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The remainder of this chapter is about the resting and moving on of the Israelites in the wilderness. First of all, when the tabernacle was raised, YHWH's Presence rested upon it. He delt among them as He promised Moses when Moses interceded for the people when they were stubborn and stiff-necked. The rest of the chapter repeatedly tells of how the people would remain and rest when the Presence of God rested upon the tabernacle, and then when the Presence lifted, they knew that they would be moving on. They would then prepare for continue their journey to the promised land. The Lord would lead them in the pillar of fire by night and cloud by day. The people went whatever way the pillar went.
God's presence was their guide and authority and things went well for them as they obeyed YHWH. They did not veer to the right of left, nor turn around to go back, nor ran ahead to go on their own. They obeyed YHWH in following His lead and they came closer and closer to the promised land.
It is the same with us, God is our leader, our guide and authority. He is with us and indwells us (unlike the Israelites) and will never forsake us or leave us. He is faithful even when we are unfaithful ( 2 Tim. 2:13). We are to follow EVERYTHING, but we often fail and go out on our own or in a direction He has not led us. thankfully we can repent and confess. He will strengthen us.
God will lead us in ways to bless us because we need to be blessed. He will lead us in ways that try us because our faith needs to be tested and matured. He will lead us in times and places of rest, because we need to slow down and rest in Him. He will press us firmly to go in a way He has determined for us because we need to accomplish something for someone else or grow in obedience, just as Jesus was tempted and tested , enduring trials and painful suffering leading to death because we were in need of redemption. He did it for us. He is our Sovereign without equal.
The believers then as now had everyday problems that we have. Greet you with a greeting from Philemon letter. Love u in Christ, take care of your heart and stay close to the word of God.
Thanks for your response.
I briefly went through your reply and will read it again when time permits.
It's late here on the east coast.
However we disagree on what I gathered so far.
I believe the purpose of John baptism was to turn the hearts of the people away from Judaism to Christ, not only by what he said but by the area and the audience he approached and by what his Father said.
Luke 1:67-69. "And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying,
Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,
AND hath raised up an horn of salvation for "US" in the house of his servant David;
Luke 1:80
And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts TILL THE DAY OF HIS SHEWING UNTO ISRAEL.
John came preaching in the wilderness of Judaea.
The religion in that area was Judaism. If publicans was in the that area they witnessed and was aware of the God of the Israelites. " John said prepare the way for the Lord.
They knew that was the God of the Jews.
And Mark 16:16 it says "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; BUT HE THAT BELIEVETH NOT SHALL BE DAMNED.
"It doesn't say he that is not baptized shall be damned"
If you were standing in the way of my view of something and I said; "Sit down and get out the way"
When you sit down you would have gotten out the way. "You would have accomplished both "
That's the way I take Mark 16:16.
When they believed they were baptized.
It's the Baptism of the Holyspirit mentioned here, Not water. And If it was water baptism it's the believing or not believing that would make the difference here.
As for the creeds. One baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
I believe that.
That's the baptism of the Holyspirit. The only baptism that can put you in the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:5-6.
Good night.
It had been a year since the Israelites came to Mt. Sinai. Now it was time to celebrate the Passover in the way that YHWH showed Moses. This feast was spoken of in Exodus 12 when they had come from fleeing Egypt to what would be the first month of their year. The Passover is the first feast of their year. It is celebrated on the 14th day of Nissan (either in March or April). The Israelites had celebrated it in Egypt when the last plague, the death of the firstborn was come upon Egypt. The Israelites did all that God had instructed them to do and were spared from this plague due to their obedience of putting the blood of the sacrificed lamb around their doorframe. Then when they were away from Egypt and the early spring month began they celebrated their second Passover according to how Moses instructed them.
Now they were about to leave from Mt. Sinai and it was once again the month of Nissan and the beginning of their second full year in the wilderness. They prepared to celebrate the Passover again. There were two men who had become unclean by having contact with a dead person. They, wisely, went to Moses concerning their fitness to participate in the Passover with their family and the whole camp. Normally, they would not be able to participate in worship until they had satisfied the the conditions for re-entry into the congregation. But this time, Moses consulted God on their behalf, since this was a new situation. YHWH told Moses that the men did not have to be ceremonial clean to celebrate the Passover, but were to do so with their family and community.
When Jesus was sacrificed as our Passover Lamb, his disciples, nor any of us needed to get "cleaned up" in order for Him to sacrifice for us. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. We were crucified with Him, even though we were unclean.
We all participated in this Passover with Jesus. He was our sacrifice and our sins were "passed over" in Him. How wonderful.
cont. to part 2
Part 2
mandalas, mazes, fairies, elves, gnomes, griffins, phoenixes, dragons, unicorns, gargoyles, and other mythical things.
For me, I made a mental list of the things I will avoid having in my home and also learned about popular images and figurines as to their origin and uses in the people who originated these ideas. I took inventory of my home to eliminate anything that was even 'iffy'. But the main thrust of the commandment is to avoid anything associated with paganism, occultism, mysticism, or idolatry.
And I think that God gave this commandment to warn us to guard our imaginations, mind, heart, and eyes when it comes to images because He knows that such things can begin in innocence, but in time can become something we give to much respect of consideration to, maybe even thinking one cannot part with something one considers valuable in an inordinate way. This could easily apply to family heirlooms or momentos of things from loved ones alive of dead.
I think the bottom line is not to think too highly of anything that God created or man has imagined and created beyond its function, usefulness, beauty, artistic aesthetic, and meaningfulness. Nothing should draw us away from God's pre-eminence in our lives or be substituted for Him, nor should anything we have or view or treasure go beyond what is rightfully and righteously due them.
God warns us of this because He knows our sinful nature better than anyone else. He knows how easily we can fall into a mindset that breaks this commandment concerning images and also the commandment concerning idolatry. They are interrelated.
Karen, I don't think that you have anything to be concerned about with these crocheted items. Those who receive them will most likely think of you and the time you spent making these items for them. But I will always say, be godly in all we do, honoring God above all, avoid being worldly minded, and hold all things in balance before God.
Richard has given you good advice. Each person does need to examine themselves before God as to any images they have in there mind and in figures and paintings.
But, what you are speaking about is depicting animals for children. If you look at any children's book geared towards the very young, they are rightly called "picture books" because younger children need visual pictures to relate to the words they hear read. Kids love stuffed animals. Are these any different than what you are creating? Not really.
We love to see photographs of many things in our world, often giving us a visual image of some things in the world or space that we will never see in person. And before photos, there were paintings to depict a person or event or scene of significance to the artist. Are these to be eliminated in our present lives? How about videos?
When I read in Exodus and Leviticus about the furnishings of the tent of meeting, the ark of the covenant, and the images carved on the temple walls, it causes me to ponder the commandment to not make graven images. But here, God called for these images to be engravened upon the curtains of the tabernacle and walls of the temple, to be crafted out of metal as the cherubim on the mercy seat, which did not break the commandment.
This does not mean that we can do anything we want with images and objects. We should certainly check with God before we create or use any image or objects in our homes. Home decor and yard art comes to mind. How do we know what is acceptable for us to use?
I think that Richard spoke wisely on this. The commandment is for God's people to not create images of false gods, first of all. This is idolatry. But we should also be careful of what we have as 'art'. Things that come to mind are: gazing balls, charm bracelets, figurines that are from pagan societies like totems or depictions of things the society revered, angel depictions, even fairies, gnomes, gremlins, gargoyles, elves, 'mythical' beings.
Good job explaining not just the importance of water baptism that is done by one who believes the gospel and professes Christ as
Savior, but also that it is the end act of conversion and for the remission of sins, as Scripture does say. I don't think that we truly understand this connection in baptism because it is a spiritual act by God to us.
And in regard to creeds, you are correct in that they were a concise proclamation of the essential beliefs every believer should confess. Even before these "official" creeds many of us know so well, in the apostles' time and continuing after that, each congregation had what was called "a rule of faith' which was confession of the essential Christian beliefs expected tho be held by members of the fellowship. This was pretty much across the board for most churches at this time.
This is all that a creed is, an outward, communal confession of the beliefs of the apostolic faith past down to the churches. It is something that believers confessed as individuals to what they believed, but it was usually done in a corporate setting. The rule of faith would be recited in their worship times as a statement of faith that showed any visitors or anyone new to the fellowship what they proclaimed about the most important and necessary ideals of the faith they believed.
What effect would occur in non-believers or new believers and children attending a fellowship if such a 'rule of faith' or creed was professed at every worship service! It is one part of services that I love because I can know that I am with people who believe that same things as I do as well as the Christian church at large.
It is ok for someone to create their own profession of faith for themselves. However, this could lead to all kinds of errors in doctrine if the individual profession does not align with the word as professed in the creeds of Christ's church.
It is certainly good to have a habit of prayer and a habit of seeking examination by the Holy Spirit searching us through and through to uncover wickedness we are unable to perceive.
And, I agree that we should be selective of whom we ask to pray for us or advise us. Just become someone is a believer does not automatically qualify them as one who can be trustworthy with one's prayer needs or with giving guidance in an area of concern in our lives.
But also, for instance, here on this site many people request prayer. 'They do not know who will take up their request for prayer, or be selective of the person on this site they wish to pray for them. So, in some way, in such a situation, we do need trust God to move on people here to pray in faith for others and believe that God will bring the right persons to pray for people and their requests.
Each person should work to cultivate a strong prayer life with the help of the Holy Spirit. We are so weak minded and in our resolve. We need the Spirit's help to grow in prayer. But that said, it seems that Scripture does charge us to pray often and continually, bringing all things to God. So, we should not go a day without prayer either solitarily or in fellowship. We can know that God hears our prayers and will always give the best answer according to His wisdom and all-knowing will and vigilant heart for those who are His by faith.
This site offers the opportunity to pray for others every day. That is a blessing, especially for those of us. like me, who do not get out that much nor interact much with others in person. My circle of fellow Christians is pretty small now, but my friends in Christ are so valuable to me. And this site is helping me be more prayerful in all aspects.
As for people being strong enough to battle against our spiritual enemies and powerful wicked ones, we still can offer up a fight while asking God to intervene. He is strongest of all.
I should clarify on my statement on not showing art representing God then allowing the exception for the Last Supper. I stated that the purpose for such is to represent as accurately as possible a particular event which all the disciples shared that is foundational to a scriptural event of importance. Other than the halo around our Lord it usually isn't overemphasizing His appearance (as He was a man of sorrows and otherwise humble of low degree as Isaiah 53 described; despised and rejected and marred during the crucifixion more than any man). Also the appearance often has that of a caucasian which would be as many European men would appear with a Middle Ages depiction. It is not ornate and such; but if one were to think it was inappropriate I certainly wouldn't want to split hairs over it.
Perhaps the description of Lucifer appearing as an "angel of light" in his now fallen state ( 2 Cor. 11:14) shows how outer beauty and its representation can be seen in it's darkest effigy. Hence; even in the occult we see much beautiful imagery and depictions of angels but it is buffeted by myriads of demons and full of darkness at its core. The same thing can be said for those ancient animal idols and gods; which may not be as common today but probably is getting more so with Satanism and the occult. We must keep in mind the fallen angels that are mentioned contaminating human DNA in Genesis 6 and later accounts; as well as their likely messing around with animals (hence all animal and human life except for Noah and his family were destroyed). And also we have animism which causes people to worship animals attributing some magical powers to them.
May He grant you wisdom in this subject; and all things. Glad to hear you have a tender heart and not wanting to offend Him in any way. Hope this helps.
Agape; Rich P
Worshipping an object is different than creating a likeness thereof; and it is the essense of something that is of concern; i.e. the demon spirit of some created life that is exalted or worshipped that is the danger.
I would say in regard to any member of the Trinity that we should NOT make any representation. No matter how well we could represent Christ (probably middle eastern complexion); we cannot show His divinity no matter how artistically accurate or talented we are.
An example I'd use is a picture of the Last Supper. Usually it is used as a reminder of Christ's last day on earth before His sufferings in the garden as well as the interaction of all the Disciples. We don't usually worship it per say. There are icons and such which are of Jesus that some want to use to perpetuate His sufferings; or to worship an image. I would guess in your case it is more likely your kids would do violence to your animal stitching rather than keep it neat and clean in effigy.
Personally; I can't keep pictures of anyone who I am fairly certain died lost; or any other physical keepsake. There are spirits of darkness which will use these things in our minds to try to convince us of the presence of that loved one; THAT is where the danger exists as well. I can say based on the experience of a former pastor's wife that such items can indeed be surrounded by evil spirits (in her case a particular set of silverware that started shaking in her kitchen). It's not certain that will happen of course with any object left over; but my point is that whatever things are associated with can bring what you may call family curses.
This is all true hope I can post this info.
Take care of yourself, I love you and everyone in here with the love of Christ. Those who will and have the will to live right with the Lord. Amen. Be strong and brave. Always be ready to be a witness, Amen.
I am an old man. I have studied God's word a long time. All new Christ men and Christ women have been in our shoes, as it was when I started reading God's word.
You know the old story. Feed a man a fish and it stops his hunger. Teach a man 'to fish' and he can stop a lot of hunger.
God's word is pregnant, it grows and grows each time you read. I was taught to read God's word 'verse by verse, chapter by chapter. I try to alway ask God for that 'word of wisdom each time I study.'
Before reading, find the 'who', 'what' 'when' and 'where' and as you start to read you can feel the 'Spirit' with you, when you feel that subject come to you or you know what the chapter is about.
When we sin and ask God's forgiveness, we don't forget to forgive ourself when we are finished asking God's forgiveness, that is a no, no. When God forgives it is blotted out, finnie, forgotten, he never wants to hear about it again.
I am thankful someone is always on this website to help when when we need that help. God Bless.
I think the key verses are ( 1 John. 8-9) v8 "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us".
v9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".
True Believers in Jesus Christ will walk in the light and will confess their sins, and He will forgive them of their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. We must Believe in Jesus Christ and confess our sins to Him before He will forgive our sins. If we say that we have no sin, (then we don't confess our sin) we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. ( 1 Jn. 1:8)
This is my thoughts Adam. This may not be the answer you were looking for but maybe it can be used to build upon to find your answer. God Bless you.
Well this is what the verse in Mark 16:16 says, "He that believeth AND IS BAPTIZED shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned"
Note that it says "believe and be baptised", not just "believe". Similarly on Pentecost Peter said to the Jews, Acts 2:38, "Then Peter said unto them, Repent, AND BE BAPTIZED every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ FOR THE REMISSION OF SINS, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.". So we must repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus to have our sins forgiven and be saved.
In Romans 10:9, says, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.". That confession the scripture talks about is done during baptism. It is what that eunuch confessed just before Philipp baptised him, Acts 9:37, "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God."
In w/baptism a believer is making a public confession of their faith to Jesus. It is a "must" so that the remission of sins is completed.
Just for information the early church wrote many creeds of faith. One of the them was the Nicene Creed written in 325 AD in Nicea (in Asia Minor). Among others it says "We affirm(aknowledge or confess) one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.". Creeds were a sum of the major points of faith believed by the early church. I know many do not want to have anything to do with those creeds but still it shows what the church believed in the early 3rd centuary, not so long after Jesus came on earth.
Tomorow I will come back with Baptism of the Holly Spirit.
Just one question. In the incident that Phillip went to Samaria and preached the gospel to them, when do you think those people were born again?
There is something else that we must point out. When John tried to stop Jesus since he knew who Jesus was, Jesus answered him, Matthew 3:15, "And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him"
What did Jesus mean when He said that they should both fulfill the righteouness of God. My belief is different from Jesse's.
God is righteous, which means that He must condemn the sinner. But instead of condemning sinners, He condemned Jesus instead of all of us. So God's righteousness was fulfilled on Jesus. Jesus died on the cross. Jesus should never die. Death is the wage of sin and Jesus had never sinned. But He died instead all of us who believe in Him. All that of course is something all christians know, I am not saying anything new. So for people to be saved, Jesus had to be born as a man and live his life as an ordinary man, letting aside His divine powers. So He had to go all through all that that ordinary people go through. And since at that time all people had to be baptised by John since that was God's commandment, Jesus also had to be baptised although He personally didn't have any sin. So John had to let Him be baptised so that God's righteousness was fulfilled on Jesus.
Now lets go back to that "remission of sins". John baptism wasn't just a symbolic ceremony. As I said it was a public repentance and confession of sins for the remission of sins done by people. My question is. Why had it to be done publically. Wasn't it enough that a Hebrew kneeled down at his bed and confessed their sins to God and ask for forgiveness? Wasn't it enough to be done in private? Had it to be done publically? Well, yes it seems to that it had to be done in public. In private was not enough.
So let's go now to the christian baptism. Question. Isn't it enough that we repent and ask for forgiveness (through Jesus) in private to be saved? Has it to be done in public?
Hello Spencer
My thoughts on John's Baptism.
Firstly lets gather all the information that we are given in the Word of God about John's Baptism.
1. In Luke 7:29-30 Jesus said to Pharisees, "And all the people that heard him, and the publicans, justified God, being baptized with the baptism of John. But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves, being not baptized of him.".
So the Will of God was ALL people (Hebrews) to be baptised by John.
2. John 1:31, "And I (John the Baptist) knew him (Jesus) not: but that he should be made manifest to Israel, therefore am I come baptizing with water.
So John's ministry was to reveal Jesus (the Savior) to people. That was done during Jesus' baptism. See John 1:32-34.
3. Luke 3:3, "And he (John) came into all the country about Jordan, preaching the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins;"
So the purpose of that baptism was the remission of sins through the repentance done in public during John's baptism.
One detail that I have read in other books but is not mentioned in the Bible is how that baptism was done. The man who was to be baptised went in the water, confessed all his sins publically and as soon as he finished confessing he submerged himself in the water and then got up. Jesus has no sin to confess that is why he went straight up, i.e. Matthew 3:16, "And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: ..."
I don't know if I have omitted something important but all the above sums up to:
God sent John to baptise all people. It was the Will of God that all people are to be baptized. So my belief is that that baptism was not done before, it wasn't like all the other baptisms done by Hebrews before. Through that baptism John revealed the Savior (Jesus) to people. During that baptism people repented for their sins, confessed those publically and were forgiven. About that "remission of sins" I will come back later on.
Getting back to the Great Commission; the examples in Acts are things which we will not experience unless we are out there sharing our faith. It is hard to imagine today a Phillipians 1:15 situation where there is envy for those who are "turning the world upside down" ( Acts 17:6). At least in the USA it seems the impact is minimal; and probably largely due to a fear of persecution.
Prayers such as freed Peter in Acts 12; as well as Paul's release in Acts 16:25-28 are sorely needed today; of course that involves remembering missionaries and those in bonds today ( Hebrews 13:3 which certainly sounds like something Paul would have authored).
Prayer can err on both being presumptuous as to God answering things a certain way or not being boldly presenting our petitions to His throne ( Heb. 4:16). Yes; there are times when we contend with God; such as when I would guess happened when James was killed with the sword in Acts. We shouldn't use Esau's example of praying with tears as an excuse not to have heartfelt prayer; he was only concerned with the results of his sin. Sadly; I have seen very few times when tears flow because of grief and loss; I'm sure a lot of us myself included would be greatly edified by more tears of repentance realizing how great the Father's love is for us. Therefore; praise and adulation of the Lord and His Holiness; as well as our own sad state in comparison should be something starting church services and other gatherings as a routine practice. As my friend in Pittsburgh stated a couple years back when he started early morning prayers; he was "desperate for prayer". Something needed by more believers today.
Along with knowing when to act is also knowing when to wait on the Lord. Patience is a virtue I surely need more of but it is something commonplace in those possessing mature faith and good fruit in their walk. Wrestling with God all night in prayer is also commendable like in Genesis 32:22-32
Another sad fact is that many are not serious about fulfilling the Great Commission. This lack of perseverance robs many of using spiritual gifts; which are illustrated in examples such as Acts 16:17. This reminds us of Acts 13:8-12 with another person who was seeking to attain Paul's miraculous powers by offering him money. This caused him to become blind much as Paul did for a season.
The first example really hits home because many so called Christians aren't even discerning enough to tell when obvious false Gospel messages are creeping in. This woman was telling the truth; and not just any way was proclaimed but she stated through the spirit in her that it was THE way. The error was the spirit was using her (probably because of her own desire for recognition or money) to draw attention to itself; we must remember that the demons know and shudder ( James 2:19). It seems Paul tolerated this behavior for a time; either he wanted to ignore the distraction or wasn't sure it was from the enemy.
Sadly; from my own experiences and having been granted some spiritual discernment the truth is never very popular. I try not to be jaded myself with so many false prophecies and revelations promulgated today lest there be a few that are genuine. It seems more than cooincidence that there are very few words of knowledge that are critical of actions; and if a rebuke is given it is often more of a show of pride than an honest assessment. Nonetheless; so much can be prevented if such responsibilities would be done quickly by elders as well as responsible laypersons before error is allowed to take root; or sins destroy the life of an individual or family. Jesus didn't mince words with Peter and other would be disciples; try that approach in todays seeker friendly church and see how long it is before you are escorted out the door. Truth be told we cannot love our brethren without exhortation and rebuke balancing encouragement
The second thing after prayer for those walking in the Spirit is some sort of action whenever we are able. 1 John 3:17 echoes what is already written in Proverbs 14:31 about not neglecting a brother in need (a sin of omission). Sadly; we live in a fallen world and what is politically correct in immediately stepping out to help financially may end up getting us rended such as indicated in Matthew 7:6.
Often today no one wants to get into something messy. There are things such as domestic abuse where wisdom in contacting the authorities and those who are specialized in care of certain situations rather than stepping in ourselves.
I cannot overemphasize from the way I see it warning people of the seriousness of sin; as it affects not just them but others within their family and the entire congregation much of the time as well. We cannot assume if someone has been a believer for many years that they can't be headed for a fall; and these days more seem to go toward total apostasy. Exhortation needs to warn people that in our own strength we will be beaten down; in our own understanding we can and will be decieved without the Spirit guiding us as well as TRUSTING God even when it seems things around us contradict that as being a logical approach.
Just as we need to be careful who prays for us; we also need to be cautious who we take advice from. The enemy was granted permission to speak lies through the prophets ( 1 Kings 22:21-23) and many around us today will be used by the enemy if we are not careful. Such things as divorce and subsequent remarriage are high on that list in my assessment. There is always someone out there who will tell us to do what we want and tell us what we want to hear.
It is always a small remnant who live out what they believe by example; and there are no short cuts to obedience due to our love for Christ. ( John 14:15). Obedience is better than sacrifice as well ( 1 Sam. 15:22).
There are two ways of looking at our brothers and sisters in Christ. We can look for those that appeal to our interests and have a great time of socializing with an incidental mention of the Lord; or focus on 2 Corinthians 5:16 in not regarding anyone according to the flesh (if I am indeed understanding the verse correctly). The second example understood correctly perceives our fellow believers as assets in a war room; and part of the corporate Body of Christ as expressed on the earth today.
No matter how you slice it; an honest assessment on the church at large shows a very small number that are able to effectively engage in an Ephesians 6 type spiritual warfare. The first and most obvious reason for this is most people are not totally submitted to the Spirit and hence quite ineffective when faced with such a mighty opposition. Tied into this is an underestimation of just how much of an enemy Satan actually is. Apart from the authority of the Lord we are basically moving targets for his arrows of accusations and other attacks. The second thing is that we are unaware either of those around us who have the armament already set for battle that remain idle or else we don't see it in ourselves. I have mentioned before the danger of having someone lay hands on us hastily ( 1 Tim. 5:22). Those in active sin or with demon spirits need to be avoided when it comes to prayer meeting participation. A broken and contrite spirit ( Psalm 51:17) is important such as David possessed to get God's attention. So there are instances to avoid fellowship when it comes to such matters but often those who are ready for battle are quiet individuals; with a hidden treasure so to speak. Such brothers and sisters no doubt pray in secret and see souls saved as a result of the law of sowing and reaping; and there is a time to pray in the closet as it were. Nonetheless; prayer is always an important start in bringing out victory in such matters.
God bless,