All Discussion PAGE 492

  • Florida80 - 1 year ago
    Please pray for physical healing, divine connections, wisdom, and financial increase for Shawna Perry. Thank you and bless you.
  • Mel8 - 1 year ago
    Apparently , Rolls Royce are touting for investment in order to build a nuclear power plant on the moon ! Now that sounds like a great idea doesn't it ? We humans really do think that we own this world don't we ? Please come back soon Jesus , save us from ourselves and each other ever so soon please.
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jewel , God will never ever leave you , be assured of that . He is right there with you right now . We are mistaken if we think that we won't suffer in this life because we are Christians . God allowed His only begotten beloved Son to suffer a painful and humiliating death , so do we think that we are not going to suffer ? We are human made of flesh which is easily wounded and suffers corruption as we age . I have suffered several permenant health problems for just under thirty years . Through all of my sufferings God was beside me holding my hand . He is there with you now . You have to train your eyes to see His goodness towards you , things could be so much worse for you and things are much worse for many people in this world . Change is never easy , especially when we perceive the changes as negative , but we must trust in and lean on our Creator and our Saviour . Be strong , draw strength from your God , trust in Him and wait for His hand in your life . He will put you where He wants you to be and we must all accept His judgements and workings in our lives and thank Him . Thank Him always for His lovingkindness towards us . Keep praying , read your Bible , submit to His will for you with a trusting heart and cling to His mercy . He won't suffer you to put up with more than you can handle , and with His help you can handle a lot .
  • Sam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Please Jesus guide Jewel in this adversity she is dealing with right now. You said that we not have more than we can endure with Your righteous right hand. Please Holy Spirit bring comfort to Jewel through biblical scripture and truth, support from other that obey God and some laughter to relieve the stress I ask in the name of Jesus Christ!!

    Please reflect on Isaiah 41:10-13, John 16:33, John 15:5-7, 1 Corinthians 10;13, 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.
  • Jewelrivera on Genesis 4 - 1 year ago
    Why did Adam allow Eve to eat from the tree of life when God told Adam he could eat from any tree but that and he did it anyway with Eve, is this when sin started?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    How is Virginia doing today? I've been praying for her.
  • GiGi - 1 year ago
    Hello JRR

    When Abel was murdered, Cain was left. He went in a rebellious direction against God. When Seth was born, God blessed him and his descendants as God determined that it was through the lineage of Seth that the Savior of Gen. 3:15 would come. Although there is a short account of Cain's lineage. His lineage ended in the flood along with the lineage of any other sons born to Adam after Seth.

    The point of giving the lineages in the Bible is to document the Messianic lineage from Adam to Jesus. It is through the lineage of Seth that the Savior would be born. Noah was a descendant of Seth and only Noah and his family survived the flood to repopulate the earth.

    There are accounts of the lineages of Noah's three sons, Shem, Japheth, and Ham in Genesis 10, but after that, the Bible focuses on the lineage of Shem and then narrows down to the lineage of Abraham through Isaac, though Abraham had 7 other sons. The focus is then on Jacon, not Esau. And then on the 12 sons of Jacob.

    Then we come to the line of Judah, from which King David was born. David had many sons from many wives. But Solomon is singled out. So we have a narrow focus on genealogy in the Bible because it is to show the human lineage of Jesus to show that He is from the tribe of Abraham, through Judah, which qualifies Him to be the Messiah as an Israelite.
  • Jewel Rivera - 1 year ago
    I need prayer, I'm trying to understand why God is letting me go through so much, I've been having Medical health problems for the last Four years and still having them and now I'm facing loosen my only place I have I know I've been not reading God's words for the last few weeks are more and I use to read God's words everyday and I've not stopped praying, please pray for me I want to stay focused on our heavenly Father I want him to be every part of my life I want my life to be his and I pray he has not left me at times I feel a lone and I know the devil is lying to me I want feel fearful, hurtful, confused, angry, I only want to feel and hear God because I know he loves me I've just got the devil lying so much, so I come and ask for prayer I'm 61 years old, I live a lone and God is all I need and want in my life. God sad where there are two are three together in my name. God bless you all.
  • David on John 2 - 1 year ago
    Where in the Scriptures does it show the Holy Trinity as high church Creeds speak of?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Brother.

    We'll talk soon.

    Go's bless you.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey S Spencer,

    Your post is helpful as well. Replies sometime takes awhile to post. Have a wonderful vacation with your wife.

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Ronald.

    The presentation is Jesus.

    I didn't see your post until after I sent.

    God bless.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    JRR Thats a good question. Abel was the son of Adam but he was killed by Cain so he had no children, Abel had no descendants that's why he's not mentioned. Cain was not the son of Adam, he was the son of the wicked one, the devil. ( 1 Jn 3:12) and ( Jn 8:44) In ( Gen 3:15-16) v15 God tells the serpent He will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy (seed),(speaking to the serpent) and the womans seed,. The word (seed) in Hebrew is #2233; it means fruit, sowing-time, posterity, carnally, child, to disseminate, plant, fructify, bear, conceive seed. The word (seed) in Greek is #4690; it means something sown, seed including male "sperm" by implying offspring. v16 God tells the woman He will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. The word (conception) is #2032; it means pregnancy, to be (or become) pregnant, conceive, be with child, progenitor. If God multiplies her sorrow and her conception, that would mean she would be having twins.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi JRR.

    In Genesis 5 you see Adam and Eve begat more sons and daughters, There also omitted.

    "And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:" Genesis 5:4.

    In Luke 3:23-38 there's a genealogy of Jesus from Heli (The father of Mary) on through Seth to Adam. Joseph's father is omitted.

    The focus of these genealogies is to present the line of Christ.


    In Matthew there's a genealogy of Jesus with the line going through Solomon on through David through Seth to Adam.

    In Luke 3 it goes through Nathan on through David, again through Seth to Adam.

    When these names are omitted are presented it's to present Jesus in a specific way and display a particular message.


    The genealogy in Genesis 5 sets the stage for the next theme or story of the Bible. Noah.

    You see this repeated when Abraham is presented in Genesis 11:10-32.

    There's been many heresies presented around this over the years.

    Some presented the idea of there were offspring that wasn't of Adam.

    Even Satan is mentioned as being the father of Cain.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • Danny Scott on Psalms 27 - 1 year ago
    is there any direction on how to handle conflict within a family
  • KoolBell on Matthew 3 - 1 year ago
    For "Dahg"

    Herod Antipas, (born 21 bce-died after 39 ce ), son of Herod I the Great who became tetrarch (ruler of a minor principality in the Roman Empire) of Galilee, in northern Palestine, and Peraea, east of the Jordan River and Dead Sea, and ruled throughout Jesus of Nazareth's ministry.

    This is from Encyclopedia Brittanica
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 1 year ago
    Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor great go to the store a few times and it's not busy at work today and tonight ijnip amen
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi JRR,

    It was after Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden before they had children. The nature and function of the information of Genesis 5 and 11 is a unique feature in these chapters in contrast to the various genealogies in the Old and New Testaments. Many assume the genealogical list is counted from father to son; there is no mention of the females, and each son is represented as the first son.

    The fact is, the text never explicitly states, nor does it imply, that the sons listed were the "firstborn" of their fathers and if you consider the ages the fathers were when they had these sons. Do we believe Noah was 500 years old before he had children?

    This points to these chronogenealogy lists that do not include all their children. Scripture is clear Cain and Abel were before Seth, Cain killed Abel before Seth and Adam was 130 years old when Seth was born so, Seth is clearly not the first born and we cannot assume his son and his son's son and so on that are listed may or may not be the first born.

    If we follow the lists through the Bible it will show the family tree of Jesus the Messiah/Christ not a list of the first born. The Bible from the beginning is telling us of Jesus, and He will be of the seed of woman, from Eve Gen. 3:15 to Abraham, Gen. 17:7 to Mary, Matt. 1:1-17

    Hope this helps,

    God bless,

  • Lilyan Whitehead - 1 year ago
    My children keep throwing up please pray!
  • David - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • Free - 1 year ago
    Dear all brothers and sisters in the Lord. Go and bless everywhere! We must never forget that we have received gifts from God and His goodness, loving-kindness, and grace.

    I got one word today, I have to share. I may have wright in here before and if it is so, That this has come out wrong. May you fine people forgive me, here!

    John 5:16-23

    We must honor Jesus, and we must never forget it. Stay truly safe in Gods word. Love you all in Christ.
  • No.more nightmares - 1 year ago
    Every night since sponge dumped me. (He was my love and when he was here i had good dreams now he is gone i have bad bad nightmares)

    I have bad nightmares a creepy ex roomy i rented from is stalking and assaulting me.

    I repent for renting there. My man named hummer said he would live there with me and backed out at last minute. Ray and christy told me to go there. They all 3.sold me.out and deceived me.

    Save me from all these creepy ex roomy who have stalked and torment me. And my ex hummer who sold me.out.

    Hummer refused rent with me and sold me out. May god judge him harshly for selling me out to a bad place to live when he had money to get a place with me and help me like a real man.

    God deliver me from all these enemies. No more ex roomy him nightmares anymore.

    Please deliver me from the demons of the past.

    Set by a miracle and divine intervention

    Set me free of the demons of the past

  • JRR - 1 year ago
    Ok.We all know in the garden Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel.and Adam is said to be their father. My question is when we read the descendents of Adam Genesis 5, why is Cain and Abel not mentioned? Why are they by passed and it starts with Seth?
  • Mark Duke - 1 year ago
    Thank you

    Sincerely mark Duke
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thanks again Jimbob,

    Have a good night's sleep. I am sleepy, so hopefully I will get to sleep quickly. Please pray that I do since I do have trouble getting to sleep most nights. I appreciate that.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    GiGi You are very wise. We do all fail at times but if Scripture is provided which proves something, or someone to be wrong in what they believe in, then its hard to be understanding and say someone failed, for many people I think pride stands in the way of them changing anything about what they believe. But I pray maybe some have seen that truth and that its working in them right now. Many people are learning a lot in this group from you GiGi. including me. It would not be the same if you were not in it. And I will continue to practice keeping a "cool" head during discussions, Thank you for that. The honour is mine GiGi. God Bless you.
  • GiGi - 1 year ago

    And thank you, too.

    I try to remember that there are many times more people reading our posts on here than just those who enter into the discussion by posting. So, we do our best to present what we have found to be true from Scriptures. Others also do the same. This does not mean that all interpretations are equally true, valid, logical, nor reasonable. But I do think that we are all sincere when we post.

    We must leave the results of our discussions up to the workings of the Holy Spirit. I have read many articles of people who began as a dispensationalist as a youth and through sincere searching of the Word have moved away from dispensationalism and the pre-trib rapture as a result. There are most likely those who have moved in the reverse order.

    One thing I try to be sure of is that I am not discussing such matters to "win" the disagreement or to stamp down anyone else's viewpoint. This does not mean we do not speak our views strongly. But it does mean that our motivation is to truly represent what God has revealed in Scripture for the love of truth and for the love of others reading our posts.

    It is not always easy to maintain a "cool" head in such discussions, but it is possible, with practice. I do try to stay on topic and not try to disparage those who disagree with me. I find that, especially with the topic of dispensationalism and pre-trib rapture that I am often disparaged and attempts are made to discredit me. And I will speak up about this because we, as brethren should be treating one another better than that. And I do try to speak honestly without retaliating speech. I wish I could say I am 100% on this, but we all do fail. So, we should be understanding of others when they fail, too. We are to love one another, whether we agree or not.

    Jimbob, I know we do not agree on every matter either, but it has been an honor to work with you on presenting what we believe is biblical evidence about the error of the pre-trib rapture.
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Who is the brethren in ( Eph 6:10)? Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. ( Eph 6:11-12) Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to (stand) against the (wiles) of the devil. The word (stand) is #2476; it means to stand, abide, continue. (The word (wiles) is #3180; it means "method" travelling over, i.e. travesty (trickery) wile, lie in wait. These brethren are told to stand or continue against the trickery of the devil. When is the devil cast to the earth? During great tribulation! v12 Tells us "For ((we)) wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Do you think the ((we)) Paul is speaking of in this verse is non-believers that are wrestling against all these evil forces? I don't think so either! ( Eph 6:13-14) Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to (withstand) in the (evil) day, and having done all, to stand. The word (withstand) is #436; it means to stand against, i.e. oppose, resist. Do you think Paul is telling non-believers to stand against and oppose, resist the devil in the evil day? I don't think so either! The word (evil) is #4190; it means hurtful i.e. evil, properly in effect or influence, calamitous, diseased, vicious, the devil, grevious, wicked (-ness). This evil day would no doubt be great tribulation when the devil will be in power over the world. ( Eph 6:15-17) v16 Tells us to take the shield of faith, so we can quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Would Paul be telling non-believers to take the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked? I don't think so either! v17 Tells us to take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. These verses are spoken to the ((brethren, Believers in Christ)), and they tell us its the evil day which is the time of the devil, great tribulation! Blessings
  • Frank Daniels - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my finances.. they've been up and down. I need enough money to pay all my bills. Thank you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    And thank you, too.

    I try to remember that there are many times more people reading our posts on here than just those who enter into the discussion by posting. So, we do our best to present what we have found to be true from Scriptures. Others also do the same. This does not mean that all interpretations are equally true, valid, logical, nor reasonable. But I do think that we are all sincere when we post.

    We must leave the results of our discussions up to the workings of the Holy Spirit. I have read many articles of people who began as a dispensationalist as a youth and through sincere searching of the Word have moved away from dispensationalism and the pre-trib rapture as a result. There are most likely those who have moved in the reverse order.

    One thing I try to be sure of is that I am not discussing such matters to "win" the disagreement or to stamp down anyone else's viewpoint. This does not mean we do not speak our views strongly. But it does mean that our motivation is to truly represent what God has revealed in Scripture for the love of truth and for the love of others reading our posts.

    It is not always easy to maintain a "cool" head in such discussions, but it is possible, with practice. I do try to stay on topic and not try to disparage those who disagree with me. I find that, especially with the topic of dispensationalism and pre-trib rapture that I am often disparaged and attempts are made to discredit me. And I will speak up about this because we, as brethren should be treating one another better than that. And I do try to speak honestly without retaliating speech. I wish I could say I am 100% on this, but we all do fail. So, we should be understanding of others when they fail, too. We are to love one another, whether we agree or not.

    Jimbob, I know we do not agree on every matter either, but it has been an honor to work with you on presenting what we believe is biblical evidence about the error of the pre-trib rapture.

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