King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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The scriptures answer as well as give a way out of the difficulty and strength to be set free. A lot in your remarks was said, yet our answer takes less to be answered. Please know this the answer is in no way a short cut to these troubles. But it's meant to point to where all of us need to look and be.
Lots of meaningful answers give advise and scriptures. Both have there place together or apart, again due to complexity.
Everything listed in the request, the Word has addressed many times. Paul says run the race. JESUS says come unto me All who are weary and (have) heaviness. Jesus took the wrath of God for us. What Great love. The scriptures are full of how God the Father, Jesus the Son loves you and the strength to move forward that's God's Holy Spirit.
Ok now, you have read this and still have these concerns or issues, how ever they are called. The 1st step is up to you, "want" God, "want" His Son Jesus. He promised the Spirit of God to you. That same Spirit that raised Jesus on that 3rd day.
What needs to be noticed is that as you read the gospels it's seen as its read, people with needs went to him. Jesus even asked " What do you want me to do for you"? They "wanted healing. They went to Jesus. Start wanting, and begin with prayer to God because of Jesus, telling God what's on your heart. Reading the scriptures and two things start. A growing relationship and answers to those concerns or issues present.
BUT, yes But. Please understand and accept, that the results are His. If it takes time or not, or feeling change or don't change it's normal. A broken relationship we all had before accepting God's Gift. Please, please attempt daily some prayer and slow reading so to grasp its meaning. Also find a group that does the same, prayer and reading.
John 14:6 kjv
I think the answer can be found in Revelation 21:1.
Love u in Christ Luke 11 chapter
Thanks for the advice, but I don't believe I was making that mistake here. When it comes to God's word, I am always looking for deeper understanding. But I always have to keep in mind that the Lord is only going to give me what He knows I'm ready to handle. I do not approach the scripture looking for "hidden treasure," but I do look for greater understanding.
Blessings to you also. Good to see you back!
Thanks, I was saying how it is read, many read it, that the thief would be in paradise that day, not that the comma should be moved. Whether one believes in a immortal soul influences the understanding. I am not a Jehovah Witness.
God bless,
My understanding...
That thief asked Jesus to remember him when He comes into His Kingdom, an event which will take place far away in the future. Jesus answers him that today, not another day, not in a far away future he will be with Him in Paradise. Jesus tries to encourage that thief to withstand the torture of crucifixion and keep his faith in Him by putting faith and hope in his heart that it will not take long before all that ends, and the end for him and his faith in Him will be salvation. I don't think Jesus meant the literal garden of Eden or He tried to reveal something about paradise's position in Heaven or anything about where He was going to those 3 days but He just wanted to tell the poor guy that soon he will be in God's presence where everything is a complete happiness, a Paradise, as you said.
And something else. Often I think we christians make a mistake. Instead of taking God's Word simple, like a kid would do, we try to dig deep, deeper than we should do, even digging underneath the Hebrew or the grk as if there is always a hidden treasure underneath them. Sometimes that helps but most of the times the meanings are straightforward and simple. My advice is to not make a complicated thing out of simple things and sometimes end up in a confusion.
Ronald, all the Bibles I have read, including the grk ones, agree with KJB for the position of the comma. Anyway why would Jesus say that He says the truth today? Yesterday wasn't He saying the truth? Only in Jehovah's witnesses' Bible I've seen the comma at another position, and I think its wrong.
("Simeron" (mod. grk simera) means today. Pronounced in grk see-meh-rohn, stressed in "see". If one wants to pronounce words the grk way he must get accustomed to read in a continuous consonant-vowel rythem)
I will be happy to pray for John and Gwen today.
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You today in the name of Jesus and seek healing from You for John and Gwen. Repair the damage in his brain from this stroke and reduce the debilitating effects of this brain bleed. We ask that you comfort Gwen in the loss of her daughters. Strengthen her and her grandchildren in this time of grief and reassure them of Your love and care for them. Amen.
Haven't been here much lately but I haven't forgotten you. You're in my prayers today.
Thanks for your reply. You have a better knowledge of Greek than I do, what I see is today, the Greek word , smeron, meaning today, this day, this very day. I think the word today is correct it is how we read the sentence and how it fits with what the thief said and when will he be in paradise, and if paradise is part of Hades or the new earth when it is all fulfilled.
Heb. 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: What do we understand the meaning to die/death? Platonism says it is a separation of the soul from the body and the souls go to Hades. If the soul is immortal what is appointed to die?
Luke 16:19-31. Was this a real story or is this a parable He told to people mainly the Pharisees? If we take it as reality, they were judged at death because Lazarus went to Abraham's bosom, and the rich man went to a fiery place of torture. Does scripture support that? Dan. 12:2 Matt. 25:31-34 John 5:28-29 Rev. 20:11-15.
The rich man was aware of where he was and talking and seems they have a body, asking for Lazarus to wet his finger and cool his tongue. Does scripture say we are awake in death? Job 14:10-12 Ecc. 9:5-6. The context of this chapter is the love of money, and stewardship, Jesus was addressing this to the Pharisees, "No servant can serve two masters".
Eph. 4 I know some understand this to mean that when Jesus ascended into heaven, he led a host of captives who ascended into heaven with him. But in Acts 2:29-34 David is still in his grave and has not ascended, would David be left? John 3:13. Does this show Jesus ascended alone?
I will leave it there, I guess it comes down to if we believe our soul is immortal which influences how we understand the scripture. Just some other thoughts, like you said there are probably more understandings. Thanks again.
God bless,
Read Ephesians 4:32. When we truly are saved, we become a new creation in Christ. The old is passed away. We are forgiven. As Christians we are to be doers of the word. Jesus said in John 14:15, if you love me, keep my commandments.
1John 2:4
1John 4:20-21
The Lord is my Shepherd.
I am lifting you all up in prayer today. Jesus Christ is coming soon. We are living in the last of the last days, and hell is a real place of torment. Eternal. I don't want to go there and I don't want you to go there.
Matthew 10:28
Matthew 13:50
2Thessalonians 1:9
Psalms 145:20
Hebrews 10:26-31
So let Jesus work in your heart and life. No one can put Him there. You must see your need for Him and repent (stop sinning,stop hating,forgive,stop rejecting Christ) REPENT of YOUR own evil deeds, ask Jesus Christ for forgiveness.
Matthew 6:14-15
He paid for our sin with His life's blood when He was crucified on the cross.His gift of forgiveness is free. Please accept it. Repent and be baptized in water and the Holy Spirit.
HE IS COMING BACK SOON. If YOU are not ready, the Bible says you will be eternally lost. I would not wish Hell on my worst enemy. No, on the contrary. I want to spend eternity loving and worshiping Jesus Christ together with them.
( Matthew 5:44)
May the Lord richly bless you today in Christ Jesus!
Helpful tip; touch the verse addresses in red and they will open up. You won't have to look them up separately.
Thx again, stay strong in the word of God, love u in Christ.