All Discussion PAGE 460

  • Cindyt - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Mammy, your problem is a lack of belief in the power of the Blood to forgive your sins. I endured the same guilt as a young Christian, and then later two verses struck that guilt out.

    1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Titus 1:2 ...God cannot lie...

    God has promised to forgive each and every one of our sins--and He CANNOT lie.

    May I suggest you form the habit of daily devotions? James 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    (Part 3):


    But there will be other Jews and Gentiles here on the earth that basically will believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah and Savior. They will lose their lives. But after Satan sees that his efforts to chase the nation into the wilderness fail, he'll go after the remnants seed.

    Thank you for sharing Strong's #G4864, an assemblage of persons, specifically a Jewish "synagogue" (the meeting or the place) by analogy a Christian church, assembly, congregation. (The word synagogue can mean a Christian church).

    I would also like to share how the Thayer's Greek Lexicon describes the word synagogue:

    a. An assembly of Jews formally gathered together to offer prayer and listen to the reading and exposition of the Holy Scriptures.

    b. The building where those solemn Jewish assemblies are held.

    Can it also refer to a Christian Church? I guess it can if the Strong's says so. But have you ever asked another fellow believer "What synagogue do you attend?" I think if you were to ask a Christian that question, their response is probably going to be "I attend a church fellowship, not a synagogue." I really don't think you're going to find many (if any) Christian believers who will tell you that they attend a synagogue.

  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    (Part 2):


    Where I said the word council in Mark 13:9 is literally the Sanhedrin, I got this from reading it in the Greek Text. The word used in the Textus Receptus is SUNEDRIA, and it is the word for Sanhedrin. This can also be found in your Strong's Concordance #G4892, which defines it as the Jewish Sanhedrin; by analogy, a subordinate tribunal:-council. Thayer's Greek Lexicon lists it as the Sanhedrin, the great council at Jerusalem.

    Now for your question, "what could cause one to be (delivered up) and killed during great tribulation?" You say "The mark of the beast will." If you are saying that those who refuse to take the mark will be killed (beheaded), then I agree. I can't agree that this will be the church because as you know, I believe the church will not be here at that time. Only non-believers will be here. They will all be warned not to take the mark. Some will heed to the warning and receive Christ, and refuse to take the mark. They will be killed.

    As for Revelation 12:17, the "woman" in this verse is making reference to the nation Israel, not the church. It says that the dragon was wroth (very angry) with the woman (Israel), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed (the believing Jews), which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

    So, there is a 144,000 Jews who are sealed on their foreheads. And they will be protected. But there will be other Jews on the earth who will receive the testimony, especially from the two witnesses who are in the streets of Jerusalem. And the believing Jews that will be here on the earth, after Satan sees that he can't get to these 144,000 that are sent up to what many believe is the rock city of Petra, which is already stacked and stored with food, and many believe that will be the place.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    (Part 1):

    I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying. I don't think I ever said that the end-time prophecies are only for the Jews. There will be both Jews and Gentiles on this earth during the tribulation period. What I am saying, and I will try and be a little more specific, but at the time Jesus was speaking those words in Matthew Chapter 24, H was speaking of end-time events, but He was speaking specifically to His disciples (Jewish believers). The church had not yet been established at the time Jesus spoke those words.

    In Matthew 1:1, as Jesus was leaving the Jewish temple, His disciples (Jewish men), they came to Him asking three questions ( Matthew 1:3). And then beginning at Verse 4 and going through to the end of the chapter, Jesus answers their three questions. He is speaking specifically to these men who asked Him those questions. That is what I am saying when I said He was speaking to the Jews. I did not say that last day prophecy is only for the Jews. Those were not my words.

    Now, I thought I had already answered your question in a previous post when I said that "I agreed with you that Jesus covered things that will happen during the end times." So, to answer your question is Matthew 24 prophecy for the last days? My answer is yes, except for the prophecy concerning the destruction of the temple at the beginning of the chapter which happened in 70 AD.

    If you are referring to the 7-year tribulation period as the last days, then yes, Jesus covers that in Matthew Chapter 24. Whether we choose to call it the last days or end-time prophecy, I'm okay with calling it whichever one you choose. Personally, I believe we have been living in the last days for some 2,000 years now ( Hebrews 1:1-2).
  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    Please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Don't beat yourself up so much ! You did nothing wrong , we all have opinions and our own personalities , it's human ! It's what we are and how God made us and He makes use of us through our personalities and opinions ! The alternative is mindless souless robots . Keep up the good posts please !
  • Jema - In Reply - 1 year ago
    It's so very hard to watch some one that you love suffer , especially when that some one is an innocent little one . This has been the situation since the begining of creation , many thousand of faithful Jews and Christians have gone through exactly what you are going through now and many thousands of them would not have had any medical resources at all . Please continue to pray to God , you and your whole family ( I am assuming that you are all Christians ) pour your heart out to Him , He hears you through Christ our Sinless Redeemer . Ask all your Christian friends to pray for your daughter also. I guess it's not a comfort to you for me to say that things could be even worse and indeed are for many people across this world . We must all accept God's plan for us and our family , this is what faith is , trusting in Him in times of great distress and darkness . ill health and death are a part of life , for all humans , we Christians have a massive advantage over atheists and idolaters , we know the Truth and we have to learn to rest in it and take comfort from it . It's hard not to be angry with God , I do know because I too am human and have suffered and witnessed the suffering of others . This is our faith , that we continue to love Him and trust in Him and His love for us no matter what the weather is , smooth sailing or rough seas ,He is with us and we must cling tighter to Him , He will bring you all back to the safe harbour but you must have faith and patience and pray always . You can be sure that many who read this site will keep you all in our thoughts . Please keep us informed .
  • Hmason85 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I'm sorry to hear about what you went through. I will update sometime next week.
  • MammySher - 1 year ago
    I need your prayers to help me find my way back to Jesus. I am a true believer and pray often for His forgiveness, but for some reason, I still feel unworthy. I am a weak person who needs His help to live the way in which our Lord wants me to be. I pray to be a good Christian person. It has been a long time since I have read his word, and have recently started studying my Bible again. Pray that I might stay vigilant in my studies so that I may feel worthy once again of God's love and forgiveness. Thank you all for your Prayers.
  • Joleenu - 1 year ago
    Hi, please pray for my parents that God would bless them with very long and fruitful lives. Please also pray for their marriage.

    Please pray that my brothers would come to know the Lord as their Savior

    And lastly please pray for me. Every once in awhile some doubts pop into my head about me truly being saved. I don't just want a head knowledge of the Lord, I want to make sure I'm fully trusting in what Christ has done for me. I know I can't save myself.

    Thank you brothers and sisters, have a good night
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Adam has given you a good answer, but it may not be what you are looking for. I just don't think we can truly explain why someone like your daughter has such major sufferings and others go through life like a breeze.

    God has given yo a unique situation for you to learn to love patiently, compassionately, and selflessly with your daughter. May God strengthen you each day in these ways. Gpd brings about what he does for our future benefit, most often.

    I pray tonight in the name of Jesus that your daughter will not have lost any brain function, that there was not further brain damage. Lord, Jesus, keep this daughter from having more seizures ensuring that she has the proper medications and dosages that are effective. Help this mother and father to stick together on this difficult road you have them to travel. Be near them and walk with them along the way, for they will need to lean on you and depend on you for strength, for endurance, and f aith. Amen.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I am so sorry to hear this sad news. When I was in my twenties, one of my cousins died in a drink driving accident (he was 19). He was the passenger in the car where the driver was inebriated. It was a one car accident. Then within five years of that his younger brother committed suicide at 17 or 18. Things like this are very hard to process and grieve through.

    I will certainly keep you , your family, and your cousin's family in my prayers this week. Check back with us to let us know how your are doing.
  • Hmason85 - 1 year ago
    I'm requesting prayers for my whole family and I. We were informed Sunday that one of my close cousins committed suicide. The whole family is hurting and are beside ourselves.

    Please no negativity. I honestly can't handle it.

    Sincerely. Thank you.
  • SSTeach - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you for your answers; however, it still doesn't answer the question. Our child doesn't have free will. She cannot make choices whether good or bad. She cannot steal, she cannot win awards, cannot get married or have children. So how is it that God has no respect or person? She is guaranteed a spot in heaven; but again, that means God is partial to her and is giving her a free ride. We need an explanation. And, where the explanation is in the Word. We have yet to find it.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Blessings Sons of God (Josephus),

    Nobody has used my user name except myself. You are right; my apologies for expressing my personal opinions, resulting in nothing profitable. I hope I have not caused you any harm. If and when I respond to you in the future, I will do my best to provide scripture only, less my meaningless banter. Please pray for me that the Holy Spirit would teach me how to communicate on a higher level.

    God Is

  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Are you referring to Genesis 5:2?
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Salvation and assurance Part 3.

    I have stated starting this series my dissection of the Book of John. It is an excellent examination of the concept of Predestination of those the Father has given to the Son; and such facts about who is given or revealed the truth about Christ. Stating such a fact; however doesn't give those in the "hyper grace" camp as well as others license to skip over repentance as a necessary element of saving faith. God does grant repentance ( 2 Timothy 2:25 also in Acts). Perhaps it would be fair to say that it is much like salvation as a free gift; certainly it is part of what causes one to be saved. Again; avoiding the consequences of sin like Judas Iscariot did shows worldly sorrow; what Peter did was weep bitterly as He offended one that He deeply loved. ( 2 Cor. 7:10).

    I also feel that it is very dangerous if we are in a Christian environment from our youth and don't really have a time that we can see a change in realizing we had been called from death to life. This is not to say that we should place all our cards on the validity of a one time statement; even if valid as we may discover that our hearts weren't really converted at first when He reveals Himself at a later time. God is beyond time and space; but if one IS to become a believer He will wait until that happens in THIS lifetime. That of course brings up questions as to why God holds back judgment for the lost; more cans of worms than I care to open at present. Our confidence; of course is to be in the finished work of Christ; but nonetheless we are HIs temple so to speak (see also 2 Corinthians 4:7). The Spirit must take residence to be truly in the faith ( John 14:23). This; as the verse indicates shows the Father active and present along with the Son of God.

    Truly; one of the strongest indicators that we know the Lord is the fear of the Lord resides in us. Proverbs 9:10 is hardly isolated regarding that fact. His life should draw others to Christ in us
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Salvation and assurance: Part 2

    Some of us like to cherry pick our way through the scriptures; but if we look at the whole history of man; the nation of Israel and even the church in the New Testament there are many problems and snares that were in Paul's time in the early church; and prophetically were warned about by Paul; Peter and Timothy as well as John in Revelation and James as well in regard to the last days. We need to both appreciate the fact that we need to walk the straight and narrow path that few find ( Matthew 7:14); and yet not be Pharisitical in inventing the narrowest most difficult path of legalism that heads to hell. In the whole subject and as much as can be understood about predestination and whatever free choices man is given while on this earth as to his life; in the end a certain number are saved and also lost. We can say with some confidence that as Jesus stated

    "you shall know them by their fruits". ( Matthew 7:15-20). There are numerous passages describing these; which are summarized in Galatians 5:22. Bad fruits such as listed in Mark 7:21 are things which the Spirit should be weeding out of our lives.

    However; when it becomes clear in the long term where one's affiliations lie; we can't make the mistake of sins; even some recurring ones as proving someone isn't saved. This is where the Lord will use a rebuke to work on someone; ultimately people in the faith need to listen to the Lord as He refines and chastises them. 1 John 1:8-10 make it pretty clear that none of us even if saved are without sin; or haven't sinned in years as some like to proudly proclaim. There are clearly some much more advanced intheir maturity than others; closer to the prize. Some are more "carnal" than others; it doesn't excuse continuing that way but again we hopefully learn not to do certain things after being a believer 20 years than say 3 weeks. Saying that he confesses us as called and chosen is needed along with whatever we may proclaim.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Monica,

    I don't think the covid test is the number of the beast. It's non invasive and similar to other tests. The at home tests you're only taking a swab to your nose. Some you spit and don't even have to inject or touch anything.

    Maybe you're thinking of the MRNA injection? Some thought that could have been receiving the mark of the beast. I'm convinced it's bad and has killed people, but I don't think its the mark of the beast because it doesn't totally fit. People were blackmailed to get it, such as through jobs, otherwise they get laid off, but most were not forced to get it and didn't get a mark on the forehead or hand. So, I don't think we're there yet. Some tech companies were talking about the idea of a chip plant in us with a unique id that is used for digital payments. And many are pushing for a one world currency and government. To me, that sounds very close to the mark of the beast. We are seeing wars and rumors of wars between the US, Russia and China and it seems the current administration craves war for whatever reason. There's zero upside and all downside, but they're all marching that direction. The only explanation why someone would do this is that they're following satan. There's no other reason for the things I'm seeing done. Giving billions of weapons to the world's most dangerous terrorist group is one example. A normal person with a normal brain who values life would not do that.

    I would not worry. The Bible says to not worry about physical harm others can do to us, but fear God alone.

    God bless u.
  • Chubby1 - 1 year ago
    What male and female share the same name in the bible?
  • Monica M - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, I have been fervently praying about this issue. It is scary. My eternal life with Jesus is the only thing that I care about, and just the thought of this being taken away from me is the worst horrible feeling I have ever experienced in my life.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Assurance of salvation series: Part 1-Just what is salvation?

    Most of us are familiar with the verse in Romans 10:9-10 where we are told to confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts that Christ is Lord. I thought that I would focus on the second part since "confessional regeneration" as some Calvanists like to spin it today seems to be a rampant event. First; of course we have to assume that we are confessing the true Christ and not a New Age One; that is from a spirit that confesses that Christ indeed came in the flesh as opposed to the verse 1 John 4:3 that would cover any other errant one such as that He was just a great teacher; a Prophet or something to that affect. Truly He was the "I AM" ( John 8:56-59). That truth; as I have pointed out in previous posts proved that Peter knew with Divine Revelation such information ( Matt. 16:17). That gives us some understanding that with Judas Iscariot that likely wasn't revealed although it in not stated.

    As stated earlier as well; the Calvanist likes to use the term "total depravity" describing the human soul state of unregenerate man. It is hard to argue with such logic when we see verses such as Psalm 58:3; and Isaiah 53:6; not to mention the progression toward the madness in Revelation 19; also reflected in Psalm 2.

    I tend to think of our calloused hearts much like going to the dentist having our teeth cleaned. Most of us miss certain areas flossing; the plaque buildup requires major scraping; reflossing; and deep treatments with flouride while we marvel at the disgusting smelly crap that has built up in between our teeth despite what we considered adequate care. Maybe it is only me.

    Or; we could look at C.S. Lewis quoting Edmond in the Narnia Series (not sure which one) where Christ was compared to a lion.

    The character expected a mild peeling away of the dead skin; instead it penetrated like heart surgery. Such imagery also was given to Aslan as to how deep he had to be wounded for us.
  • JosiahSkiff - 1 year ago
    Dear God

    I'm praying that you help me with everything in my life.
  • Monica M - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank you for your reply GiGi! :)

    The mark has to have all three attributes. The name of the beast, the image of the beast and the number of the beast. The vaccine has all three. The name of the beast is Luciferace which is the name, the image of the beast (we are made in God's perfect image with 144000 genomes. The Luciferace DNA adds 72000 Chimera DNA which equates to 216000 genomes (600x60x6) this is the image of the beast. There is already the Microsoft patent microchip within the vaccine with the patent number WD060606. There is no need for an extra chip, that is the cover story. The elect will be deceived with pharmakeia which is self explanatory. The mark is visible, you just cannot see it hence why they are putting blue LED lights which are ultraviolet. The Luciferace is also a bioluminescent which provides that for the government to know who is jabbed or not. When the vaccine came out, the whole world had mandates to take it to buy or sell. 5 billion people have had it so no need to push it anymore. The daily sacrifice is done.

    This is my understanding. I feel like because I have not been injected, I did not take the mark. However, now this fellow Christian has tried to bring evidence that the swab from a test was actually a nasal vaccine, therefore has the mark. I feel like the test was not required to buy or sell, therefore it is not the mark. But this mans comments on the issue have frightened me.

    "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."

    What are your thoughts on this?
  • Jakisandy - 1 year ago
    Please pray for me to be strong in the Lord. I held on to so much of anger and bitterness. I want to change my life and live a life with Jesus.
  • Runk1985 - 1 year ago
    Trouble with your marriage
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Monica

    The mark of the beast is not a separate event from all the other occuring during the period the antichrist will rule on earth. So before the mark, the antichrist has to reveal himself and rule on earth through his kingdom, a union of nations/kingdoms/countries. At the same time the planet will go through many catastrophies, like earthquakes, wars, etc. Christians will suffer persecutions, they will be slaughtered etc. Before that the 2 prophets will preach against the mark, also an angel from the sky will do the same, etc, etc. So you see there is a whole series of events that will accompany the mark of the beast. Have you seen any of those? No you haven't, so just lay back on your coach and relax and don't listen to anybody who says whatever comes into their head. But what that vaccine may be ( and this is just an assumption, not a certainty) is a pretrial to see how masses respond to something which is going to be forced to them in a universal degree. But don't misunderstand me, the virus is real, it is also fatal, the vaccine protects, those are real things. But they maybe created by ? on purpose. Just an assumption, who knows. GBU
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Monica

    I suggest that you pray about this. I agree with you that the test nor the vaccine are the "mark" or Revelation. That mark will be an assertion of worshipping the antichrist. People will know that the mark they are taking is in allegiance to this antichrist. Revelations does not say that it is a medical test or treatment in any way. So, be assured that you are redeemed by grace. God will calm your heart and uplift your spirit when you come to Him for comfort.
  • Monica M - 1 year ago
    Please help me fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. A fellow Christian told me that anyone who had a covid test has been given the mark of the beast. He tried to support his claim with evidence through videos etc. that I did not view. However, he kept on and on, and was adamant that he was correct, that this was part of the deception. I was not deceived at all, I was trying to prove to others that it was all a lie.

    I'm shaken up by this, but I know that we have not been given a Spirit of fear. That makes it even worse, wondering why has this given me extreme anxiety about feeling that I'm "unredeemable" and my soul is lost. Thank you for your help. God bless you all.
  • Hills - In Reply - 1 year ago
    thank you are you a man

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