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I thought you were on vacation and was not looking for your response, hope ya'll had a good time. What do these verses mean to me? John 17:22-23, the first thing that I see is John 3:16, God's love. He sent His only begotten Son into this world to die for us so that we who are called believe. God's Word, the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God.
The will of the Father that sent His only begotten Son who did the will of the One who sent Him that we may know the only true God. John 17:1-3 These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: 2 As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. 3 And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
The antichrist denies this. 1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
John 17:20-21 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
May we be as one, one body in love, all working together as Ephesians 4:11-16, and not as Ephesians 4:17-19. It starts with repentance, if one cannot see the need to repent, there is no hope of salvation.
God bless,
Of course you will have people get excited about this, twist scripture, and try to convince you that its not important- that was the Bible says isn't what it says. Is the goal of Christianity to obey Jesus or to disobey? I would think those who genuinely love Jesus would just do what He says. John 14:15.
It was important enough that Jesus himself was baptized and told everyone else to. I would see only upside in doing it and a downside in stubbornly refusing to. Another question worth asking is would you ask Jesus the same question, even though He already said to do it? Hope that is helpful. God bless.
....Remember Paul said i have suffered the loss of all things and count them but dung that i might win Christ.... Philippians 3:8...kjv...And some had left their families their wives and Children in order to follow Jesus....They went thru a type of death.....They tasted DEATH spiritually speaking....He that loveth wife and Children more them me is not worthy of me....They tasted death, its not easy to forsake everything you have and follow Jesus...But the early Church did that....They sold everything they had and divided the money....They tasted Death....If a man forsake not everything he has he cannot be my disciple....Thats y he told them to count the cost b/f you follow me....Its gona cost ya everything....maybe even your life...They tasted death...Alex
I hope you are doing well, too.
..... John 5 :39...Thats y Jesus said search the scriptures ( the written words ) In them you think you have ETERNAL LIFE BUT IT IS THEM THAT TESTIFY OF ME which are living words....The H.G. The babes and sucklings as that which s born of the spirit is spirit the H.G....a living being....Our new hearts and new spirits are living beings...Much greater then written words...Thats y Isaiah is saying a lil Child is gonna lead them...a living being ...which is that spirit of truth that is gona rule all nations....Thats y the scripture is saying...2 Cor.3:6 God has made us able ministers of the New Covenant...Not of the written word but of the living word....The written word is a killer but the spirit gives life..My Words are spirit and
How little is your faith Peter?
When he had to walk Peter sight showed him the impossible of the journey, same to us today We are like Peter with little faith.
How little is our faith when we are suppressed by poverty and inequality and we have to walk through pain and injustice?
We see the situation it's walking in the waters, We see it like Peter and we sink in deeper into poverty we Sink deeper into that inquality because we are afraid to walk afraid to stand because little is our faith that I can, God is the way, God is the life and God is the truth, even though I shall walk in the valley of death I don't fear no evil at all for I walk by faith not by sight, I see it all but I know like Daniel my God is alive by faith not by sight. How little is your faith Peter? How little is your faith?
In Unity Paul and Timothy could preach the same Christ who doesn't manifest in the same form to both
Acts 16:31 Faith comes from the preaching and freedom we have is in the Holy Spirit, Our conscience guides us. We thank You for all the gifts that You give. We thank You for strengthening "Abenavides9969" to spirit, soul and body. You will always be present, we thank You Lord for the opportunity we have to deepen our acquaintance with You Lord. In All God's Word You Are Jesus Christ, Amen
Luke 1 chapter
Thank you for sharing this, we can all count on sights and revelations Hallelujah Amen! The kingdom of God today is in the spiritual. Then it is also natural that we who are His children to peek into the heavenly sometimes. And as long as you get peace and joy through sight and revelations, just give thanks and receive. Thou shalt experience this to fade thy other things, which are so shown here on earth daytimely. God with u and yours, love u in Christ. Nothing is without meaning, and with the Lord everything is planned. Amen
In this chapter YHWH give instructions on how the tribes will be formatted around the tabernacle. They were not to camp too close to the tabernacle where YHWH dwelt in their midst. But this formations shows that He is central to the people, equally available to each tribe. Only the tribe of Levi is to encamp near the tabernacle so as they can perform their duties as priests. The people of each tribe are numbered, as to the men. But the Levites are not numbered.
With the tabernacle in the center, there are tribes encamped equally to the for quadrants, east, south, west, and north, forming a cross when seen from above.
God's arrangement of the tribes was a sovereign choice. The people did not discuss whom they wished to hang out with around the tabernacle. God decided and that is that. No discussion, no squabbles, just obedience and glad acceptance of God's wise choices.
I just suggest that, like me, continue to read the Scriptures, both Old Testament and New Testament. The more you read the better You will know God.
Be blessed tonight.
Where do you live? There was a report of such things as you say in California, I think. It was explained as "space junk" re-entering our atmosphere. Maybe you can find an article on it to find out more. But it must have been a bit unnerving.
I have seen such things streaking across the sky before, most likely a meteor or 'space junk" Also, I was in the parking lot of the grocery store and saw (along with someone from another car) a huge triangular silent black spacecraft flying low over the treetops just a few hundred feet from where we stood. I live near Ft. Lewis/McChord base here in Washington. So it must have been some sort of new military craft being flown. Happened about 25 years ago. Was pretty weird, but I think that usually there is a reasonable explanation for things such as you described. If these lights went in a straight line without any maneuvers, then it was most likely a meteor or "space junk". Rest easy.
Steven, I do not wish to rehash the discussion that was going on about the pre-trib rapture. But I will say that I was definitely not trying to stamp out anyone who believed in the pre-trib rapture. I intended to present what I knew from studying Scripture.
It seems that you have mischaracterized me here. I have studied Scripture all of my life. I have not read as much on "Christianity" as you seem to claim.
As I said before, you do not know how much I know and understand about Scripture, so your negative evaluation is unmerited. There are some biblical topics I understand better than others, but I am not as uninformed nor lack understanding as you seem to have implied. I don't think anyone on this forum has everything figured out.
As far as eschatology is concerned. I don't have answers to all of your questions about the millenneum nor all the OT prophetic passages. But I can honestly say that I do not think there is any biblical support for the pretrib-rapture. It is never explicitly taught anywhere. I also do not adhere to dispensationalism, which is an extra-biblical system that must be studied out side of the Bible to learn what it teaches. I do not find anywhere in the Bible that says that there are seven dispensation, nor that there are two distinct peoples of God, nor that Christians will spend eternity in heaven while Israelites will spend eternity on earth.
As to what happens after Jesus returns after the tribulation and we are either resurrected or transformed, I do not wish to speculate on this too much. When Jesus returns, I know that whatever He has planned to happen after that event will be great for believers and I trust Him in how He reigns.
For the future, I would just ask that you share your view in discussions without defaming me. By your response tonight, you don't seem to think that you were wrong in any way with what you posted concerning me, but I disagree.
For now, I am done with this topic.
We don't all have to agree to be peaceful, but we can be honest, and I have always been honest with you.
I've always thought you studied "Christianity" more so than studying scripture and has only a basic understanding,
More like studying a history book but far from a scholar or anyone with any authority.
I've always mentioned that and you shouldn't be surprised.
You have said the Old Testament and eschatology wasn't your strong point and that is well understood because you would have to know somewhat about the Old Testament and the promises to Israel to understand eschatology.
You recently said this topic wasn't as important as soteriology and it was a topic that divides the body of Christ.
It does if we can't agree to disagree when prompt.
I have been a Christian for a while now and have been getting closer to the Lord as of late. I have found and tasted and seen that the Lord is good and he is always worthy to be praised. As I understand more of the depravity of our humanity it makes me want to know more about my God and how I can love him more, how I can serve him more and now I can continue to follow him despite whatever or whoever is behind me. I've been through alot and continue to go through alot especially that my family is not Christian. As I continue to pray for the salvation of my families souls I continue to give it all to the Lord Jesus Christ for he is in control. I ask you for your prayers and ask if you will relay this pray to the Father of lights and ask him to continue guiding me and sustaining me in my quest in finding him more and in my study as of late in the doctrine of The Trinity. I know it's a very complex topic but it's the most important topic to me to get for I know and need to know more so I can share more with others. As I was outside a few hours ago I was praising the Lord and singing to him and talking to him as all of a sudden I turn and see a flash of light fall down. I don't know what it was but all I can say is that in the front of it was a ball of flame like literally I saw it as if I could touch it. The tail had all these rainbow colors but these colors were vivid as I have never seen in my life. I saw alot of green as an emerald and it wasn't high in sky, but as if it was in the middle of the sky and just falling down. Whatever it may have been all I can say is that the Lord God Almighty May have done that for me which I am not sure but trust him in all aspects of my life but I wanted to share with you this event because it was so beautiful and I was smiling throughout it all.
Have A blessed night my friends
You stated; "we should be mindful of interchange with a person who claims repeatedly that they do not read posts, only the first lines and then decides not to read further, but still responds back to you to say he did not read what your response to him. That is odd behavior to me" End quote. What are you insinuating?
Here is what I said;
I never honestly read the reply and not going to. I only read the first sentence of this post and immediately lost interest. I didn't go no further.
(..I was thinking it may have been something about salvation...)
I'm sorry I have read very little of your replies since your initial post unless it was directly to me.
Nothing recently.
After you said you don't won't to talk about salvation I decided to agree to disagree, and I hope you can respect that.
God bless. END QUOTE.
When I said we will have to agree to disagree it wasn't accepted.
Then I continue to get replies such as this.
Here is where I went back and researched.
Here is my response;
Hi Jimbob.
Didn't you say you do not care to discuss Salvation?
And on it went.
After all of this I declared the reason I never commented on the initial post.
I said this post seems to be a invitation to a debate and to seek and stamp out anyone that holds the pretrib view and after several weeks it appears that I was right considering the attempt to force me to engage when I clearly said I wasn't interested.
I have ignored these types of posts often, on all topics when presented that way.
God bless.
I returned from my vacation and find there is much confusion that I may be a help in clearing up being I am that someone you are speaking to Jimbob about.
First of all I love to share on eschatology, and you want find no where I have gotten bent out of shape on the topic.
And I didn't engage in this topic from the beginning because Brother Chris was very much engaged and I wasn't interested enough to even follow Chris writings.
I was occupied with sharing with brother Ronald and could hardly keep up with him. What caught me attention was a response by Ronald and Jesse and then a interesting take on 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 by Chis where I complimented him.
I believe that's when Jimbob responded to me! We had a short peaceful back and forwards from 03/02 on through 03/08.
What ended it for me is on 03/08 I asked Jimbob did he care to discuss soteriology and here is how that went.
"Jimbob I see you Brother Chris and others have covered much of this topic. I'm not sure what you guys covered,
I haven't had the chance to read much of it.
I believe we will have to agree to disagree on this topic.
However I would love to discuss soteriology with you.
I don't believe the eschatology views have anything to do with whether one is saved or not.
May I ask How do you feel about that?
Are we saved by grace?
Works "of the Law"?
Both? ect..
Jimbobs Answer;
"S Spencer To say Rev.2:10 is speaking of 10 persecutions that happened around the 3rd century is one I have never heard before. As for discussing Soteriology, Thank you for the invitation Spencer, But I do think I'll pass that one up. Blessings."
Again, my response.
Thanks and God bless Jimbob.
That ended it for me.
Anyone can go back and see for themselves it was nothing like the picture you are presenting.
There was no hostile involvement on my part.
From there you, I and others spoke on dispensationalism.
out of space see part 2.
1 Peter 1:23 - Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.
Mikey Out. Oooooh Yeah!!!!
Mikey Out. Oooooh Yeah!!!