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The New Testament was written in Greek, so learning what the Greek translation is of a passage and gaining understanding of the Greek (that is much more exacting than English) is helpful. It is the language God used as He inspired the writers of the New Testament. We should respect that and be willing to learn from this language. Same is true of the Old Testament, written in Hebrew, which also is a language that has far more depth than English. This is the language God used to inspire the writers of the Old Testament. So few of us know these languages, so I truly appreciate it when people who do know these languages provide us with their knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. We are lucky to have Giannis and Jesse here to teach us. God uses believers to teach one another. We should be willing to make use of this way God teaches us along with what the Holy Spirit teaches us in our personal reading of the Word. It is the same Spirit that instructs in both circumstances.
I do think that most of us on this forum are here to learn from Scripture from one another, not just to post our own interpretations and not be willing to learn from others. So, we should be humble and recognize our need for one another and value how God uses each other to help us grow in faith and knowledge of Scripture and especially of Jesus Christ.
In the opening of this chapter Paul is warning the believers at Corinth to not let their minds be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. (verse 3). He says he is jealous for the believers with godly jealousy (verse 2) having espoused these believers to only one husband, Christ Jesus. Then he goes on to speak about anyone who come to them preaching another Jesus (a false Jesus) or another gospel false statements about Jesus and how we are saved from our sins) or if anyone receives another spirit (a deceiving spirit rather than the Spirit of God) (verse 4)
In this chapter Paul is comparing himself to false teachers and apostles, boasting a bit in his qualifications which include his sufferings and persecutions. And then in chapter 12 he speaks of having visions and revelations from the Lord, even being caught up to the third heaven and experienced things he is not allowed to reveal.
Paul did not need to prove himself as a minister of the true Gospel because his message is truth and his lifestyle shows his conversion to be true and wrought by God on the road to Damascus. But, because of the false teachers who were comparing themselves to Paul and the other apostles, he needed to speak up about them and warn these believers in whom he labors in love.
For us, knowing the true gospel of Jesus Christ and having the Scriptures to teach us are things we treasure and are to guard against corruption from false teachers. So, having a comprehensive knowledge of Scripture should be our goal in order that we can recognize false teachings and identify those who teach and preach falsely by a different spirit that the Spirit of God.
Also, we are to take care that we ourselves are of the faith passed down from the apostles and knowledgeable of sound doctrine so that we, ourselves, do not promote false teachings. Any one of us can fall in this way, so we are to watch our closely and continue in the doctrine of the apostles as the believers did in Acts.
Thank you for sharing that. We are also told in Hebrews that Jesus Christ is the APAUGASMA, or outbeam of God's glory.
Again, no offense taken. Also, I have never once told anyone that they need to learn Greek!
No offense taken!
A tithe is 10 percent, and Abraham was the first to give 10 percent to Melchizedek in Gen. 14:20. Next in Gen 28 God appears to Jacob at Bethel when Jacob dreamed of the angels going up and down on a ladder. God promised him covenant blessings, and Jacob promised God a tenth of everything granted him Gen. 28:22.
After God brought Israel out of Egypt and divided the land the tribe of Levi did not have a portion of the land, their duty was to the LORD and a tenth/tithe from the other tribes was given to them for their portion and unto the LORD, Num. 18:21-24.
As far as a tithe given to a church, some say it is required, and for others, it is not, tithing is not taught in the New Testament. Some abuse this to make budgets that is or is not being used for the work of the Lord. Some people today struggle to even have food. We see in the New Testament where people give, there is a good example Jesus made just before the Olivet discourse with the widow Luke 21:1-4.
We see in Eph. 4:28 another reason to work that we look over, and we see the early Church selling all they had and giving it to those who had need, Acts 4:34-35 and in 1 Cor. 16:1-3 Paul ask for people to gather up what they could spare to carry to Jerusalem. We don't think about this very much, at that time there was a famine over the whole Mid-East many were starving as many countries are today.
What we give is in our heart, 2 Cor. 9:7 if you see and feel the church you attend is doing good for the congregation helping those who are in need and the neighborhood it is in, pray and let the Holy Spirit in your heart guide you.
This is my understanding may it help.
God bless,
The accounts of the transfiguration show us how Jesus did humble Himself to become one of us. The transfiguration revealed Jesus as He truly is, exalted, awesome, majestic, and glorious. What an amazing experience for the apostles who Jesus chose to reveal this to. This revelation stuck with these apostles the rest of their lives as being one of the most significant. Of course the resurrected Jesus was the most profound and miraculous event of all, but he appeared to the disciples as they had ordinarily had experienced Him, although He was able to appear and disappear at will.
The transfiguration did show the value of the Kingdom Jesus taught was at hand. The Kingdom is Jesus. It is not a government entity, but a relationship with the divine Son of God. John, in chapter 1, spoke of Jesus being the "light" that shines for all. So, it is interesting to note that in this Transfiguration that Jesus is the source of the light that shone out from Himself. Isaiah 9:2 says that "people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." This is a messianic prophecy of the coming of Jesus, the Messiah, who bought in the Kingdom of the Messiah, which brings eternal life to those who believe on Him.
You are welcome. I am glad that you, too, are amazed at the goodness of God. Yesterday I went to our local plant nursery and picked out a group of plants that I do not have in my garden yet. Perusing the aisles of plants was so refreshing. I marvel at the variety God has created. I look for plants that add texture and unusual features. I plant my flowers in pots now. It is easier for me to manage. So, I was glad and thankful to find some interesting plants. Today, the weather will be warm, about 60 degrees, and sunny. So, I will replant these new plants today. Such a pleasure to do so. This, too, is God's goodness on display in the variety of plant life and in bringing about spring weather following a wet winter here in the PNW. Thankful for all of God's blessings today.
What is TITHING ? Are we suppose to tithe to a church we belong to each month ?
The problem with that is that most people don't lack anything in the current situation.
I took the temerature on it the other day. And sat down to give a glass of water to people passing by. No one even needed water. How, then, can they lack and understand that they lack a thing SALVATION. But one thing they welcome is God's Word, the Bible. So there's a way to evangelize here for now. Hope you understand what I mean. And always be on the Lord's side He will help you in all situations if you ask Him. Much Good luck. And never give up, He does not give up us. Stay close to the Lord everyday in the Bible. Love u in Christ. Matthew 1 chapter
We can count on the goodness of God. We can count on the fact that He will always work all things out according to His perfect and good will for our good, whether in this life or the life to come. ( Romans 8:28) We can count on God giving us good things when we ask in prayer ( Matt. 7:11)
Something that is unfortunate is that Orthodox rabbis use this verse to prove the Jesus Christ is not the Messiah because Jesus said there are some standing right here that will not taste of death until they see the Kingdom of God. They say that the Kingdom of God still has not been established on the earth, and the disciples are dead, so what Jesus said is not true. That is the way they see it.
But we know better. Peter, James, and John got to see the kingdom of God come before they died. They got to see Jesus completely transformed. In Luke 9:29, that word glistering, the Greek word represents emitting a light, not reflecting, but emitting. The light was actually coming out from Him, and it is the word that is used to describe lightning. So, you can imagine what the scene was like. It was not reflected light. It was not a spotlight coming out of heaven to shine on Jesus. He was literally transformed into His body of glory in front of them.
Great question, blessings to you in Christ Jesus!
We see the word epistle in 2 Corinthians Chapter 3. It comes from the Greek word EPISTOLE which translates to letter in English.
Before our sister asked FATHER you have hear, and seen her hearts desires. We give you praise and worship, grant our sister a covering with you'r strong arm. Against darts and fear, give peace, a peace that others see. For you heard her prayer and we agree together for a healed marriage. The scriptures say if 2 of you agree together it will be done of our FATHER in heaven. Thus FATHER we pray in JESUS name for our sisters desire to be granted and the thankfulness and praise is all yours FATHER in heaven.
First, let me say Amen to the fact that Jesus was attesting to His deity. But there's something about Jesus' statement ""Why did you call me good?" that had me wondering for years why He would ask this question. Of course, we know Jesus is good. But for the longest time, I took His remark "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God" as Jesus telling him do not call me good because only God the Father is good.
But here's another reason why I love the Greek text. We see the word good in our English bible, and we know what good means, right? But in the Greek, there are several different Greek words for the word good. This word that Jesus used here is the word AGATHOS. This is a word that describes the goodness of God. AGATHOS is never applied to the goodness of man. The goodness of man would be KALOS.
So now that I know that this is the word AGATHOS, what I see Jesus saying is "Why did you call me AGATHOS?" There is only one that is AGATHOS, and that is God. Do you realize what you just called me? You called me God. Why did you do that?
So, how God has bestowed His goodness on my life? I think you've already touched on it in your comments. God is good all the time. Even through my hardships and difficult circumstances, or whatever I'm going through, God has given me the ability to say "The Lord is good" even when things are not so good in my life. We have a tendency to say the Lord is good when all is well in our lives, but not so when things are going bad. But yes, He is good all the time. And it's His goodness that brings us into a closer relationship with Him.
God Bless!!!
is it becuse ,you feel that bubble up in your stomach first?