All Discussion PAGE 490

  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I will David, Giving specific information as to what to pray for helps. I know that you have asked for pray for Leo who cancer.

    Any other requests, David?
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I hope you are doing well this morning. I agree that we should ask others to show us where we stated something that was not right in our posts when they accuse us of mistreating others. This can make us more aware of how our words impact others, but also, by their lack of response to identify the supposed mistreatment, we can know that they were making these aspersions in order to discredit us and what we have said on a topic. But if they do post the statements we made that they feel is mistreatment, then we can clear up what seemed to be a problem to them.

    I went back and re-read my posts on the topic of pre-trib rapture to see if I disparaged, badgered, or otherwise spoke unkindly to the others in the conversation. I don't think I did, but I did call out what I thought were word that we spoken against me personally and I did challenge people to be willing to believe the plain, explicit statements in the Scripture that disallow a pre-trib rapture. That is not badgering or harassment. Just honest interchanges, but others may not see it that way because they may have been uncomfortable with such responses to what they have said of me and with what was pointed out in Scripture.

    We then should give time for things to be considered and let the Holy Spirit work in all of us. I have found it common when refuting the pre-trib rapture theory that some who believe do end up attempting to discredit the person who disagrees with their belief in the pre-trib rapture. But our focus should be on what Scripture actually says plainly and explicitly, being ready to believe what the Word says and to lay aside any beliefs we may hold that are contrary to the Word. We all have pre-conceptions that we bring to our reading of Scripture, but we need to be aware of these preconceptions and ask the Holy Spirit to help us set them aside so that we do not read our preconceptions into the Scripture or interpret it based on presuppositions we may have.
  • GIGI - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 4 - 1 year ago

    Any person, regardless of birth status, can come to Jesus for salvation and the Holy Spirit will impute the righteousness of Jesus unto us so that we will be holy and acceptable to God. We are made perfect in Jesus because He is our righteousness. There is no other way to become "perfect" (which can mean completely righteous or else complete in all ways). Jesus is our Mediator, who intercedes for us by the fact of His shed blood for us.

    Someone who commits adultery is one who has sexual relations with someone who is not their spouse. Sexual immortality includes adultery, but also fornication (having sexual relations when not married), homosexual relations, and other sexual perversions, such as viewing pornography and sexual lusting in our minds.
  • TammyC - In Reply - 1 year ago
    1 John 5:7 - For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
  • Mel8 - 1 year ago
    Isaac probably gathered the sticks of wood for the fire as well as carying them , Noah , maybe with help from his sons , would have had to chop the trees down to build the ark , and Jesus was most likely a carpenter like his dad Joseph . I probably should have said all this also ,in my original post . Sorry , my mind works in short sharp sound bites .
  • TammyC - In Reply - 1 year ago
    In Numbers 5, it seems to say what it means, if a man is suspicious that his wife has sinned against him with another, the ritual is done with an oath of cursing, if she is innocent, she is free and nothing will happen to her, but if she's guilty, her stomach will swell and thigh will rot. I would say Luke 12:2 "For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." is what's happening here. I hope this helps. God Bless
  • Mel8 - 1 year ago
    Something to consider , though it's not scriptural : Mary's husband Joseph was a carpenter , Jesus as the eldest child in his family , would very probably have followed in his dad's footsteps . What was the cross made of ? Who made it ?
  • Cindyt - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear Joe, you should pray for God's guidance in this matter. But there is sin going on no matter where you work. And if we separate ourselves from those sinners how else are they going to know about Jesus? Even Jesus dined with publicans and sinners because those were the people who needed Him. Have you ever thought that God may have put you there as a witness to those people?
  • Destino - 1 year ago

    I greet you all with the love Christ, please I want the saintly to join and help me in prayers concerning my driver's license that I should have it when next I go for the driving test I have being looking for the aforementioned since 2019, so I sending this request with faith that our prayers will be heard.

    Thanks your faithfully

  • David Allen - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Angel 1934 , it seems that you have a lot of stress and worry in your life ! Try to stay focused on what really matters , that is , your relationship with God and with Jesus . Put them at the centre of your world and do your best to tune out of what is going on around you . Distance yourself from the people that are distracting you from your relationship with God , remember that you cannot change this world , none of us can , only God can do that and He surely will when He sends Christ back to us in person to rule over this, His earth , from Jerusalem . Knowing these great things and keeping your heart and mind fixed upon them should hopefully help you to get through this life with a happy heart . Don't let the evil in this world destroy your joy in the Truth . Stay focused on your own salvation , thank God every day and rejoice , rejoice in the love and mercy that God shows you every day and in the promises that He has made , promises to you !
  • Jameshumphrey - 1 year ago
    I am requesting prayer for my family and generational property! I want to get the prayers of the believers who have been anointed by Christ in the name of Jesus Christ! Satan has tried to kill our kids home and family members. I am not given him the reign on this Rock. Please lift us up in prayer and know that I have the victory! Amem.
  • TammyC - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I would say read Job 38, (and keep reading after that if you like). I'm assuming you know the story of Job....chapter 38 God speaks directly to Job....if this doesn't answer your question, I honestly don't know what will.
  • TammyC - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jeremiah 31:29 "In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge. 30 But every one shall die for his own iniquity: every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge." That means that there are no longer generational "curses", so to speak. Everyone is accountable for their own sins. A child will not be held accountable for what his/her parents did. And, the only way to become perfect, is through Jesus Christ. We all need Him. We're all sinners and need a Saviour. That's why He took our sins to the cross, died in our place. Only through Jesus is our sins totally wiped out, washed away. I hope that helped. God Bless
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Living in the Spirit (part 3).

    The testing of our souls is shown in 1 Peter 1:7. Resistance; struggles; trials and such are things we are promised if we live lives Godly in Christ Jesus. ( 2 Timothy 3:12). There are many verses which exhort us to gain wisdom; endure hardships; suffer persecutions and the like as Disciples of Christ. The testing of our faith produces the fruit of love; joy; peace; longsuffering; etc.

    Discipleship should be an evidence of those who are growing in Christ; but sadly in many recent "revivals" we haven't seen much evidence of that at least in the long term.

    It is true that growing in the Lord and fulfilling the Great Commission isn't a "spectator sport." That being said; it is often those behind the scenes such as prayer warriors that are doing much of the work ( 1 Cor. 3:6-8). This seemed to be the case even with Christ ( John 4:37-38); perhaps with the Disciples preaching with those the woman at the well spoke with in the area of the Samaritans after they came seeking Christ. There is too much concern with numbers and such; and whether people are made to feel comfortable enough to attend a church service. In reality nothing could be further than the truth; the Spirit should make them uncomfortable as the fear of God brings them to their knees; and the love of God reshapes their heart with a broken and contrite spirit ( Psalm 51). There is a way for the Word to pierce as a two edged sword to the thoughts and intentions of the heart ( Heb. 4:12). There is only one truth; but many ways the Lord will use to draw someone; it can be the still small voice and overwhelming love of God or the fear of God by boldly proclaiming our need for His blood to atone for us to avoid a fate of eternal damnation in hell. Ultimately both these concepts need to be understood as part of the character of God; if we love someone we must tell them the truth and of course The truth (Christ Himself) IS love ( 1 John 4:8).

    More upcoming in part 4.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Living in the Spirit part 2

    Our childlike faith should never be calloused by the weight of the world. That being said; there is no escaping the fact that we are in mortal bodies which are perishing daily such as 2 Corinthians 4:16 indicates. We have treasure in earthen vessels; though ( 2 Cor. 4:7). There is a healthy abandon which should accompany a mature faith; these aren't needing to be mutually exclusive states of mind and practice. We see those in the parable of the seeds and the sower who have immediate joy but no root in themselves ( Luke 8:13). We also have warnings to the Ephesian church in Revelation about leaving their first love ( Rev. 2:4).

    The difference in these two verses is those who have an emotional reaction to the Gospel not rooted in faith; and in the second case those who had a true love in Christ and followed all the right doctrines but didn't continue to have love of Christ as their prime motivation. If we love Him we obey Him ( 1 John 5:2; John 14:21). Love of proper doctrine; law and other protocols should be the offshoot of that love but it must keep a root in a living; active faith else it slips into a religious set of moral dogmas that seeks to either squelch the flesh or brings an attitude of pride and self righteousness to the ecclesiastical leadership that leads to a dead religious set of rituals. Eventually; of course that leads to the tendancy of additional rituals in a Pharisaical manner if we are not careful.

    Avoiding dead fellowship is no excuse for a permanant retreat from fellowship; however. Especially as we see the day of His return drawing near we are told NOT to forsake the assembly of one another ( Heb. 10:25). Our identities should be seen as adopted sons and daughters and being part of that heavenly assembly ( Heb. 12:1). There is a knowledge that the earth and heaven must be remade; all creation is groaning and will be until that Day comes ( Romans 8:22). Satan's accusations show us earth is not our home.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Living in the Spirit

    If we live in the Spirit we cease to gratify the desires of the flesh. ( Galatians 5:16). We need to realize several things in regard to that subject. First of all the flesh signifies all those things which natural man desires in a self centered manner. God created all things for our enjoyment ( 1 Tim. 6:17); and this includes eating and drinking which Christ Himself did when on earth (but always took the necessary time for fasting and prayer). God created marriage as a covenant between a man and woman when we follow His plan; all other ways of fulfilling such desires are perversions in regard to fulfilling natural desires our own way and leaving God out of the picture.

    What is necessary is to understand that if we seek His Kingdom first then He shall grant us the desires of our heart. ( Matt. 6:33). When we are reborn into Christ then His desires become our desires; although we see through a glass darkly ( 1 Cor. 13:12). All good things come from the father of lights; God above ( James 1:5). We should be growing in our walk in maturity and wisdom understanding the value of trusting in God; obeying His will and giving time for prayer; Bible study and fellowship.

    He certainly doesn't need our help in our worldly accomplishments with the plans He has for us; although we should certainly avail ourselves to utilize all the natural gifts as well as spiritual ones He has given us for His glory. He does have plans for us to prosper ( Jeremiah 29:11). These involve ultimately spiritual treasure in heaven ( Matt. 6:20); but certainly it applies to our faithfulness with earthly wealth as well ( Luke 16:11). We should seek to be able to do all things to build up His Kingdom and minister to the Body of Christ whether with finances or service.

    We should learn to recognize the tug of the Spirit in our interactions whether with the saints or others that may indeed be destined to be His children. Psalm 119:105 shows He illuminates our paths.
  • Jesse - 1 year ago
    Wisdom (Part 2):

    And it (wisdom) shall be given to him. You see, there's a promise there. But it's not the promise that we think. If we isolate Verse 5, it shows that God gives wisdom generously. Well, He does. Except it's through Verses 1 through 4. It's through trials that He gives. The trials come to teach us to place our trust in Christ. That's how we gain wisdom.

    And then James 1:6-8 says "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double-minded man (a double-psyche) is unstable in all his ways.

    So, I can ask the Lord for wisdom and then begin to waver as soon as He starts putting me in tough circumstances. My emotions would be flying all over the place and it could lead to panic and anxiety.

    We have to understand that we ask, and we enter into trials in order to endure through them by trusting the Lord. But we have problems with that sometimes. It's like I know I should be trusting the Lord and I know what the bible says, but look what I'm going through, and it's a big mess! That is an unstable person that can't be ready to ask for wisdom. They've got to learn to endure their trials first.

    It is not wrong to ask for wisdom. James 1:5 tells us to ask. But we have to be careful what we are asking for!
  • Jesse - 1 year ago
    Wisdom (Part 1):

    In James 1:5-8, James gives us the explanation of the prayer of faith. He ended off in Verse 4 saying wanting, or more literally, lacking in nothing. And then he says in James 1:5, but if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

    The word lack is the same word as in Verse 4. Most of us have heard Verse 5 before, "if any man lacks wisdom, let him ask of God," and we take that and tell others to ask God and He'll give you wisdom, as if this magical thing falls out of the sky and all of a sudden, we have wisdom. But wisdom is gained through enduring our trials by faith. And so, when James says if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask from God, we have to be careful.

    If we say, "I would really like to have God's wisdom," okay, but we're going to have to go through a lot of trials. If I had to give a personal definition of wisdom that summarizes its application in the New Testament, I would say that wisdom is seeing life as God sees life. It's like looking through His eyes!

    And 1 Corinthians 2:16 plays a big role in this, in that we have been given the mind of Christ. That's the word NOUS, which means perceptive. By His Spirit, we can perceive God and His working in our circumstances. That's wisdom, seeing life as God sees life. Now how am I going to do that? By experiencing Him, and by enduring my trials and circumstances and totally trusting the Lord Jesus Christ!

    James says God gives to all liberally, and He upbraids not, that is to say He will not chide you. If you lack wisdom and you ask Him, He's not going to say "Are you kidding? I'm not going to give you wisdom!"
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    GiGi You are right again, you usually are. I was falsely accused of many things by Jesse. I only commented and asked if he would show me the posts or comments where I harassed, or badgered anybody, or was tearing them down or disrespecting anyone in any way. I did none of those things GiGi. I only posted Truth, I never attacked or harrassed anyone in anyway. I also told him that I do forgive him for wrongfully accusing me, and that I would Pray for him. There have been a few of my posts that have not shown up for some reason, I hope this one does. God Bless you GiGi. Truth will stand when nothing else will.
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Joe , I once worked in a similar situation . For me it was a balancing act . How to be true to myself and my God , without judging or alienating those around me . It was tough at times for sure ! You have to be friendly but stay strong in Christ . I was surprised to discover that I was respected ( by most but not all ) for my religious convictions . Remember that many people feel the need to put on an act , a faade , in order to fit in with their work mates , so you won't see their true selves until you have worked there for a while . Be kind , honest and friendly but stay true to Him who is true to you . If it really does become to difficult for you then look for other employment , but give it a chance , you may be able to help someone there . Make sure you keep reading your Bible and saying your prayers every day without fail .
  • AFC on Numbers 5 - 1 year ago
    What is the need for the priest to use an oath of cursing?
  • Angel1934 - 1 year ago
    Hello, I have been used as a weapon in this war these men have been fighting for years. I feel this fight is unnecessary in this world and these hateful evil people are really unstable mentally on every side, people have been lied to about certain things. Jailing and imprisoning them for it, these people have lied about studies and grants to keep the money flow. killing people for their secrets and the evil that they do. Countless people have died by suicide car wrecks by overdoses they have been murdered and none of the killers brought to justice. They stay in their institutions and lie and try to control people by all their laws and hateful ways so they don't go to jail for what they have done. China is mad at us for what we allow these people to do. I am national security no one will help me, no I'm not crazy no I don't need mental help yes I know the lord I'm just trying to keep people from meeting god faster than they need to and everyone here in the south is completely in the dark.It was a set of old beliefs that should have never been given to just me alone to handle between these groups. the first settlers and the trump stuff and my crazy family that one side wants to make the other side feel bad they are revengeful and hateful. They are more centered around their selves than to stop and make peace with the world and their selves. I had found out the past two years I have found out that I have been lied to 49 years about my life. One of the many reasons that I was lied to was that my real family they are into a lot of bad over half are in the porn industry. I was a product of that and Cuba and left with a group of masons People talk of mary magdalen and Jesus and how mary had many different demons I believe it. Please pray that my help will come my dirty police station no one wants to help not even them. I guess people are waiting on miracles sometimes god wants people to move god hates a coward. pray that god will give me strength pray for peace
  • GIGI - 1 year ago
    Jimbob, It seems that your thread to Jesse has been closed for further comment. So, admin may be wanting this conversation to end. It may be best to let this go, but I do agree that you and most likely I have been mischaracterized by those who do not agree with our discourse on the pre-trib rapture discussion. We probably won't get a profitable response back from those who have stated that we are mistreating others with our words on this discussion. So, perhaps it is best to forgive, let go, and move on. There is the evidence of what all of us posted in this discussion, so we can go back and re-read to see if you or I done what has been accused or it the other parties have done to us what they are accusing us of doing. With that said, I think the discussion on the pre-trib rapture was pretty much completed now and it is up to those reading to search the Scriptures and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit on this matter. We can pray for them and I hope they will pray for us.

    I am glad that you and I stayed the course in this discussion and were not intimidated by what anyone else said, but instead attempted to present our viewpoint by staying on topic and giving a reasoned, Scriptural reply. We can rest knowing that we spoke out on a topic in which we are certainly the minority in today's realm of Christian thought of those on this site. Take everything to the Lord in prayer.
  • GIGI - In Reply on 1 John 1 - 1 year ago
    Dear Kathy,

    Ultimately, God is the only true and just judge of every person. It is sad that someone would say such a thing about someone who was addicted to a drug that is often deadly. We cannot know this son's heart. Even his mother does not know. It is obvious that his mom is very disturbed by his drug use and overdose. She may have been at the end of her rope worrying and speaking to him about getting clean. Give her some grace to grieve her son's death and reassure her that God does reach out to people in peril, whether one brings this peril upon oneself or not. He desires to save and all of His elect will be save. We just do not know what the Holy Spirit did in this son's inner self before he died. We would hope that He was indeed elected to salvation, but we cannot know this side of heaven.
  • Ruby Lea Read - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen and Amen, Brother Nacol1900:

    We are SAVED from DEATH by the blood of the LAMB.

    We are BORN AGAIN by the WORD of GOD.

    We (the wife of Christ) gave birth to a new creation, the promised "SEED" (child).

    This was accomplished at HIS (and our) resurrection, revealed to us by the WORD.

    1 Timothy 2:14 ....the woman (the wife of Christ) being DECEIVED was in the transgression.

    1 Timothy 2:15 ....she (the wife of Christ) SHALL BE SAVED in childbearing .... giving birth to the promised SEED, the new creation .... this mystery .... Christ in us .....

    We were made ONE by "Christ and ourselves" being RESURRECTED together ..... a new creation ... the same "SEED" .... the (living) WORD .... the written WORD is OUR WITNESS .... BELIEVE .....

    You give BIRTH when you are raptured at the DEMISE of this FLESH.


    I Corinthians 15:54 ...this mortal (flesh) shall PUT ON immortality (Christ) .....

    1 Timothy 6:16 ...Christ ONLY hath IMMORTALITY ....dwelling in the light ....

    God has blessed you with eyes that see and ears that hear.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Adam we can pray for them, but the Word of God is being fulfilled everyday and the evil is taking over in this time, we are living the Lastdays now. From my understanding of the Bible it will only get worse, not better. Here's something the Holy Spirit lead me to recently. ( Proverbs 11:11) By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is (overthrown) by the (wicked). The word (overthrown) is #2040; it means to pull down or in pieces, break, destroy. The word (wicked) is #7563; it means morally wrong, an (actively) bad person, guilty, ungodly, wicked (man) that did wrong, (do or declare) wrong, violate, make trouble. The (morally wrong) (ungodly) people are in control now but not just to destroy cities but a Nation! The people in control of this County today are those spoken of in ( Eph 6:12) All who will not put on the whole armour of God will not be able to stand, they won't even see it coming. God Bless you and all who share the Truth on this site. Everyone should read, and study ( Eph 6:10-17) and get yourselves prepared!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I don't see how anyone can say that for sure. The answer would be maybe. There seems to be some sort of confusion as to the concept of the "unforgiveable sin". That; according to the Gospels is spelled out fairly clearly-that of ascribing God's Spirit to Satan (or Beelzebub otherwise known as the king of the demons) which is basically the same despite some blowback I have had on the subject. That is why Christ says that any offense against Him is forgivable but not to the Holy Spirit. This shows how the Spirit is God's testimony to the world which is to remind us of "sin; righteousness and judgment to come" ( John 16:8).

    There is another common misconception around the "sin leading to death." ( 1 John 5:16-17). There are certain sins which Paul mentions in the Corinthian church such as when the man was given over to Satan so that the flesh may be saved. ( 1 Cor. 5:5). Indeed; Paul makes it clear that if Communion isn't taken properly many have gotten sick and "fallen asleep" (died) as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 11:30.

    There is always the chance that in a last minute repentance (such as the thief on the cross) or perhaps right before death repentance can occur. This would certainly be the exception rather than the rule as sadly "few" will be saved ( Matthew 7:14 etc). There is a difference of someone who is in a lifestyle of sin compared to say someone that slips up once or twice (as seems to be the case with many Fentinol overdoses these days). We would also have to assess if the man in question ever confessed Christ previously; and if any fruit evident of true repentance was in his life ( Matt. 3:8-10). There is a whole host of other things Satan uses such as music and the occult; the desire to be popular; etc. which drugs can be used as a gateway. That is different; although tied in with the physiological dependencies someone is trapped in; or emotional state of suicidal behavior that triggers such a sad ending.

    Hope this helps somewhat.

  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    May God be with those you choose to be deceiving and hide the Truth. ( Mark 4:22) ( Luke 8:17) ( John 8:32) ( John 14:6) ( Luke 11:23) Nothing is hid from God! Blessings to all.
  • Adam - 1 year ago
    Please pray for President Trump and all the illegal democrat party DOJ prosecution attempts to undermine our constitutional republic. They have followed in the footsteps of communist dictators and are hurting and even killing people through their political activist terrorist groups like blm and antifa. It's hard to see all the evil of how the Democrat Party attempts to justify mass murdering babies, selling their body parts, mass injecting people with untested but profitable substances, pushing sodomy, grooming innocent children for homosexuality or to mutilate their body parts, or even trying to push pedophilia. I don't see any democrats calling that this evil from their own party and that is very disturbing. It is not the same party it was twenty years ago. It is now satanic.

    They opened the southern border to allow sex slaves and drugs to pour in, while not giving money for that but to give Ukraine's rich corrupt people better border walls. Meanwhile Christian vets are homeless on the streets and don't get a penny. The spending steals from ordinary citizens already struggling. This is wrong.

    Some are pushing for injections and "marks" on you like the number of the beast. Some are pushing for a New World Order and a one world currently. I wonder where we've heard of that before.

    We are seeing a sick push and demoralization of the country not just because of the democrats, but congressional republicans too. They accepted bribes to be silenced from big donors like Pfizer and chose to not take a stronger stand against such evil attacks. They don't represent the real people who are oppressed. Many people are being hurt or killed, arrested illegally, put in prison illegally and they just watch and enjoy their vacations instead of doing what is right. Pray this corruption and the persecution of innocents will cease, and that the gospel reaches the hearts of satan's current followers in the name of Jesus.

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