All Discussion PAGE 493

  • DDD - In Reply - 1 year ago
    FATHER you alone are mighty, merciful and loving, we come before you by the obedience of your SON on the cross, which was for our sin and your wrath. As your called we come here because our deep need to be set free. From sickness, pain, and need of covering from conditions we cannot control without the moving of your Holy Spirit upon these things. We are so grateful for the scriptures you FATHER has given us. They are some much for us that this space couldn't contain a small part of who you are.

    Thank you FATHER in heaven for your Holy Spirit, as ask for HIS manifestation against this our woe. Thank you healing, we praise you for the covering so that salvation can over take those in need of such. HOLY, HOLY, HOLY are you FATHER in heaven.

    With a humble heart we pray, and it's because of your SON we are here before you.

    Thank for hearing our cry.

    In JESUS name with come to pray.

    Holy are you FATHER.
  • DDD - In Reply - 1 year ago
    The scriptures say HE sent his Word and it did not return void but accompanied what HIS Word was sent to do.

    With that Word, also the scriptures say that IF two of you (us) agree as touching anything it will be done of my FATHER in heaven.

    ( The caps are for respect not yelling )

    FATHER in heaven Holy are your ways, pure so pure. We are before you to honor and bless your Holy name. FATHER your daughter before you (we) are touching the concern in her body which only you FATHER can heal. The pain present is unwelcome and we asked for its removal.

    For the appointment coming, bless with healing the drainage, so it is removed because it is made well, complete and whole. And FATHER mend her whole body, head to feet. Your SON came to destroy the works of satan so that we may have life and more abountenly.

    Your SON be glorified in us by this healing.

    We pray in JESUS name.

  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Grece please forgive me. Love u
  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Thank You Dear God Father for faithful, loving prayers That prays for all of us. May You Lord bless them greatly at this moment, God is good in Jesus Christ holy name, amen

    Know this Donna Greace that on the way home today at the same time as you write this. I was filled with the Holy Ghost and erupted in rejoicing at the love of God to care. His grace is great and wondrous We all desire to be there in His presence and with our friends in the Lord.

    Thx a lot for praying for us all, spesielt for meg. God bless u evan much more, amen love u in Christ.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear WCH. I am happy to pray for this young woman. Thank you for sending the request our way.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Dear A. I will pray for your husband tonight.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    I am praying for you. You have been through a lot! I pray that God will relieve you of your pain and heal up the area of surgery and infection that necessitated the drain. May all of the medications and procedures work well for you. Amen.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    GiGi thank you for your response. It really means a lot to have someone else in this group who sees the truth in this and is willing to speak up for that truth, and post that truth. Even though it seems we are living in a world where ( 2 Thessalonians 2:11) is already be fulfilled. If one is shown the truth today in Scripture and they don't see that truth, are those people only being deceived, or are they deceiving others with the intent to deceive them? We honestly have no way to know that today as another verse you posted clearly says, ( Matthew 7:14) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are (ravening) wolves. The word (ravening) is #727; from 726; it means rapacious, extortion, (726) shows us the pre-trib rapture word (harpazo) it means to seize, catch (away, up) pluck, pull, take (by force) It seems very telling to me that the verse talking about false prophets who come in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravening wolves is connected to the pre-trib rapture word in Greek (harpazo) I like the verse you posted, ( 1 Tim 4:16) I also like ( 2 Tim 4:2-4) v2 Tells us to "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine". v4 "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine;." It would seem all those verses are being fulfilled now, or being played out for this time period today. You are right again GiGi, we should speak the truth in love, and pray for those who do not see the truth, or will not receive the truth. Stay Strong in your Faith, and in the Truth of the Word of God! God Bless you GiGi. And again I truly thank for your response to this post.
  • Peighton on Genesis 1 - 1 year ago
    I love the bible and this is a really good thing that you are doing
  • ItIsWritten - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 1 year ago
    Thousands of years before you, there was a man called Job, and he essentially asked an even tougher version of the same question; that's essentially what Job chapter 3 through chapter 37 is all about.

    When Job had finished asking the same questions you are asking, do you know how the LORD began His answer to Job? "Who is this that darkeneth counsel BY WORDS WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE?"

    - Job 38:2

    And again, "Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? He that reproveth God, let him answer it."

    - Job 40:2

    Do you know what Job realized after the LORD was done? " . . . Therefore have I uttered that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not."

    - Job 42:3

    To your question, there will be no greater than what the Scriptures have given in the book of Job.

    I suggest you read the entire book of Job.
  • Ada Avant - 1 year ago
    I am in agonizing pain from a drain in my abdomen due to emergency surgery. Please pray for the pain.

    I do have an appointment in Radiology on March 20th at 9am. Pleas pray that they take the drain out

    and find everything in perfect order. Thank you and may God continue to bless your much needed work.
  • A - 1 year ago
    Please pray for a healing miracle for my husband he need to get more test done next week prostate cancer, for my whole family children grandchildren sisters families for salvation deliverance protection for Alessandra and Gloria depression Thank you
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    James, Amen to your prayer requests today. May the Lord bless you and Kimberly in your marriage for a llfetime.

    LORD God, grant James repentance unto a true change of heart and behavior in his marriage to Kimberly. Grant both James and Kimberly the kind of love that is needed for both of them to live honorably with each other in marriage and that their lives will glorify you together. Dear Jesus, help James and Kimberly to overcome the problems that exist now in their relationship and send your redemptive grace to this marriage that it may be restored, improved, and become aligned to Your Word as to Your purposes for marriage leading to a true oneness between them. May James love Kimberly as You love the church, Lord, and may Kimberly live to serve gladly the husband you have given her. Teach them how to set aright the things that are out of Your will. Remove selfish desires and unhealthy words and actions from among them. Build them up in Your holy truth and lead them daily in the way You wish for them to act towards each other. Amen.
  • WCH - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my sisters cousin Virgina who from what I hear is clinging to life after a bad car accident. She's around in her early 30s, please send the strongest prayer to our lord Jesus Christ, may she be covered in his blood and may he carry her though whatever the plan is for her. In Jesus name AMEN
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Keeping you in my prayers today.
  • Ei;een - 1 year ago
    according to the lrdos will prayer for the blood of hjesus applied to theis town and all minds body spirit asouls houses and concerns and rtemove the unwarrented. in jeus snamei i aks.
  • S Spencer - 1 year ago
    Amen Brother Jesse.

    Thanks for the reply!

    I remember when I would answer everything when in a debate.

    Most was friendly but a few wasn't.

    I've learned to discern when a post is going to go south by the way the question or statement is given.

    Now I just don't read them because I know myself!!

    If I engage it's hard to disengage!

    If I read it and it's something I disagree with that has suddenly become personal to keep from being tempted to respond I just don't read it, Especially if it's been dealt with.

    When I'm contacted directly by a person I read the first line or two and when I see it's going right back down that road, I leave off there from reading.

    This is nothing new from me.

    Once you say you don't won't to discuss soteriology when asked, I don't have no interest in engaging.

    For that it was said I was being disrespectful.

    Brother Jesse this don't bother me at all.

    If nothing else it's a lesson in itself and clarity in what we talk about often. fruitfulness. Everything will manifest itself.

    It's not how busy you are, It's who's energizing the work. He that is energizing you will manifest himself through you whether it be God or Satan.

    By the way me and my wife is going out of the country on vacation tomorrow so I will be out of reach for a week.

    God bless you and all you do.
  • E. - 1 year ago
    Please continue to pray for the salvation of all family and relatives who are unsaved (the majority). And I also continue to ask (for family and I and all in need) for deliverance from all bondage, healing, guidance and infilling with the Holy Spirit and strong protection (I plead the blood of Jesus over us, ask for Holy Warrior angels and a wall of Holy Spirit fire to surround us). I again pray Psalm 35 "Lord contend with those who contend with (us)". Praying this also for a couple prayer warriors who have told me that they have experienced spiritual attacks lately (also all others who are being attacked). Also praying my church takes prayer more seriously (only very few join the prayer times).
  • DDD - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Not sure what is meant by "GOD'S timing", looking at scriptures GOD is not here for us, we are here for Him. Read the red which is what His son Jesus says about His Father. It's disrespectful to think much less believe God is here for us.

    Expect should never be in our speaking or speech when referring to our Father in heaven. So many think speaking or holding scriptures makes GOD move, or do our bidding. GOD by His Holy Spirit is there for us to assist, help, answer, direct us accordingly, by His Word.

    Lasty God doesn't dump a pile of cash to meet what we call needs. There are so many around this world who know blessed are those who give.

    Not ask get than give. The scriptures plainly tell us what we are to do, for His promises to become manifested in this life. Too many "believers" use the name of Jesus in ways that are not really scripture based. Look through scriptures and find those blessed and it can be seen, there's a price in Jesus Christ.

    There is still a sacrifice that is to be made.


    If this is harsh please forgive, but my God is higher than what some think, or believe. See our Father as Jesus has. Respectfully. Among other things.

    John 6:44 shows one of the things our Father in heaven does.

    John 7:2 shows what can happen next.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello again, Jimbob,

    We are told by Jesus in Matt. 7:15 to watch out for false prophets.

    And 1 Tim. 4:16 we are exhorted by Paul to watch our life and doctrine closely.

    Is it ever safe to believe a false doctrine? Will a false doctrine not prove to hurt us in some way? Can believing a false doctrine lead us astray or into further deception? I would say that believing what is false doctrine is always harmful to believers. That is why we are so warned by our Lord and Paul and the other Epistle writers.

    So, while some will say that views on eschatology do not affect our salvation, you and I beg to differ with this idea. Also, agreeing to disagree is somewhat normative in today's circles. But for me, if some belief is proven false by Scripture, as you and I have done so concerning the pre-trib rapture in recent exchanges, we should challenge people to believe what Scripture clearly, plainly, and explicitly teaches and forsake beliefs that one "thinks" Scripture supports through implication, presumption, or by wishful interpretation.

    I, for one, have had to change my beliefs on topics over the years when what Scripture clearly teaches shows me that my belief is wrong. All of us have needed to do this. For this, I am so thankful we have the Scriptures in hand in our own language to learn from what God has chosen to reveal to us. Being humble and submissive to the Holy Spirit when He shows us truth in the Word is how we all should desire to be.

    So, we can always pray for God to show us the truth of His Word in areas where we are believing falsely and we can pray for others who are believing false doctrines. This is one way we can build one another up in the most holy faith. The other way is to bring forth Scripture that refutes false doctrines in order that those who believe such doctrines will submit to the truth of God's Word. may God be merciful to all of us who exchange here and may He help us to speak the truth in love on every occasion.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob, I agree with you.

    Paul is clear in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there will be a great apostasy WITHIN THE CHURCH when believers will desert the faith or be deceived by the workings of Satan.

    Perhaps many who believer the Pre-Trib rapture deception will be strong enough to stand against the deception of the Antichrist and endure the sufferings , persecution, and martyrdom of the Tribulation without losing faith or denouncing Christ. But Id do think that many who do think that they will be raptured prior to the Tribulation will indeed be deceived and turn from faith, as Paul says in this Scripture citation. Some are still new believers and/or are not very robust or mature in their faith.

    The possibility of many falling away when Tribulation comes because they expected to be raptured will manifest in the day of trouble. So, yes, it is a salvation issue if people are deceived into thinking they will be spared from the Tribulation and Antichrist through a pre-trib rapture and then fall away when they are not raptured, finding themselves in the Tribulation times and under the deception of the Antichrist or the temptation to acquiesce by taking the mark to preserve their own lives. This could also happen to those who do not believe in the pre-trib rapture as well.

    This is why we are warned by Jesus to be watchful, prayerful, prepared, and faithful to endure to the very end.

    Matt. 10:22 Matt. 24:13 Matt. 26:41 Mark 13:35
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 1 year ago
    Hello, Asafo,

    Rev. 21:5 And He that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."

    I won't be until the return of Jesus on the Last Day that we will receive our full redemption. We will be made new again through the resurrection or translation of our bodies. When that happens, we will never again know sorrow, pain, affliction, persecution, anguish. Jesus will destroy the heavens and the earth and make new heavens and a new earth.

    In John 16:33 Jesus says, " In this world ye shall have tribulation: But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

    Jesus said that this life will be full of troubles. Some due to sin and the corruption of this world: hardships, diseases, etc. And others due to persecution and sufferings because we believe in Jesus and belong to Him.

    We can know that the sufferings we experience in this life are intended to perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle us in the one true faith that is in Jesus. 1 Peter 5 10

    1 Peter 4:12-16 speaks of the our attitude in suffering and trials. We should not be surprised when it happens, rather rejoice and glorify God in our trials.

    Asafo, this life is a fallen life. it is marked by our own sinful nature and that of every other person. The world is corrupted because of man's sin. Therefore, God allows things to happen in the lives of Christians to test us and build us up to be able to stand firm under trial and tribulation. One day we may have to face death for our faith in Jesus. We can see our temporary sufferings at the present preparing us to stand in the last days, if we live to be in that time of great Tribulation and apostasy that will come before Christ returns for us ( 2 Thessalonians 2)

    But we look forward to the inheritance of eternal life and the full redemption of our body, soul, and spirit in the day of the Lord Jesus.

    When He comes to receive us to Him, He will then bring the wrath of God upon the wicked and the corrupted earth. Believers will be not suffer this wrath.
  • Adam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi SSTeach,

    I'm sorry you are facing such challenges.

    Someone else just asked something similar this morning.

    Have you read the rest of the Romans 2? I'd suggest starting with that.

    I think a common underlying assumption is that we deserve to have good health, comfort and wealth in this life and if God is good then He'll serve me with that. I personally believe its the opposite. That we're not entitled to anything, that we're blessed and fortunate to even be alive at all and given this opportunity to serve Him (not ourselves), and that God created us for His pleasure, not our own. He's not a genie in a lamp existing to serve us. It's not all about us.

    What is the purpose of this life? We will all die very soon. The end may come any day. There are no guarantees of anything. God didn't promise us health and wealth in the Bible. Anyone saying that is lying. All someone has to do is read the Word and you can see that it says the opposite- in this life we'll face many trials. And we as Christians will face persecution. We are being tested. People in the Bible who served the Lord didn't have massive health and wealth. Paul who wrote much of the Bible was chased by Romans who wanted him dead, was imprisoned, probably starved, maybe injured, walked probably thousands of miles in the sun, shipwrecked, and was allowed to have a thorn in his flesh- whatever that means. Job had everything stripped of him, faced enormous hardship. Other Bible people had all kinds of problems too.

    1 Corinthians 10:13 - just as we wont be tempted more than what we can bear I think God won't give us more of anything beyond what we can bear. I think our character is being tested. I don't think God creates hardship directly but allows bad things to happen to us. Why assume that makes God bad? God allowed Himself to be tortured and die to atone for our sinful behavior- a gift if we choose to accept it. God allows evil to happen to us, because He loves us enough to give freewill. God bless.
  • B - 1 year ago
    Please pray for power, time, and fruit of the Spirit to be received for our project.

    In Jesus's name!
  • RUTHIE CURTIS - 1 year ago
    I believe and trust the process of God's timing on everything in this lifetime. I expect God to honor his word. I ask God to bless me with a miraculous financial overflow to pay off all my debts and to pay my tithes off this overflow and give back to my charities

    St Jude's, Feed the children, FBA,Buy my nephew's family a new transport van and bless my family members, In Jesus Holy name I ask and believe in his Holy name I pray. Jeremiah 29:11
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 1 year ago
    Hi Asafo, have you checked the common questions area?

    I don't think I'll rewrite my previous answers to this, but in summary, by what standard do we assume that dying is bad and suffering is bad?

    Everyone on earth dies. Everyone on earth has discomfort and suffering on some level. The implied goal of these questions seem to ignore the afterlife and the goal of serving God. So, what is the priority, short term pleasure or serving God? The question also assumes God's priority is for our comfort. I don't think so. It may have been until the original sin, but if you read in Genesis the creation was cursed to specifically create discomfort. So why assume that God being good would somehow remove the punishment and curse?
  • SSTeach - 1 year ago
    Why does God say in Romans 2:11 For there is no respect or person with God and there are so many people with physical or mental disabilities? I have a daughter with profound autism and Raynaud's syndrome. She just had surgery to remove for hand due to Raynaud's and now we are waiting for her to wake up to see if she has had significantly more brain damage due to a massive seizure which put her in ICU. My husband has always had a difficulty understanding that and I am not able to explain in a sense of him understanding. We have had a few explanations previously and it seemed good, but when our daughter got hit with this, his faith seems to have gone down the toilet.
  • Mel8 - 1 year ago
    May God continue to bless us all and bring us all closer and closer to Himself everyday , through the name of Jesus Christ the Righteous , thanks to God for everything ! May God's will be done perfectly throughout this earth . Amen . Love to you all in Christ from me . Trust Him trust Him trust Him . Thank Him thank Him thank Him . All day every day REJOICE ! CHRIST IS COMING !
  • Sam - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Please Lord Jesus Christ intervene in Michael's situation and guide him through this challenge he is facing. Please Holy Spirit comfort him with your spiritual gifts and Bible scriptures that he will be a testimony for others I pray in Jesus name!!!

    Please consider reflecting on Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Matthew 6:33-34, 1 Corinthians 10:13, John 15:5-6.
  • Asafo Adjei Ernest on Genesis 1 - 1 year ago

    If God is good and all-knowing ,then why is there much suffering in the world and what's God doing or done about it to curb the pending situation

    Supporting you argument with tangible bible scriptures

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