair. Badly broken teeth. What I call a trauma brain, after a lifetime of abuse and neglect that I have no way or place to escape. Brain fog so bad I can't think clear and it's getting harder to wake up and when I do, I'm barely there; too numb or in too much inward pain to function. Touch-starved.)

    -My life (to get to a place with likeminded people, and safe. Where I have value, a reason to have been born. Where I'm a real person. To have a good Christian husband and children before I get any older, because I'm almost 40. To be no longer available for the energy vampires. No more playing the role of a whipping boy/girl.)

    -Curses into blessings (family curses on both sides, curses put on me at least by my parents, which is mainly my mother who even recently called me a curse. I've seen her curses come to pass, over and over again. God knows who else. Any curses I've caused myself)

    -God's mercy, love, guidance, protection, blessings and peace.

    -Full armor of God on me. My life filled with God. More faith in God. To be deaf to the enemy's voice.

    -Free from demons of depression, anxiety, self-hatred, suicide, self-harm, bad mouth, bad thoughts and sexual immortality. Comfort eating that started from childhood.

    -Financially secure to take care of myself, have a home (I'm technically homeless, but forced to live with people who hate me), take care of my nearest and dearest, and get everything I need for my health and life.

    -To find beauty in the ugliness of my life and existence. To become whole. To be strong where I've been weak. To leave behind something good once I'm gone. To have a life worth living.

    God bless you.
  • Lena - 10 months ago
    Hello everyone hopefully you all are having a great day. Please pray for me, please pray that i can do the right thing for Jesus and let go of fear from what others might say or think, also that if Rudy is the right guy for me so that we can end up being together, but if he is not the one then please pray that God would send the right guy to me. Also please pray that the man that i will date/marry in the future can be a strong christen. And remember to pray that his will be done, not ours, also remember to pray in Jesus HOLY and ALMIGHTY name. Thanks
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    The Intertestamental period and the church age.

    Hosea 3:4 says For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:

    This could fit in with the time the last few hundred years before Christ to some extent but the sacrifice ended in AD 70 some time after Christ's sacrifice rent the temple curtain in two and thus rendered the old sacrificial system obselete. Thus we see what has happened ever since until the time of the Tribulation when; if taken literally it will once again occur during the ministry of the two prophets. ( Revelation 11).

    Certainly one of the most convincing evidences of Christianity being true is the faith continuing throughout 2 Millennia now since Pentecost. Many have attempted to stomp it down; John Lennon said they were more popular than Christ; President Obama said we are no longer a Christian nation (June 28, 2006). Lately it seems that compromise and false doctrines are the enemy's preferred tactics to outright persecution as it seem to be so rampant and increasing exponentially today at least in the Western Hemisphere. Despite the far longer interval of this "dispensation" than the time between Malachi and Matthew; we see in the scripture warnings from Peter; Jude and John of what lies ahead in the last days; and in Revelation of course beyond our current existence. We see as Solomon stated in Ecclesiastes the same thing happening over and over; "nothing new under the sun" ( Ecclesiastes 1:9). We serve a LIVING head ( Eph. 4:15) who intercedes for us. We shall eventually rise from the dead and be united with all the saints from the New and Old Testament ages. Once again we will see signs and wonders and great prophetic statements and events and Christ coming back to rule after returning triumphant over his foes at the Mount of Olives splitting it in two ( Zech. 14:3-5). The pieces will come together.
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    Further thoughts on a proper perspective of scripture.

    When viewing things from a different culture; some things are unique to the historical context, while others can be reflected in what we may call a "third world" nation today. Such an agricultural; agrarian lifestyle where someone would even care about coveting a donkey of a neighbor as a temptation may seem foreign. Coveting a neighbor's Ferrari or his wife certainly is a common thread where the 10th Commandment is violated even today. In looking at the New Testament in Corinthians there was a sort of "love feast" in the early church ( 1 Cor. 11:17-34) which was a major meal which isn't done today at least as a formal ceremonial occasion. When we look at the brutality of war; conquest and slavery from the scriptures many are appalled and indeed these are tough verses. Nonetheless in nations with conflict today much of these things occur.

    Going back to what I said in the last few posts; we can look at other religions from a worldly standpoint as to the elaborate display of artistic forms; rituals; dance etc. and totally ignore the brutality that existed in most if not all pagan societies involving ritual child sacrifice; and all sorts of sexual deviation and murders to satiate the "gods". An atheist of course probably can see clearer than an agnostic; monuments from Greece and now replicated throughout the Western world of an obelisk represent a "phallic male" symbol with other things clearly the female reproductive organs. The fact that God used Israel to wipe out these pagan nations to the world may seem like it didn't happen until historical evidence proves otherwise. We see a similar sudden end to such "cultures" in the Americas as well. Of course we see different stories of a worldwide flood in every major nation's history as well as Creation stories and those of the giants of the earth. The world I suppose sees these as "coincidences" or puts scripture as just another fairy tale.
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    The scriptures and how we perceive it.

    My last two posts were a general look at accuracy of historical and more recent information as seen through the media and historical accounts. A realistic view of the Bible sees it set apart as having all things necessary for instruction; rebuke; etc as 2 Timothy 3:16 states. We often use other sources such as Foxe's Book of Martyrs to fill in the details; and most of us have the idea that all but one of the original Apostles was martyred. The scripture only mentions James the brother of John killed in Acts 12:2. We can assess from the writings of Paul that he knew his time of departure was at hand; but Acts 28 stops short of his martyrdom. From Christ's words to Peter in John 21:18 as to his fate of martyrdom as well. Whether John in Revelation was boiled in oil unsuccessfully before his Patmos exile is not as far as I know proven.

    Often we CAN read into what is not said in scripture. Jesus was basically left out of anything but a bare bones description of his time before His minstry began after John the Baptist baptised Him. I would imagine he was perfect in being a carpenter and all that it entailed but we just need to understand that He fulfilled the law perfectly in His life and ultimately His death.

    When we look at Christ's personal prayer life in particular; we see that He knew the importance of withdrawing before certain events and praying all night at times; as He did before picking the Disciples; as well as fasting and prayer which He likely did both practices before upbraiding those who didn't remain proactive in general to be spiritually strong at the casting out of the demon in Matthew 17:21. We don't see ANY indication that any of the Apostles or Disciples prayed before the Resurrection. It doesn't prove it didn't happen but certainly indicates it was probably very deficient.

    The Bible clearly does NOT put people but God on display. Even mourning for Moses had to end ( Joshua 1:2).
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    More on factual accuracy.

    Since this is a place focusing on study of the scriptures; I don't want to deviate with a lengthy diatribe on any other issue. Nonetheless; we should all agree that we CAN trust the accuracy of the scriptures in KJV (and I would simply say in some other translations as well despite the vehement disagreements of a few).

    Anything else has to be seen as at least partially tainted with fallen man's assumptions; presumptions; bias; or genuine lack of knowledge as to well researched data that is utilized. There are those; for instance that have wildly exaggerated numbers as to those killed in the Inquisitions as well as ignoring some equally horrid things done by Protestants at the time. On the other hand the countless millions killed especially in the Asiatic regions by Muslims is something almost unknown today; I only found out relatively recently. We can extend this concept to deaths in wars; where we seem obsessed on just a few countries and ignore much of the continent of Africa in particular where things especially in the Congo have no interest in the mainstream news outlets in the USA.

    As Christians we need to be "wise as serpents; innocent as doves." ( Matt. 10:16) When we see something like a war in the world especially now we tend to take sides based on what we are told without doing research with say independent media; or checking with those who are actually on the ground. This is how videos of so called atrocities blamed on one group or country wasn't screened carefully; and especially during the Syrian conflict 10 or so years ago the perpetrators would use video shot in other countries some years before. We see the same idea now with the "official" casualties in Palestine reported by those tied in with Hamas; just as the "Syrian Observatory" group was one lone person that the British would claim represented absolute truth during the Syrian conflict.
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    The death of Mandisa and the rumor mill

    The headlines of late often have tried to bait people with Mandisa's history of depression with the words OD and cause of death lately. The official results are that there was nothing suspicious; and it certainly could simply have been heart failure due in part prematurely with her weight issues.

    My won lack of knowledge of her song overcomer on the Good Morning America was that I thought it was written for Robin Roberts who hosted the show and who herself fought cancer. Since she has a same sex lifestyle (and apparently is also into meditation) I was concerned as to the song Overcomer representing some victory that was unrealistic for someone living that way. It turns out it was written for another friend of Mandisa who apparently died a year or two later and that is what led to Mandisa's long bout with depression and her rapid weight gain.

    I am not very knowledgeable as to the Christian organization she belonged to; but judging from the last couple videos she did it seemed she had a true concept of proper doctrine and therefore was living a life of a genuine Christian. She was single and didn't get the partner she felt God would give her; nonetheless content with the Lord in all things no matter what. This is a refreshing change from many who compromise in relationships and worldliness. She had amassed a small fortune; but didn't live a lavish lifestyle in an apartment as far as I could see.

    I am not saying it is impossible that the family knows something about her death which at this point will likely never be revealed. It just seems sad to me that if someone does live a Godly life and suffers for it; it is just the musical fame and worldly success which is mentioned; even by those of "Christian" circles.

    Also; in general we need to take care not to believe all we hear; even some historical things especially when bias is proven.

    Today in particular impartial and even adequate fact sources are rare
  • Atlene - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Praying with you Cheri for your son!
  • Atlene - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Praying with you Terri for your daughter.
  • Oseas - 10 months ago

    13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the MOUTH of the dragon,and out of the MOUTH of the Beast(of sea), and out of the MOUTH of the false prophet.

    14For they are the spirits of devils,working miracles,which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world,to gather them to the battle of that great Day(Lord's Day,the seventh)of God Almighty.

    15Behold,I come as a thief. (Get ready)

    Blessed is he that watcheth,and keepeth his garments,lest he walk naked,and they see his shame.


    9And the great dragon( Revelation 13:11)was cast out,that old serpent,called the Devil,and Satan,which deceiveth the whole world: he was(will be)cast out into the earth, and his messengers- 2Corinthians 11:13-15-were(will be)cast out with him.

    10And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven,NOW is come salvation,and strength,and the kingdom of our GOD,and the power of His Christ:for the accuser of our brethren is cast down,which accused them before our GOD day and night.

    11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb,and by the Word of their testimony;and they loved not their lives unto the death.

    12Therefore rejoice,ye heavens( Philippians 3:20-21),and ye that dwell in them.Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea!for the Devil is come down unto you,having great wrath,because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

    13And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth,he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

    14And to the woman were given TWO WINGS of a great eagle,that she might FLY into the wilderness( Isaiah 60:8),into her place,where she is nourished(by the Word of GOD)for a time,and times,and half a time,from the face of the serpent.

    15And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman,that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

    16And the earth helped the woman,and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

    Get ready
  • Terri - 10 months ago
    Please pray for my daughter. She went to the hospital the medication that they put her on, gave her chest, a little bit of chest pain and breathing problem and she has thyroid issues, grave disease pray that the doctors will have wisdom to know how to help her that she will be OK, she will be safe and healthy and that they know why she has disease and be able to heal it and that today at the hospital they will have wisdom and they will help her to get better and she'll get to go home to her husband and their children, please pray for healing and safety and protection in Jesus name
  • E. - 10 months ago
    Asking for strong protection, intervention, and breakthrough for us and all in need. Thank you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 10 months ago
    Dear ibleman72,

    i will pray for your feet as well as your endeavor to make amends with your ex-wife.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 10 months ago

    I continue to keep you and your Family in prayer.
  • Cheri - 10 months ago
    Please pray for my son who is an alcoholic a severe one he has so many opportunities right now God given talents. He was sober for 100 days and started drinking again thank you for your prayers.
  • Jeremiah - In Reply - 10 months ago
    I pray that your husband is ok and he shall live right now I know you worry but you will be ok praying for you and your family to get rest and you will be just fine.
  • Desmond Gaguh - 10 months ago
    Hello Brethren.

    Mr Name is Desmond Gaguh.

    Iam job hunting, and no positive response or signal that is coming from all the places I submitted my CV. I please want the prayer team to pray for me and my family for God's guidance, success, and breakthrough. In Jesus name Amen. Thanks!

    Your's faithfully,

    Desmond Gaguh.
  • Gilbert Moisa - 10 months ago
    prayers for my health and for my family that God brings all my family to church thank you
  • David Allen - In Reply - 11 months ago
  • David Allen - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Thank you and May the Lord bless you
  • David Allen - In Reply - 11 months ago
    thank you and praying for you brother
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    Please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Atlene - 11 months ago
    Hi. I just joined to this website. Please pray for me, I've been a bit ill and my husband will be going into surgery next week. I need restoration and grace, and pray my husband will be well through surgery, in Lord Jesus name, amen. thank you
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Praying for you in Jesus' name, be strong! Help is on the way, never stop believing!
  • Stella_ml - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Praying for you!

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