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For an example, with the onset of drive thru services, we have become impatient when the line takes too long or is too crowded.
Drive thru services allow us to get what we desire fast without needing to wait or work hard for what we need.
Self-control is the opposite of this immediate gratification culture. It is important to teach this quality to our children from a young age by not giving into their cries, demands, etc. readily. As toddlers, they can be taught to wait a short amount of time before they get a snack, treat, or toy. A preschooler can be taught to wait a certain number of days before going to the park or other outing. A young school child can be taught to avoid blurting out whatever they wish to say, but wait their turn in a conversation. A youth can be taught to work to earn the money for something they desire or to fulfill certain requirements for a privilege. A teen can be taught that they must do the necessary discipline to prepare themselves for college or the work force.
But self-control is deeper than all of these things for adults. We are to deny ourselves for the sake of Christ and others. We are to count the cost of following Christ and move forward according to His will, not ours. It does involve looking out for what is best for our spouse or children before we indulge ourselves. And it certainly means to curb our anger and frustration in order to deal with conflict in reasonable and edifying ways. So self-control works against selfishness, self-centeredness, and self-seeking behaviors. It values the waiting for a better good. It forbears with others in order to bring healing and forgiveness into a situation. It leads us to say no to sinful temptations and to instead stand strong in the right path in circumstances that may weaken our resolve to choose godliness instead of worldliness.
It is certainly appropriate to pray for self-control. God will grant it to us
There are few circumstances more applicable to this idea of self control than the domestic relations; particularly among husband and wife. Assuming the marriage is legitimate in God's eyes; we have to look beyond our partner's behavior but more especially toward anticipating patterns of bad behavior and holding grudges. This also means we shouldn't plan to respond with corrective rebuke as our first action. Those who are under the blood are "taught by God" ( John 6:45). This is true in any relationship; conviction must start with the Spirit of God; we are but messengers used when necessary to rebuke as "iron sharpens iron." ( Prov. 27:17).
In a marriage in particular; there is a tendency to want to grate against someone-often utilizing that scripture to justify our angry or sarcastic response. It is better to look at the cause; which is seldom what a person is vehemently protesting against-in order to come to a resolution of an issue. Men try to "solve the problem"; while women are often looking for emotional support. Our trust and confidence must begin with the source; namely the Lord Jesus who oftentimes we are amiss in recognizing His continuing role play with the covenant we have made with the wife of our youth (see Malachi 2:14).
Husband and wife interaction; needless to say needs to be dealt with to have any hope for controlling and disciplining our children. If we act as hypocrites; kids are the first to see it and lash out accordingly. We should also avoid slipping away from regular church fellowship; except when necessary. Such interactions allow for wise counsel; and our overall well being as part of the Body of Believers. There are times as laypersons when it is appropriate to offer prayer; or set up a time to talk with a struggling member in these situations. Our foundation needs to be based on the fear of the Lord; not an attempt to be dictatorial or too permissive with kids.
The Bible has many texts on the idea of self control; including it being one of the fruits of the Spirit. Much can be said of this and wisdom as well. We have with this concept the dual realities of the Spirit being the only thing capable of producing such actions in the truest sense; as well as maturity in practice of such things in submission to the Spirit.
When we examine ourselves; it is likely that many times we try to anticipate what we are about to face and control the circumstances to make the outcome fit in to our expectations. Preparation is something we should maintain before taking any actions; but we cannot always envision the circumstances with clarity. In other words; there is a need to trust God to give us the words and actions as well as prayers on an as need basis. One example would be when Agabus in Acts 21:10-11. Paul apparently was wise enough to realize that death was very much a risk with such an action; but He was already "sold out" as it were to that reality. As with all the Apostles except for John who apparently they attempted to kill and failed according to tradition death was the end result; Peter also had a prophecy directly from Christ referring to that reality.
Often from my limited experience I have found that I am sort of going with "auto pilot" in new and confusing situations; the Lord gives me the strength and words at the right moment; not before. We need to learn to appreciate and be made aware of the "God" moments as they happen; His ways our not our ways and I have found that there is little thought necessary when the Spirit gives us utterance. This should be the process in which we live our whole lives; whether preparing for martyrdom or living in ordinary work; family and other situations. If anything; we should see opportunities for witnessing; and spreading the Great Commission whenever we are able. This involves our words and actions as well as motives.
Romans 5:5
"And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us."
Romans 5:8
" And God commanded HIs love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
1 John 4:16
"And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God; and God in him."
1 John 3:1
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God:"
Romans 8:38
"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height , nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Thinking on the love of God this morning. So, so good to know that His love is unfailing, eternal, freely poured into us by the Holy Spirit, and allows us to dwell in God and God to dwell in us.
Even in hardships and sufferings, God's love never fails. Even when enemies, mortal or spiritual war against us, His love never departs from us. Even when we are faithless, His love draws us back to faith. Even when we are discouraged and our hope wanes, His love breaks through these and uplifts us and sustains us.
There is so much to be thankful to God for, but His love stands out as so precious to me. Knowing that, before the foundation of the world, God made an everlasting covenant between the Persons of the Godhead to save mankind from sin as essential to His plan to create the universe and all creatures, mortal and physical. And this covenant was made out of the love that defines God so well. He loved us even before He made Adam and Eve. The elect of God was in mind when He created all things. In love, he determined to create a people for Himself to spend eternity with Himself to the praise of His glory which benefits us to the maximum degree.
How precious is our election!
I read your posts, your heart shows in your words, and I hope your meetings at the assisted living are going well. This is just to share some things not to debate just that you may look at or study.
The mark: Something similar was done in the Decian persecution in 250 AD under Emperor Decius. A decree that sacrifices be performed in the presence of a Roman magistrate, a signed and witnessed certificate, issued to that effect.
People had to perform a sacrifice to the Roman gods and the well-being of the Emperor. Some Christians were put to death for refusing to perform the sacrifices, others performed the ceremonies and others went into hiding. Without this certificate, they could not go into the marketplaces to buy or set up booths to sell their goods.
In Rev. 13 this is about the worship of the image of the beast, and it will be a choice not by manipulation of DNA, we all will be judged good or bad by what is in our conscience (our spirit) the recorder of all good, bad, every thought, and intention, in today's lingo our hard drive, the place a lie cannot hide. God can see into it and communicate with us through the Holy Spirit (the dwelling place).
If we look at the beast, I agree he will ascend from the bottomless pit. We see this in Rev. 12:17 if you read the original text Satan is standing on the sand then Rev. 13. This beast has seven heads and ten horns but only one mouth, not seven. In Rev. 17 these heads are mountains and in prophecy many times mountains are kingdoms, today we would say nations.
So, what would a head wound be? Would a head wound to death, kill the beast? Do we see a resurrection here or just a restoration of part of the beast? The beast and the two witnesses are given the same amount of time, are they here at the same time? Next, a great earthquake, the seventh trumpet, would that mean the time is up for the antichrist? Rev. 11 and more.
Just some things to look at, not to say I know.
God bless,
Although covid lung is really bad, as your brother's treatment indicates. But the good that came from the procedure was to detect this cancer. So, we can know better how to pray for him. I am sorry that cancer has been found in his lungs and lymph nodes. But I will keep him in my prayers along with my friend who just had a bone marrow transplant for leukemia and others from this site who have cancer of some sort. What is your brother's name?
Jesus told us to store up our treasures in heaven where they cannot be spoiled or destroyed. ( Mt. 6:19-21)
So, heaven is our eternal home with Jesus, the Father, and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Hebrews tells us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus the Author and Finisher (perfector) of our faith.( Heb. 12:2)
And here in Colossians Paul says to set our hearts on things above. We are to be heavenly minded in this earthly life.
Jesus said He goes to the Father to prepare a place for us so that where He is we will also be. ( john 14:2)
How good it is to know that our life in eternity will be so perfect!
How precious is all that we have in Christ. Our inheritance is beyond what we could ever ask of think!
So we press on to the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus.
He finally got a bone marrow transplant before Christmas and his body has adapted to it well. He did get pneumonia recently, so is on oxygen as he has been a life long smoker. At first the prognosis was that he was not going to make it, but now he will most likely be able to go home in a few months. His daughter has visited him every day at the hospital, as my friend is not able to drive the hour+ one way every day. She has been p raying for him and when she talks to him and he reports improvement she tells him that she prayed for him. She told him he could pray for himself, too and he said he has been. he said he wants to go to church together when he gets home. He has been very atheistic for so long and has resisted turning to the Lord for as long as I have known him. So, sometimes it takes something like cancer and pneumonia to turn someone to God.
I hope your brother is comfortable and knows that you are there with him. Thanks for the reminder to pray for him and you and your family.
My brother his holding on, We sit with him everyday, The doctors say any day now.
Apart from God's mercy and grace we have no hope.
I'm happy to have been apart of bringing him to the Lord years ago by way of the Gospel.
1 Corinthians 15:1-2.
God bless you.
I strongly support the theory that the mark will be a genetic mutation to take the DNA of the Angel of Abaddon or Apollyon who is the king of the bottomless pit. He is the one who comes out immediately before the two prophets are killed; resurrected and then Antichrist appears to come back from his deadly wound. That will probably give a promise of eternal life and indestructibility to those who take this mark. This ties into the Nephilim and the fallen angels who were not given any reprieve; and explains why Noah was said to be "perfect in his generations" in Genesis 6. It is likely that the suffering for 5 months will be the final conditioning for this to occur after the seal and most of the trumpet judgments. Perhaps they will blame the believers for all of that suffering; as certainly is indicated by their response when the 2 prophets are killed.
There is no doubt that much compromising in today's largely Laodicean church will allow the slip into the Mystery Babylon harlot church after the Rapture.
The lack of belief in many fundamental core doctrines even among "evangelicals" is quite shocking. I'm sure hell itself isn't viewed literally by a large percentage if not the majority of professing believers today. You can't have a Holy God and eternal life in heaven without an opposite fate; and that goes with the contrast between God's love and hate; mercy and justice; grace and wrath. Remember the Prophets such as Jeremiah the weeping prophet when seeing such evil to come; Jesus Himself did this when He knew the fate of Israel at large rejecting Him. Be encouraged; you are not alone-continue to sound the trumpet.
Judgment begins with the house of God ( 1 Peter 4:17).
Be blessed.
This verse reminds us that our lives are as it were ..."seated in heavenly places.".. ( Eph. 2:6). That considers who is our advocate "ever interceding for us" ( Heb. 7:25). As I have pointed out in previous posts; the sheer magnitude of the physical splendor of heaven as great as it is is dwarfed by its Creator. Surely Satan would want to covet all of heaven's grandeur for himself; as indicated in descriptions of his exalted place as worship leader in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. As great as the pattern in heaven that God Himself mandated to be followed in the earthly temple or representation of the heavenly tabernacle; it is His presence which is always preeminent. This is why although Jesus Himself was God in the flesh He was not possessing beauty in the way man would desire Him ( Isaiah 4:2). This is why such a bloody sacrifice could be something that actually pleased the Father ( Isaiah 53:10). So we need to both die to our old ways and all the things that attract the five senses above our desire to glorify God.
Much of the Kingdom of God has to do with obedience out of love ( John 14:15). Learning to love the ways of another is much like a woman who was betrothed and prepares for the marriage as scriptural parables as well as in some ways the Song of Solomon may indicate at a deeper level. We don't learn to love someone by cheating (such as illicit relations before marriage); or by focusing on vain actions that promote our own agenda. Service now certainly is a good way to get to know God's ways as well as prepare for heaven. This is utterly devoid of meaning to the unregenerate. Dying to ourselves is complete once we pass from this life; it is up to us to conform to His image or cling on to our old ways; the former brings great reward and is proclaimed and known by others; the latter brings great loss for us and eternal rewards as well. Let us do it now!
.....At the well Jesus tells the Samaritan Woman whosoever drinks of this water shall thirst again....Impling salvation by water baptism...Jacobs well, natural water that old covenant....But the water that i shall give him shall be a well of water spring up unto everlasting life...Which answers to that New Covenant that living water....His spirit the gift of the H.G....That baptism of Promise which was that Christ wd be multiplied in humanity by his precious seed the word...When he breath on them he was propagating very God which is the H.G. The Children of Promise....Spirits as that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is our new innerman, The New birth...Jesus knew that all of his disciples had been water baptised but he warns them if i wash thee not you will have no part with me....Which speaks volumes of a greater baptism...ok Gbu
It's similar "science" of how people who shouted global warming suddenly had graphs and charts showing global temperature for thousands or millions of years- even long before a thermometer was invented. The activists flew fancy private jets all around the world to preach to you that burning fossil fuels is bad. Scientists have a long history of getting things wrong.
Much of the "science" is not real fact-based observation, but anti-God religious activism and profit-motivated activism.