All Discussion PAGE 497

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jennifer, I am praying with you. May you have a day that fits perfectly with your needs. Amen.
  • Ben - 1 year ago
    Please pray for my work, study, and mom's success.

    God bless you all.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Free The # means number. The numbers next to the words are how you find the True meaning of the words in the Original language either in the Hebrew or in the Greek language from a Strongs Concordance. The Hebrew language are for the words in the Old Testament, and the Greek language are for the words in the New Testament. I see this as a (second witness) in the languages to get the True meaning of the words that God intended us to have. The King James Bible is in perfect alignment with the Strongs Concordance, meaning you can find almost 100% of the words from a KJB in the Strongs Concordance, modern version Bibles have changed their words and are not in alignment with the Original languages, that's just one more reason they cannot be trusted, they are words of men. For really deeper studies we all should be using a KJB and a Strongs Concordance. Thanks for your question Free I hope this answered it. Blessings.
  • JENNIFER SPITZER - 1 year ago
    Please pray that I have energy strength protection favor great health do an excellent job it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip amen
  • Hammer63 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Tammy, the account of Jesus birth in Luke 2 refers to the manager because there was room in the inn, probably because of everyone returning to his city to be taxed. The shepherds would have made it quicker to see Jesus after he was born than the wise men. Mary and Joseph after Jesus was born would have found a house to live in given more time. The account in Matthew is later because Jesus is referred to as a young child. Herod ordered to kill the babies 2 years and younger so it would imply that Jesus was under 2 years old. I appreciate that as you are reading the Bible you are paying attention to the words of the Bible and comparing them to what is commonly said. God Bless.
  • Lilsister1208 - 1 year ago
    I need prayers for John Barr he had a stroke and only 36 . I believe in the power of prayer and believe God will heal John so please lift him up in prayer. And for Gwenn Burns that lost both of her daughters one 2 years ago and another now . Please lift up this family and her grandchildren that also lost their moms.thanks
  • Lilsister1208 - 1 year ago
    Salah is used to convey a very specific (conventional) form of prayer that is the prayer that we Muslims do as part of the Sunnah of the Prophet that itself was derived from the Sunnah of Ibrahim. To convey this specific meaning of Salah, some times the expression "ritual prayer" is used.
  • FRANSISCA on Genesis 1:27 - 1 year ago
    Read and pray
  • Cindyt - In Reply - 1 year ago
    God is your Healer. He heals by supernatural touch or word and by means--that is, sometimes He heals through the Spirit, and sometimes He heals by using instruments such as medicine and doctors. I had the die in my veins to see if I had heart blockages. I did. The die did not cause problems for me. I then had a quad cardiac bypass. That was almost 13 years ago.

    God honors doctors. Remember, Luke was a physician. I advise you to follow your doctor's orders. Your life may depend on it.
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jennifer , God has blessed us with the knowledge to help us in our sufferings , this knowledge that has been granted to us from Him is I believe , permissible for us . Our lives are totally in His hands , if He is going to take us then He will do so no matter what we try to do to avoid death . God has blessed this surgeon with abilities and knowledge . Heart surgery is very serious and not performed lightly . Pray to God and ask Him that you might continue to live if it is His will and have the surgery . The outcome will be in accordance with God's Will I promise you that . He is your sustainer , your life , your heart , your breath , ask Him if you might please continue to live , through the name of Jesus Christ and have the surgery . Please come back on here and let us know how everything went .
  • Mel8 - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 1 year ago
    TammyC this is awesome ! You are very privileged ! The Bible is alive and you have finally noticed ! The Word of God is really opening up to you ! This is how you know that you are actually being taught by it , the Bible itself ! Keep your eyes and ears and heart and mind open and every single time you read it it will show you something new . It doesn't matter how many times or for how long you have been reading it , once you realise that you are noticing things for the first time even though you have already read it several times before , then you know , the Word is really sinking into you and revealing itself , I'm so happy for you . The Bible is fresh and new and opening up to you , I pray to God that it will continue to do so for you , through Jesus Christ our Saviour may it be so . This is what should happen to all of us every time we read it .
  • David - 1 year ago
    please remember me and my family today in your prayers
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I've had that problem as well Gigi for a long time.

    Now I have trouble staying sleep.

    I don't know why but I wake up every morning around 2:30 am. Sometimes I can go back to sleep and sometimes I can't.
  • ENOCH GODSPEED - 1 year ago
    I desire a stronger spiritual relationship with my maker.

    I desire divine understanding and grace to receive revelation of Jesus Christ.
  • Lena - 1 year ago
    my grandaughter's name Meriam

    thank you for your prayers

    and God Bless All
  • Michael homan on John 4 - 1 year ago
    in the 1611 Jesus says in verse 10,'If you were to ask me for water i would give it to you'.(thats what he was/is doing)

    Beautiful story.Jacobs well was in Genesis,it was old, Jesus shows up there to get a is history..

    word of warning to anyone who reads this,Beware of believing Inaccurate teachings,homilys from a human.

    come on here or pick up the Bible and Confirm what they said is True,Called 'Trying the spirit'

    just experienced it over this chptr.

    when someone says about the Bible that isnt true,wether its intentional or not

    is the anti Christ spirit

    it will physically/spiritually infect a person just because they unknowingly believed something that wasn't True

    if something isnt True,then what is it

    Christ is the Truth,you can believe him 100%
  • Free - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi dear Jimbob can i ask you someting? When you write, you have 4 digit numbers next to some of your words. Do those numbers have any value/meaning? Also # what is the meaning of this?

    Stay close to the Word of God, love u in Christ. Luke 11 chapter.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I'm praying for your family tonight. God is so good and He answers prayer!

    God bless you in Jesus name.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Good night to you, too, S. Spencer,

    Please pray that I can fall asleep quickly. Been nights where it takes hours and hours for me to finally fall asleep. So, your prayers are appreciated. Glad to be retired and not HAVE to get up for work or anything. It was difficult to go without sleep and then go to work. So, at least now, it is frustrating, but I just deal with it the next day.
  • Jimbob - In Reply on Psalms 23 - 1 year ago
    Dorothy You shouldn't use any Bible except a King James Bible. There may be some on this site that will disagree with that but don't listen to them. The KJB is the True Preserved Word that God promised us in ( Ps 12:6-7) v6 Tells us The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified ((seven times)). (A time in the Bible is 7 years, so it was purified 7 years? The King James Bible took 7 years to finish its translation) Also we are told in ( Proverbs 30:5-6) Every Word of God is pure. And v6 says "Add thou not unto his words" We are told in ( Jeremiah 23:36) "ye have (perverted) the words of the living God, of the LORD of hosts our God. The word (perverted) is #2015; it means to change. ALL modern version Bibles have changed the words of the living God. If God promised to Preserve His Words forever then we have it somewhere today or that verse would be a lie, God cannot lie! How did God get that promised Word to us today in the KJB? He used holy men of God in ( 2 Pet 1:19-21) The KJB has had the same words since 1611. Others versions have changed, and then some have even revised, or changed their own words again! ( 1 Cor 14:33) Tells us God is not the author of confusion. If 10 people read the same verse from 10 different modern versions, then you ask them to memorize that verse, would there be confusion among them, or would they all speak the same thing? ( 1 Cor 1:10) says that ye all speak the same thing, and there be no divisions among you. Would them 10 people speak the same thing? would there be divisions among them? ((Think about that.)) The word (pure) is #2889; it means uncontaminated, unadulterated, sound. Gods pure Words are in the KJB. Do not trust other Bibles they will be deceptive! This was pretty long but its really important to study the True Word of God. Blessings.
  • TammyC on Matthew 2 - 1 year ago
    Matthew 2:11....I have never noticed it says "house", and not stable or manger. I've read Matthew many many times...I have never noticed this.
  • Jimbob - 1 year ago
    Will the Lord come as a thief in the night to True Believers? Many pre-tribulation rapture believers say the Lord comes as a thief in the night, they say that means He could come at any minute. (1 Thes 5:1-3) v.2 tells us "the ((day of the Lord)) so cometh as a thief in the night." v.3 says "For when (THEY) shall say, Peace and safety; THEN SUDDEN DESTRUCTION COMETH UPON (THEM), as travail upon a woman with child; and (THEY) SHALL NOT ESCAPE. That day comes on THEM, (non-believers) as a thief in the night. The (day of the Lord) that comes upon (THEM) will be a day of destruction, a day of darkness. ( Isa 13:6-9) v.9 tells us "Behold, the (day of the LORD) cometh, cruel both with (wrath) and (fierce anger), to lay the land desolate: and he shall (destroy the sinners) thereof out of it. ( Isa 13:10-13) v11 Tells us "And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease,.." (This will be the wrath of God being poured out on all the disobedient non-believers who will be left on the earth) We are also told of this day in another book in the Old Testament. ( Zephaniah 1:14-17) v14 Tells us "The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly". v15 Tells us That day is a day of (wrath) a day of trouble, and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness. These verses show the wrath of God coming the same day Jesus Christ comes in the clouds to gather together His elect. Paul calls that day "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ", and "the day of Christ" in (2 Thes 2:1-2) He calls that day "the day of Jesus Christ" in ( Philippians 1:6) He calls it "the day of the Lord Jesus" in ( 2 Cor 1:14) The day of Christ (we) are gathered together in the clouds. the (day of the Lord) brings THEM wrath and comes as a thief in the night. Blessings.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    I agree Gigi.

    We do have the results of them following instructions In the book of Hebrews.

    We know that faith comes by hearing. Romans 10:17.

    By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. Hebrews 11:4.

    Abel offered his offering by faith.

    We know in Genesis he offered the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. The sacrfice must have been specific instructions.

    Goodnight and God bless.
  • Jennifer Bunch - 1 year ago
    My pastor gave me pls; 103 to read; the doctor is saying he wants to go in and see if I'm having a blockage; but I'm not feeling to happy about him going in; after he said the die can cause a problem afterwards; and I just read about the ladies daughter is having heart trouble; I'm not feeling to good about having anything done to my heart; when I no that God is a healer; and I speak to my sickness; My healing comes from the lord I just don't feel comfortable with him going inside my heart;, this is a job 4 the lord to handle not man;, that's where my faith lies in the healer and his name is Jesus christ; my faith is in him;,?
  • Dorothy Rakowski on Psalms 23 - 1 year ago
    Is there a Bible that I can read and be in a Layman's terms I can understand?
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You are on the right track. I pray that the Lord will continue to give you a hunger for His word. Stay faithful to Christ and His word. Before you begin reading the bible, ask God's Spirit to open up your heart to be receptive to what it is that He wants to teach you, and also ask that He might clear your mind from all outside distractions so that you can remain focused. May the Lord bless you in your study, and may you, through continual study, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Lena,

    I will pray for your granddaughter tonight. Trying to remember her name. Can you help me?
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Yes, S. Spencer, I agree, the everlasting covenant reaches back to Adam and forward until all is fulfilled.

    I spoke of the covenant made to Abraham because we have a Biblical account of this covenant. We do not have an account of all that God said to and promised to Adam and Noah, etc. We have a bit about it. I am sure God spoke many things to those who walked with Him from the time of Adam onward. I tend to think that these people of ancient times knew more about our redemption than is recorded in Scripture. This is the basis for their faith, as it says that Abraham had the gospel preached to him and he saw the day of Christ. But Scripture does not record this conversation. I am sure that God spoke often with Adam and Noah and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We know how much He spoke with Moses 'face to face' from the books Moses recorded.

    But God has left a witness for Himself in every age.
  • Mel8 - In Reply - 1 year ago
    DDD you are very wise . It's very easy to become entangled in things on here , which can lead to negative and even distressing feelings . Your first priority must be your relationship with your God and your Saviour . Stay strong in your faith and love , it's a wise person who knows when to stay silent . I wish I was wiser !
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Ronald,

    I can see how you come to this understanding. And yes, I agree that there are other understandings, probably many. I'm sure there are several that would differ from what you and I both shared. It looks as though we have a dilemma here. Jesus says "Today, you will be with me in paradise." So, we would have to examine the word "today" and try and figure out what today means. Your questions "Would Jesus come into his kingdom on earth that day?" and "Did Jesus go to paradise that day?" are valid questions.

    Did the King James get it wrong by using the word today? It seems like a valid question to ask as to why Jesus would say "today, you will be with me in paradise" if He knew He would first be in the lower parts of the earth for three days and three nights.

    Something else that might be considered as to why Jesus said "today" might be that the very same day He died and went into the lower parts of the earth, He went to a place called Hades which had two compartments. Ephesians Chapter 4 tells us that when Jesus died, that for three days and three nights, He was in the heart of the earth. He was down setting the prisoners free. He was down in Hades on the side where the people were with Abraham. We read about this in the presentation of the Rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31.

    Now, I cannot remember where I've read this, but from my studies, I have read some Jewish literature that said Abraham's bosom was synonymous with both heaven and paradise. That is how a Hebrew or Jewish person would describe Abraham's bosom, a place of safety and comfort, paradise like. So, this would make sense as to why Jesus would have said "today, you will be with me in paradise." Paradise (Abraham's bosom) was where Jesus was that day (Today), and the thief was with Him.

    But then again, as you say, there can be more interpretations, and I'm sure there are many out there. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this!

    God Bless!!!

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